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Topics - Bongo_clive

General / I'm gonna read them all...
18 March, 2014, 06:17:24 PM
As previously mentioned, I'm currently on a mission to read every 2000AD in history.

It's been a right old slog up to this point, with some real dire strips, but finally (prog 350) it's getting into its stride and some cracking stuff is being produced. Slaine, Judge Dredd and Strontium Dog are all in full flow, and even Rogue Trooper is getting good.

I'll let you know if this is just a blip  :o
General / Nothing to see here
24 February, 2014, 04:59:26 AM
I'm reading through the entire back catalogue of 2000AD, all the way from #1. I'm come right out and say it; I consider Gerry Finley-Day as one of the worst writers I've come across so far.

He is outstanding at ideas and concepts, but the script execution is awful, stories are dull, 'plot twists' are so unsurprising it's not funny and the painful fact he has to 're-introduce' everything and everyone at the start of every script is driving me mental.

Blackhawk completely lost the plot, changing from some boring space gladiator thing, into some weird psychedelic, purgatory based thing, for no apparent reason. Started skipping that one quite early.

Invasion was just plain stupid. He's a lorry driver, yet the entire British military is at his beck and call at most points. Oh, and he blows up armoured cars with his double barreled shotgun  :|

Fiends on the Eastern Front became extremely repetitive. It could have been awesome, but it was just dull.

The only strip I look back on with any fondness is the V.C.s

And then there's Rogue Trooper. One of the finest Sci-Fi creations in existence. The imagination involved is unparalleled, but the themes are never really explored, the characterisation is weak and every bloody prog was a long description of his blood bio chips. After nearly 150 progs, WE GET IT! I've just finished Fort Neuropa, and i have to say it was terrible. Nostalgia being what it is, I always had fond memories of these early stories, but my 'eck, they are bad.

So I post here, waiting for someone to enlighten me. Am I missing something? Is he just too subtle for my tastes? Should I be more forgiving? It's difficult, as these same progs contain some absolutely classic Judge Dredd scripts, stuff that still holds up today.
Books & Comics / Reading order for 2000ad and Megazine
27 January, 2014, 12:10:16 PM
Good afternoon

I have acquired the entire back catalogue of both 2000ad and Judge Dredd Megazine.

I already up to Prog 250, but I've suddenly realised that I don't want to finish 2000ad, to then have to 'go back in time' with the Megazine.

Is there a recommended reading order, some indication where the Megazines slot in with the Dredd universe of 2000ad?