2000 AD Online Forum

Spoilers => Prog => Topic started by: the3rdman on 26 September, 2005, 10:48:21 PM

Title: who loves mandroid ?
Post by: the3rdman on 26 September, 2005, 10:48:21 PM
well i do !!

its got to be the best dredd story in tooth for the past 12 mths. The art is excellent, the mood is as dark and sinister as you get and don't you just get the feeling each week that something terrible is gonna happen? Wasn't expecting it to be as bad as that for Tommy tho, man thats bad.....

but boy does it give reason for Slaughterhouse to go crazy ape bonkers with extending sledgehammer like fists !! Hooray !
Title: Re: who loves mandroid ?
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 26 September, 2005, 10:53:49 PM
yeah me. great moody art. emotive story.
Title: Re: who loves mandroid ?
Post by: Trout on 26 September, 2005, 10:55:26 PM
He's the Punisher, but I don't mind!

It's grippng stuff.

Must read this week's...
Title: Re: who loves mandroid ?
Post by: Artificial Idiot on 26 September, 2005, 10:56:49 PM
I think the realy question here is who doesn't love Mandroid!?
Title: Re: who loves mandroid ?
Post by: Woolly on 26 September, 2005, 11:23:48 PM
Bit predictable so far, but who cares when the quality is this high?

I think its fair to say that Mandroid has been formed from pure thrill-power! (The strip, that is, not... oh never mind!)
Title: Re: who loves mandroid ?
Post by: Banners on 26 September, 2005, 11:47:55 PM
A vigilante - who'dda thunk it with the name 'Slaughterhouse'...(!) But, now he's "The Executioner", though surely not as attractive as the lovely Blanche Tatum...?

Title: Re: who loves mandroid ?
Post by: Proudhuff on 27 September, 2005, 02:16:06 AM
Love it only quibble, Dredd's chin looks like concrete...

old stoney face indeed

Huff the chinwagger
Title: Re: who loves mandroid ?
Post by: paulvonscott on 27 September, 2005, 02:21:22 AM
I'm enjoying it immensly.  I feel we've had a follow period on Dredd this year pots Total War until it kicked back into gear with the Dudley story and now Mandroid.

I also really enjoyed previous bigger storylines such as Sin City and Total War.  Not saying they should be like that all the time, but at least one a year is a good amount.

The art is quite minimal but Walker carries it off convincingly in this top notch thriller.