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Topics - Colin YNWA

General / Simon Fraser needs your vote!
15 August, 2023, 02:16:06 PM
Well I don't know if he needs it, but defo think he'd appreciate it. Edie Nugent posted this over on Facebook.

QuoteHey all, Simon Fraser has entered a contest to be a Red Sonja cover artist, and needs your votes. Register for threadless, and give him a 5 rating!

So you go here, register (takes seconds) and give Simon 5 votes.

Then something nice happens to Simon - I think he gets a cover BUT Threadless is a t-shirt shop so I dunno... but hey Simon does lots of amazing art for us so let's do something nice for him... whatever it might be...
Prog / Prog 2344 - Infernal Engines!
06 August, 2023, 04:15:47 PM
So yeah holiday catch up and if I'm honest I could just copy and paste everything I've just typed about Prog 2344. Its a fine Prog, but feels like it should be more.

Dredd is good but not as good as a Niemand / Foster story feels like it should be.

Things happen in Portals and blackgoo, if I cared more I might know how they interelate and connect. I don't alas.

Maxwell's Demon - yep it fine.

Hershey BANG, explosion - then Dredd. Sometime I think Rob Williams needs to remember he can do so much more interesting than BANG Explosion and Dredd. Looks amazing.

Azimuth solid action number. It felt like it should be more though.
Prog / Prog 2340 - Creature Comforts
08 July, 2023, 04:29:18 PM
So it was never going to last was it and its not as if its an almightly fall from grace, this Prog is fine. Its  just not absolutely stella as the last couple have been.

Dredd the story ends. The unpinning poppycock kept quiet as the gang stuff stays in the foreground. Is good, not great and the ending is okay.

The big worry this Prog was Portals and blackgoo John Tomlinson's recent work in the Prog has been far from great, if I'm being brutally honest its been very poor. This however is a decent opener. Nothing more, but at least nothing less. The premise and world are set up, we are introduced to our lead, though not yet really given a reason to care. Thne threat seems established. It has an interesting different tone, with bacck street delievers rather than cosmic balance being at stake, so that's feels like a good change. Let's see, but its not bad opener by any stretch.

Speaking of cosmic balance Void Runners introduces its, well more cosmic expansion and we understand the scale of the drama. Great stuff, I mean down to earth stories are a nice change but cosmic balance and existance on the brink can be excellent - as this proves.

The Future Shock doesn't live up to last weeks but its okay. Big business bad and treats its employees well via a nod to The Incal. Decent art. Just don't look to deep into the plot as the whole thing falls apart if you do.

Azimuth remains a highlight. Great fun and just chockful of as many ideas as it has puns.  Wonderful.

So yeah not a bad Prog by any stretch but its interesting how shift and turns in the line up can lead to such a drop from the very high heights of the last couple of weeks. Mind important to say that's more to do with the very high highs we've just had rather than anything else.
Prog / Prog 2339 - Mob Blitz!
01 July, 2023, 11:34:34 AM
Its Saturday morning. All the family are out and you have your Saturday chores done already. You then notice the postie has been and the Prog has arrived as a cuppa is brewing. As you pick up the Prog you see the back page - the stories have spread to the outside cover - so you see through the thin clear plastic.

Caption: Marie Antionaut


And you know you are a very lucky boy who just happens to read the best comic in the Galaxy!

Openned and quickly devoured the front cover is a lovely, if typical Dredd image I'm sure we'll see here soon.

Dredd itself is pretty good fun as we continue to skirt around the wonky central premise of the story.

Rogue Trooper ends brilliantly horribly. The exchange between Rogue and the biochips possibly the most chilling thing in this brutal story. So grimly powerful. I'm going to call this now and beg forgiveness of Cinnabar fans. BEST ROGUE TROOPER STORY EVER! Maybe I should read Cinnabar again, but even if its as good it doesn't have the ace card of Patrick Goddard on art. So I'm 94% this one is going to win. Just superb comics.

Void Runners is glorious trippy and glows with psychodelic imagination. Perfect for Boo Cook's art and a delight.

Future Shock - so whether these weeks Prog holds up to the superb levels of last week's hangs on a Future Shock being anywhere near as strong as the wonderful Durham Red which ended last week. The odds seemed very slim... but it was a blinder. Amazing art by Jimmy Broxton and a fantastic shock, a great example of the from from Elizabeth Sandifer. I mean sure the retired classic picture serial hero and villain trope has been seen many times before and may seem playe out. But its rarely been done as well as this and its an absolute winner.

Azimuth continues to be just fantastic stuff and a perfect example of what Dabnett does best playful fun disguising some great ideas and themes very deftly. Wonderful.

So yeah despite the swop out of Durham Red for a Future Shock I'd dare to say this issue matches up with last weeks superb issue. I'd even go as far as to say the quality of the ending to Rogue means this Prog might even be better.

We are all very lucky Squaxx dek Thargo indeed whenever and however we get to read this.

Megazine / Meg 457 - New Jack City
24 June, 2023, 06:42:18 AM
What no Meg review yet? come on folks... oh why haven't I ...well..  I read most of this Wednesday but was rushed and a bit tired so saved Lawless and then for various reasons haven't had the perfect time to lavish over it until this morning. And that says it all. Whatever else is in the Meg - or indeed Prog - Lawless is something else again. Its special. Its just magnificence. This episode exemptifies that. Its stands alone as an episode doing its own thing yet driving things on. It catches you up but with the best built exposition imaginable, deftly dropping in new mystery. Its reintroduces character both telling and showing. Its is episodic comics done at their very, very best. Oh and that's before we talk about art to die for.

So that's why I'm late to the party. I was treating Lawless the way it deserves, what's your excuse for not even starting the party.

Oh yeah the rest of the Meg. Not bad actually, just in the shadow a little. Dredd ends the One Eyes Jack story effectively - not Niemand's best but perfectly entertaining. Specter continues being good not great. I've loved Death Metal Planet but this episode shows signs of creaking and this needs to wrap up soon to maintain its excellence. Dreadnoughts is absolutely excellent, I mean really good ... just not Lawless good.

I've read all the reprint, but it'd be a treat if you hadn't. The text stuff is just so... text stuff this month.

Good Meg overall raised a level by possibly my favourite ever strip from Tharg's Bushy Garden.
Now that's what I call a Prog - superb stuff. All the more so as it has two new (or newish) thrills that I've bought into already. That's what make's Tharg's organ the Galaxies Greatest the restless innovation and we see that here as rarely before.

...and then there's Dredd, fine in the surface but always reminding me.... Look I've had that whine enough so I'll leave it there.

Void Runners continues to intrigue as it engages. I like Captain Alice already. He plays off wonderfully against the Subjugators. There imagination and wonder abound. This is turning quickly into a top tier thrill

Durham Red then adds glorious contrast by being hard, bitter and violent. In a good way! Its more typical but just as thrilling.

Azimuth throws you straight in but gives you more than enough to not feel lost but being endlessly intrigued and engaged. Its similar to Void Runner in its glorious use of ideas a plenty. Yet it feels so familar in a way I suspect I'm way off on BUT don't all the puns really remind you of Sinister Dexter? We're clearly in some sort of computer / virtually developed world so we ... well we can't be being 'Maloned' here .... could we. I was way off with a guess I made about The Out after its first episode and am almost certainly doing the same here... but just can't quite shake that feeling. Either way blindin' opening.

And just as Void Runner is followed by Durham Red, so Azimuth is gunned back down to Earth by Rogue Trooper which continues to be wonderful and gosh that what fina revelation are we going to get. Amazing stuff.

So yeah 4 out of 5, the 5th isn't that bad, on the surface at least and those 4 are stunners. What a superb Prog. Just to uplift we needed after the flump that was last weeks issue.
Prog / Prog 2336 - Thrills set to stun!
11 June, 2023, 08:43:38 PM
ANOTHER Saturday Prog, alas I've been away this weekend so only just had the chance to read it...and ...

Well I said last week I said with the unfortunate timing of this issue it had better be a good one or I'd be grumpy... well...

The Cadet Dredd was good. I've always said this series is best when Dredd and Rico are played off against each other and this episode underlines that. Though fair to say since we know how that plays out we also know that scenario can't play out and develop which is why the end of this story feels so familar. Still its a great fun romp that plays the two junior Dredds off against each other delightfully.

Of course all of this is helped by having Neill Cameron on art. As expected its just superb stuff. Alas it rather exposes how weak the rest of the art is in this issue.

After Cadet Dredd its all so muh. Its just not that entertaining or thrilling. Lowbrow High , dull and the art static and uninspiring. Oh we get 20 CHUFFIN' pages of this again. Enough to not progress the inspection stuff at all but to add a new plot thread I'm equally disinterested in with some... person with one tusk....ohhhh...I just don't care. Future Shock the art has much more potential. There's moments when it doesn't land but we've seen Zander Cannon before and hopefully they'll develop on their obvious potential. The story is okay, but the shock week and I couldn't even be bothered to work out who that was meant to be in the end? So we get 20 pages of Lowbrow and then Finder & Keeper back, one of the least interesting of the early Regened stories and well it still didn't hold my interest. The art flatters to decieve and didn't quite hold together.

So yeah we get 12 pages of good Dredd with great art and the rest is just dull and uninspiring with art that doesn't help matters. I don't know what's happened to Regened this year, have the budget for these been cut, has it just run out of steam but another really weak issue alas.

Grumpy as chuff me.
Prog / Prog 2335 - The Deep End
03 June, 2023, 05:57:41 PM
Well if Royal Mail keep this up I'll be back to expecting a Saturday Prog rather than it being a pleasent surprise!

Dredd okay I need to read both these psy-Dredd detector stories again as my often repeated beef aside about the premise, this would be a belter.

Void Runners is shaping up very nicely. Story is perfect for Boo Cook's hit/miss (with me) art. The story itself is fun, colourful stuff as well. Love the dialogue page 2 panel 3. Yep shaping up to be a winner this one.

Durham Red - building nicely to a conclusion with another great episode.

Enemy Earth - ends well. This story has been a considerable improvement on the first and got really good in the last few episodes. Sort out the storytelling issues with the art and the final part could be a treat.

Rogue Trooper is another blinder. Just superb work all round. Building nicely to conclusion with the troops metaphically going over the top for Rogue. Just brilliant and ends with a real moment of tension.

And there we have the prog's biggest problem. Two stories build towards exciting climaxes and the Dredd is heading the same way so Tharg drops a Regened next week stamping a little on that. Now I know the scheduling is what it is and I'm as behind Regened as its possible to be with the quality of stories we're getting sometimes BUT this timing is particularly unfortunate and Jango better treat us to one of his better efforts - certainly better than the first this year - or I'll be right grumpy next week!
Prog / Prog 2334 - Voyage into the Void
28 May, 2023, 12:03:34 PM
You know its going to be an interesting Prog when Dredd is the weakest thing in there.

Before I kick off on Dredd best to start on a positive. Paul Marshal is such a talent and so underrated. Once again he's on fire here.

Okay as I mentioned before the big challenge for this story is to trick you into forgetting what a daft premise this tale is built on. And to be fair on one level that is done here by sidestepping the wired up Dredd spotter and focusing on gang war and betrayal. All good stuff. The trouble is however this is undermined by reminders of why the premise is just so silly. There's emphasis that organised gangs on the whole get on and don't rock the boat, so why do it now cos you have this chap with the worst superpower ever. Don't do it, it makes no sense.

Why is it the worse superpower ever?

Well in this very issue a Judge is exposed as a traitor, in the pocket of the gang that thinks its a big deal to know where Dredd is. We've seen similar scenarios time and again in the strip. BUT to stay focused we see it now, in a strip where the premise is its a massive advantage to now where Dredd is and ALL of the big stuff that happens here just stems from that. If gangs have Judge's in their pockets, Judges who one imagines and just a Judgy Intranet net search away (I mean I reckon) from knowing where Dredd is, when any gang needs to know this vital information, just ask the Judge in your pocket.

Everytime I start to get past how daft this story is the story itself reminds me and pulls me straight back out.

Void Runner brightens things up however. Its a strip that seems from this first part to be perfect for Boo Cook's art that I think works well on some strip and holds back others. In this opener we get a quick and easy intro to the premise, the villians and our contrasting protagonist in a nice neat entertaning package. Great opener and I hope things continue like this.

Enemy Earth as one of its better episodes, fun, sharp and entertaining with very few of the art storytelling glitches to hold it back. Good episode.

As is Durham Red this week, in a series that is already very good. Bitter, scarey and builds things very well. Top stuff.

However good the other none Dredd strips are this week they pale compared to Rogue Trooper that has a fine episode. Patrick Goddard really seems to be channeling Colin Wilson in the opening two pages, which is a great things indeed. The episode rattles along, reminds us why we care about the soldier, so after a quick action set piece we can have our hearts broken. Amazing stuff.
Prog / Prog 2333 - Far Out
20 May, 2023, 09:06:26 PM
Hmmm this line-up had such promise but its flagging a little at the moment.

Dredd is solidly dependable seeing him build a team is always interesting BUT we've seen it and that wonky premise... its fine just too many niggles.

Durham Red set up a chilling punishment for Durham, good episode.

Enemy Earth well its fine.

Rogue Trooper remains great.

The problem is The Out and it amazes me to say this. I've enjoyed this series start to finish and this book has been no exception... well aside from the finish. This weeks conclusion feels like a cope out. Now I have faith that when read in context with the rest of the series and Book IV promised to be in production already it'll work fine BUT read in isolation like this its feels like a complete handwave to what's been set up so far. The thrilling cliffhanger from last episode is just brushed aside and it feels... well cheap and robs any emotional impact from what follows.

As said I sure when this is seen with surrounding context that will be gained as the series progress this may well work very well. As it is this is by far the most disappointing episode of the series to date and given my expectations are so high this weighs heavily on the Prog as a whole.

Well the lead feature here is the new strip. Harlem Heroes - YES Aeroball, as its introduced "it's football, basketball, boxing and kung-fu all rolled into one - plus Jetpacks and certain death". FANTASTIC this is the stuff all ages comics will lap up so in this introductary strip is a slap dunk... well except... they don't actually have Aeroball in it. They introduce the decent of possibly interesting characters, a little too briefly. Have fun vibrant art ... in a training excerise... WHAT really I'm not making this up. The first strip for aeroball team Harlem Heroes has no Aeroball in it, aside from some training things... I was left scratching my head on that one to say the least. Kinda fun if deeply disappointing!

Pandora Perfect and Full Tilt Boogie reprints make up the rest of the issue. Both absolutely brilliant and perfect introductions to stories that have nice volumes to follow them up. AND we must have more Full Tilt Boogie coming soon as there's a second volume out in September so looking forward to more of that.

I will put this under the boy child's nose as I think this will be perfect for him, we'll see...
Sooo its Free Comic Book Day and Rebellion has there normal offering and this time its another Regened - The Best Comic Ever!!.

Now I'll start a review (or join it if other folks get to the jump) once I can make a judgement on how immodest or otherwise that title is. This thread I've started to say I picked up a couple of spares. so if folks weren't able to get to a shop to pick up a copy let me know and I'll pass one on happliy.

Prog / Prog 2331 - The Fire in the Blood!
05 May, 2023, 09:33:11 PM
So I didn't get Prog 2329 (hold on how the hell has there been over 300 Progs since Prog 2000 - that's just really struck me for some reason... ANYWAY...) and have waited over 2 weeks to read a Prog THEN 2331 is a chuffin' Friday Prog. I mean always rare, these days the Friday Prog is the stuff of myth and legend. What the heck is goin' on there?

Anyway Dredd - bloody love Nick Dyer's art. This is a story in its own right BUT for the third bloody week on the bounce it serves mainly to set up more to come. Seriously Tharg get a grip of this will ya... mind did love this.

The other three continuing strips are as you where. I think I've mentioned a LOT tonight (well twice before) that both Durham Red and Rogue Trooper are just a joy. They remain superb. Enemy Earth continues to be fine, elevated by a great ending this week. Loved that dark ol' turn but suspect the doomed character will return down the road.

All that pales however as The Out returns with an episode which just underlines UTTERLY who this strip is so wonderful. For all its glorious exploration and imagination its comes down to Cyd being an AMAZING character whose journey I'd follow if she was on a train from Crewe to Stoke and wondering if Darlington was real and whether it would help her overcome the local Tory Council (well the electorate seems to have done that at least!). Just a genius strip. Thank the Dabnett and Harrison Droid and all else involved.

A Prog with The Out this good in is automatically a GREAT Prog... on a Friday too. Heaven is made of these times!
I think this has been coming for a while now, but Hibernia Press (our very own Davidandmary - David MacDonald) are teasing the release of Sergeant Strong soon via Facebook. No more detail at the moment but good to see Hibernia back in the saddle after that seems (??) like an while.

For those that don't know - and I didn't - here's a bit more info on the lead from the series by Scott Goodall and the wonderful Eric Bradbury.
Have we seen this? I don't remember seeing this? We should ALL see this. What fun.

(tried to iFrame but it didn't work - not entirely surprisingly BUT of that YouTube function is ACES and does the job!)
General / Henry Flint's 80s Dredd theme
14 March, 2023, 05:13:18 PM
Over on Facebook our most glorious Henry Flint has linked to his musical alter ego Enrique's 80s Judge Dredd TV Theme.

As that suggests a must listen. Listen to this!

Sorry can't work out how to link directly to the Soundcloud song pn my mobile so link to FB will have to do for now. DON'T LET THIS STOP YOU!!!
Prog / Prog 2322 - Corporate Carnage!
05 March, 2023, 08:15:27 AM
Another Saturday Prog (reviewed late due to ongoing access to the forum  at home issues, they areally are doing my noggin in!). Anyway dynamic cover, even if we have seen this type of thing a gazillion times before.

Inside maybe not quite as good as last week.

Dredd, solid continuation of a good story with an intriguing final page which will hopefully set up a good epsidoe next week.

Joe Pineapples. Ends without fanfare... does Pat Mills time in the prog do likewise. I've not enjoyed much of his work for a LONG time yet if this is him bowing out - and Tharg was never going to say that was the case, but if it is that's kinda sad... the episode was a kinda sad way for him to go too. All a bit uncomfortable really, but it is what it is and have to give Pat Mills massive thanks for all he contributed to the Prog and the amazing stories of his heyday.

That said comics have moved on and The Out's brilliance just shows how much. Another cracker and that final page... can't wait for next week.

Both The Order and Proteus Vex continue their thrilling stories in their own wonderful inimitable styles. Its fascinating that both are dealing with the big, no massive cosmic (or inter-dimensional) conflicits of massive scale and yet they both handle that so differently. The Order keeps things centred, intimiate (well as much as a massive interdimensional cosmic end of time conflicit can be!) and personal. Proteus Vex just explodes the scale all over its glorious pages. Both so different, both work so well.

Both could only sit side by side in a comic as amazing as 2000ad.
Prog / Prog 2321 - The Law Abides
25 February, 2023, 04:00:02 PM
Well yes my connection at home issues continue BUT another Saturday Prog has inspired me to drag out the work laptop, slide into the VPN and get connected to celebrate. These days I'm getting more than half my progs on a Saturday and that's something worth sharing.

The other thing is reading this weeks Prog really reminded the glorious diversity of opinion the Galaxy's Greatest inspires. In last weeks review thread we had folks considering dropping the Prog based on current form, folks loving Joe Pineapples and folks, like myself loving everything but, massive range of views on the Dredd... gotta love that.

Anyway this week is arguably even better with most the good things getting even better.

Another Niemand Dredd, while not as beautifully self-contained as last weeks sets up a new big business Head hunting Mega City One style really nicely.

The Out, well its just classic The Out isn't it. Some folks have been lukewarm on this one, if this doesn't pull folks back on side I don't know what will. Just classic comics.

Joe Pineapples... still there I'll give it that.

The Order is as well and but getting better and better in this story. Just superb stuff as it rattles to a conclusion and we get a Beatles cameo. Wonderful

The only bad thing about Proteus Vex is consistent reference to Midnight Indicating Shame has made me miss Resting Bitch Face for some reason... I mean it doesn't stop this strip being high space opera magnificence. Its just brilliance.

It baffles me how anyone reading this could think that the Prog isn't on blindin' form, but it also delights me that they do. That diversity is why 2000ad has the Galaxy's Greatest Fandom.
Prog / Prog 2320 - Birthday Blitz
20 February, 2023, 08:40:50 PM
I mean that cover in the context of the Dredd inside is just wonderful.

The Dredd inside is just wonderful as well. A bit like when Eisner took a gun, or a clock, or the sound of a dripping tap and made a wonderful story, here Niemand and Kieran McKeown take a Dredd trope - kicking down a door - and turn it into a wonderful piece of insight. Feels like it could have been one of those episodes that introduces Dredd in a jumping on Prog but done with real guile. Brilliant.

Joe Pinapples - isn't, brilliant that is... still its there.

The Out brings the BRILLIANT back 7 pages later though. If last weeks episode was good this is superb. Just what made The Out some wonderful and perfect.

The Order keeps the brilliant going. Just such a smart way to drive things on. Love it.

And Proteus Vex wraps the Prog up with more brilliance. Just a superb episode that lets us wallow in the glory that is Midnight. AND with a punchy devine ending. Just fantastic.

So yeah 4 brilliant thrills and one... not ... make this a brilliant Prog. Loved it.
Megazine / Meg 453 - Death SSsscream
15 February, 2023, 08:13:12 PM
Well I will get around to reviewing the Prog, this damned not being able to easily get on the forum at home is becoming a right pain... Saturday Prog, read on Saturday and haven't reviewed as I'm still having access problems that seem to have no end.

When it comes to the Meg however I'm good to go, out taking the girl child to her swim club and on a different network the Meg is downloaded, the forum works and we're all good.

There's a lot to like about this Meg as well. Curiously the lead Dredd by Niemand no less is the weakest thing in here. Its almost as if its drowning in the space it has. The story washing around and while fun it feels a little adrift. It'll come good I'm sure, just needs to avoiding drowning with the weight of expectation while we wait. Art shift as well Kieran McKeown takes over duties - do we know him - nice neat job, arguably a little too neat for the Jack stuff, but verty easy on the eye.

Something the rest of the Meg isn't, to very good effect. Storm Warning has lost me a little but this episode pulls things back with a nice simple episode that settles all the time stuff nicely and pulls me right back in wonderfully. Really enjoyed this one and Clint Langley's art is gloriously grim.

As is Nick Percival's on Death Metal Planet. I normally get annoyed with panto Death and this is very panto Death. Yet somehow its retaining the dark edge from the earlier episodes perfectly well in the hijinks. It gets the balance right - a tricky act with panto Death, one even Wagner gets very wrong more often than not, but here David Hine manages things perfectly.

Speaking of perfect we have Devlin Waugh by Kos and Richardson and its just grimly, horrifically brilliant. Just superb. Cunning, chilling and gloriously entertaining. Wonderful comics and the closest the Meg is getting to comic heaven (or hell) outside Lawless. Mind its not the most startling thing in the Meg this month we'll get to that.

Before we do we should give a nod to the sheer craft on display in Surfer 2 by Wagner and MacNeil. Its not gripping me the way some of the other stories are but its undeniably excellent stuff to be appreciated.

There's some decent looking text pieces I've not dug into, the tables being turned on Molch-R included, there's some fun backup material as well.The real gem amongst them. In a strip from Valentine (aptly enough this week) in 1973 via 'A Very British Affair' the new hardback we have a strip by Carlos that I really struggle to work out as Carlos. Its astonishingly unCarlos for an artist so easy to recognise normally. There a panel here, a biker there that reveals him but the delight of seeing this very different style is worth the entry fee along.

Very enjoyable Meg, ably abetted by reading and reviewing while not at home!