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Topics - JayzusB.Christ

General / Unimaginable artist / strip combinations
03 December, 2007, 01:44:40 PM
I was trying to imagine these, but can't:

Jamie Hewlett on Button Man.
Simon Bisley on From Hell.
Steve Yeowell on early Nemesis the Warlock.
Arthur Ranson on The Bash Street Kids (okay, I'm running out of ideas).
Film & TV / History of Violence
27 November, 2007, 01:55:36 PM
Is the film worth a look then? My housemate described it to me; it sounds very different from the graphic novel. I'm thinking of getting it out but i don't want to waste two hours if it's muck.
General / V for Vendetta
26 November, 2007, 01:30:27 PM
Now that Mr Moore is on my mind; I'll just mention the film. I can't understand why it was torn apart so much; either by Moore himself and by comic readers, such as the majority of boarders here, it seems.

I thought it was quite a good adaptation; there was a few parts that stretched credibility a bit but there were one or two that did so in the GN too. Anyway, I thought it was a brave move to  introduce a terrorist hero in these sensitive times, and thought they'd managed to get most of the gritty parts across accurately (unlike the poor effort at From Hell and, from what I'd heard though I've never seen it, LOEG too).
I await your barrage of bricks and stones
General / Best Alan Moore graphic novel?
26 November, 2007, 01:22:24 PM
following on from the From Hell thread. Though i loved V for Vendetta, I'd prefer Watchmen and From Hell. Just can't make up my mind which one is better though. I liked League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, but it Watchmen and From Hell were breathtaking; it's hard to imagine they'll ever be bettered.
General / From Hell
21 November, 2007, 01:44:54 PM
The very good graphic novel that is, not the half-arsed film. Now Alan Moore has kindly provided annotations to each page at the back of my version; which is great as it saves me having to think too hard about it. It's a bleeding good read in its own right too.
But he has deliberately left one page unexplained, ie. the bit where Gull's disembodied soul ends up in Ireland before it joins the Gods. Bastard. Now I have to work this one out on my own. It's something to do with Mary Kelly. Did Gull murder the wrong prostitute or something? Did the real Mary Kelly go back to ireland? Any ideas?
If you haven't read it, of course, do. Then answer me.
Off Topic / Forgotten song
06 November, 2007, 01:43:34 PM
Given that so many 2000ad readers are in and around my age (32) i was wondering if anyone can help me remember something that has been wrecking my head for years. Could be a theme tune to a TV show, but I only remember one line - 'Rubbish on the ra-di-o'. ANyone recognise where this comes from?
General / 2000ad colouring
06 November, 2007, 01:40:52 PM
Has anyone noticed that it's not quite as good as it was? I'm talking about some of the Photoshop computer colouring; it just seems a little bit more pedestrian and bland than the atmospheric FX-filled stuff Chris Blythe turned out when he started, and Ezquerra's when he'd mastered it. Both artists just seem a tiny bit more lazy about the whole thing now; some of Ezquerra's more recent Strontium Dog stuff looked like a total rush-job.
Obviously it's still good, and a million miles better than the godawful first forays into computer colouring as in America 2, (and I won't even mention all the artists who tried and failed to match Bisley's fully-painted stuff) but there was a time when Chris Blythe's computer colouring was the best i'd ever seen in comics and now it's just the same as all the rest.
General / Scariest 2000ad stories ever?
31 October, 2007, 01:04:12 PM
Another one for Halloween.
Anyway, in my opinion scary is something that comics isn't the right medium for.  It's very rare i've ever felt even remotely scared by anything that was meant to be scary in comics.
Except for that story in 2000ad about the nurse looking after the insane kid who wrote stuff about the Dark Gods on the wall, and which finished with the world ending and Nyarlathotep screaming forever. Put the shites crossways in me, that did.
Off Topic / The Road
23 October, 2007, 09:55:07 PM
Anyone read this by Cormac McCarthy? Not exactly sci-fi or anything but the best piece of post-apocalyptic literature I've read. avaged landcapes, cannibal tribes, corpse-strewn cities, but somehow made beautiful and poetic (two words i'm far too old and cynical to use lightly), to the point of making you want to cry (see previous brackets). It's like someone's asked T.S. Eliot to rewrite Mad Max 2. Or something.
General / Alan Grant's Dredd
11 October, 2007, 01:27:02 PM
Just taking inspiration from another thread: There's some crazy stuff that Alan Grant writes that just doesn't seem to fit in with Dredd contintuity. What's the crack - pretend they haven't happened or just assume they were dealt with behind the scenes?
The worst thing was the Chief Judge and Dredd deciding to nuke most of MC1's young children on their crusade to the Cursed Earth, in Anderson. For my money, it's hard to drop something like that into a long-established continuity without preparing for years of reprecussions, but there was no mention of it ever again. I really find it hard to accept it as fitting into Dredd's backstory.

For my money, I believe Alan Grant was a fine Dredd writer when teamed up with John Wagner, but I'm not sure if he 'gets' Dredd or the Judge system any more. Hard and dictatorial bastards they may be but you don't kill all your own nation's children then sit back and move onto other things.

Also, Grant often show Dredd recommending death sentences and torture, both of which have been shown to only be used in extreme circumstances - the Security of the City Act seems to be the only time the judges will resort to these methods. also, Wagner's Dredd seems a lot more intelligent and well-spoken than Grant's.
General / Dreddless
11 October, 2007, 01:11:46 PM
Is this week's prog the first normal one (ie. not an all-Slaine or SD special, or prog 1) that hasn't featured Dredd at all, or at least a clone thereof? I thought it was some kind of policy to show at least one of the Dredds in every prog, even if it's just in a single panel. Or is that just the way things have worked out? I have to say, I missed the miserable old codgery bastard.
General / Unpleasant Question re. Killing Time
24 September, 2007, 01:31:15 PM
This is a very small detail but something that i've never been able to work out. Dr Culver has quite clearly done his own private parts a mischief; 'thrown away his manhood' as he says.  
My question is (and readers of a queasy disposition look away now) does he store his Ripping knife inside the scarred skin where said manhood used to be? I remember reading the bit where he kills the prostitute, and it really seems like he's drawing the knife from out of a flap of skin in his groin area. But i thought, no, no, they couldn't show something like that, no way. It really looks like that, though
General / Congrats, Mr McMonagle!
20 September, 2007, 02:30:22 PM
I haven't read every thread on the board, but does nobody know  your identity? A story in the Megazine, fair fux to you! Quality stuff, too.
General / Here, Tharg, kill some people there, will you?
18 September, 2007, 10:06:07 PM
Just looked at this, as directed by another thread. So, the defence wins - Tharg, you must kill characters and never bring them back. It's this difference between 2000ad and Marvel / DC comics that makes 2000ad great. Characters die for real without being resurrected.
Er, apart from Chopper, all of the Angel gang, all of the Dark Judges (whose spirits were supposedly 'snuffed out forever' in Deadworld), Johnny Alpha, Ramone Dexter, Moses Tanenbaum, John Croak, and last but not least Judge Dredd.
General / 2000ad quiz
14 September, 2007, 02:16:01 PM
I'm sure this was done before, but a whoever answers wins the right to ask the next question. There will be fuckups of course, caused by simultaneous posting. Never mind, eh?

Anyway, I'll start the ball rolling - Who in 2000ad described civilisation as 'being able to find a john whenever you need one?'
General / Best current non-2000ad comic?
14 September, 2007, 02:11:52 PM
Just curious, because I don't really read any other ones, though I'm sure there are plenty of good ones out there. Apart from 'D and the Megazine, the only other comic  I read is self-professed 'toilet grin-mag' Viz
General / Best current non-2000ad comic?
14 September, 2007, 02:11:41 PM
Just curious, because I don't really read any other ones, though I'm sure there are plenty of good ones out there. Apart from 'D and the Megazine, the only other comic  I read is self-professed 'toilet grin-mag' Viz
General / Marvel Comics
13 September, 2007, 01:33:42 PM
NEver really got too heavily into American comics myself, though I used to read X-Men and Spiderman when i was very young, about 5 years old. But, as I've recently mentioned, I got a batch of Punisher graphic novels from my flatmate.
Now, I'd always imagined the non-mature readers DC and Marvel comics were don't reach the levels of sex, nudity, ultra-violence and general non-kiddy material that 2000ad does. But on reading the Punisher, I notice things like a man accidentally shagging his ma, the same man being shagged by a huge psychotic gay man from prison who keeps body parts in his fridge, a giant Russian bloke with huge tits, and loads of brain-bursting, limb ripping, and (in Wolverine's case) genital-destroying violence.
I know they have ratings on them these days but I'm just wondering, are general readership Marvel comics aimed at a higher age group than DC?  I remember the old ones being fairly kiddy-friendly, but maybe i missed all the dirty parts back in the day.
General / Johnny Alpha - Dead or Alive?
13 September, 2007, 01:22:01 PM
I've never been quite sure - are the Strontium Dogs that have been running for the last few years set before Johnny's death, or are they just pretending it didn't happen? Or do we decide for ourselves? For me, Johnny is like Wulf -  dead, dead and more dead, a pile of mutie bones on the ground in some weird dimension, killed, as Tharg liked to quote from Spaced, by a big flying thing.
I thought it was a glorious, tragic, mutant-messiah death, blinded first then dying to save all mutantkind. A very brave move on 2000ad's part, killing a very popular character like that, without descending to the old DC publicity-buying superhero deaths that might last 6 months or so before some dodgy, unrealistic revival.
Now, i'm quite happy to overlook continuity in some cases, like Awakening of Sodding Angels - i think most of us are agreed that that was a Dallas-style just a dream thing - but as far as i'm concerned, alpha is meat.

Then again, i suppose technically he hasn't even been born yet. And Judge Fargo's only about 8 years old.
Help! / Dredd in Texas
05 September, 2007, 08:15:14 PM
Anyone know what Megazines this story appeared in? I feel I'm missing an important piece of Dredd world backstory here. While I'm here, what issues were the first Bendatti Vendetta in too?