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Best April Fool's stuff today?

Started by shaolin_monkey, 01 April, 2014, 01:36:01 PM

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Tell us what fooled you, or if you did any fooling.

First thing in the morn my Ops Manager said 'You've got some upducky on you!' to which I predictably replied 'What's upducky?!'

I was relating this to my team in our meeting later, and before I could even tell them what I said one of my guys asked 'What's up ducky?'  :lol:

I went on to more serious matters, discussing various changes, new procedures etc, then went on to discuss a big push we're having on social media (true). I explained to tie in with this, we're working closely with Google, and was pleased to announce we're partnered with their big Google Maps Pokemon promotion today. I went on to add that if you Google Maps the company sites around the UK they'd find 5 ultra rare Pokemon at each, that would give them a distinct advantage in the Pokemon Master tournament on the 2nd.

They bought it hook, line and sinker, and two team members got really excited about it - 'ooh, which Pokemon are they?'

Their faces when I said 'April Fool' - priceless! I don't usually get off on making people look like gullible idiots, but I couldn't help but roar with laughter at their expressions.

So what were yours? Any good ones?


I just tell people they got love bite on their necks.


I heard on the news they we are "coming out of Recession".

Best April fools ever, I'm still laughing now!

"Where once you fought to stop the trap from closing...Now you lay the bait!"

von Boom

Goodreads to publish lost Jane Austen book. I wonder if anyone was taken in by that one.


I posted on Facebook 'So who's going to get the Dredd: Underbelly audio version, voiced by Karl Urban himself? I'm first in the bloody queue!!!'

I knew it was a long shot, but I got a bite!


The Daily Record went with a story about Scottish bakers starting an Amazon-style drone delivery service, which would drop off a greasy pie or double chocolate fudge donut to you wherever you are in Scotland. The Daily Record recently criticised Tory supremo Grant Shapps for that post budget beer and bingo advert, because it demonstrated a patronising conception of what occupies the imagination of the proletariat. This is different, obviously.


Me calling a work colege:

Me: ...
Colege: Hello! Bolton Kebabs!
Me...Is XXXXX their please?
Colege: Nah! Never heard of him Zac!
Me: !?.............OH YOU BELL END!


My son is mad into Formula One and has just started learning to play chess. So I made this for him yesterday. He nearly sh** himself when I read the last few lines to him.


I went into the managers office and handed them a folded blank piece of paper tendering my resignation. The look on their faces was great.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.