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A History Of Violence

Started by Andy Diggle, 19 September, 2002, 03:22:27 PM

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Andy Diggle

From Comics2Film:

Variety reports that New Line Cinema has acquired the feature film rights to John Wagner and Vince Locke's graphic novel A History of Violence.

The book was the published by DC Comics under their Paradox Press imprint, which also yielded the critically acclaimed Road To Perdition. The article describes the book as "a modern-day Unforgiven [which] follows an ordinary family's life after the father receives unwanted national attention for a seemingly vigilante self-defense killing at his diner, and his previously unknown past is dredged up."


Way ta go, John!   : )

Link:" target="_blank">


And it is a bloody good book.  It would be nice if it was made, it would probably make a bloody good film too.  Anyone got Robbie Coltrane's number?


The movies are going comic book crazy at the moment.
Hellboy's coming up... the Hulk... Batman Vs Superman... has Hollywood run out of original stories?
Better set your phaser to stun.


Not forgetting 'Daredevil' and 'X Men 2' ...
Remember - dry hair is for squids


After what happened on the Bogie Man, I suspect John would prefer not to see big Robbie on screen again. Ever.

But AHOV is great. My favourite part is actually the text introduction - Wagner should be writing novels!



"After what happened on the Bogie Man, I suspect John would prefer not to see big Robbie on screen again. Ever."

Heh. Yes, sorry, I was of course kidding here. :)

The inroduction was enjoyable, with all the what if's... I wouldn't say i enjoyed it more than I enjoyed the book, but yeah, if Wagner did a novel, I'd buy it and unlike Alan Moore's, I'd probably read it.


People keep on mentioning the Bogie Man... is this or is this not anything to do with the comic book Fungus the Bogie Man, drawn by IIRC, Raymond Briggs?
Better set your phaser to stun.


Assuming you are serious, no.  It's about a lunatic who believes he's the archetypical private eye from the thirties pulp novels, casablanca, the big sleep, maltese falcon etc. looking like humprey bogart helps.  He escapes and has adventures throughout glasgow, embroiling all of the things that happen to him into his 'case'.  It realy is *very* funny.


embroidering is wot I meant to say not embroiling

Slippery PD

Strip written by wagner (& grant??)  about a mad man who thinks hea humphrey boggart from the era of the maltese falcon.

His dillusions help him solve a real case.  Adapted for TV with Robbi Coltrane as lead

This is from meory, so please coirrect me if Im wrong

Yer Slippo


Yup I was serious - I haven't heard of that one.  I kinda thought you all had a big Fungus obsession & didn't want to intrude...

When was it written?  Who published it?  Is there a collected format etc?
Better set your phaser to stun.


Fungus works on so many levels.

Have a look at the 'Here's looking at you Juve Thread' that tells you the main books that were out, chinatoon in both of it's incarnations, the original series (which as I have the novel, if anyone wants the comics at a reasonable price...) and manhaatten project roughly covered it.

But really you should be looking for HOV...

W. R. Logan

>Variety reports that New Line Cinema has acquired the feature film rights to John Wagner and Vince Locke's graphic novel A History of Violence.

Hopefully I'll get a comment out of John but if I were Vince Lock I wouldn't get to excited after all he was only the artist and had no say in any of the story or what happened in it.

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.

W. R. Logan

I wouldn't class History Of Violence as a comic book it has far more in common with a novel it just happens to be told in pictures, if no one has read it I can strongly recomend it, it is well worth a read.

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.">


Yeah, he just drew the pictures Logan.

Really, that's an odd kind of attitude.  Perhaps they should have just published Wagner's script.