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Y'know what really grinds my gears?

Started by Link Prime, 12 April, 2014, 01:47:44 PM

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Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: milstar on 21 July, 2021, 11:13:23 AM
The recent issue of Fantastic Four Life Story 2. But it's not the comic per se, but the notion that some people still believe in justified US intervention in Vietnam (reportedly, Captain America struck down an American soldier to free communist prisoners). Pff. Napalm bombs would disagree.

whoah - there's a FF comic justifying Vietnam? I've not been keeping up with FF, but that's a shock. (Reed Richards has always been a bit of a dick though, so...)


Quote from: Dandontdare on 22 July, 2021, 08:32:09 PM
Quote from: milstar on 21 July, 2021, 11:13:23 AM
The recent issue of Fantastic Four Life Story 2. But it's not the comic per se, but the notion that some people still believe in justified US intervention in Vietnam (reportedly, Captain America struck down an American soldier to free communist prisoners). Pff. Napalm bombs would disagree.

whoah - there's a FF comic justifying Vietnam? I've not been keeping up with FF, but that's a shock. (Reed Richards has always been a bit of a dick though, so...)

Oh no, I meant on people who complained about it "Oh, how shameful Marvel did that to such patriotic character like the Cap".
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.

The Doctor Alt 8

OK. My mother has to have regular diabetic eye exams at our local hospital.

A couple of days ago we get a letter with an appointment. The time is unsuitable and we need to change it.
The only way to do so is via an on line app.

I have tried several times to do so. The address entered is not recognised. The website address given is not recognised. There is NO PHONE NUMBER. the appointment process has been privatized to a third party so you can't call the hospital admin to get them to change the appointment.

(Stream of swear words!)

And it hasn't occurred to these bloody people that there a folks out there who DON'T have access to the internet... how are they supposed to cope? 


When people call Lethal Weapon and Die Hard (perfect) Christmas movies.
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.


Quote from: milstar on 06 August, 2021, 01:27:51 PM
When people call Lethal Weapon and Die Hard (perfect) Christmas movies.

I don't know about Lethal Weapon, but Die Hard is about an estranged husband travelling to visit his family for christmas and meeting his wife at a christmas party on christmas eve...


Quote from: sheridan on 06 August, 2021, 08:10:13 PM
I don't know about Lethal Weapon, but Die Hard is about an estranged husband travelling to visit his family for christmas and meeting his wife at a christmas party on christmas eve...

I know...It all does not work for them well. He struggles to win her back, real love story.
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.

Link Prime

YouTube adverts that make you wait 5 seconds before you can skip them.

Only ever happens when you're;

A) In the shower.
B) Driving at high speed on a motorway.


I was pick-pocketed on the Luas Tram in Dublin today and had my wallet stolen. And besides the money in the wallet were all my various cards, including my bank card.

So what started off for me as a quick jaunt into the Ilac library - to return and pick up some dvd's - ended up instead, as an hour or more spent locating the nearest bank branch and waiting to see someone in customer service. Not exactly how I had planned on starting my weekend.

It turns out that the robbing bastard used the card at least twice in an off-licence, so I can only hope that Karma gives him alcohol poisoning in return.

Although I've a good idea as to what the low-life looks like - my wallet was in my pocket when I sat down beside him and I noticed it was gone after he left, with no one else beside me in the meantime - I don't even know if it's worth my while even reporting the theft  to the cops. Even if by some stroke of luck he was caught and charged, the chances are that he'll just be given a suspended sentence and walk. So why would I even bother?

The moral of the story is: Never leave your home on Friday the 13th.  >:(

The Legendary Shark

At least reporting it leaves a paper trail, gets you a crime number and whatnot - which may be important to insurers and such and make whatever happens next, in the world of bureaucracy, easier for you.


von Boom

That's awful, PK. Hope your weekend turns around for you.


Quote from: von Boom on 13 August, 2021, 05:44:09 PM
That's awful, PK. Hope your weekend turns around for you.

Thanks, Von Boom. At this point it probably couldn't get much worse, but I aint taking no chances and am staying indoors for the duration.  :)

The main concern I have is the possibility of Identity theft using my other cards that were in the wallet - Medical card, Leckie card etc. I know from the short course I did years ago in Criminal and Forensic Psychology, just how easy it is - or at least used to be then (things could have changed in the meantime) - to use such cards as stepping stones towards creating false identities. And the consequences for the hapless victim - at least back then - can be quite problematic.

But on the plus side, I've just spoken to the proprietor of the off-licence - the bank gave me their name as one of the places the card was used in - and he was so empathetic, understanding and helpful. He agreed to check out the CCTV coverage of today and hang onto it in case the cops decide to call upon him ( I decided that it probably would be wise to report the theft to the police, based on my concern as outlined above). He also offered to put aside a bevvy for me whenever I called by the premises, which I thought was so lovely on his part.

I have a feeling that I will be taking him up on his kind offer.


So today, still depressed by the theft, I'm checking up on yesterdays messages to my Google inbox when I came across one from Curry's PC World.

The heading for it read as follows: "Your Wallet will thank you! Take advantage of brilliant deals now!"


I think you should went to the police immediately. Then to the bank. What's safe is safe. Did you canceled out your credit card while in the bank? Deny the creep of its use. Anyway, sorry for your "circumstance". Hope you'll get your belongings soon and the creep suffers from alcohol poisoning (maybe he'll learn then not to make advantage of other people's stuff).

Now when you mentioned this, I remember once saw a bloke running just past me (no contact), then a couple of yards later I saw a woman in tears. Figured he robbed her, just like someone did you. I felt a shame afterwards for not knocking the fucker out of his path, but I am not superhero (with supersight) and psychic.
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.


Thanks, Milstar.

Yeah, I got the bank card stuff sorted yesterday. Of course by that time, the wretch who nicked it had already tapped out the card. The bank will refund me but it'll be Tuesday at the earliest. No sleep last night from the stress, so I'm leaving the cops 'till tomorrow.