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Prog 1325 Review

Started by Slippery PD, 27 January, 2003, 04:47:11 PM

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Slippery PD

Because I was up all night due work commitments, I got this little baby early.
Oh and this contains some major spoilers

Frazer Irving cover of zombies, they look like theyre coming out of the page.  All thats needed is a speech bubblewith "uuuuuuurrrrrrrgggggh" or something

still hotting up.  we get aglimpse that Giantis amongst the supporting cast and the way Flints drawn him he looks a lot older.  Lets hope its not just linning him up for a quick death.  Good plot, great art, keep it coming.

Caballistics Inc:
Im always praising Rennies work and today is no exception, the art seems to compliment the story and the it just gets darker and darker. I really liked the ending too, although it wasnt much of a surprise

Hes just great isnt he??  Burns art and a good fun story.  

No whingeing this week, but the art was pretty poor and well the storyline did nothing.

OMG!!!!  We guessed this and as such it lost its impact somewhat.  But the story seem to be going somewhere, maybe Mr Mills  could getsomeone else to write the even numbered episodes???

Yer Slippo


Dredd continues to be a good read, but not really any suprises yet. Which I'm hoping means Messrs Wagner & Diggle are going to drop a huge one on us at some point. But I guess to some extent their hands are tied by Fox as to what they can do with the franchise.

Caballistics is really growing on me now, I like the way it's managing to get darker while still keeping its tongue partly in its cheek.

Dante excellent. Best thing in the prog for my money.

At this point, I had a strange turn. When I came round I was looking at Slaine. True, we'd guessed this would happen, but the manner of it was pretty shocking. Slaine seems to be a bit stop-start at the moment, hopefully after this week it'll get into its stride.

Best moment for me this week was turning to the input page to see Tharg had printed some reader art!! and very nice and colourful it is too.

One complaint though: Four stories doesn't seem very much. Come on Tharg, how about geting a fifth one in there?


this weeks prog was the best of the five yet
 Dredd/Aliens not a lot has progressed since last week just a lot of shooting

canbalistics inc: still enjoying this next prog will probally end up in a giant shoot up

sin/dex: i hate spending the morning cutting these pages out
Dante: the best in the prog is worth the cover price allone
slaine:we all knew this was coming but i diddnt imagine it would be so brutal. i guss Slaine will kill moloch and he'll get kicked out of the tribe



Bit of a mixed bag all in all.

Dredd, yeah well so far so people-getting -chased-down-tunnels-and-killed as predicted - beautifully drawn though.  What's the betting that Sanchez is going to end up in a coccoon and have to be rescued by JD?  Or impregnated by a xenomorph and have to die messily?  I'm not that fussed about this, despite the excellent art - I found the whole Aliens thing just got a bit boring beyond the first film.

Cabbalistics - I thought the art for the first three frames was a joke at first, then I thought it kinda works, ended up thinking it's pretty funny really - it's how I would have drawn them as a kid if I could draw.  It's effective and gets the story told, while appearing rather naieve in its execution.
  I'm guessing the prim lady's gonna turn out to be pretty tough after all.

Dante - agree this is on good form at the minute.  What happened to Kraken's eye though!  Lasdt week it was all slish ow ow ow, now it seems good as new.  Poor continuity or tough eyeball?  We need to know...

S/D - well it said "the end", I'm hoping the boys are going to get a lengthy sabbatical until fresh ideas are discovered.  Though these dudes are part of what got me back into the prog,  I would happily see them rested for a good long while.

Slaine - well she had this terrible feeling, didn't she?  Short of erecting a huge signpost with NIAMH'S GONNA DIE on it, this couldn't have been signalled any more clearly.  I take it this is the major character's death that Tharg teased us with a while back.  That Moloch's gonna get it big about twenty episode's time.  Hopefully the intervening time will be filled with well told and drawn tales of Slaine's anguished wanderings.  I know I was raving aboyut this a couple of weeks ago but I've calmed down now.  I'm sort of a bit more equivocal about the whole thing now.

Bit of a nit-picky review there but some weeks are just like that.  Great cover by Frazer Irving!  I continue to enjoy the Galaxy's Greatest, while picking holes in it's minor failings.

Zeep out.

Queen Firey-Bou

right heres my review... xxffff&&*^%$Ddcccxxxxxxx SPLUTCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!  sh*te ! my brain exploded with the thrills !!!

well i laughed, i chuckeled , i said wow ! WOW !, "SHIT", "OHMYGOD " , wow some more...*this goes on for a while*... i think i was still saying "shhhhiiiittt !!!" for 10 minutes after reading it.

Its a stonker!
Dredd-stonker ! shame so many had to die, i liked them.
Cabbalistics- really upped a pace, remind me to have a deep discussion regarding the occult & nazis & various wierdness.
dante-stonker, but yeah krakens eye?
sindex- now block your ears s'not often you will hear happy auntie Bou say such terrible things..s'pish.
Slain - arrrghhhh !! no i never say this coming ! its too gross, i was too wrapped up in the lovely art work waiting for a happy ending, enjoying a rare touch of irony was it ?, then eachhh! minging ! i thought we'd already had this subject covered in that previous episode. so "eeekkkk"

oh yeah & the cover was creeptastic
& input always makes me giggle.

happy bunny Bou'


My copy hasn't arrived yet... can anyone tell me the name on the reader's art in the input page?


Slippery PD

James Simpson(aged 10) Bedford

Yer helpful slippo


Yay! that's my nephew...... fantastic. He's only a little droid but a few tweaks of the circuits could work wonders.

Cheers Slippo.


frazer are training new droids eh?

very well then. I shall begin MY plans to carve the Uberdroids of the future, in a dark hollow several miles beneath the soil of mother earth, there i shall hatch a new breed of droid, twisted and warped beyond imagining, hearts black as coal, addicted to the blackest ink and minds so perverted with visions of blackness that event heir nightmares fear to enter...

or barring that i'll just try to ensure i keep my own work nice and varied so these new punks won't give me too much trouble.



Cover - love it!  They're really comin' to getcha!  Nice one F.
Dredd - s'okay... feels like it's dragging along though - might be better to read it from the DH version?
Cab Inc - Still enjoying this one, the art really fits well
Sin Dex - So it wasn't time travel after-all (I didn't really think it would be; they had a D-jump drive not a T-jump drive) so it didn't matter.  May as well have missed this episode of there lives intirely.  But Snitch was in it, where was Milo?
Sl?ine - "I'm off for a walk, you better not come with me or you might beable to defend me" dumb dumb dumb!! She might have well say "I'm just going down into the basement, I'll be right back". Enjoying the story, but not sure it's a 'classic'.
Dante - brilliant loveitloveitloveit!  Dante's making the comic at the moment.
Letters page - another outing from Our Man In Japan - and - YAY!!! - reader's art!
I did wonder why it said "Judge Dredd, after Jock" as I couldn't quite see the style resemblance.  I understand now.  Great to see pictures back in Input, now where's my crayons?

Overall, I'm really liking the current run of progs (heck, I've been doing that since the 25th anniversay prog almost a year ago...)
Better set your phaser to stun.

Queen Firey-Bou

right first i must apologize for swearing earlier i was rather thrill overloaded.

now much as the Slain thing was a shocker & surprise to me, mebbe cos the hitherto dull plot has lulled me.. you know " and then they had a fight...again", but as a rampaging warrior queen myself I'm in various minds about this. Okay so shes clearly not a weak female 'victim 'type cos we've seen her fight, & shes independent, i liked the line 'don't let me stop you ' (or whatever it was) about Slain going off.
 But despite this here we have this olde rape chestnut, a plot device to slains feelings & motivation. In the bendatti thing, it was relevant, cos well thats a realistic portrayal of things. BUt i resent the constant implication that we need big blokes to look after us or the bogey man's gonni violate us. It puts us women squarely in second place, as sex objects & places our fate in men as violators or protectors. Thats bollards. yes torture, rape & atrocities in fiction as in reality fair enough but I'm pretty sure niamh would have avoided the sitch in the first place; run like hell; torn his eyes out with a bit more gusto; kneed him one ; done some clever psychology to put him off or at least killed herself rather than allow him; or why oh why didn't she shout 'slainnn, heyalp heyalp !'

indignant Bou', will be holding self defense for women AND other people classes in the chat room later on.


The very last part of this week's prog made me very, very happy...

But first:
Still enjoying Dredd; exciting even

Caballistics still worthy stuff

Dante speeding up and wonderful art

SinDex total pish but hopefully over now

And on Slaine - something actually happened but I'm still not overly thrilled by it.

Finally, I was made so happy by Tharg's reply to a reader's letter:

Here's hoping...

- Trout

Slippery PD

Boo, On my consequent rereading of the prog.  Id have to agree there wasnt any real need for the r@pe of Naimh, her killing would have been enough.  I just have the forlorn hope that we are gonna get back to Slaine wandering round killing lots of bad guys.

Yer Slippo


Here's hoping...

The only thing that could be better than a Bolland cover would be a Bolland strip. Although I read that a story about fatties might draw him back to do a Dredd, I'd love to see him do a Terror Tale or Past Imperfect.


Well, I was thinking hmmm... and I came to the conclusion that 2000AD is so far much better than it was last year, even if you aren't entirely into all the groovy stuff, it's still quantifiably better.


Very nice cover, another one to make the kiddies scream.

Dredd sort of flew past me this week, looks good, another linking episode maybe?

Cabballistics.  Liked it, but I liked the old woman, throw the annoying young woman in.

Dante.  Ah enthusiasm back to it's more reasonable levels, it was okay this week.

Slaine, nasty and dark, and the artwork around the cauldron was a treat.  A truly shite speech bubble though for the enjoyable fish without heads speech.

A very horrible way for Naimh to go out at the hands of Moloch, though I still don't reckon this is the major character that dies, though I'm probably wrong.