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Walking Dead, Robert Kirkman Interview possible spoilers

Started by ukdane, 14 January, 2009, 08:24:22 PM

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thanks ukdane...

I has read issue 57... oh so brutal and brilliant... as [spoiler]Rick is more dangerous than ever![/spoiler]


For those of who need to know: Volume nine: Here We Remain, has hit local bookshops. Or those left after the recession has hit. Got mine, and read it last night.

The only other comic that I can remember affecting me so deeply is From Hell. Though a tip of the hat to the first Knights of Pendragon series, The Lords of Misrule graphic novel and, er, the Death of Gwen Stacy a looong time ago.

Walking Dead really IS the single greatest comic of all time, isn't it? And as for the upcoming trip to Washington... I have a feeling Kirkman is merely playing. In a volume packed with narrative coincidences, the most important one was revealed to be stomach-churningly important. That's two volumes in a row where the series has delivered a sucker-punch of magnificent standard! I don't think this is any different. I predict bad times ahead for our friends.



Greatest comic ever? Very ver good, yeah. Brilliant occasionally, yeah. Greatest comic ever? Not by a country mile.


I dunno Dave, I've only been reading comics for 32 years- but in my time have read just about everything that appeals in any way to me. There's lots of stuff that I haven't read, admittedly, but generally that's because I have no real desire to do so.

In that time, I've had lots of "favourites". They've come and gone. But since Walking Dead's start, it's been consistently gripping, brilliantly written and drawn, with characters that I not only care about, but find myself worrying for. I can't think of a single other comic that can claim the same.

It's probably because I consider the zombie movie of great importance to me and completely "get" where this series is coming from, but I'd stick my neck out and say that Walking Dead is of greater merit (for me) than any other comic I'd care to name. And that does include Watchmen, the Dark Knight Returns, Maus, Lone Wolf and Cub, Lee/ Ditko Spidey and all the other greats.

So- greatest comic series ever? Contentious, I know, but yes. For me. It's lasted 60 issues, its never compromised the stated intent, andhas just got even more engrossing as it's gone along. If I had to drop everything I read, I'd still somehow find the cash for the weekly prog and Walking Dead.



See that sounds a lot like a description of your favourite ever as opposed to the greatest ever. I could say a lot of the things you said but in reference to Giffens Justice League. I'd mean them just as sincerely. I could say it about Fables. And Cabalistics Inc. Doesn't make them the greatest ever though.

I can totally see where you're coming from, I just think that you're following the comic book road to the emerald citys comic book hall of fame, taken a short-cut thtough the hyperbole field, got govered in the pollen of over-exageration and taken a snooze of overstatement. Consider me the good fairy of common sense who wakes you on your way. I think if you get to the city and look behind the curtain you'll find that Robert Kirkman may be about to go off in a balloon and leave you stranded. And then you'll wake up and find this was all a drean.


You stick to your guns, spookythecat. Enthusiasm is no sin. No point building yourself a protective carapace of dispassion and leading all your statements with qualifiers. You are no trend-setting critic, no one lives slavishly by your every word, and no one will burn the comics you are not as keen on. You, sir, are a fan: let 'er rip.

Big ups to Brunt for the extended OZ metaphor. Love Frank L. Baum myself. Greatest writer of all time.


David- sir, obviously, obviously I am describing my favourite!

In the arts, the only difference between "favourite" and "greatest" is that those who speak of the "greatest" without acknowledging the impact of favourites, are simply assuming that somehow "they know something that others don't". It's elitism.

Is Muhammud Ali the greatest boxer who ever lived? Possibly he is (Is he? I know sod all about sport) because he's empiracally won more bouts than anyone else. Is Walking Dead the greatest comic ever? Well, I think so, yes. And that's all that matters.

I am reminded of a conversation I had in the playground once:

"What's the best film ever Steev?"/ "Star Wars!"/ "You can't count that, because you like it."




I was reacting more to your saying it's 'the greatest' and qualifying it with a list of subjective reasons why it really appeals to you. Feel free to call anything great but expect to have to back it up with more than 'I really like it'.

I mean I really like 'Wow' by Kylie Minogue. Greatest bit of music ever?


That is very relevant, and insightfull. Thanks for that.


Thanks to my Local Library, I'm finally reading Walking Dead in some sort of order, although I've read large chunks of it before (thanks, Borders!).  I'm just starting into Volume 2, where I've come across what most be one of the most affecting lines in comics history.  [spoiler]When Dale tells Rick that the next day is Christmas, and Rick replies "I don't want anyone to know.  I don't want to explain to my son that on top of all this other shit, Santa can't find him".[/spoiler]Ouch, talk about bringing it home.  Great stuff.