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The late prog 1366

Started by Dudley, 10 November, 2003, 06:20:09 PM

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Capt Zeep the voice of reason! now that was fun...

okay so how come the four judges and white helmets on the hotdog run didn't sort all this out before JD showed up?

tsk, bet they had thier helmets off or summit,

DDT did a job on me

Jimbo San


Well, Dredd assumed it was his Bionic eyes that filtered out the hypno beams, not the helmet of justice.


Wont bother with the spoiler bit, as im a few days behind everyone else....

Dredd - Siku, please stop pissing around trying to be clever and just draw a good dredd damn you! or dont bother and stick to telguuth, where your style fits....

DMW - havent read it, as last week

Synnamon - Hmmm, piqued my interest now....

Cabal's - YAY! getting better my Rennie - the kinda flashback about her aunt reminded me of many night playing call of cthulhu, or should i not admit to that.....

Durham Red - the memory thing - didnt johnny alpha have a recorder in his helmet? so it kinda fits - have to agree on the artwork tho - its not big and its not clever - get on with the story guys, not titilation.

All in all, getting better......


>>Cabal's - YAY! getting better my Rennie - the kinda flashback about her aunt reminded me of many night playing call of cthulhu, or should i not admit to that.....

No, you should.  (And I was there too, my friend.  "What do you mean, I've just lost 6 points of SAN?  It's just a fucking painting!")

In fact, you should tell Tharg about what a spiffy idea it would be for a whole series about the rip-roaring 1930s-40s adventures of that earlier bunch of occult-busters.

In fact, wouldn't it be amazing if such a sotry proposal already existed even now.  Gathering dust in someone's in-tray.

Leigh S

The recorder in Alphas helmet wasn't there to create a "this is your life" style record - merely to corroborate the Bounty Hunters claims.  Alpha is seen giving away a copy of this to the law enforcement types, and I doubt he keeps all the old footage and leaves it running constantly with enough storage space for decades worth of 'film' (though maybe that's why his helmet is so big...?)...

And i doubt it subjecting yourself to a few home movies is the cure for crazy beastness.....

but even if this is what Abnett is referring to, shouldnt that be more explicit in the story (not calling it a memory recorder might help)

Mr C

Oy! I've got first dibs on a Call of Cthulhu comic! get yer own ideas!


"In fact, you should tell Tharg about what a spiffy idea it would be for a whole series about the rip-roaring 1930s-40s adventures of that earlier bunch of occult-busters."

It would get my vote, even without cthulhu stuff the thirties is a great era for adventure.  I think Cobbleristics in the 30's and 40's would do it for me.

6 points, hmmm... check your Sanity loss against your San, you may just have gone temporarily insane.


Yeah, I'll sign a petition for a Q deptartment series. Hopefully we can see more of Sir Alec in Cabals before flashing back?

With the reference to Necronauts in Cabals:Moving in and the flashbacks to the Q department days it's begining to form a fictional paranormal history of the last hundred or so years is being built...


Stupid jokes dept.:-">


Jm Whassisname (the Babylon 5 guy) once wrote an episode of the old Real Ghostbusters cartoonc called Collect Call of Cthulhu, I think

Slippery PD

Cabals - Two words 'King Excellent.

But to eloborate. I think the whole way the story is being built in small bite sizes, with flashbacks to a former Q Department and references to Necronaughts, Quatermass and Dr Who.  Just adds so much to the whole thing.  This is why we had great stories in 2000ad, IMHO.

Yer "Im gushing too much" Slips


Some "opinions":

Dredd: Bit of an artist/writer mismatch here, I feel. I don't think Siku's art is that bad(although can someone explain what Dredd's doing on the third panel of page three? Where's his head gone?), but it just feels wrong for this kind of story. Seems almost as if John Smith's trying to do a full-on horror, but Siku's drawn it like one of the comedy strips. There's no real sense of the gruesomeness the script is trying to convey. I don't really care if Uncle Joe has a pointy chin or not, but I can't help thinking this isn't working.

How many parts are there still to go?

Dead Men Walking: Okay, this actually felt like it had some direction this week, with that comment about the zombie's growing intelligence. Now, if only Dave can give his heroine some  purpose and a plausible motive, this story might finally become more than just a lot of pretty pictures.

Caballistics Inc: Not much to add here. Nicely unpleasant ending, which gave me a start when I flicked through the comic in Smiths. Can't wait for the build-up to end and the "proper" story to begin, though.

Synammon: Really, really...good. Not outstanding, but a solid piece of work nonetheless. I'm glad last week's cliffhanger was left hanging rather than being resolved immediately. And the art *does* seem to get better with each issue. But are people really confused by this? I thought it was just a straightforward sci-fi romp about a nanovirus which turns people into robots, or have I missed the point?

Durham Red: Okay, that "memory storage" choker is a total move-the-plot-on gimmick. Seems Abnett wants shot of the whole feral madness thing so he can get on with the story. Fair enough, but he could've been less calculatingly obvious about it. Also, Ms Red doesn't seem too concerned about having unintentionally wiped out most of humanity - wasn't that one of the reasons she went mad in the first place?

That said, I am enjoying it. And I'm a bit bemused by the criticisms of Mark Harrison's art. "Goth porn?" It's not *that* gratuituous, surely. I'd be more ashamed to be caught reading Tank Girl. But whoever mentioned Angelina Jolie is spot on.

But why does Haema have strawberry jam on her face in the last couple of panels?


"Wont bother with the spoiler bit, as im a few days behind everyone else...."

A few days, try several weeks on my end. But on a good note, I've almost perfected my worm hole.



Just read my prog a few times, so thought I'd add my two-pennyworth :-

Dredd: alas, after a nice episode last week I was severely disappointed in both plot & art this week. A really hackneyed answer to the 'where is everyone going?' intrigue last prog. I'm a big Siku fan, I like the fact that he takes risks and tries to escape conventions, but he's just going through the motions here.

DMW : I have to say this really improved for me this week. The art has been consistently great, but the story at last jumped into life.

Caballistics : Like everyone else, I love this. Probably the best strip in 2000AD since i got back on board @ Prog 1201. Gordo knows how to keep people whimpering for more, which has to be the best way to write a weekly strip.

Synnamon : Art has improved (still nothing special), but i still don't understand whats going on & I don't care enough to reread it to work it out.

Durham Red : Oh dear. Haven't been a fan of this run, but this Prog's episode was just dreadful. Total Bollox. No more please.

Overall, a pretty shabby comic. If you took out Cabs I probably wouldnt bother picking it up right now.

Fingers crossed for 2004....

Remember - dry hair is for squids