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Tharg does not see all and know all...

Started by Trout, 12 September, 2002, 02:42:42 PM

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I had a wry smile last night while reading back progs, concentrating in fascination on the Nerve Centre.

Somewhere in the 440s (I forget) I was most amused by Tharg's answer to a letter asking how many Nemesis and Halo Jones books there would be.

He said there will be lots and lots of books still to come - and this was between books 2 and 3.

It appears not even a superpowered alien from the planet Quaxxan can second-guess how Alan Moore is going to behave...

- Trout



I read this recently also.  O fie!  More Halo books from Mr A. Moore would have been very welcome.
Better set your phaser to stun.


I'm very, very nervous about the prospect of any more Halo, even given the standard Alan Moore has maintained with his recent stuff.

Anyway, Oddboy, I've been meaning to have a word with you.

Prog 534, I noticed, contains the unbelievably bad Nemesis photostrip, so I would like to alter my membership of The Club.

I hereby apply to be member "00007G (with reservations)" to indicate my opposition to part of the Prog's content.

Also, I'll tell you the Prog when I get to it in my reading, but about a dozen or so Progs later is THE ONE WITH MY NAME IN IT!


- Trout


Perhaps Tharg has seen beyond these times into a future where bearded pagan anarchists may indeed choose to work again for 2000AD.

Having read top ten and LOEG I have no doubts that Alan can still write a cracking story and I have seen the evidence with my very own eyes that Ian Gibson can still draw.

Still, I wouldn't hold my breath...


Troutman, I certainly appreciate your concern regarding Tony Luke's camera.  Not really up to O'Neill's interpretation of Termight...

While Prog 534 was chosen on account of it holding my first ever read of 2K (the Dredd story), the club is more about celebrating being an old timer without being a prog-1 owning goit, rather than being a fan of stories in that particular prog.  If it was then I probably wouldn't have chosen the prog with Tony's Nemesis when the first ever Zenith was to appear the next week... it could have have been called "The Prog 535 Club".

Changing your member number I think would give the wrong impression, as your reservations are more with the quality of one story rather than the club itself, but if it were commanded by your Majesty then who am I to prevent it?

Better set your phaser to stun.


Alright, fair enough. Not too bothered about changed membership numbers, but consider my objection noted.

I didn't want to resign, however, because La Prog does contain the first-ever appearance of PJ Maybe, which more than makes up for crappy Nemesis!

- G007


It also does have the first appearance of Zenith, albeit on the NEXT PROG page.
Better set your phaser to stun.

Devons Daddy

PJ maybe, zenith intro. no wonder you guys jumped on at this prog.
the nemeis photo strip. damn i had blacked that out for years,
 how come this has never seen a reprint i want to know,???
such editorail decsions of this standard need to be highlighted and the creator held up for the board to thank him properly, as we did with bison.
PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!


There's nothing wrong with photo strips...


Sorry, that's been happening a lot lately.

