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New Poll: Which is the better, Song of the Surfer or the Midnight Surfer?

Started by 2000AD Online, 20 December, 2004, 03:48:17 AM

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2000AD Online


Bit of a shock result building up there...


Heh, only one more misguided person than Midnight Surfer fan so far.  And that'll just be Colin McNeil voting :p

Max Kon

what you on about paul?
Midnight Surfer 6 55 %
Song of the Surfer 5 45 %


Richmond Clements

I fail to see any debate here, Midnight Surfer is miles better.

The Fountain of Yooth. 'Nuff said.

House of Usher

If I knew what the difference was, it might help me make up my mind in the voting.

Max Kon

Midnight Surfer 11 61 %
Song of the Surfer 7 39 %


Horses for courses, lads.  'Midnight' is 'Alien', all finely honed understated monotone perfection,  'Song' is 'Aliens', shocking widescreen visuals, blood and shrapnel and deep bass 'spolsions.  On different days, each suits a mood.  

I can recall the exact moment I opened the first pages of 'Midnight Surfer', wandering through a supermarket carpark on a Friday afternoon, heading over to a mate's house.  In one of those hard-to-credit-in-retrospect moments, flicking through that momentous prog, I remember looking at that first full-length Kennedy drawing of the great man on his board, and thinking "Fuck! That's Chopper!".  Yer actual thrillpower  in action.

 Weeks later, the hair rose on the the back of my neck again as Tom Frame's 'Chopper!' multiplied to fill in the space behind Joe and Marlon as they walk towards the catchwagon.  "Now the whole city would know his name!".  Utter bloody class.

Still, if the little blighter had stayed dead at the end of 'Song', I might have voted differently.

Max Kon

I havn't actually read either. But Midnight Surfer is a better name.