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The Great Dante Readthrough Podcast

Started by Simon Fraser, 26 February, 2021, 06:50:38 PM

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Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room.

Simon Fraser

Sharko is the gift that just keeps on giving. I know if I just say the word "Sharko" right now,  my wife will start to giggle uncontrollably. Thank you Robbie for this joyous gift. :|

Colin YNWA

Well blasting through another great episode and at the start Edie mentions that there appears to be inaconsistancies in the dates from the books that introduce the setup for a few stories. Now I'm far to old and lazy to double check if this is actually the case BUT assuming it is there reason is ... well ... historians.

The books used to flesh out the historical context will be written with all sorts of agenda, bias and simply different sources of information that present different 'facts'. To that end will often find apparently confliciting dates. When exactly did the Boucdican? AD 60, 61, even 62 there are different versions of the history that point out different dates for all sorts of reasons. So the apparent inaccuracies could well simply be the fact that different historians reflecting on event and reporting them differently?




Still enjoying the bejaysus out of these and looking forward to this new one.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Quote from: Simon Fraser on 17 April, 2023, 11:24:07 PMSharko is the gift that just keeps on giving. I know if I just say the word "Sharko" right now,  my wife will start to giggle uncontrollably. Thank you Robbie for this joyous gift. :|

Excuse me but it's pronounced SHARKO!

Colin YNWA

Love the way the conversation so quickly desecends* into artist 'tech' talk and the evident pleasure Simon and Charlie get in just talking art and technique. Edie you did as good a job as possible trying to keep it on track but then seemed to just accept that was what the conversation was and let it run wonderfully.

Oh and love the Steve Holland story. What a small world that two such influencial folks in very different spheres of the comic industry went to schoo together. There must have been something in those art classes!

Great stuff and can't wait to hear the interview with Annie Parkhouse.

*Well that should be ascends as it makes fro fascinating insights to the outsider looking in!


Quote from: Colin YNWA on 25 April, 2023, 07:53:03 AMLove the way the conversation so quickly desecends* into artist 'tech' talk and the evident pleasure Simon and Charlie get in just talking art and technique. Edie you did as good a job as possible trying to keep it on track but then seemed to just accept that was what the conversation was and let it run wonderfully.

I make a stab at redirecting and clarifying things occasionally, but I also love hearing artists talk shop together.


Hello Irregulars! It's your next episode. The Dante has Mommy Issues showdown we've all been waiting for.

Colin YNWA

So there was a call for questions this week and feeling I should remain true to form here we go.

1. We're heading to Simon's return to the strip (well as I type anyway!) and I was wondering how that felt and what lead to it. This may well get covered in the chat anyway, but just in case what lead to Simon's return and how did that feel after such a time away and with other creators having added such a mark on the strip?

2. Sword of the Tsar feels like the point were the end is in sight - we have a ways to go, but the pieces for the end start to be dropped into place. At what point did you start to think about the ending and build towards it? Was it always there?

3. Coming on from that I guess at Dante is well established by this point and I'm guessing (who knows!?!) that you realise the strip will now run and run until you and Robbie decided to call it? When did that happen? When did you know that the strip would have as much time as you wanted to give it?

4. Finally, well for now at least I'll spare you the rest of my questions for now! Edie what other comics do you love and how has reading Dante so closely compared to those and changed how you think about comics?

Thanks for doing this such fun - when do we get Annie!



I'm not allowed to have favorites but I'm very fond of you.

GREAT questions.

I will scroll back through this thread as there are a few questions scattered about, but please do chime in. You have time: deadline would be Monday the 8th.

We're recording Sword of the Tsar ⚔️tomorrow


With all these episodes you are spoiling us, ambassadors.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Barrington Boots

I'm three episodes behind on the podcast and need some serious catching up. Loving all the insights into it, and how it's making me read the story in a different light - sometimes to the detriment of elements of it, but always the better overall for it, if that makes sense.

I've missed the question deadline, but I've been struck by how much love and feelings of ownership Simon has for the characters he co-created. If he and another artist were to work on Dante again, who would he pick to draw his creation if not John Burns?
You're a dark horse, Boots.


You're not too late, Boots! We gotcha. Glad you're still getting a lot out of it.