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Current TV Boxset Addiction

Started by radiator, 20 November, 2012, 02:23:29 PM

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Funt Solo

Just watched A Touch of Cloth (3 episodes; 2012-2014), which I'd been unaware of until Amazoon stuck it in front of my face a few days ago.  It's like every British crime drama meets Police Squad.  Hilarious.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Currently watching Legion series 2.

It's kinda nuts. I... think I like it. I'm happy with a bit of surrealism but this pushes the boundaries although it is more understandable as it goes on. Mostly.

I have yet to reach the end and they haven't yet explained the [spoiler]egg hatched abomination or the minotaur* or why those ANDROID LADIES HAVE MOUSTACHES! Or what's with that bloke wearing the basket on his head most of the time.[/spoiler]

*Is it just another type of mutant?

The Legendary Shark

Just finished Star Trek Continues and, I have to admit, the last episode left me with a fanboy grin and a tear in my eye.



Started Too Old to Die Young, as I'm a fan of Nicolas Winding Refn's films. I suspect this will be as divisive, as an hour into the first episode, there have been several scenes of not much happening, with flickering neon in the background and a synth soundtrack. I understand fully those who will view this as pretentious claptrap, however I'm already mesmerised and plan to watch the whole thing.


So happy to see Stranger Things back - blasted through the first five and I'm enjoying it immensely


Black Spot* - a French series (2 on Netflix at the moment) about cops in a small remote  town very close to a huge forest. Much of the episodes involve solving a murder. But there's a bit of supernatural shenanigans afoot too.

Enjoying it a lot. Highly recommended. Series 1 completed, and working my way through 2 now.

* The original name in French is Zone Blanche ... 'Blanche' actually meaning 'white', but I can sort of see why they decided to go with 'black' for the translation. Kinda wish they hadn't though.


Translations of French series/film titles are almost universally awful. Mind you, most do seem to involve murders in towns in/near large forests with are-they-aren't-they supernatural elements, so maybe it's a feature of the genre.

I, Cosh

"White zone" doesn't mean anything in English. "Black spot" does. Translation sometimes needs to be idiomatic, not just literal changing of each word in isolation.

You can all still feel free to get annoyed about Engrenages/Spiral though, as that really is a pointless change.
We never really die.


As I'm sure I've noted before on this very thread, French Silence-of-the-Lambs rip GlacĂ© was translated as The Frozen Dead, an awful title that does it few favours since the idiom employed has little to do with the original title or content (hint: few if any of the corpses are actually frozen, but many of the characters are emotionally distant and cannot move on), and a lot of unavoidable associations with zombies.  But then a direct translation might have been legally difficult.  Maybe I should let it go.


Quote from: I, Cosh on 07 July, 2019, 10:10:23 AM
"White zone" doesn't mean anything in English. "Black spot" does. Translation sometimes needs to be idiomatic, not just literal changing of each word in isolation.

I understand that. I guess 'white zone' still makes some sense to me as it make me think of white noise, and mobile phones and other electrical goods tend not to work well I'm the area.

I also tend to associate 'black spot' with the area being inherently evil, or at least bad, something which could be arguable considering the proportionally high murder rate, but the forest gives as well as takes, protects as well as kills. Black spot can also mean a troubled area too, and yes, it is that. [spoiler]A lot of the evil perpetuated in the series isn't done by supernatural beings but by people. Like Life on Mars Black Spot is very much a police procedural with people committing crimes with the supernatural stuff largely being only marginally involved, although a couple of times it has aided in resolving crimes. It does becomes more prevalent in series 2.  When the supernatural does hurt or kill someone, it is largely retaliatory in nature.[/spoiler]


I've just finished watching both seasons of 'Dark' on NETFLIX - a German 'time-travel shenanigans' series. 

I've had a quick look through previous pages of this thread, but couldn't find any reviews - there's probably one in there somewhere?

I avoided the dodgy English dub - and watched it with the original German audio and English sub-titles.

It's not perfect - but it damn near held my interest for all 18 episodes of Seasons 1 and 2.  Apparently there's a third season in the works.

It's beautifully filmed as well.  Having lived my entire life in Australia/NZ, I always enjoy seeing euro-fashion/design, etc.  It also has a cracking sound-track.

Hopefully it will see a release on bluray at some point (not sure if that happens with NETFLIX releases or not).


Only seen the first season of Dark, which ends so perfectly as to not require any further but very glad it happened, and that was absolutely brilliant. One of those shows where you feel the urge to get out a notebook and start drawing up genealogies to shorten the inevitable "Wait, isn't he yer man's grandson? Or is it the other way round?" conversations.

Itching to get stuck into season 2 when time permits...

Professor Bear

You're not allowed to complain about dubs until you've been an anime fan.  If you watched anything in the 1990s and 2000s, the 60-90 second title sequences that often encapsulated the ethos of an entire season's worth of storytelling through a mix of sweeping scores and proprietary animation sequences full of thematic allusions and allegorical lyrics were replaced in the Western tv dubs with a 30 second guitar riff going DUN DUN DUN DUN DUNDUNDUN DUN DUN DUN while someone repeatedly shouted the name of the show over a montage of notable punches and explosions from the series.

Thankfully, those days of drastically altering content are long over and now if you will excuse me I'm off to watch the new Netflix cut of Neon Genesis Evangelion...


Wait until you get to Season 2, TordelBack - your notebook is going to get a real working out. :)

Found myself hitting the PAUSE button on the remote more than once trying to figure out who-was-who in my mind! :)


Quote from: Professor Bear on 08 July, 2019, 10:39:40 AM
Thankfully, those days of drastically altering content are long over and now if you will excuse me I'm off to watch the new Netflix cut of Neon Genesis Evangelion...

You say that, but the new dub is actually EXCELLENT.