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General Chat => Books & Comics => Topic started by: Mudcrab on 23 December, 2005, 03:34:35 AM

Title: Michael Moorcock's Elric etc.
Post by: Mudcrab on 23 December, 2005, 03:34:35 AM
In the interests of not straying from the point, the following has not been posted to the Ghibli thread...

New Elric Trilogy
I'm currently reading the "final" Eternal Champion book just now, 3rd of the recent Elric trilogy. It's rather damn good, although not as hack n slash as the older ones. Loads of characters coming together from the League of Temporal Adventurers, Von Beks etc and they'll all in Granbretan of all places (The evil empire from the Hawkmoon books). Good old Gaynor von Minct and Klosterheim are of course intent on the destruction of everything. All three (The Dreamthief's Daughter, The Albino in America and The White Wolf's Son) are thoroughly recommended for anyone who's read any of the Eternal Champion "series", especially the Elric ones. Started in 1953/5(?) by all accounts.

Elric: The Making of a Sorceror
Also started the new Elric 'origin' comics (got 1 and 2 of 4 so far) with georgeous art by Walt Simonson. Absolutely superb, dealing with Elric's long dreams (which the recent trilogy have also been part of, kind of).

Some of you may know Elric from the D&D type game of course, which I've never seen myself.

Here's a link to some info on it and more importantly, there's some examples of the artwork. The site (typically) seems to be down right now, but I'm sure it'll be back up once the Conjunction of the Million Spheres has passed...

Link: The Multiverse

Title: Re: Michael Moorcock's Elric etc....
Post by: Mudcrab on 23 December, 2005, 03:37:41 AM
Not 'typically' for the site that is, but for me linking it.
Title: Re: Michael Moorcock's Elric etc.....
Post by: Max Kon on 23 December, 2005, 05:39:51 AM

Link: don't forget the http://

Title: Re: Michael Moorcock's Elric etc.....
Post by: Mudcrab on 23 December, 2005, 03:41:21 PM
oops, cheers Max
Title: Re: Michael Moorcock's Elric etc....
Post by: Floyd-the-k on 27 December, 2005, 02:48:12 AM
Just out of interest Doug, has Moorcock written some new Elric books?
 I loved Moorcock's sf/fantasy when I was in high school, me.
Title: Re: Michael Moorcock's Elric etc.....
Post by: Mudcrab on 27 December, 2005, 03:07:13 AM
Yeah, the one's mentioned above. Been out over the last few years. Latest one's still hardback at the moment.
Title: Re: Michael Moorcock's Elric etc....
Post by: Art on 12 January, 2006, 12:31:39 PM
Moorcock, in the Anisble:

"I saw the Universal guys in Hollywood a short time ago and the Elric movie is moving forward nicely. I suspect King Kong will make them more cheerful about fantasy stuff after the predictable disappointments of Riddick and Van Helsing. We have also agreed to shoot in Arizona, which has far stranger and just as dramatic landscapes as NZ and isn't so far to go to work. "

Also he's aparrently being interviewed  by Alan Moore in Blackwell Charing Cross Road on the 18th of January.

Link: http://news.ansible.co.uk/a222.html

Title: Re: Michael Moorcock's Elric etc.....
Post by: carefree on 12 January, 2006, 03:59:29 PM
I have dozens of Moorcock paperback books that i have been "asked" to dispose of by the Mrs as they "take up too much room" , "you never bloody read them anyway" and other perfectly logical reasons.
I am prepared to give them to a boarder FOC if they can come and pick them up or meet me half way.
A much better offer than Tarantinos' methinks!!!
Please let me know if someone wants them
Title: Re: Michael Moorcock's Elric etc.....
Post by: Mudcrab on 12 January, 2006, 06:30:26 PM
Excellent, good to see it's still trundling along.

Interview sounds interesting too.
Title: Re: Michael Moorcock's Elric etc.....
Post by: Quirkafleeg on 12 January, 2006, 07:34:35 PM
>I am prepared to give them to a boarder FOC if they can come and pick them up or meet me half way.

It might be an idea to tell people where you actually live then...
Title: Re: Michael Moorcock's Elric etc.....
Post by: carefree on 13 January, 2006, 02:35:25 PM
Hmmm, yes it probably would.

Henley in Arden nr Brum. About 3 miles off the M40
Title: Re: Michael Moorcock's Elric etc.....
Post by: Mudcrab on 13 January, 2006, 06:32:36 PM
Hmm, think I'll miss out on that then. Reckon Newcastle would be half way from here :o)

Title: Re: Michael Moorcock's Elric etc.....
Post by: Quirkafleeg on 13 January, 2006, 06:43:32 PM
>Henley in Arden nr Brum

Henley in Arden... can't you just get your butler to drop then round?
Title: Re: Michael Moorcock's Elric etc.....
Post by: carefree on 13 January, 2006, 11:39:04 PM
can't you just get your butler to drop then round?

'fraid not, he's not insured to drive the Porsche
Title: Re: Michael Moorcock's Elric etc.....
Post by: Large48 on 14 January, 2006, 08:38:36 PM
Corum, Corum, Corum
Title: Re: Michael Moorcock's Elric etc.....
Post by: Art on 14 January, 2006, 10:19:52 PM
I always thought Corum was a bit of a wusser compared with Elric.