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Fit Club

Started by radiator, 14 January, 2011, 08:24:01 PM

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Quote from: Kerrin on 02 May, 2011, 10:49:55 PMGotta lose that verrandah over the toy shop.

That's a new one.


Quote from: JOE SOAP on 02 May, 2011, 10:58:32 PM
That's a new one.

Ha, yeah, strangely enough, Australian in origin. You'd never have guessed would you.

And if I had one of those Emperor, I'd never leave the house.  :)


I gave up eating all the crap, crisps, choc  buns etc for lent and I lost over half a stone. With the long evenings im getting out every for near an hour, ive built about 10 meters of a stone wall, and generally got a losd of stuff done around the garden, flower beds, lazy beds etc. Fell good, need to lose another stone though.



Hurrah! To all the obese feckers out there the view from Overweight City is mighty fine!

House of Usher

I've lost 7 lb since the end of January, on a good day. On a bad day it's only 4 lb. It fluctuates a lot but corresponds to my work pattern. I tend to lose weight Wednesday to Friday when I'm getting up too early, wheeling cages of merchandise about all morning and then sleeping half the day, and put some back on over the weekend when I'm largely sedentary.

My Wii Fit graph looks like the path of a stone being skipped across the surface of a pond.


Gone a bit quiet in the Fit Club - I imagine that's because most of the members can't squeeze in the door!

Today after no breakfast, a 6 mile run and a visit to the Dumpatron I weighed in at 13st 8lb which is a mighty 4 stone down from my peak. Felling better on it and have moved from an XL in shirts to an M. Jeans 34" from a 38" and collar 15 1/2 from 17 1/2.

Still got 15lbs to go until 'Normal' weight is achieved and with a 3 week trip to the USA on the horizon I can't see it happening soon.

Quite enjoying the process although 279 days in (thanks Wii Fit) I'm forgetting what a fish supper looks like and the kebab meat pizza is something from a mad man's dreams.

Before and current pic - looks like a 'Philadelphia' tribute.

House of Usher

Well done, that's quite an achievement.

I'm too lazy and confirmed in my habits to have made any more progress on the 5 or 6 pounds I've lost since January. Still fluctuating, still weighing in like a skimming stone. No downward movement. For the time being I'm happy not to be gaining any, but it nags at me that I know I'm not getting enough exercize outside of work and I should be working at getting fitter and toning up some muscle.

I'm a lazy bastard.


just got back from a two and a half hour bike ride....which was only meant to be half an hour! i got in exploring mode and once i got out of hilly leyland kept scooting down country roads and ended up in penwortham via hutton and back!!! i'm knackered but in a good way...christ i need a kebab. ;)


Now that work has had a massive gym installed I figured that it would be rude not to go and beast myself for free.

I must admit that even after all these years of taking, it easy it seems that my basic fitness level is still good, which I'm pleased with.
At the moment I'm going every other day before work and on the last shift I go in there at the end, for an extra long session. The weird thing is, nobody else is ever in there when I go in. Good for me as I like it quiet, no music, just the sound of my blood pumping, mixed with groans.