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Topics - Devons Daddy

Spooks S10 ten years brilliant writing and twists, never get into any character you will have nightmares! The final episode was SATISFYING  :cool: :cool: :cool:  truly great show. 
Film & TV / GRIMM! first episode, GREAT
31 October, 2011, 04:05:00 AM
new show, just about to be released, had the good fortune to be offered a pre-air copy.

has a very much BUFFY feel about it, small non spoiler, which enforces this, one characters job description LIBRARIAN  :D  I am sure it was a nod.

basic premise, fairy tales are real. The Grimm brothers who wrote most of the old wives tales down for the first time, knew this. good characters, no sex no swearing,no blood guts, (why bother watching you ask)
its good old school,suspense,good writing,great camera work and lighting. saw the pilot, about to purchase the season pass.

i do feel there could be a few here that give it a thumbs up. worthy of a download for a couple of quid when it hits the Itunes soon.
Emotive question,
i am enjoying my comics on the ipad, its incredible,

should i consider ending the habit of a life time its nearly 35 years now isnt it. and go DIGITAL,
I am not that impressed with Clickwheel, compared to comicX which is an incredible programme.

thoughts board. IPAD the Prog, or stay with the old ways. thoughts, more money directly to thargs pockets is a postive thing in the bigger picture.

i seek your thoughts.
Film & TV / Breaking Bad s4 and the rest
17 October, 2011, 04:19:16 AM
I have just completed the entire to date series 1-4 of  Breaking Bad,
with one of the finest closing moment of a YANK tv show in more years then I can recall.

Is this show big in the UK, or late night sleeper hit.
slow, paced out, reality and overarcing story line, that draws you in and spits you out.

this is wonderful TV.
(my commute to work and my Ipad allow a lot of TV show time experience,)
Film & TV / Fringe S4 bloody brilliant
15 October, 2011, 06:23:02 AM
Fringe season 4.

no spoilers, but from the MONSTER OF THE WEEK in season 1 to this.
The twist this season is a kicker.
whilst it teeters on the edge of cancellation each season. it is great SCI-FI.

Itunes have it up, if its not in the UK yet.

Help! / London hotel rooms, December 2011
14 October, 2011, 08:13:08 AM
this coming December, (christmas in blighty)
spending three nights in the LONDON  :D been a while, over 23 since i lived there, and 12 since i was last back.

any reasonable price and location hotels to recommend board.
thinking  100-120 sterling a night,(if that is real in London) near tube or shopping area sort of thing. paying more to sleep for the night is a disgrace in my mind.

suggestions requested oh great HIVE MIND.

Off Topic / We redecorated,
08 October, 2011, 11:27:31 AM
hello board, after far to long away, I am drawn back. finest place on the WWW. King trout, a link on face book under the name of the man whom once shook the hand of Tom Frame at a Dreddcon. linked to the new awards, was enough to make me smile.

I must say i do like what has been done to the place.

DD, bad spelling as a standard is happy to be here again.  :D
Games / Gran Turismo 3D . had a trial.
27 December, 2010, 05:35:28 AM
spent a couple of weeks in Japan before christmas
where 3d tvs are very common

Played Gran Turismo 3D.
bloody hell. made me consider buying an overpriced tv and a PS3.

this is the first AAA title in 3D and its outstanding,give it a year and i am sure we shall see better stuff. and the PS4 and Xbox whatever taking this to the next level.
if you have a chance, play it, very very enjoyable.
05 December, 2010, 06:35:09 AM
despite the odd B movie title,and the skeptical critics
with Harrison ford and Daniel Craig as he leads,
is it fair to say we are pre ordering our tickets and will stand in the rain to see this.

its almost too good to be true isn't it! trailer is out.
horses,guns,cowboys,indians,sexy bar girls,and ALIENS.
one from Tharg i say!
Books & Comics / Ian Gibson's Lifeboat
01 November, 2010, 08:18:11 AM
I am sad comic fan boy, akin to many here,
one of the people whom has agreed to enter my name upon their network is one our legendary creators,

i asked a question, about a story he had years ago posted some artwork teasers here. in an effort to be a gentleman. I feel i should be discreet. but those in the know, will likely be as excited as i am. i need to share, its outstanding news.

[spoiler]Nice comments, Neal. The first book of Lifeboat is ready - waiting for a publisher. And now I'm working on book 2. Maybe I'll post more of it on my website as time allows. ;)[/spoiler

the creator in question posted this yesterday.
Film & TV / sparatcus blood and sand, cast change
26 October, 2010, 08:48:52 AM
sad news, on two levels of this show, the lead actor has pulled out of season 2.
due to illness, (news on facebook page)

a great show, coming back in janauary, but to replace this chap may be tough, he was really well cast.
Games / MOVE or Honey i made the PS3 into a WII
20 October, 2010, 03:50:03 PM
its unofficailly available here in singapore,
tried it and was slightly dissapointed, the whole controller thing was like a WII with better graphics and the game they had it with, was nothing specail, some sports thing.

it is on parrell import only right now, in the non sony registered gaming shops.
price wise its hard to say, as they charge a premium, currently full kit about 90 sterling, but when it gets here with sony likley to be less. 
Film & TV / Hawaii five-0 and the event
23 September, 2010, 02:28:01 PM
new season begins on tv.
H50 Bloody great! worth the download,athena from BSG in it as well,all wet and in a bikinni, whats not to like SOUNDTRACK PERFECT.

The event, tough call, not sure, give it one more and i will see.

Film & TV / Long distance, chick flick for us.
15 September, 2010, 03:24:58 PM
ok saw this,
worthy of a few guy laughs whilst being a rom-com chick flick.
if your looking for an evening with the lady,that you will laugh at rather then sleep through. this is good stuff.

some decent adult humour,plenty of moments that us real men can relate too, and enough romance and happy endings to have the wife/partner reward you for later.

a decent enough movie,of course you could go see the expendables,but you may as well wait for the DVD on that one to be honest.
Film & TV / Eureka S4/warehouse 13 S2
08 September, 2010, 12:52:06 PM
i am currently upto date with sci-fi channels (not ackowledging new name) Eureka,WAREHOUSE 13

this season, great, lots of geek lines, worthy of watching 2nd time each episode to see if you notice a few.
fun and brillance.great movie references,historical references and cross overs between warehouse 13 and eureka.

these two big in the UK, or under the radar stuff?
or am i so starved of decent TV i cant see the wood for the trees.
Film & TV / Hawaii five-0
07 September, 2010, 04:13:31 PM
downloaded the new theme tune and the trailer

SOLD, buying me the season pass.
they got it right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they just re-recorded the theme song, but crisper more modern, some of the original musicians.


itunes, america, maybe on you-tube just out, BLOODY BRILLANT  ;)
Games / Golden Eye 007 returns
04 July, 2010, 09:52:44 AM
just heard on podcast and cross referenced the facts.
Nintendo are rebooting Golden Eye 007,

launching this November,
the stuff of legend in its time. for nintendos game cube. please correct me if i am wrong.
this has to be worthy of a casting an eye over.
Film & TV / New shows this fall,
03 July, 2010, 01:06:53 PM
just heard, tell me this is new NEWS!!

coming this fall season. not seen anything yet other then some pics on couple of sites,
i had not heard.
but if this is true,its got to be worth a watch of the pilot. hasnt it.
or am i some fool of a krool hoax.

the idea is madder then a box of frogs.

Games / CRACKDOWN 2,
03 July, 2010, 11:59:20 AM
we have a pre order on this one, son and I.
crackdown was excellent, if under rated i felt.
from the current stuff on the net and in the magazines, i am hazarding this will be an excellent follow up.

anyone else a fan of the orignal or is the general thought wait and see.
Film & TV / Must see TV? what am i missing
26 June, 2010, 04:45:52 AM
fringe season 2
dont know how this is going in the UK, but i get it on the internet. bloody brillant stuff. X-files for us sci-fi geeks, (in a good way)

dont miss this!!! western meets cop show,great lines, lots of guns. this on in the UK yet.

what an ending! no spoilers, but that was the way to finish a show, even better news season two confirmed, if it had not, was still satisfying.

giulty pleasure TV.

any other shows i should be using my GIGABYTES for? please reccomend,good local tv is akin to finding water in the dessert in this region.