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Why the Matrix sucked...?

Started by Quirkafleeg, 20 May, 2006, 04:14:12 AM

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I'm afraid I can't agree about Highlander. I think it would have been better if the director had been under the thrall of a very strange dominatrix*

*as distinct from all those normal dominatrices

I, Cosh

When it comes to Highlander, there can be only one.

Same goes for Robocop.
We never really die.

House of Usher

The Matrix (yes, the first one) sucked because...

- there are computers using sleeping humans as batteries to power their machinery, working on the assumption that you can actually get more out than you put in; that the life support sytems used so little energy to run that there's plenty left over for everything else...

- because what the computers are harvesting from their captive humans, and running themselves and their machines on, is 'dream energy'. Or magic, as it is commonly known.

Aaron Smurf Murphy

I dunno, a lot of people say 1's great and the last two are utter pish. I reckon they got gradually worse.

1 was clever AND a big dumb movie with guns and golorified violence. It's a landmark title that can be as deep or as shallow as you want it to be.

2 Was just a big dumb gorilla of a movie with some stinking ass cheese dialogue. It was a near perfect beer, pizza and mates round your house to watch movie. Nothing mentally stimulating and some nice explosions.

3... 3 was just tying up loose ends in the most humdrum long winded way possible. By this point only the annoying characters were left and the ones you could care for had already been saved enough by Super Jesus so it was given that they'd live anyway.  

Finn Sinn


I think each of the three films have their own faults, but at the same time they are all very watchable and even enjoyable in their own right.


>but nowhere near Highlander II bad

Well that is the high-water mark for bad sequals.

I never even liked the first one that much... but the lack of proper resolution in the final one was just an insult, even worse than the big 'twist' of Neo is Jesus. Having a 'well it's sort of pyrrhic victory
/ stand-off / we have just got to get along' type of thing could have been interesting but it just seemed to be done to allow the thing to be spun off indefinitely.


I guess they gotta balance absolute realism against tedium.

Artificial Idiot

- Same goes for Robocop.

Nonense! Robocop 2 is fantastic! Three is dire beyond all hope, though.


Also any SF movie that features any kind of "council" debating things is doomed to suck ass. Art has spoken!


Ahh Robocop 3, almost as good as the T.V series because you know a Ultra Violent Future cop would blast barrels and walkways to knock badguys out wouldn't he? kinda missed the point of the movie didn't they.
Highlander 2, once again missed the point didn't they, immortal humans become alien rebels?  that happen to be immortal on earth but of course only when there's more than one on the planet other wise they're mortal right, and the quickening brings people back to life um yeah  WTF!!!!!!
All pail beside the horror that is The Crow sequals, you know we'll just use exactly the same story for all our movies but make em crap, I'm sure thats how the pitch went

CU Radbacker

CU Radbacker

Keef Monkey

God yeah, didn't bother with The Crow after the piss poor 2nd one. And what the hell was with that tv show?!?
Robocop 2 rocks though, and I can watch Robocop 3 right up until the fight with the ninja cyborg-wotsit, because when he's doing his backflips and shit you can see the pads on the floor. Even in a movie that bad it's the little things that bug me.


The amazing thing about the crow 3, is the girl that plays mary jane in the spiderman films. I was watching this movie thinking that for an actress to deliver these horrible of lines in this horrible of a movie with that kind of commitment and believability is really to be admired and respected.


Ush -

You can look at it that way, OR...

If you think about it, we are all, by the logic of the film, still caught in the Matrix.  The world outside the Matrix may work in very different ways.  It makes sense for the machines that are programming our minds to remove those elements of reality that enable machines to be run by battery humans, just in case we all start suspecting that we are battery humans powering machines, which we are.


Matrix sequels weren't great, but no worse than Star Wars Prequels IMO

Highlander II was  a hideous confusing mess, apparently there's a 'Renegade Version' that's been re-cut to make some kind of sense...

Highlander III wasn't as bad as II, but it was basically a rehash of the first film in the classic shoddy sequel tradition. It had a nice scene where McCloud gets comitted for believing he's immortal...

Robocop's II and III were fun for a drunken game of spot the Frank Millerism...

Escape from LA earned Bruce Campbell a paycheck, so it wasn't all bad...