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Forum’s Fav Thrill - Brass Sun vs. Savage Rd 5 Heat 14

Started by Colin YNWA, 10 August, 2022, 06:29:14 AM

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Colin YNWA

Round 5 was always going to be a quickie and in two weeks we are done. I'm thinking maybe next round we'll go to one a day to give us more time to luxuriate (or for me to prep whatever's next if I'm honest, not had to think about that for some time!) Anyway not much else to say except a week of more bastard hard choices!

For whatever reason these two symbolise the NuGolden Age - as I see it - two fantastic thrills that are rocks of the Rebellion age. Both alas, at least at the moment, denied the continuation, or conclusion they so richly deserve. Does this one boil down to which one you'd like to see back the most?

Brass Sun: Cadet Anderson; Flesh; Cursed Earth Koburn
Savage: DevlinWaugh; Kingmaker; 13

Brass Sun - more info


Savage - more info

Just reply in this thread naming your favourite thrill of these two series at the beginning of your post (or use Bold tags so I can spot it easily) and say what you like about these wonderful stories after that.

Match ends early on the morning of Saturday 13th August and the winner gets a place in Round 6 (of 9!!!).

What on Earth is ALL of this?

For those that need 'um and can be bothered to follow 'um there's some simple rules

Any questions, just ask as ever - and have FUN!


Savage because sometimes just shooting people is what 2000ad needs.
If I'd known it was harmless I would have killed it myself.!/FutureShockd



Funt Solo

Too much Ro-Busters and lunatic polemic drives Savage down for me.

Brass Sun
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a lesbian gymkhana.

Barrington Boots

Savage was starting to go off the rails towards the end but for me is far better - gritty, nasty, packed with action and a dubious, brutal anti-hero. Patrick Goddard draws the hell out of it as well when he comes in, from sidestreet firefights to tigers to full on warfare, and it's reminiscent for me of the glory days of Battle. The strip really peaks for me when Savage and Co are stuck on that bridge - it's desperate, tense stuff, yet still humanises the Volgans with that little plot about the birdwatcher. Yes, the dialogue is often ropey but it's a genuine modern classic for me. Gets my vote!
You're a dark horse, Boots.

Dark Jimbo

Quote from: Barrington Boots on 10 August, 2022, 09:01:23 AM
Savage was starting to go off the rails towards the end but for me is far better - gritty, nasty, packed with action and a dubious, brutal anti-hero. Patrick Goddard draws the hell out of it as well when he comes in, from sidestreet firefights to tigers to full on warfare, and it's reminiscent for me of the glory days of Battle. The strip really peaks for me when Savage and Co are stuck on that bridge - it's desperate, tense stuff, yet still humanises the Volgans with that little plot about the birdwatcher. Yes, the dialogue is often ropey but it's a genuine modern classic for me. Gets my vote!

Savage, for all the reasons he said ^^. Brass Sun never really 'clicked' with me, to be honest.



When you put it like 'which series do you most want to come back to the Prog', it's an EASY win for Brass Sun. As Funt Solo points out, the later books of Savage get into some really weird cod psychology, and if you're looking for sympatheic, well-handled female action characters, Brass Sun has got you covered in a way Mills never managed despite his best intentions.

The good bits of Savage really are very good, I think especially Patrick Goddard's gritty bombed-out London, but the sheer beauty of the imagination behind the Wheel of Worlds, and the variation of those worlds themselves, puts Brass Sun into Top 10 2000AD territory for me. Well, assuming Edginton and Culbard / whoever takes over on art can stick some sort of landing.

Anyway, Brass Sun, please.


Savage has plenty going for it, but at some point I lost track of what was going on, and I never really could be bothered to go back and find out. (The both-sidesing got a bit too much, and the dovetail into Ro-Busters felt forced.)

Brass Sun's big problem is that it just stopped, and there's no knowing if it'll ever be fired up again. Still, I preferred it at the time, and – as some others have said here – it's the series I'd most want back in the Prog if I had to choose between the two. So: Brass Sun.


"Where once you fought to stop the trap from closing...Now you lay the bait!"


Based on which I'd be most likely to reread (haven't done either) it'll have to be

brass sun