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Messages - fraston

General / Re: lovecraft website?
08 February, 2002, 10:41:27 PM
lovecraft website? where? tell me.
General / Re: 2000AD - The motive.
08 February, 2002, 07:29:56 PM
"I may be wrong but money may be an issue. "

wrong certainly. the whole affair with the other dredd movie was a great deal more complex than a simple "i want more" argument.
the creative process often gets chewed up when it involves people who are either unrelated to the "art" of it or are disinterested.

tho i can't imagine anyone working for free, not when the movie itself nets the fatctas a hefty wodge of cash. we all want a FAIR share of the profits.
General / Re: Last attempt to crack the oute...
08 February, 2002, 10:31:47 PM
for the record, i agree with PVS and his kids comic idea. i dopn't think 3000AD is a good name but it IS a good idea.

General / Re: Why I like Tharg
08 February, 2002, 07:29:41 AM
i started reading 2000ad at the old age of 20 something, and i was so charmed by Tharg. i thought "now HERE is a guy who knows how to treat his readers" ie with a seductive form of contempt, and ever since i have rejoiced at his every word. well almost.

anyway, we don't have to be kids to appreciate the finer things of the prog.

hell, i like futurama and that's a car-toon fer cryin out loud!

my arse they are.
General / Re: Does it really matter what we ...
08 February, 2002, 06:34:16 AM
it's fatigue.
when i'm tired i feel the same way. then come the daybreak, monday morning and POW! yeah! THGRILLPOWER!!!

i even liked killer.
General / Re: Does it really matter what we ...
08 February, 2002, 06:24:17 AM
i think yer just tired:)
General / Re: I like to watch...
08 February, 2002, 06:27:48 AM
yes i am Pat Mills so don't dare criticise me:)

fraston the lon chaney of 2000adonline
General / Re: I like to watch...
08 February, 2002, 06:15:58 AM
but we like our anonimity:)
General / Re: I like to watch...
08 February, 2002, 05:56:23 AM
i'm in england, south. big smelly city with ba scojo in it
General / Re: Hi Rex (and the silent watcher...
08 February, 2002, 05:47:05 AM
2000ad has readers in the phillipines, argentina, australia, germany, japan...crikey, it's all over the place. great innit?

as for lurking, well i have my reasons for not posting much. they are secret reasons tho. i not layzee.

General / Re: Face Facts
08 February, 2002, 05:49:58 AM
consider the alternative, chaps: dull dull dull, watch eastenders, chat to the missus, go to the pub, sleep, work dull dull dull.

i love being this immature:)

General / Re: It's all kicking off
07 February, 2002, 04:24:03 PM
with all due respect, scojo did kinda bait the more agressive members of the newsgroup when he turned up. it basically revolved around his "i think andy diggle is crap" post...and bear in mind that most of the people there aren't used to scojo's legendary sense of irony so they just attacked him.

on another note, surely burnsy drew tsar wars cos si F was too late with the art to do it himself?
News / Re: Watchmen
31 January, 2002, 07:12:23 PM
i also feel that much of the magic of watchmen is it's referential qualities to the superhero genre that preceeded it, and for many non-comics readers this may well be lost.
context is the key point for a story like this and i reckon it's totally doable but would need serious rejigging by someone with talent, freedom and a great deal of enthusiasm for the project.

so why do i feel like that's like findiong 3 wise men and a virgin in hollywood?
News / Re: Watchmen
31 January, 2002, 07:08:48 PM
i agree that the opener of the xmen was the high point. at that moment i honestly thought it was gonna be a good movie.

and yes, V would be a WAY better choice for moviedom. can't say i'm at ALL pleased about the idea of a watchmen movie.
General / Re: letter printed... new prize......
30 January, 2002, 09:09:20 PM
o just send him a hat to shut him up. honestly. he'll look stupid in it anyway:)