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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Rara Avis

Caught Lamb over the Xmas break and if you are into your dark Scandi (well Icelandic) cinema this one is going to be right up your street. 10/10 from me - absolutely loved it.

Also watched Titane, a new French movie which is equally bizarre but not as gripping. I'm still trying to figure out what it's about - humans relationship with technology or [spoiler]the role of women in society; as either sexual objects or desexualised mother [/spoiler].


Spider-Man: No Way Home a super enjoyable movie. This was great fun, action, laughs, over-the-top scenes and it just worked. This is how you do a superhero movie.
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.

Barrington Boots

This week I was invited round for a triple bill of back to back fighting movies. Hoping for something like Ong Bak, what i got was:

Mortal Kombat - the 2021 version. I remember the trailers looking good for this but it being panned by the critics and everyone I knew. Character design was on the whole great and there were some terrific set pieces but this was not an interesting watch, not helped by the decision to include a bland character made up for the film and make him the main character. Kano was excellent, glad to see he's still Australian after the mighty Trevor Goddard's portrayal in 1995.
GI Joe Origins: Snake Eyes - in which famously silent and deadly ninja Snake Eyes is neither silent nor deadly. Almost completely pants, although I did like the Baroness (who was needlessly included) but hated the shaky camera work and another bland lead made this a proper duffer.
Shang Chi was the finale and the best, mainly for having interesting and engaging characters and a nuanced villain instead of moody hard men throughout. The plot was complete nonsense and kind of dropped off a cliff midway but I did like the Dragon. Also had the best fight scenes of the three when the CGI calmed down a bit.

I wouldn't watch any of these again!
You're a dark horse, Boots.

Colin YNWA

The Omen

Still creepy as hell and an effective horror. I'm sure we've all seen it and not sure there's much else to say. Good performances pretty much all round, which really does almost all the heavy lifting. Then you add the score on top of that and that elevates it to a whole different level. It allows it to get away with some bits that otherwise might be a who, what, how moments, but you are carried through the building tension by the deceptively brisk pace and tight direction. Its just a good horror and I fully remember quite why it should never have been the second only proper horror film I saw as a kid and why so much of it is imprinted on my brain.

Which makes me wonder why when it was first released it took a pretty significent critical beating. It was thought to be be daft. Are we just more tolerant of daft these days? Have movies just piled on the daft so much over the years that I don't even see this as daft, particularly? Was it in the 70s there was much more sensitivity to the themes of an anti-christ coming and that made folks shierk it more than they otherwise might, as they were just uncomfortable with it? Or did I just allow the direction, performances and music roll me along and ignore the daft.

Is this still a daft movie. If it is I kinda missed it... onto Omen 2 which I suspect I will find a bit daft, but also suspect I will enjoy as well...


Fun Fact: About ten years ago, a knock on the front door of the house in which my flat is, was answered by the chap in the flat beside me. From what I could hear, two guys from either the Mormons or Jehovas' Witnesses - I can't recall which - were at the door, talking about God and Jesus etc.

I immediately rushed to my stereo and put on the soundtrack of The Omen, with volume pumped up. After which, I popped my head out the door of my flat and asked the chap talking to the two lads if he could drop that Ram's skull back into me soon, as I would be needing it for a ritual.

To be fair, the two chaps at the door saw the funny side of this and laughed.

The Legendary Shark

I used to get called on occasionally at my old flat and generally used the same old joke...

"Hello, we're Jehovah's Witnesses."

"Gosh, I didn't know He'd been in an accident."



Quote from: Colin YNWA on 31 December, 2021, 04:56:57 PM
I'm sure we've all seen it and not sure there's much else to say.

Except that the David Warner/sheet of plate glass scene remains a fantastic bit of practical FX. :-)
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


David Warner remains fantastic.

Four words nobody can ever argue with.


Rogue One.  Finally.  I didn't want The All-New Boba Show to end, but it did, and I had a craving for more Star Wars so I watched that too.  I liked it anyway, first film I remember seeing in the cinema was The Empire Strikes Back so I'll always get a buzz out of seeing Darth Vader in all his glory.  Also, as an adult man, and I'm no expert on SW-lore, it's nice to see a little plot-hole plugged ([spoiler]So that's why the Death Star had such an obvious weak point![/spoiler]).
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Don't look up – a dark satire which felt to close for comfort. This a movie about the end of the world and how stupid decisions are made along to way to facilitate that the world will end. I can highly recommend this movie, funny, witty, and yes twisted dark as well. 
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.

The Enigmatic Dr X

Quote from: broodblik on 01 January, 2022, 03:45:10 AM
Don't look up – a dark satire which felt to close for comfort. This a movie about the end of the world and how stupid decisions are made along to way to facilitate that the world will end. I can highly recommend this movie, funny, witty, and yes twisted dark as well.

I enjoyed this, until I was told it's actually about global warming.
Lock up your spoons!

Funt Solo

Quote from: The Enigmatic Dr X on 01 January, 2022, 08:43:06 PM
Quote from: broodblik on 01 January, 2022, 03:45:10 AM
Don't look up – a dark satire which felt to close for comfort. This a movie about the end of the world and how stupid decisions are made along to way to facilitate that the world will end. I can highly recommend this movie, funny, witty, and yes twisted dark as well.

I enjoyed this, until I was told it's actually about global warming.

So, you watched it, enjoyed it, later found out it was an analogy for the governmental and media response to human-induced climate change - and that eliminated your earlier enjoyment? How come?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


It was probably written about Global Warming but equally maps onto the COVID Pandemic.

Watched THE BIG SHORT off the back of my enjoyment of DON'T LOOK UP. There's nothing as funny as a Brontorak in it but it's still worth two hours of your time to get your head round what at the time seemed an impenetrable subject in an entertaining and accessible manner. Full of great performances even down to the single scene people (e.g. Max Greenfield)
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

Definitely Not Mister Pops

Quote from: JayzusB.Christ on 31 December, 2021, 10:41:55 PM
Rogue One...I'm no expert on SW-lore, it's nice to see a little plot-hole plugged ([spoiler]So that's why the Death Star had such an obvious weak point![/spoiler]).

I am also no expert in SW-lore, although I do enjoy the fact that wookiepedia exists, but I never considered that a plot hole. I always assumed it was just Imperial arrogance, also it wasn't [spoiler] an obvious weak point. They desperately needed to get the schematics to reveal it, [/spoiler] you might have missed that because it was just a throwaway line in the opening scroll of Star Wars. Maybe that's why they made this pointless movie, in case you missed how important the Death Star plans were from that one sentence from Star Wars.

And the entire first act of Star Wars.

So they made a whole movie about a doomsday weapon, where a load of forgettable characters get slaughtered for the big pay-off of a dodgy CGI Carrie Fisher getting a USB stick.

I didn't much care for this movie. Can you tell?

The Darth Vader bit was good though.
You may quote me on that.

Funt Solo

Quote from: ContraPants
I liked Rogue One - although, yes - the Darth Vader bit is definitely the best bit. But it's my favorite out of ... every single Star Wars movie since Return of the Jedi. At least Princess Leia sort of belonged there - more than the droids belonged in the prequels, more than the Kessel Run belonged in Solo, more than Captain Phasma belonged anywhere etc.

Other fave bits for me are K-2SO's dialogue and the ground assault. It's the closest anything up to that point had gotten to telling its own story with its own characters (while recognizing that it is a prequel). Now The Mandalorian* has usurped it, but that's all to the good.

*Even here, there's no really sensible reason why Jawas on different planets have identical sand crawlers, except that it's a lot of fun to see Mando try to climb up one and keep getting knocked off. Star Wars things are always going to be somewhat derivative. Jaws movies will always have sharks.

Well, I agree with everything ContraPants said.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.