2000 AD Online Forum

Spoilers => Prog => Topic started by: Dudley on 23 September, 2004, 02:55:04 AM

Title: SPOILERS - Cab surprise
Post by: Dudley on 23 September, 2004, 02:55:04 AM
This refers to the latest & last Caballistics episode, so look away if you don't want to know the final score:

a) Can anyone with a degree in Cthuluology tell me anything about the symbols behind Ravne?

b) Does anyone else have the feeling that Caballistics will eventually finish (finish for good, that is)with a Twin Peaks style twist that'll just leave us all scratching our heads and asking what the hell hust happened?

c) Does Nessy have a point?
Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise...
Post by: opaque on 23 September, 2004, 03:16:09 AM
Does any of it have a point?
Cabalistics in general kind of leaves me dead.
Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise...
Post by: Phuz on 23 September, 2004, 03:17:46 AM
I know bugger all about Cthuluology, but I do know that symbol is the Kabbalah tree of life.

Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise......
Post by: Phuz on 23 September, 2004, 03:19:49 AM
Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise.........
Post by: Dudley on 23 September, 2004, 03:40:21 AM

Whassat then?  Whassit mean?
Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise..........
Post by: Phuz on 23 September, 2004, 04:10:39 AM
Basically it functions as a spiritual organizer that contains the entire cosmos in one diagram ? the universe and the mind/soul. It can be used for mediation, contemplation, and divination, as well as to organize, integrate and make sense of all the events, circumstances and ephemera of every person?s life. It?s sort of a roadmap of spiritual development. Just look up ?Kabbalah? if you want to find out more.

Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise..........
Post by: The Amstor Computer on 23 September, 2004, 04:25:53 AM
I'm still working on the final notes for this episode of Caballistics, but here are a couple of points:

Like The Phuz says, the main symbol in the final panel is the Kabbalah Tree of Life - the Sephiroth. The image to the right of the Sephiroth is an ankh, the Egyptian hieroglyphic character meaning "life". I'm not sure what the symbol below that is, but it seems to be an inverted cross. I'm unsure of the relevance, beyond the obvious satanic connotations, and I'm not sure what the characters on the cross mean.

The text above the Sephiroth reads "Nuit - Hadit - Ra Hoor Khuit". These are, I believe, names of deities from Aleister Crowley's The Book of the Law, and they are basically Crowley's adaptations of the Egyptian deities Nut, Horus and an alternative name for Ra, Ra-Horakhty.

I'm not sure what relevance they have here, except that they're invocations used in one of the rituals described in the Book of the Law - the Ritual of the Mark of the Beast. I'm not entirely sure what this ritual is meant to accomplish, beyond what Crowley says: "an incantation proper to invoke the Energies of the Aeon of Horus". Maybe someone who has more in-depth knowledge could clear this up?
Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise..........
Post by: Mr C on 23 September, 2004, 04:36:03 AM
Dud, you're opening up a whole can of worms with asking what Cabbalism is. I'd look it up on the net and try to bear in mind that it's all allegory and metaphor.
Any Q's, mail me.
Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise..........
Post by: VampiraJen on 23 September, 2004, 05:37:19 AM
the main symbol in the final panel is the Kabbalah Tree of Life - the Sephiroth.

if i don't do this, someone else will (and i'd rather it was me...........)


Link: apparently, it's not coincidence

Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise..........
Post by: Max Kon on 23 September, 2004, 05:44:23 AM
yellow text on a white background, how clever
Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise..........
Post by: VampiraJen on 23 September, 2004, 05:45:54 AM
well, if you'd be patient, it goes blue.....
Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise..........
Post by: Trout on 23 September, 2004, 04:02:57 PM
For a very, very full guide, read Alan Moore's Promethea.

Although, admittedly, I've read it twice and still have no idea what he's on about. :-)

- Trout
Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise...
Post by: Smiley on 23 September, 2004, 06:58:50 PM
the symbols behind Ravne

Just copying any old rubbish off Tarot cards and record sleeves?

Does Nessy have a point?

Possibly once the team realises it has become two complimentary yet irreconcilable factions, flipsides of stubborn good and misguided evil who must FIGHT! Brain against brain, brawn versus brawn, babe against babe etc etc (gawd, I hope not.)
Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise......
Post by: Bico on 24 September, 2004, 12:28:03 AM
Typical zionist conspiracy from the man Rennie.  They probably bought him off with booze and Irn Bru, the WHOOORE!
Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise.........
Post by: judgejampot on 24 September, 2004, 12:37:25 AM
Well, it's certainly growing on me, that story, probably one of my favorites in tooth at the mo.

I do have my own theories as to the ending, but i'll keep quiet for now!
Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise..........
Post by: Demon Chicken on 24 September, 2004, 01:21:24 AM
Yeah! Welcome home jampot!
Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise..........
Post by: Goosegash on 24 September, 2004, 01:48:38 AM
I think that's the Eye of Horus on the mirror. But who's corpse is that on the floor? Slater?

Check out the PS1 game Silent Hill for more Kaballah-connected weirdness, Jewish mythology fans!
Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise..........
Post by: Trout on 24 September, 2004, 03:28:11 AM
As I said on the prog review thread...

Where's the head?

- Trout
Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise..........
Post by: DavidXBrunt on 24 September, 2004, 02:22:23 PM
Aren't there two corpses?
Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise..........
Post by: Dudley on 24 September, 2004, 02:52:00 PM
There are definitely two corpses.  And they have hairy legs, like Ravne's lady friends.  

Maybe he died and was reborn, but because Slater interrupted the process he's been born less than human?  So he's killed his erstwhile occult companions, and has become that most fearsome of all human forms... a middle manager.
Title: Re: SPOILERS - Cab surprise..........
Post by: DavidXBrunt on 24 September, 2004, 11:27:25 PM
Ravnes 'lady' friends? Only one was a lady, I think.