2000 AD Online Forum

2000 AD => Website and Forum => Topic started by: Art on 15 December, 2005, 06:35:56 AM

Title: Oi! Self promotional "banter" thread spammers!
Post by: Art on 15 December, 2005, 06:35:56 AM
You know who you are. You're not "Hyping" anything when you and your mate spend thirty odd posts wittering on in fake conversation about whatever rag your promoting, you're just irritating people.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Conexus on 15 December, 2005, 01:10:09 PM
okay, hands,up who took an overdose of grumpy pills today?

same old,same old- if you're not interested, here's the very clever, very subtle thing you can do to avoid annoyance-DON"T READ THE FUCKING THREAD YOU IDIOT!
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: The Amstor Computer on 15 December, 2005, 03:20:40 PM
Hang on, Conexus. If Art's talking about some of the threads that I think he is, the problem is that they start off on topic but get derailed. In that case, telling someone "Don't read the fucking thread" isn't quite as valid as when it's obvious from the title what's going to be in the thread...
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Roger Godpleton on 15 December, 2005, 03:27:10 PM
Yeah, I have to agree with Art. Sometimes it all seems a bit cliquey to me. I have no problem with people promoting stuff, but sometimes it feels like I would be "intruding" if I wanted to ask for more details. And Conexus, calm down.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Matt Timson on 15 December, 2005, 03:36:20 PM
I want to be annoyed- where can I find these threads?

Seriously- I've no idea what you're talking about.  I've even tried looking!
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Carlsborg Expert on 15 December, 2005, 03:44:02 PM
Its blummin borin. thats what it is. Its like sitting about watchin aLl those kids who decided to gamble. Sitting in the corner on me own castin a glare at them talkin amongnst 'emselves. Feels right patronising when they diegn to bother with you. One of 'em completely ignores me. not tharrIm bothered. Iss the way of the world innit. He just too hard hearted to forgive me the fings I done. Arh well. Merry Christmas kids...

Extract taken from "A Micheal Angel's Prayer".The new small rinsed version book, by Carlsborg ExpErt. In joke Incorperated.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Matt Timson on 15 December, 2005, 03:50:47 PM
Yes...  But where can I see and judge (and I do judge) for myself?
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Richmond Clements on 15 December, 2005, 04:13:41 PM
Well, I'm assuming, and I may be totally wrong here, and if I am apologies to all, that it's about Byron and the Bear, who have been known to go off on one.
Still, I've looked down the board trying to find you an example, JEB, but can't see one at the moment.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Matt Timson on 15 December, 2005, 04:21:53 PM
Mate- I've looked at just about every thread I can be bothered to look at and can't find anything worth getting worked up about (apart from the usual stuff that gets on my tits that I won't bore people with).

Whatever it is, it can't be that bad...
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Wils on 15 December, 2005, 04:41:02 PM
Wouldn't it saved a lot of time to just name this thread "Oi! Mulcher! No!"? ;)
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: longmanshort on 15 December, 2005, 04:46:51 PM
Eh? Since when is this my fault? I start threads to promote stuff, it's not my fault if people then keep posting on it ...
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Carlsborg Expert on 15 December, 2005, 04:52:27 PM
I know they are there for a reason. Im all for self promotion. But building a business is never interesting, it has to be done none the less.

Its called exposure and you have to take it as it comes...

Extract from WC Experts acceptance speech at the Pulitzer prize for GNs.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Bico on 15 December, 2005, 04:55:39 PM
I thought it might be me and Ed, but neither of us have promoted anything for a bit now, and the threads are rather clearly named when we do (well, when Ed does - I don't bother starting these things, even for solo projects), so it's exactly thread hijacking and I'm not sure now.  Is it a dig at the Rebellion graphic novels threads?  I don't mind knowing about those when they're coming out.  Or the 'which comics are you buying this week' threads.
I do agree that thread hijacking is a bigger concern than poverty and AIDS, though.  These people are scum.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: longmanshort on 15 December, 2005, 05:08:51 PM
I kinda assumed Arthur's not having a go at the people who promote stuff on the board, but rather those who then add long, meaningless and unconnected 'banter' conversations on said threads in order to keep them high up on the board.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: WoD on 15 December, 2005, 05:10:48 PM
But where are the threads Art's talking about...I wanna read...

although, I did think he might have meant me and LMS on another Forum...
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: longmanshort on 15 December, 2005, 05:20:09 PM
Well, I'm confused. You and Dave hijacked my thread on the other forum and them we had a two-post conversation elsewhere, but Arthur mentioned "thirty odd posts" ...
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Carlsborg Expert on 15 December, 2005, 05:20:23 PM
No he is fucking not LMS. Stop drawing a bad line through me. You know who he is on about and your ambiguous terrorism doesn't go in my effing wash. Right?
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: longmanshort on 15 December, 2005, 05:22:46 PM
Now, I'm REALLY confused. What the hell are you talking about?!
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Matt Timson on 15 December, 2005, 05:22:55 PM
Easy now!
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Carlsborg Expert on 15 December, 2005, 05:27:32 PM

I was confused by your post. This obviously has nothing to do with me.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Bico on 15 December, 2005, 05:32:18 PM
"someone please understand me"
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Carlsborg Expert on 15 December, 2005, 05:38:20 PM
Oh yeah . You're doing exactly what I accused Mike of and apologised for being out of line for. Swerving the arguement onto an individual rather than take any flack your soddin self...

I am a heel. At least I can admit it. He said sulkily.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Funt Solo on 15 December, 2005, 05:45:23 PM
Dunno what everyone's going on about.

Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Bolt-01 on 15 December, 2005, 06:47:21 PM

I've only got two copies of Lost Property left by the way...

Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: ming on 15 December, 2005, 06:55:39 PM
Well in that case, I'd better take one of them off your hands, quick.  Linky or PayPal details or whatever, if you please, kind sir.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Funt Solo on 15 December, 2005, 07:12:31 PM
And I'll have the other one.

(You'd have to be dead not to notice the irony of this thread.)
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: SamuelAWilkinson on 15 December, 2005, 07:18:01 PM
Braaaaains.... braaaains...

What irony?
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Carlsborg Expert on 15 December, 2005, 07:24:50 PM
I just want to say again I am ashamed of my outburst. I should not have swore at LMS and if I could take it off I would.

You are a fine upstanding guy Mike and you do right where I am concerned. I don't mean to provoke you. The post about long meandering nothings reminded me of myself.

Sorry and I know this doesn't make it or me any better.

Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Bolt-01 on 15 December, 2005, 07:36:14 PM
Fate, you got mail coming.

Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Bolt-01 on 15 December, 2005, 07:59:46 PM
Cheera Art, I'll have to get some more printed now!

Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Wils on 15 December, 2005, 08:32:15 PM
I like this thread. It's like watching a car crash, backwards, in slow motion, involving Duncan Norvelle, Dustin Gee and 12 hundredweight of handbags.


Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Roger Godpleton on 15 December, 2005, 08:47:57 PM
Can I also apologise for any offence caused. I like to see people promoting things.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: House of Usher on 15 December, 2005, 09:47:05 PM
I'd like to apologise for just about anything that's going, really, seeing as we all seem to be at it.

Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Funt Solo on 15 December, 2005, 10:02:18 PM
HoU, I accept your apology.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Bolt-01 on 15 December, 2005, 10:15:33 PM
I Regret nothing! I apologise for nothing! I've got a printer to contact!

Bolt-01, selling out ladies and gentlemen!
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Art on 16 December, 2005, 01:03:51 AM
same old,same old- if you're not interested, here's the very clever, very subtle thing you can do to avoid annoyance-DON"T READ THE FUCKING THREAD YOU IDIOT!

Well you might have a point, if these conversations didn't worm their way into threads on this and related boards at random.

and if I hadn't been politely ignoring this problem for a good year now. I guess the Tumbleweed thread starting to go that way just pushed me over the edge...

I tell you what else pisses me off - over sensitive passive agressive types who throw their rattle out of their pram if you make a  suggestion that they moderate their behaviour for the sake of politeness.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Matt Timson on 16 December, 2005, 01:56:05 AM
I don't moderate my behaviour for anyone- and I'm great!

Fuck you all!

Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Bico on 16 December, 2005, 04:13:43 AM
'I guess the Tumbleweed thread starting to go that way just pushed me over the edge...'

/backs away in case someone pulls a knife.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Quirkafleeg on 16 December, 2005, 05:04:20 AM
Never mind all that rubbish let me hint at the brilliant thing I'm working on at the moment... it's no where near finished and probably wont ever see the light of day... but it's fucking brilliant let me tell you. Oh yes I'm dead clever and real talented I am. And very funny. Gosh, isn't the moon bright tonight!
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Bico on 16 December, 2005, 05:11:46 AM
/note to self:
Keep jokes to insults about the French and leave it there.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Byron Virgo on 16 December, 2005, 06:01:22 PM
First off, just let me say thanks to Mr. Wyatt for allowing me to post on his messageboard for so long - you're a true mensch, sir.

Also nice to know that someone noticed our retroactive pimping, as we managed to hype stuff in the past using out temporal publicity machine, despite the fact that we didn't have anything to pimp until six months ago.

I have to say that I'm particularly glad that I wasted all that time and money pimping Mr. Wyatt's own book - really makes me think that all that effort and expense was really worthwhile. Ah, the fraternity and egality of the small press, eh?

And of course somone was bound to see through our cunning charade of apparent 'bored at work talking bollocks' conversations, and discover the conspiracy beneath - of course all our so-called 'banter' is in fact scripted by a crack team of writers from various popular tv sitcoms such as 'My Family', in a risible attempt to try and extract cash from the poor waifs and strays of the messageboard. Why, even this very post was written for me by one of the writers of 'My Hero'.

And of course I must extend special thanks to Mr. Wyatt for chosing not to simply email me with whatever problem it is he had in order to get me to moderate my behaviour, and instead deciding to follow the route of public humiliation and shame - surely the internet equivalent of the big kids in the playground locking the nerdy swot in the girls toilet moments after chucking a stinkbomb in there? No more than I deserve, I'm sure. After all, this is a hallowed internet messageboard, and thus is clearly of the highest critical importance.

Anyway, I suppose my best course of action here is to simply just fuck off, as I was utterly unaware of my transgressive behaviour before, so I'm almost certain to re-offend. Apologies to all who I've so grossly upset with my deeply offensive internet japes and tomfoolery.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Funt Solo on 16 December, 2005, 07:32:54 PM
Never mind all that bollocks, Byron - how many issues of Action Stations do you have left to punt?  It's xmas and I'm in a purchasing frame of mind.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: WoD on 16 December, 2005, 07:35:19 PM
It's a good read.  Unlike this thread.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Richmond Clements on 17 December, 2005, 01:22:39 AM
Yup. This is the biggest pile of fucking bollocks I've read in a long time.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Bico on 17 December, 2005, 01:36:37 AM
Well, if you don't want to be reading a load of bollocks, you could do a lot worse, etcera, etcetera...  Pony School, Action Stations!, two pounds for either, or special offer of both for a fiver.
But only because it's you.

Link: http://www.2000adreview.co.uk/smallpress/2005/roundup/actionstations1.jpg

Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Bico on 17 December, 2005, 01:39:51 AM
Oh fuck me.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Richmond Clements on 17 December, 2005, 01:40:04 AM
I would answer your post, Bear, but the last thing I want is to accused of partaking in some form of "banter".
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Bico on 17 December, 2005, 01:43:44 AM
Why, did Byron reject one of your scripts too?
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Richmond Clements on 17 December, 2005, 01:45:08 AM
Many, many of them.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 17 December, 2005, 01:47:21 AM
unlike the small press comics so beautifully highlighted above, they are indeed a cracking good read, has everyone got a copy ?

hey lads, its just like that time when you know who, said you know what ..ho ho how we all laughed at our in-jokes,
 let us all scurry away & be bitchy via emails behind peoples backs to demonstrate how smug & cliquey we are, then ha we can be even smugger & make not very subtle references on board as to our little bitchy school girl bitch fests off board & demonstrate how really petty we are and....  

ah it all sounds like such good fun, if only we didnt have interesting stuff to do instead, like drawing & putting together comics.

let us unite & modify our behavior in unison!  long live the borg !

oh sorry have i gone over or under the allowed post length? i shall expect random troll personal attacks any second then.
Title: Re: Oi! Self promotional
Post by: WoD on 17 December, 2005, 01:51:00 AM
I only thought the other week we were overdue a 'board-tiff' but my money was on the Aussie-Violence thread...thought that one had some legs.

Now...Lets just let this one die its own death...