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comic book + film = crap

Started by psycho_slaughterman, 27 May, 2005, 04:20:00 PM

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who thinks that comic book films are crap they always seem to mess it up ok not all of them but 9/10 they are, so what do you think the worst one is? i think probaly spiderman or daredevil until the fantastic four come out, the dredd film was shit too (no offence) the best one to me is the crow the first one not the other two they were ok but not as good and blade is ok too but the third was crap,


Superhero ones tend to be a bit iffy, they always go for the lowest common denominator, so little kids and WWF fans seem to  be their target audience.

Superman was an exception though, that was a great  movie.

Batman, a couple of them were ok, and the Spiderman ones are fine in my book.

Stuff like Ghost World, From Hell, Road to Perdition, American Splendour often get overlooked when this subject comes up, all had critical acclaim if not great commercial success.

Sin City and History of Violence are getting great critical reviews

Haven't seen Fantastic Four( i can guess though) and am anticpating V for Vendetta with equal parts dread and excitement

Dredd is a strange one, each time it comes on I watch it, enjoy it up to a point and at some stage I always groan and realise why i dislike it so much

I believe this is known as its "the Shneider effect"

Adrian Bamforth

Best: Ghost World - better than the comic.

Worst: Tank Girl.



Just for the record, i'd like to say....

Trust me, you do not want to miss this one!">


I'm a huge fan of Tank Girl, especially the early stuff, and I can proudly say I still haven't seen that movie!.

Flash Gordon is another watchable piece of crap that I find very enjoyable.


The worst would have to be Daredevil. What a pile of utter crap. Even The Punisher was loads better (the new one, or the old one I suppose).

Top of the list for disproving your theory psycho, would be Sin City. That man above ain't lying.

American Splendour and Ghost World were excellent too.


havnt seen sin city yet but i want to and i did say 9/10 are shit not all of them because i liked
the crow
the punisher
both the x-men
and a few more as well.


I haven't seen this.. but it's most likely shit">


Nick Fury: Agent of Shield was lots of fun in a camp and awful way. It turned up on ITV no long ago, think i might even still have it on tape somewhere.


thats right it is shit its on tonight if you want to waste an hour and a half of your life and then regret it


Really? I think I might just do that!:)

This looks like it could be just as ...good">


go ahead tell me what you think prob wont be able to reply till monday so


i just heard that there is ment to be a batman vs superman film with christian bale and the guy thats meant to be in the superman 4 film oh hurah another film to diss but i am wanting to see ghostrider with nicolas cage hope its good



Nicholas Cage hasn't really been much good for a while now

I've seen pics of the ghost rider bike- again looks like something will appeal to monstertruck/wrestling fans and children

But then I think the character is kinda silly anyway

(as opposed to a man in bat costume..i know)

Was Constantine any good? Worth renting?


well ok, on a second look it IS pretty cool, in a way :)">