2000 AD Online Forum

Spoilers => Prog => Topic started by: Bad Andy on 23 May, 2005, 04:37:49 PM

Title: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter
Post by: Bad Andy on 23 May, 2005, 04:37:49 PM
Not sure if this was review or spoilers - but it has spoilers so don't read if you want to be surprised.

Hmmmmm. Mixed bag this one.

I think the cover is a particularly good image, and although it is quite mininal still manages to obscure the logo.

It's the start of Blood Trails and the onus is very much on Vienna, who looks like she's appearing as the Barbara  Windsor character in a Carry on Mutie series. I like that fact that the sovs(?) have had plenty of attempts to contact Vienna, but she's not a pushover.
So they've got to call Vin Diesel in to help with matters. Nice setting up episode and a cameo from Giant. Perhaps it will be him who buys the farm.

The VCs I guess I'll have to come back to. I've enjoyed this storyline, but this epsiode is confusing on first reading. I think it's just me.

Slaine is the business once again. Best thing in the prog, even if the artwork is murky. Sethor goes the way of Annakin and the end is truly surprising. I hope this  isn't resolved quickly.

Bec & Kawl - I usually enjoy and don't know why people dislike it so much, but this is a mess, perhaps too juvenile (God I'm getting old). Pleased this storyline has finished.

American Gothic - oh dear. Oh dear oh dear. Some of these panels are surpisingly poor, old school techniques or no, but what happened to the story. It is the old A-Team equivalent with eeveryone standing around at the end and laughing - it doesn't really workin TV so God knows whay they thought it would work in a comic strip.
There looks as though there are possibilities for a second series, and I hope it gets one because the premise is interesting, but it needs to improve. A lot.

No letters this week or droid life. Slaine and Dredd make this prog good. We're back in the mid-eighties!
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter...
Post by: Tiplodocus on 23 May, 2005, 05:59:34 PM








Lacklustre prog not even saved by the start of what looks like an interesting DREDD tale.  I reckon if anyone goes during this storyline, it's going to be Vienna because I can't see them constantly writing her as a damsel in undress.  But I'm wrong about most things, as my opinions below indicate.

VCs took five pages to say "He shot them and escaped. No, wait...". That can't be right.

I can't see the Slaine renaissance you are all going on about. It seems to be the same old routine for me. And these boots that allow Slaine to breathe underwater also allow him to counter water resistance. Or is he so hard that he can swing an axe underwater with sufficient strength to cut through not one but two legs?

American Gothic turned out to be a wasted opportunity to do something fun in an unusual setting (for 2000ad anyway).  We could have used the story to explore the myth of "the west" vs reality vs the monster myths of Europe.  Or how about some of the native american monster myths?

What we seemed to get was a two episode intro followed by an extended chase/fight in a western movie setting.  This is a worrying trend among these shorter new stories (see Asylum).

And I really want a bit more characterisation in my tales these days. If there's nobody you empathise with, what's the point?

In my opinion, Bek and Kawl was forced and not particularly funny even for a Bek and Kawl.
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Max Kon on 23 May, 2005, 06:04:52 PM
I've read up to the end of slain, I swear this is leading to his demise, it must me. I'm more sure every week. If i'm right, thank you Pat.
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: pauljholden on 23 May, 2005, 06:06:40 PM
Blood trails artwork: fan-bloody-tastic.

Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Wake on 23 May, 2005, 06:09:03 PM
Not sure if this was review or spoilers

I reckon latest prog stuff should go in spoilers. Use the reviews category for graphic novels, etc.

Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: ukdane on 24 May, 2005, 12:26:44 AM

Cover: Hmmm!- ok. This week, MH discovers green- and it's many shades.

Dredd: I've said all along I think Vienna will be kidnapped (probably by Kazan Jnr) and will die- but the fact that Giant is there too--- could he be "red-shirting" this story? No, I hoope it's Miss Pasternak. Like the artwork.

VCs: Well, this story moves the action into space- by doing not much- but I liked it. How many episodes is this book?

Slaine: Ok, Water physics aside, I'm enjoying Slaine a lot at the moment. I doubt he'll die at the end, it would be cool if he does- not because I don't like the character, but it would be cool to do it now (on the rise????) Also, how many of the other characters attached to a Fomorian have survived detachment. How will Slaine get out of this one?

Bec & Kawl: As humour strips go, I enjoy this it's not rocket science, but then it doesn't have to be, it just have to make me crack a smile- which it does.

Amercian Gothic: What a waste of an underused theme- I agree pretty much with what Tips said. I've seen some of the sketches that Mike has done many of you at various conventions, and my opinion is his sketch artwork does more for me, than this artwork. I don't know why, I can't explain it, it just seems more attractive to my eye. I've still no idea who the characters, main or otherwise where. I want to care, but i don't know who to care about.

Overall: Friday night, watching a movie, got popcorn, but someone forgot to put the coca-cola in the fridge! 7.5
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: McNulty on 24 May, 2005, 12:57:03 AM
And now for my comments...

Dredd: A good opening for this story. We know that someone is going to be killed and as of now it looks like we are going to lose Vienna. Man, I hate spoilers.

V.C.s: That's one big ship!

Slaine: So the great Goddess, the Mother of all Sea Demons, went out with a bang. Just another monster with a superiority complex! Just another dead monster. I don't know how Slaine is going to get Odacon off him now though...

Bec & Kawl: A bit of a cop-out I'm afraid. The great Cone invasion defeated by drunken students and vomit?

And that's about it. Can it really be three years since the first Shakara series? It doesn't seem like it.
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: MIKE COLLINS on 24 May, 2005, 03:00:55 AM
>Amercian Gothic: What a waste of an underused theme- I agree pretty much with what Tips said. I've seen some of the sketches that Mike has done many of you at various conventions, and my opinion is his sketch artwork does more for me, than this artwork<

Sorry you didn't go for the art- oddly enough, I was trying for that energy I get in con sketches in this strip- A far more rough and ready style than people are used to seeing from me. Ian's got some great ideas for a follow up: this is very much an introduction story, and we're looking to involve Western myths and how the two will meet/clash.

For myself I'd be happy doing that 'Little House on The Prairie with Trolls' someone suggested in another thread.
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: thinky on 24 May, 2005, 03:11:18 AM
i'm not normally one to comment on these threads, but all i can say is...

Kev Walker / Dredd

can't bloody wait

Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Artificial Idiot on 24 May, 2005, 02:15:52 PM
Well, while American Gothic's end was a bit of a let down, I still don't have any real gripes with the art. My only problem was the rather weak ending to the story, but I'm pretty sure that can be rhemdied by more instalments.

Slaine was top class too. Really unexpected ending, quite shocking too. It's amazing to see just how much this has improved from the other books of invasions...
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: paulvonscott on 24 May, 2005, 06:59:22 PM
Thought the cover worked very well, a nice moody job all round.

Enjoyed Slaine as usual for this series.  

Dredd was okay, but if his niece is just to be Victim Vienna every time she appears, I can't say I'm that bothered as it would just show that Dredd was right to pack her off to Brit Cit in the first place.

Read the last episode of American Gothic, there was a funny line about 'you were responsible for that exploding cactus ploy!' which made me chuckle.
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter...
Post by: Funt Solo on 24 May, 2005, 07:18:53 PM
In order, worst to best:

5: Bec & Kawl
Pointless Beano-fare that I half read.  Some of the deconstruction in previous series (like the hysterical gang with Slough Feg and Dream in it) was great, but this is really stretching things.  Compare it to the first series of Time Flies or Hewligan's Haircut.  See?  Please, Tharg, kill this off before it goes the way of late Ace Trucking Co.

4: The VCs
Uber-aliens that can't possibly be defeated but then are in the next episode are boring.  Anthony Williams is the new Ron Smith.  You hired him, we put up with him, but his art is (at best) average.  Starting this new run off with Henry Flint (was it?) and then getting Williams to take over just increases the disappointment.  I've tried to get over it but failed.

3: American Gothic
I've enjoyed this strip because of it's unique (for me) storyline and art.  My one small complaint would be that I'd like to have seen more from the other strange beings on the wagon train.  Of course, that might have run close to being a version of Helltrekkers, so maybe it's best it didn't mosey on down that trail.

2: Judge Dredd
This gets second place for the storyline.  I found the last two pages (the fight sequence featuring Pasha) boring as all hell.  Blam blam so what?  Currie seems to be working from a similarly bland palette as Williams.  There are such things as vibrant colours:  please use them, or clone Bolland, Dillon or Kitson.  Nostalgia.

1: Slaine
Best thing in the prog by a mile, despite the slightly murky & confusing artwork.  But look - Slaine's being gholamised!  Eeek.  A cliffhanger, by jove.  I reckon if Mills is going to off Slaine, it would be the perfect time (given that Niamh and Ukko have already exited stage left).

The cover was ... green.
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: DavidXBrunt on 24 May, 2005, 07:24:13 PM
I like Ron Smith.
I like Ron Smith.
I like Ron Smith.
I like Ron Smith.
I like Ron Smith.
I like Ron Smith.
I like Ron Smith.
I like Ron Smith.
I like Ron Smith.
I like Ron Smith.
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Funt Solo on 24 May, 2005, 07:46:51 PM
Yeah, but what about his artwork? :p
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Dudley on 24 May, 2005, 07:59:03 PM
In order, worst to best:

The Cover.  God this is awful.  I didn't twig it was the VC's at first.  

American Gothic.  Worst script Edginton's turned out since Interceptor.  What's worse is that this is a scenario that has just soooo much promise.  But it's been handled really badly, with a rubbish ending.  The choice of Mike Collins as artist must have seemed inspired, but to be honest this seems to be one art experiment that's failed.

The V.C.s.  Not that I'm not enjoying this run, but this is a poor episode that as someone's already remarked taken five pages to do not a lot.  Also I really dislike the spaceship in the final panel - just feels like another computer effect added to the artwork, not something organic to the universe Williams has created.

Judge Dredd.  WHAT a disappointing first episode.  Vienna, who's been built into quite an interesting character, reduced to T&A?  And presumably about to be the victim in a major series AGAIN?  I really hope that all my expectations are going to be subverted cos this is frankly a bit of a pish opener.  The entry of the hitman (or whatever he is) in the last two pages reminded me of nothing so much as a Mark millar script.  Kept afloat by the artwork only.

Bec n Kawl.  Wobbly jelly cones, stoned cones, Chapman Bec again, and a tremendous grasp of internal logic.  Just excellent.

Slaine.  What's wrong with it first. Didn't have the same emotional impact of the last couple of weeks - but then, you simply can't every week.  Also, it's less than wonderful to see Mills' vagina dentata phobia repeated from Finn Book 2.  But what a grasp of character, a great fight scene and some really good demon mating behaviour.  Best thing in the prog.
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Oddboy on 24 May, 2005, 09:41:26 PM
Y'all seem to be having a go at American Gothic - I really have to disagree. I read the whole thing in one go yesterday, and it has plenty of the good stuff - and I'm really looking forward to its return.

Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: ukdane on 25 May, 2005, 12:12:49 AM
What happened then? (and who was who?)
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: philt on 25 May, 2005, 04:24:12 AM
It took me 5 minutes to read this weeks prog. Or rather the strip I still bother with - Dredd. Old cliche though spoils it - the hitman just polishes of the last of his previous victims when his phone rings "we have a job for you"

When's the reboot issue? Are we getting one?

Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Rio De Fideldo on 25 May, 2005, 04:21:43 PM
Can anyone explain to me what the last panel was supposed to be and what significance it had?

I feel like I'm missing something important.
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Oddboy on 25 May, 2005, 04:34:42 PM

The last panel shows three graves, the first two are members of the caravan group, the last one is the villians.
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Keef Monkey on 25 May, 2005, 04:38:15 PM
Is it just me or was the hitman Vin Diesel?
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Rio De Fideldo on 25 May, 2005, 04:39:46 PM
Ah. I get it.
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: MIKE COLLINS on 25 May, 2005, 05:39:11 PM
...and the marker is the axle he was swinging about intending to kill Phillipe with.
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Rio De Fideldo on 25 May, 2005, 05:45:39 PM
Ah, I get it even more. Was it deliberate that when it comes down to it the 'freaks' are given what appears to be a christian burial despite the church earlier being described as a 'wolf in lamb's clothes'?
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Bad Andy on 25 May, 2005, 05:56:34 PM
"Is it just me or was the hitman Vin Diesel?"

Nope - I commented on it at the top of the thread! No shiny eyes though, so it must be rubbish Vin Diesel.
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: MIKE COLLINS on 25 May, 2005, 06:52:59 PM
..well, the ogres are Amish, so not all share Phillipe's distain of the church...
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: MIKE COLLINS on 25 May, 2005, 07:06:04 PM
...by which I mean Christianity generally, not 'the church' as Catholicism or High Anglican...
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: DavidXBrunt on 25 May, 2005, 11:38:19 PM
I like Ron Smiths art.
I like Ron Smiths art.
I like Ron Smiths art.
I like Ron Smiths art.
I like Ron Smiths art.
I like Ron Smiths art.
I like Ron Smiths art.
I like Ron Smiths art.
I like Ron Smiths art.
I like Ron Smiths art.
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Carlsborg Expert on 26 May, 2005, 01:49:58 AM
One of the fine examples of a cover this one.
I am liking the lettreset.
It took me a bit of time to understand which story it led to.
There was a time when scifi was outdoing fantasy for the way forward in scriptwriting.
For me,this week,the fantasy pipped scifi to the post.
American Gothic has proved me right about its scriptwriter.
Ian Edgington is superb in his ability to stretch our imaginations in an unpretentious and solid story .Manouvring the positions of the charactors and displaying scenes in a clever grouping to tell an unlikely tale.
Slaines,Pat Mills has his cold,icy finger on the pulse with him dictating his story of Slaine into this stupifying and crushing cliffhanger.The best hes done in ages.
Although the art is spectacular,I cannot see it saving the trade of the "books".Nice recovery from Mills.(As if he cares)
Those stories I would say were more fantasy edged.
Maybe Im overly impressed with what the small presses have been capable of this year,its just that the scifi element is really dragging its heels.
Still the boys club,Dredd opened up with a an unimpressive start,I dont care what anybody says thats XXX Vin Diesel.
I have to say Im glad of the artist and Rennies put the final panls together (in script)very slickly.
VCs goes chugging into the final huddle on this strange new frontier of wars for entertainment?
Apart from realising last weeks ended with too much information and could have dropped the story at a frozen bunch of VCs,it does have one nice ship design (the uglies) but the tales Ive seen in the small presses are chomping on the heels of this type of story-telling.
And I hate to say it but Si Spurrier is the best of the Scifi boys this week.Good on him.I met him at Bristol and the fellas not the paranoid neurotic I thought he was.
I will read Bec and Kawl again.He certainly saved the best laughs for last.Oh did I chuckle.In a nice way too.
One last thing.
With Shakara advert,there is only three more stories going with it.
Whats happening with the fourth?
And can anyone explain where the fifth story is?
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Lord Running Clam on 26 May, 2005, 01:56:08 AM
Im guessing there isn't a fifth story next week,but Shakara will have a 10 page starting.
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Carlsborg Expert on 26 May, 2005, 01:57:27 AM
Thatll be a first.
Or are there more examples?
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Lord Running Clam on 26 May, 2005, 02:03:32 AM
They tend to do it at irregular intervals on new stories,or the starts of The big Dredd,Stont,etc.
The only one I can think of right now is the 25th anniversary progs,Dredd.  
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Artificial Idiot on 26 May, 2005, 02:51:37 AM
They often give the endings of some stories double the lengths as well...
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Wake on 26 May, 2005, 02:57:02 AM
Search for double length in the search phrase box in the thrillseeker.


Link: Thrillseeker

Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: Mr Ruh on 26 May, 2005, 04:37:26 PM
Magenta Chill? Didn't she represent some Baltic state at the Eurovision last week?
Title: Re: Prog 1440 - Close Encounter......
Post by: paulvonscott on 26 May, 2005, 04:55:24 PM
When I first saw the picture of the worm thing while flicking through the prog at bristol, I thought it might be Crom Cruach.

I miss old crom, how's he doing?  He never keeps in touch.  Last I heard he was squirming his way through time in Andromeda.