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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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von Boom

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. I loved it.


Men in Black 3 - A load of tired shit, and another franchise well past its sell by date.
Josh Brolin is aces, though. More Josh Brolin in everything please.
Nicole Scherzinger looked lovely for the 5 minutes she was on screen. And I kept thinking the main bad guy was Eddie Izzard under heavy make-up, but  alas it wasn't, and Will Smith is still somebody you so want to punch.


The Hobbit, The Battle of the five armies.

Passable, with bouts of tedium.

Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"


Quote from: Spikes on 21 December, 2014, 09:49:35 PM
Will Smith is still somebody you so want to punch.

No, he's lovely.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

Link Prime

Quote from: Tiplodocus on 22 December, 2014, 01:03:54 PM
Quote from: Spikes on 21 December, 2014, 09:49:35 PM
Will Smith is still somebody you so want to punch.

No, he's lovely.

He'd be lovely with a cauliflower ear! (wait a second...)

I've been watching (Part 1) of Lars Von Trier's Nymphomaniac.
An interesting enough film, far less explicit and far more humorous than I thought it would be.
Part 2 tonight...


Watched Nymphomaniac the other week (cheers Netflix) - don't know why I even bothered with the second part. I thought it was dire, with no absolutely no sense of time or place, and some utterly bizarre casting decisions.  Von Trier's mannered approach is stretched too far with wretched dialogue that goes on and on, and the end is laugh-out-loud terrible. I'm also assuming there's a more explicit cut out there, because this wasn't it, but I won't be seeking it out.

The main consequence of watching this flick has been Netflix deciding I only want to watch Lipstick Lesbian movies from now on.


Gran Torino. Now, you cant beat a bit of Eastwood, but at 256 years of age, he maybe shouldn't be making movies anymore. I suspect it wasn't long after making this, that he had a chat with a chair, thinking it was Obama.

At times I couldn't tell if this movie was a comedy, or not. Check out Clint when his son comes round on his birthday. Just needed some CGI steam coming out of his ears to complete the effect...
In fact, they should have called this movie Grumpy Grandad, and made a bunch of them. If De Niro can sell his soul to comedy...

The poster they used to advertise the film looks good though.


When this film was first announced there was a rumour that it was going to be a Dirty Harry film. The plot went something like this: a young relative of Harry Callahan, a cop for the SFPD is killed by a cop killer. The only clue they have to go is that the killer drives a Gran Torino. Harry dusts off his Magnum and comes out of retirement to set hings straight.
It sounds cheesy, but that's the film I wanted to see.


I think Gran Torino's superb.

I'll admit, I felt like I'd been sold a different movie by its advertising, but its full of great stuff. Nothing's more amusing to me than seeing an aged Clint Eastwood behaving inappropriately, and I think there's a couple of really good messages the movie puts across.
Check out my DA page! Point! Laugh!


Hunger Games: Catching fire which was rather good actually.

And the recent Robocop. More like Robomeh! Having the whole Samuel L Jackson framing device was terribly misjudged. And he was actually pretty bad.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Quote from: Tiplodocus on 23 December, 2014, 06:25:28 PM
Hunger Games: Catching fire which was rather good actually.

And the recent Robocop. More like Robomeh! Having the whole Samuel L Jackson framing device was terribly misjudged. And he was actually pretty bad.

I find that if Samuel L Jackson is starring in summat, then its best to avoid that movie, if possible.

What happened to him, eh?


The Interview (on Youtube), starring Seth Rogen and James Flacco *. If you didn't enjoy stuff like Pineapple Express and This Is The End, there's nothing here that's going to change your mind about the comic abilities of the leads - Flacco is especially annoying, pitching his performance at Jim Carrey levels of heightened mugging.

I almost didn't make it past the first hour, which is mostly empty scat and gay jokes, but it picks up as soon as Kim Jong-Un arrives. The characterisation of him is quite convincing, and almost endearing, but what should be the showpiece of the film - the interview itself - doesn't quite come off in the way it has to. The best line in the entire film is the one at the end of that trailer posted above - [spoiler]"how many times must America make the same mistake?" - "as many times as it takes!"[/spoiler].

* according to President Obama

Ghost MacRoth

The Pirates: In an Adventure with Scientists

Aardman animated tale, and absolutely brilliant.  I could go on about the wonderful Claymation, the detailed artistic sets, the cast of stars, and all the other usual hallmarks of their work, but surely we all know that anyway!  Really funny film, with loads of background gags in the signage to compliment the amusement provided by the main story.  Had never heard of this till it came on telly today, and am delighted I decide to give it a go.  Well worth 90 minutes of anyone's time I'd say!
I don't have a drinking problem.  I drink, I get drunk, I fall over.  No problem!


I saw Lucy in parts over the cause of Xmas night and al the way thru to next morning and only managed to see the ending in jy last viewing as I couldn't be bothered to watch the whole film at the time.

Of course I may have explained that when we rent a movie on the Foxtel cable network. We are free to watch it anytime after the hour we brought it for and only until five am or five thirty am next day.

About a girl called Lucy (Scarlett Johanson!) who gets some experimental drugs sewn into the lining of her stomach and they have some reaction when some thug starts kicking her repeatedly in the stomach (A metaphor for rape!) break the lining of the bags inside and releasing the contents.

The effects of which might be startling if I hadn't already seen the previews of this film.

From the moment the thug leaves her, her body and mind start reacting to the drugs in her system.

A potent hit!

She starts using more of her brain than a person would normally do and this is shown as large white numbers with a % symbol. This % increases as she appears to gets smarter through out the film.

I should now add that Morgan Freeman is some science fellow who I see in the film later wearing lab coat. is talking in voice over narration about how we as humans only use less than ten % of our brains and how dolphins use nearly 20% (Don't quote me on this, because my memory is sketchy about this at best!)

This seems wrong to me as I think I do know that while Dolphins are supposed to be surpriseingly bright for fishy-mammals. They are still dumb by our own standards.

Is this correct?

Would you all agree?

Anyway, I think the first thing I notice about her after some how freeing herself from the chains holding her to the wall of some prison cell and acquire a personal firearm to shoot four of the Korean gangsters guarding her. They were sitting at a small table eating their version of take away food.

She shoots all four of them like she has auto-targeting and suddenly understand mandarin.

She soon develops some telepathic powers, (Like some wanna be Psi Anderson and telekinesis as well.

Where I begin t wonder if using more of your brains actually works this way.

Giving us Psionics,

Maybe the real reason why we ever thought wizards and Witches exist.

Yet, this seems wrong that she can suddenly do all this stuff as the % increases until it reaches 99.

Of course, she also knew what she was doing naturally, and how to correctly apply her powers putting them to the best use.

It's just that she never just uses higher % of thinking to work stuff out without resorting her new found powers.

I won't give away the ending that I managed to sit down and catch on it's last viewing.

Something that I only now could compare to the beginning scenes of 2001: Space Odessy

Think about it!

Dominic O'Rourke

This seems wrong to me as I think I do know that while Dolphins are supposed to be surpriseingly bright for fishy-mammals. They are still dumb by our own standards.

Is this correct?"

So long.

And thanks for all the fish.
Member No. 10