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“Truth? You can't handle the truth!”

Started by The Legendary Shark, 18 March, 2011, 06:52:29 PM

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so anyway, 16yrs old - medical record with abnormal brain - 17yrs old, hospital record where i had a pistol for protection (at 17? WHAT?) - and then at 21 - in that car crash, where I wanted to know what happened... WELL I FOUND OUT WHAT HAPPENED EVERY TIME. Basically a fucken manchurian, although I had been self aware wanting/going to work for them, I did not know of the alternate personality which had been groomed all along. That's my dumbass story, and I am sticking to it.

So I am right, or batshit crazy.

Have a fucking ball


once  I get kicked off (which I am sure is imminent) I will be checking, so just try not to piss me off TOO BAD,

mmmKay?  :-X


Quote from: Apoceclipse on 16 September, 2016, 04:08:06 AM
So then, you think I am a liar?

As I pointed out before, I don't actually know you to make that judgement on your state of mind, so not much point asking.

QuoteYou think this is for real? or no? I told you, I am not trying to prove - this is internet.

It's obvious you have a strong desire to prove it if you're continually asking me to confirm if I think you're a liar or not. I'm not going to do that, sorry.

Just to re-direct you - it's all ready been stated the research took place. The woman in the video does not claim to have been an 'operational sleeper agent' - she said the experiments failed.


Quote from: JOE SOAP on 16 September, 2016, 04:26:14 AM
Quote from: Apoceclipse on 16 September, 2016, 04:08:06 AM
So then, you think I am a liar?

Nah not a strong desire to prove it - I would post the very convincing stuff I have, exposing myself however... I just want to get where we are going. Or do you want to dance? haha

As I pointed out before, I don't actually know you to make that judgement on your state of mind, so not much point asking.

QuoteYou think this is for real? or no? I told you, I am not trying to prove - this is internet.

It's obvious you have a strong desire to prove it if you're continually asking me to confirm if I think you're a liar or not. I'm not going to do that, sorry.

Just to re-direct you - it's all ready been stated the research took place. The woman in the video does not claim to have been an 'operational sleeper agent' - she said the experiments failed.

yes, obviously it didn't work out for her. dually noted. for some, it may have. that was research, from back then.

what are you still replying for. I am saying - this is still going on. If you won't confirm nor deny, then why continue dialogue? what is your end game?


I wrote a poem:

"If you're not NAY or YAY

then shut the fuck up

you've nothing to SAY"

HAHAHA come on, that's humor!


Quote from: Apoceclipse on 16 September, 2016, 04:30:34 AM
As I pointed I am saying - this is still going on. If you won't confirm nor deny, then why continue dialogue? what is your end game?

How can you expect anyone to confirm or deny it without proof?

I don't think I've ever given thought to having an 'endgame' in my life.


Older Article I wrote - mostly garbage, but accurate, just poorly articulated...

Foreword: I am not claiming that people have not had 'holy visions' or that there is no such thing as 'aliens'. I am not claiming anything, other than that the type of thing I describe below, does in fact take place. 

Certain intelligence agencies, as well as other groups (or whatever term you want to use) have been known to employ some pretty nasty methods - to get the job done - 'by any means necessary'. Keep in mind, you probably want to distance yourself/layer in plausible deniability...

This method can be used on anyone, very close to the way a hypnotic stage show would play out -

To gain a better understanding of how exactly this is put into effect... let me explain a couple things:

**Post-Hypnotic Amnesia** is the inability in hypnotic subjects to recall events that took place while under hypnosis. This can be achieved by giving individuals a suggestion during hypnosis to forget certain material that they have learned either before or during hypnosis.

**Post-Hypnotic Suggestion** is a suggestion made to a hypnotized person that specifies an action to be performed after awakening, often in response to a cue or 'trigger'. This action may include remembering specific things that you were unable to recall previously, due to post-hypnotic amnesia. For example a stage-hypnotist making someone cluck like a chicken after a bell rings, and the subject has no memory of the hypnotic suggestion being given to them, until a different tone chime sounds...

So that is the recipe for the basic side of it... Now, I want to go more in-depth about how this method is applied specifically to subjects with 'deliberately created and programmed dissociative identity disorder systems'. If you do not know what that is, perhaps visit my thread on Modern Day Human Trafficking and Deliberate Dissociation - (REMOVED - ask if you want it)

This technique (I once dubbed it the 'God Made Me Do It' programme) may be supplemented with others as well, but in essence will call for the common prep, which would be a 'blank/fresh' dissociated part (we all know how these are made - torture or nowadays sensory overload through audio/visual)... and then the actual programming will include a sensory depravation chamber/tank, and electromagnetic cranial stimulation - to induce a certain experience, accompanied by a certain message, along with certain emotions. These are all designed, as is the experience as a whole. The next step is to create a post-hypnotic trigger, which may even just be a time-release trigger etc... there is no solid framework for what a trigger may be, and sometimes there are multiple of layers of triggers to act as a safeguard/double blind so triggers do not accidentally or prematurely go off... When this post-hypnotic trigger 'goes off', you remember *just* the direct programming portion of this process, which would be the intense experience through the 'god helmet' while in the sensory deprivation chamber/tank, as to have no outside stimuli added to the experience. It is intense, and all encompassing when you abreact/flashback. However, you do not remember being 'hooked up' to the 'god helmet' nor anything other than just the direct portion of the intense experience that they planned for you to remember. The moment of intensity where you experience a vision, feeling, and message. That way you have no context to put the whole thing into. It is 'all in the moment'. Later, however later it may be, when you are having a 'normal' day, just walking in the park, or watching TV at home, and then all of a sudden, you have the most intense vision, accompanied by feelings and thoughts/words/instructions, it can be easy to think you have had contact with God, some other Entity, or Alien Being. This depends on the 'script' and exact programming method they are using, as well as how you respond. They utilize your own response/manifestation of the experience in an Ericksonian fashion (hypnosis strategy that utilizes going with your own psyche). To be clear, an experience can be designed, where you think you had contact with Aliens, or even God, and that you were instructed, or told, or shown something, and you do not realize this experience was 'fabricated'/'designed'/'controlled'/manipulating you. This experience will be accompanied with strong emotion, which could be 'fear', in the context of an Alien being frightening you in order to obey, even on a subconscious level that 'there is no escaping', or on the other hand, it could be 'love', where you feel encompassed by the most extreme, unconditional 'god love' and that God is showing you something and instructing you with his unlimited love and understanding. This can be very dangerous.

Again - I am not saying that no one has had legitimate contact with God, Aliens, or Otherwise. I am merely stating that this situation can be fabricated, with such intricate design, as to manipulate someone.

In conclusion, this method can be used to make someone do something, by thinking they were ordered but a 'worthy' third party (haha pick your term), or could be used to discredit someone making disclosures of sensitive material. 

Once they start blabbing about the Aliens and UFOs... its a wrap for the rest of it. Not that there is anything wrong with Aliens or UFOs, but if you are trying to be 'down to earth' (yes, puns now) and report on trafficked children through foster homes and pedophilia, including some V.I.P.s... the hocus pocus and aliens do not help get the ball rolling.
An OLD research video with Dr. Michael Persinger

from 2:40-- 'if you stimulate the deep portions of the temporal lobe, you get vivd imagery, and the emotional commitment/sensation that something is PROFOUND, real, cosmically real, and personally significant'

from 3:15-- 'what we've been doing recently is generating words as magnetic patterns, and even though the person isn't hearing it through their ears, their brain is interpreting it, so they're actually having fragments of experiences, as if they're hearing it when in actual fact, they cannot be. These experiences are so strong they're utterly real for the person who has them

from 4:00-- 'you can control people's experiences, and they don't know they are being controlled' --( let alone if they don't realize they have ever been hooked up to a machine by way of dissociative amnesia )

We all know about 'psychic driving' and message repetition, accompanied by torture to make your subconscious (as well as conscious) submit, accept, and adapt... (see declassified etc. info on Ewen Cameron etc.) however, with this technique, a lot of the time, the message is more eagerly received due to the profound intensity of the experience, accompanied by such strong emotion, the feeling that what you are receiving is of the upmost importance... and this may be the catalyst for immediate change and/or acceptance of certain beliefs etc...   

The God Helmet ( ) is an experimental apparatus originally called the Koren helmet after its inventor Stanley Koren. It was developed by Koren and neuroscientist Michael Persinger to study creativity, religious experience and the effects of subtle stimulation of the temporal lobes.

A common technique which may be used in conjunction with/or to supplement/ is utilization of what is sometimes called a 'Voice of God' 'weapon' ( ) This is basically -- " the microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect, consists of audible clicks (or, with speech modulation, spoken words) induced by pulsed/modulated microwave frequencies. The clicks are generated directly inside the human head without the need of any receiving electronic device. The effect was first reported by persons working in the vicinity of radar transponders during World War II. These induced sounds are not audible to other people nearby. The microwave auditory effect was later discovered to be inducible with shorter-wavelength portions of the electromagnetic spectrum.


Murder in God's Name: Son says he killed parents according to Jehovah's command

...and an example (very high probability that this was an actual occurrence, however i was not present for this, but regardless, this does accurately portray how the situation plays out in the public, or how it is meant to, at least)

Look around and you will be disgusted. There is obviously something up... There is a whole website devoted to Jehovah Witness murderers, most of whom were 'ordered by god'. If you look around for murders ordered by god, and actually look into the details, not just write the person off as 'that kind of crazy', you might really get upset. I hate to say it, but 'that kind of crazy' just might not be popping out of everywhere like they'd have you believe.

Neither are these mass shooters. Nor was it serial Killers. Don't get me started on the terrorist groups we make. Touch a nerve? I hope so. Inform Yourself. Maybe read Dave McGowan's 'Programmed to Kill' - ( ) too. Too much info on the terrorist groups and all that mess to even tell you to look into that. Do look at Operation Northwoods ( ) to see how capable we are of that though. Oh, and look what happened to who denied that op!

Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against the Cuban government, that originated within the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to commit acts of terrorism against American civilians and military targets, blaming it on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. The proposals were rejected by the Kennedy administration.[2]

At the time of the proposal, communists led by Fidel Castro had recently taken power in Cuba. The operation proposed creating public support for a war against Cuba by blaming it for terrorist acts that would actually be perpetrated by the US Government.[3] To this end, Operation Northwoods proposals recommended hijackings and bombings followed by the introduction of phony evidence that would implicate the Cuban government. It stated:

The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere.

Several other proposals were included within Operation Northwoods, including real or simulated actions against various US military and civilian targets. The operation recommended developing a "Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington".

The plan was drafted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, signed by Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer and sent to the Secretary of Defense. Although part of the US government's anti-communist Cuban Project, Operation Northwoods was never officially accepted; it was authorized by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but then rejected by President John F. Kennedy. According to currently released documentation, none of the operations became active under the auspices of the Operation Northwoods proposals.



Harry Arons scale of depth.

Stage 1: HYPNOIDAL – Very light stage of hypnosis in which most clients don't feel hypnotized. The mojarity of people feel completely awake. Two types of HYPNOIDAL states are Hypnopompic and Hypnoagogic. Hypnopompic is the state by before waking up in the morning and Hypnoagogic is the state right before falling asleep at night.

A lot can be accomplished in this 1st stage: Weight reduction, smoking withdrawal and simple muscle control such as eyelid catalepsy.

Stage 2: More relaxed state where larger muscle groups can be controlled and manipulated such as Arm Catalepsy. Your power of critical reasoning starts to become impaired.

Stage 3: You get fairly complete control of your entire muscular system. Most people won't be able to articulate a number, stuck to a chair, can't walk and even partial analgesia.

Stage 4: In this stage you start to produce greater phenomena and is known as the beginning of the amnesic stages. Your client will actually forget items such as their name, number, address and other items. Glove Analgesia and feeling touch, but no discomfort.

Stage 5: This is considered the start of somnambulism. You get cool stuff like complete anesthesia and experience the ability to neither feel discomfort or touch. A lot of different pain control techniques can be used in this stage as well.  You can also experience what is called Positive Hallucinations which means you can see and hear things which do not actually exist. You can also experience real Age Regression in this state and not just remembering the past.

Stage 6: This is the next level of Profound Somnambulism. You can experience Negative hallucinations which means you won't see or hear things that actually do exist.

So, with hypnosis alone, you can make someone see a certain person as an ALIEN, for instance.

Then, if the said person, who the subject is seeing as an alien, has TORTURED the subject in the past - then the subject may experience 'body memories' and be in distress. The subject will take this as a natural reaction to seeing an alien.

Is this over your head, or just crazy sounding...


Quote from: Apoceclipse on 16 September, 2016, 04:48:20 AM
Is this over your head, or just crazy sounding...

Sounds like the average weekend gig for Derren Brown and Paul McKenna.


Quote from: JOE SOAP on 16 September, 2016, 04:54:26 AM
Quote from: Apoceclipse on 16 September, 2016, 04:48:20 AM
Is this over your head, or just crazy sounding...

Sounds like the average weekend gig for Derren Brown and Paul McKenna.

after searching that. OK. So you think the intelligence agencies are not doing more/better?  Old article, just posting shit on the way out...

Anyway, I have overstayed my 'welcome' hahaha


Quote from: Apoceclipse on 16 September, 2016, 04:30:34 AM
...dually noted...

I'm having that one.

Really AE, your hectoring accusatory style does your argument no favours.  I imagine very few here would deny the existence of dodgy psychological programmes and general state malfeasance. I live in a country where tens of thousands of children and vulnerable peoppe were spirited into state and religious institutions and subject to appalling abuse with the blithe consent of the general population, their stories ignored and their tormenters lauded. So I don't need convincing of the possibility of this kind of crap.  What I need is some indication of evidence for the James Pattersonesque specifics you sort-of describe.


Quote from: Apoceclipse on 16 September, 2016, 05:15:12 AM
Quote from: JOE SOAP on 16 September, 2016, 04:54:26 AM
Quote from: Apoceclipse on 16 September, 2016, 04:48:20 AM
Is this over your head, or just crazy sounding...

Sounds like the average weekend gig for Derren Brown and Paul McKenna.

after searching that. OK. So you think the intelligence agencies are not doing more/better?  Old article, just posting shit on the way out...

Anyway, I have overstayed my 'welcome' hahaha

So what is your favourite JD story anyway? Thoughts on Rogue Trooper's Disco phase? I'd love to read your feelings about Absolom as well?
DDT did a job on me


I find it amusing Apo was brought here by a copy of one of the very fucking worst strips in 2000AD history, GREYSUIT.  :lol:


DDT did a job on me


Maybe just best now to walk away from this one and let it quietly drop down the page?