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New Comic Book Day Megathread

Started by The Adventurer, 08 March, 2012, 09:36:36 AM

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The Adventurer

QuoteWeekly Shonen Jump #33: Stealth Symphony ends. Much rage in my blood their is.

At least it ended is sufficiently spectacular fashion. It even managed to tie up a dangling throw away question I had!

Unfortunately you can totally tell where the series decided to switch gears form a current regular story arc, into rush to conclusion mode.

But in the end, now there's a short, sweet 20 chapter series that is solid on the reread because it has an ending.

Also there should be bonus content when the print editions come out in Japan. We might yet see a bit more.



All I can hope for is a bumper issue should they decide to print My Hero Academy, printing all chapters thus far.

The bonus material does have me curious, and i'm fairly certain we'll see collected editions soon.

Link Prime

Quote from: Greg M. on 15 July, 2014, 12:34:52 PM
Quote from: Link Prime on 15 July, 2014, 09:57:48 AM
Maybe I should've kept PAD's X-Factor on the pull-list.

I wouldn't be rushing to stick it back on - it's perfectly solid storytelling, and it has its highlights (mostly whenever it focuses on Gambit, oddly - he's the most interesting thing in it) but when compared to the best of the last X-Factor run, there's something lacking.


Link Prime

From tumbleweeds to a hefty pile.
Next weeks a busy one. Purchases include:

Batman 33 (The long anticipated finale of 'Zero Year'. An absolute slog IMO. I'm staying on board for the more promising 'Endgame' however, commencing in issue 35
Unwritten Apocalypse 7 (One of the most loved, yet unloved comics I buy. I have a lot of back-issues in The Pile. I may just end-up reading the entirety of 'Apocalypse' in one sitting later this year).
Deadpool vs X-Force 2 (Banal fluff, but I did chuckle once or twice reading the 1st issue).
Supreme Blue Rose 1 (New Image book from Warren Ellis- worth a look. My Image policy is thus; try one issue, physical or digital, if its good, switch to their nicely priced trades).
Ragnarok 1 (New Asgardian adventures from Walter Simonson. Could IDW have a hit on their hands? Lets find out.)
Saga 21 (You wait months for a new issue, then they seem to come at a crazy pace).
Eerie Comics 5 (This Dark Horse anthology title didn't previously blip my radar, but while speed reading the new listings last night I noticed that our very own artist extraordinaire Henry Flint is contributing a story to this. From what I can glean, it reprints some older horror stories  and also includes some new short stories by contemporary creators).
Afterlife with Archie 6 (Ok- am I the only one here reading this or what? I don't think I've ever seen any of you comment on it. It is quite simply one of the best comics being produced right now. I'd rate it higher than any of the above, in fact only 'Tooth itself is a better read IMO. What do you want? Excellent production values at $2.99? Check. Engaging, funny, sinister and nostalgic horror? Check. Jaw dropping artwork by Francesco Francavilla? Check. This issue: apart from the ongoing zombie apocalypse, looks like things are going a bit Lovecraftian. *Sigh*- whats not to love?

Colin YNWA

Quote from: Link Prime on 17 July, 2014, 11:22:05 AM
Ragnarok 1 (New Asgardian adventures from Walter Simonson. Could IDW have a hit on their hands? Lets find out.)

Ya gotta hope so - REALLY looking forward to this one.

Link Prime

Quote from: Colin_YNWA on 17 July, 2014, 12:32:36 PM
Quote from: Link Prime on 17 July, 2014, 11:22:05 AM
Ragnarok 1 (New Asgardian adventures from Walter Simonson. Could IDW have a hit on their hands? Lets find out.)

Ya gotta hope so - REALLY looking forward to this one.

For the artwork alone- it will definitely be worth it.



Axe Cop: American Choppers #3: Seems to be nearing it's conclusion, Axe Cop series never last very long anyway. Short but sweet.

Goon: Occasion of Revenge #1: HUH? Clearly I had no idea this was gonna happen, I was only lamenting the lack of Goon a few weeks ago! Now it's back in an 8 issue limited series. Huzzah for Eric Powell!

Groo vs. Conan #1: Have a limited knowledge of both characters but I love me some fantasy sword and sorcery so hopefully this will convince me to look into both series more.

Godzilla Rulers of Earth #14: Straight the hell out of nowhere, [spoiler]Showa Mecha Godzilla[/spoiler]!

Saga #21: The robots really are a loathsome bunch aren't they?

Tuki Save the Humans #1: New series from Jeff Smith. Love Bone so i'm looking forward to this.

Following that with Titans Two Doctor Who books, 10th and 11th respectively. Simon Fraser is always welcome in my comic pull list, and i'm one of those sad Whovians who will be pulled in by anything.

Finally, Weekly Shonen Jump #34. What? It's a One-Punch Man week. Of course it's amazing.

The Adventurer


2000 AD 1891 - Line-up has gotten really solid again. AQUILLA's not my favorite, but its not bad.
BATMAN: THE JIRO KUWATA BATMANGA 4 - Bought the first installment of this reprint of the 1960s Batmanga on a whim, and enjoyed the hell out of it. So I'll be following it for a while I think. I will say its pricing kind of sucks. $2 for only 18 pages of story is kind of robbery. Especially since the first installment was only $1, and was perfect.
JUDGE DREDD MEGAZINE 350 - Forgot to mention this one last week. The Meg hits the big 350, though except for the poster (which us digital buyers don't get. Why not give us a nice high res version with no cover copy or something?) its contents are still the typical. But EVERYTHING is great right now. The new strip LAWLESS looks like it could really go places, and the DREDD Movie based strip is another great return to that version of Dredd.
SAGA 21 - The trouble with getting excited about Saga is... you know its just going to break your heart in the end.
SAVAGE DRAGON 196 - Nobody does it like Erik Larsen. And I'm super excited because I got to actually talk to the man in an interview I did for my podcast, THE SAVAGE FINCAST (/plug). I'm hoping to have an all new episode with the interview up on Wednesday! (/plug)
SUPREME: BLUE ROSE 1 - TREES has left me a bit cold, so I think I'm going to try this one instead. I loved Erik Larsen's previous Supreme run (shocker of shocks). But this series looks completely different. Perhaps in a good way.
TRANSFORMERS VS GI JOE 1 - If the artwork for this title alone doesn't make your pants feel funny. I don't know how to help you. Check out the Free Comic Book Day issue for free. This is something you've probably never seen before.
TREES 3 - Like I said, its left me a bit cold. If this issue doesn't do something special, I'll be shoving into the 'wait for price drop and/or sale' stack. If it isn't there already.
WEEKLY SHONEN JUMP 34 - First week without STEALTH SYMPHONY is bandaged up nicely with a new installment of ONE-PUNCH MAN. Looks like instead of replacing SS with something regular they're going to keep running more one-shots and specials for the time being. As this issue announces a new one-shot next week.

In other semi-comic news. I accidentally marathoned an entire AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER last week, as I'd never seen it before and I was already a super fan of THE LEGEND OF KORRA anyway. Figured it was time to fill that gap while all the boxsets were on sale.

After that I marched straight over to Dark Horse and started reading all their Avatar the Last Airbender comics, as they are continuing where that series left off. The comics are really really good! But even though I got the first 6 volumes on sale* they still cost me as much as two TV Box Sets together. Its really no wonder why comics are such a hard sell.

*$10 for 80 pages of story. Onsale for $5 when I got them. Still felt expensive for how quick of a read each volume is. No matter how well written and drawn. And they are well written and drawn.


Definitely Not Mister Pops

I got a collected edition of Batmanga fron a bargain bin for a fiver. The guy at the counter was sickened, he was planning on getting it once his shift had funished. It's ... bizarre. I believe the while thing was written based on just some production stills from the Adam West series. It's a towering acheivement of strangeness, even compared to the TV series it was loosely based on. Although my opinion is probably coloured by the fact that it took my a while to realise it should be read back to front.
You may quote me on that.

The Adventurer

Yeah, it definitely is an odd duck. Like Adam West fell into a Kamen Rider manga.

Which is probably why I'm digging it.

DC should bring Lord Death Man back!


Definitely Not Mister Pops

Quote from: King Pops on 21 July, 2014, 10:56:17 PM
I got a collected edition of Batmanga from a bargain bin for a fiver. The guy at the counter was sickened, he was planning on getting it once his shift had finished. It's ... bizarre. I believe the whole thing was written based on just some production stills from the Adam West series. It's a towering acheivement of strangeness, even compared to the TV series it was loosely based on. Although my opinion is probably coloured by the fact that it took my a while to realise it should be read back to front.

This is what happens when you have unwieldy cartoon hands and try to use a small, fiddly touchscreen keypad.

Just to clarify, when I describe anything as strange, weird or bizarre, it is meant as a shining endorsement.
You may quote me on that.


I was suitably imprresed with issue 1 of Trees. Then issue 2 made me loose faith considerably.

Glad you enjoyed Avatar: the Last Airbender, Adventurer. Growing up watching it, I felt like it had something the other programs I was watching didn't. It wasn't until I re watched it two years ago that I realised what it was. The characters, are without a doubt some of the most diverse, wonderfully vivid i've ever seen in a TV series. It also takes several steps in providing, a) A tasteful and fully realised female cast, b) a visually impaired main character that isn't used exclusively for comedic effect, and c) has a very well defined juxtaposition and even a riveting commentary on ethnic diversity.

The Adventurer

I definitely picked up on all those things while watching it. If i had watched the show as kid or teen it would have defined my childhood like Beast Wars, Reboot, and Robotech had done in my day.


Greg M.

Quote from: The Adventurer on 21 July, 2014, 11:00:28 PM
DC should bring Lord Death Man back!

They did, Grant Morrison used him in Batman Inc.

The Adventurer