2000 AD Online Forum

General Chat => Events => Topic started by: nick-is-at-home on 07 May, 2006, 11:54:19 PM

Title: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May
Post by: nick-is-at-home on 07 May, 2006, 11:54:19 PM
6 days until the EXPO,

I was just wondering who else was going and if anyone could give me any good SMALL PRESS titles to look out for.


Link: Comic Expo official

Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May...
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 08 May, 2006, 01:17:37 AM
too right !  

can't wait, its getting away to these here things is my escape from ...da, da DAAAAAA village of the damned.

we'll be there punting stuff, theres the future quake table lots of exiting things there, and the new DCJ productions , especially the gorgeous WILD WEST WENDY wot i drew.

come say hello, tho i've been rather absent off this board recently , having been chained to the drawing cubicle. I'm the one thats a) female b) red haired c) hanging around the above small ( but great) press.

see seperate threads for tasters.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: paulvonscott on 08 May, 2006, 01:59:05 AM
Hey Nick I'll be there with Omnivistascope, the SF comic I've poured an awful lot of energy into (and not just mine :p) and Solar Wind, the retro tribute comic.  I'd welcome any support (cash) for either :p

A good time to buy solar wind, as there will be a deal to get them cheap and I'm not reprinting comics any more.  It's always a good time to buy omnivistascope ;)


Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: nick-is-at-home on 08 May, 2006, 02:01:06 AM
sorry for the lack of knowledge - your artwork looks beautiful - but who is WENDY!!! could you give me some back stroy?
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: nick-is-at-home on 08 May, 2006, 02:06:19 AM
Ill check at both - and seeing as everyone else is doing it ill plug my comic - there'll be a free preview at the foyer when you walk in dso pick one up. i don't have a table so if you want a copy talk to me

im A) tall b) 13 and a bit c) long blonde hair

say hello and we could all have a big 2000ad meet


Link: my comic publishing site

Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: WoD on 08 May, 2006, 02:11:34 AM
I was going so that I could sell, FutureQuake, MangaQuake and Something Wicked, and buy OVS #2 The End Is Nigh #3, WWWendy, anything that DCJ had up for sale, and sht loads more...BUT...now I can't make it...gutted, gutted, gutted...will be buying by cheque now in the weeks following the expo.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Richmond Clements on 08 May, 2006, 03:04:16 AM
but who is WENDY!!! could you give me some back stroy

Link: Answers here

Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Al_Ewing on 08 May, 2006, 03:34:57 AM
I'm in End Is Nigh #3 for definite, and Something Wicked too. Maybe Zarjaz as well, though I don't know for sure. And probably a couple of other assorted places, like Just One Page 4.

If anyone hasn't seen my latest minicomic, that'll be coming along too, along with another chance to buy one of the other old classics...
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Art on 08 May, 2006, 03:39:40 AM
I'd advise snapping up the AL Ewing minicomics while you can - since they are quite literally the funniest thing evah, rendering all other comedy minicomics OBSOLETE.

Any chance someone can snag me a copy of the new one?
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Quirkafleeg on 08 May, 2006, 05:39:28 AM
>Any chance someone can snag me a copy of the new one?

Bagsey me also...

rendering ALL comics OBSOLETE.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Bico on 08 May, 2006, 07:17:45 AM
And sadly pointing out where the Rogue strips have been going wrong of late.
I'm not even joking, here.  I'd read that strip religeously if it was like 'No Time To Talk' every week.

Link: He's the GREATEST dancer

Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 08 May, 2006, 04:46:37 PM
i'm wondering if after Als magical gas mask zombie selling comics dance last year, maybe if i bring a cowboy hat & rifle & shove a copy of WWWendy in his hands.....
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Dan Kelly on 08 May, 2006, 04:47:47 PM

Not sure that I'm going to be making it to Brizzle this year  (and after missing out on Brighton that's a bummer)

The climbing trip that I was going on instead (after missing out on Hotels) looks to be falling through, and Alina's seriously sprained her ankle, so no chance of her driving, which was our backup...
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: peepsbutlerdroid on 09 May, 2006, 04:56:17 AM
I shall be there flogging the hell out of Zarjaz issue 2 which finally went to press this week.

We've got some Rogue Trooper, a bit of Dredd, a dash of Durham Red and a dollop of Future Shock.

Also there is an article on the Zarjaz Exhibition held in London at the end of last year.

If you are coming, drop by the Zarjaz table and say hi!

Link: Zarjaz Issue 2

Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Al_Ewing on 09 May, 2006, 05:27:14 AM
Looks like I'm not in Zarjaz -- YET!! But just you wait.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: James on 09 May, 2006, 06:47:05 AM
How do you get into Zarjaz?
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: W. R. Logan on 09 May, 2006, 07:07:22 AM
>How do you get into Zarjaz?

by not getting in to 2000 AD 8-)
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Al_Ewing on 09 May, 2006, 07:28:50 PM
Low blow, although not a billion miles from the truth in my case. What I'd like to see - and what this new cover promises - is Zarjaz moving from the 'failed 2000AD' stereotype and into something more along the lines of 'alternative, screwed-up, freaky version of 2000AD'. We'll see.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: WoD on 09 May, 2006, 08:17:50 PM
Sounds like a promising idea to me.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Bico on 09 May, 2006, 09:32:28 PM
'Alternative, screwed-up, freaky version of 2000ad'

Didn't Mark Millar and Grant Morrison already try that?
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Al_Ewing on 09 May, 2006, 11:15:37 PM
Yeah, it was great.

Zarjaz is a unique opportunity - a fusion of the do-anything, go-anywhere vibe of the small press with the iconic UK maisntream. And it looks cool too. There's so much potential here it's glowing - it's like ripe fruit sitting in the tree waiting to be plucked.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Aaron Smurf Murphy on 10 May, 2006, 12:58:45 AM
Well, I'm going and I will be getting Zarjaz as well as trying to get work from them. I was going to be in Lost Property but Daves doing that after Bristol which is fair enough.

Actually, if any small press group neeeds any back up art - give us a bell. I'll be the lanky fool in the sharpest suit at the con.

Finn Sinn

Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: peepsbutlerdroid on 10 May, 2006, 02:49:29 AM
Zarjaz welcomes script and art submissions from anyone who wants to have a shot.

Its well known that people who want to get into 2000AD have to start by doing a future shock or terror tale. With Zarjaz you can have a crack at ANY character from 2000ADs long history! (Well, except those created by Pat Mills).

We also like to try out art styles that are more diverse than you get in the regular title.

I feel like we are going from strength to strength with the new issue - but I'm biased.

And yes Al, you're not in this issue. But you were in issue 1 and you're in the next issue - so don't feel too hard done by!
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: hag on 10 May, 2006, 03:37:33 AM

gah, if i wasn't heading to a wedding i'd be there. buying things i shouldn't and tarting about.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Dog Deever on 11 May, 2006, 03:33:21 AM
I was supposed to be going , AND someone else was paying! But i can't go- would have been my first one too. I hate this thread!
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Carlsborg Expert on 11 May, 2006, 08:10:45 AM
I don't want to start a fad but I will also plump for an Al Ewing guide to creating your own mini~comic;the art of express entertainment, on its release.

I do hope the lawgiver models are in there too.As mini star~scans.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Al_Ewing on 11 May, 2006, 08:19:40 PM
You don't need a guide. Just do it. You've still got time to get to the copy shop if you hurry.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Carlsborg Expert on 12 May, 2006, 02:53:17 AM
Well, I got my ticket todaty I head off at 10am tomorrow morn.Arrive in Bristol via National snail at 5pm.

I'm interested in evrybody elses travel plans.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: paulvonscott on 12 May, 2006, 03:22:46 AM
I'm heading off later than planned,m but at least I geta  lie in.  Should be there about the samew time as CE, possibly 3ish if I'm lucky
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: W. R. Logan on 12 May, 2006, 03:27:56 AM
Get up early & pack, leave at 10:00hrs, down the A14, M11, M25, M4, drive through Bristol, pick up PJ, drive back to Bristol, park car, drop off bag, pick up beer at 16:35hrs, sip, sit, relax.

04:18hrs collapse, crawl in to lift, along corridor & in to bed.

Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Matt Timson on 12 May, 2006, 03:45:16 AM
I wonder if I'll get to see Tharg and and his tall minion harrassing 'normal' hotel guests in the lift this year?

If only I'd had my camera...
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: WoD on 12 May, 2006, 05:02:38 AM
Ahh..I hate you all...

Have a great time, and see you at Brighton!
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Carlsborg Expert on 12 May, 2006, 05:53:10 AM
Yeah.See you there.

Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: House of Usher on 12 May, 2006, 06:00:43 AM
I'll be setting off from home about 10am on Saturday, getting the first train to Bristol, returning to Cardiff in the evening after dinner, probably; then returning to Bristol Sunday morning and leaving the Expo about 4pm.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: paulvonscott on 12 May, 2006, 07:46:54 AM
Well, I am finally allowed to sleep, I shall be bringing Solar Wind 7 to the ball after all.

And after the months of misery, I'm really looking forward to it.  Probably to be followed by more misery afterwards, but I'll take it where I can get it!

Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: scutfink on 12 May, 2006, 05:13:01 PM
Well, I can't make it down due to the usual financial/ Holiday entitlement restrictions.

 What makes it even more annoying is that my girlfriend is on a train down to Bristol as we speak, she's going home to Glastonbury to visit her mum who got out of hospital on tuesday.

I've got to stay home of course, to take care of the cat...(Not in a Sinister Dexter sense.)

Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: The Enigmatic Dr X on 12 May, 2006, 05:33:43 PM
He posted a picture of a cat...
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: scutfink on 12 May, 2006, 06:10:54 PM
It's more than a cat, it's the reason I'm not going to bristol (well, one of them..)
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Dudley on 12 May, 2006, 06:18:55 PM
Take cat to Bristol.  Drink beer.  Buy comics.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: nick-is-at-home on 13 May, 2006, 01:37:30 AM

I'll meet you all tommorow, wathc out for the preview in the foyer thingy, pic one up.

See ya  
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: nick-is-at-home on 15 May, 2006, 12:32:46 AM
Got back yesterday,

had lots of fun,

Hi to all the guys at Futureshocks and Wild West Wendy and also Zarzaj.

Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: paulvonscott on 15 May, 2006, 05:25:20 AM
Of the four bristol may festivals I've been to I probably came back the most mellow and happy.  Considering the satate I was in when I went down, that's quite something.

Was nominated for an Eagle award, didn't win, but had a chat with the guy who did, David Hitchcock and his Springheeled Jack (as seen in the megazine recently), and he really deserved it.  The other nominees, Freakshow were also good sports, I think we were just pleased to be nominated.

I was wondering if I would feel a bit dissapointed if I didn't win, in the end I was just relieved!  I got drunk as a precaution though, and and ended up in my hotel room watching Morons from Outer Space trying to sober up :p  Judging by how rough I felt the next morning, it just made me feel sober, even though I was still drunk.

Launched Solar Wind 7, the photostrip issue, which seems to have done the trick on some people.

Launched Omnivistascope 2, which went down well and had lots of people saying 'ooh, nice cover' at me.

Met up with loads of people it was great to see again.  Bought loads of comics I have yet to look at.

Thanks to Ben, Leigh and David for helping out on the stall, and everyone who came by to chat.

Got back in time to stop off at the offy for some broon ale, nice one!
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: House of Usher on 15 May, 2006, 06:44:49 AM
Leigh Shepherd and Paul Scott, yesterday.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: House of Usher on 15 May, 2006, 06:46:03 AM
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Leigh S on 15 May, 2006, 02:21:59 PM
"Back road serial killer helps out at comics event shocker"
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: House of Usher on 15 May, 2006, 03:57:47 PM
I was thinking "Heeeere's Johnny!!!!" - Shelley Duval, be very afraid.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 16 May, 2006, 12:36:45 AM

ahh whos these lovely lads !

its now occuring to me that there was lots of message boarders there who i didnt knowingly meet, guess thats what i get for having a seive brain.

big hurrah ! to all the lads & few lassies, great to catch up with everyone, especially in a much less freaky frame of mind than the last con.
big thanks to the good & wise folks who bought WILD WEST WENDY.
big Thanks to Tharg for his very helpful input, its good to get an honest crit from the top... I've now given up drawing & taken up writing.

my daughters are chuffed to bits with the solar wind shenanagans.

the small press stuff i grabbed is great. well done everyone.

Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: James on 16 May, 2006, 01:32:13 AM
I think I saw you, Bou. You were the wee scary looking tattooed Scot, yeah?

I think I was standing next to you at the nice FutureQuake stand where I met the nice FutureQuake lads.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 16 May, 2006, 02:19:50 AM
ha ha !  you be the smiley chap with very short fair/ blond hair ? last day ?

and i'm glad someone still appriciates my fake scots accent and scaryiness... but WEE?!

they are jolly nice tho arent they.

Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: James on 16 May, 2006, 02:35:06 AM
No, on the saturday. And i'm 6'3" so erevyone's wee from where I am.

And I thought Molcher would be taller too.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: paulvonscott on 16 May, 2006, 02:45:18 AM
Hey Vicky, glad the girls liked the strip, I was worried they would scream and faint when they saw it :p

I enjoyed WWW, even though it was a bit naughy (I can live with that), though it was very violent!

James, yes, you were very tall.  Nice meeting you and everyone else for the first time.  Or in some cases the second time, but I finally worked out who you were and managed to remember it.

I have some photos too, and I'll upload them sooner or later.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Richmond Clements on 16 May, 2006, 02:46:36 AM

All that stuffs in the bible, man!
Glad you like it, Paul.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Tiplodocus on 16 May, 2006, 05:28:07 AM
Photostrip Solar Wind 7?

Here was me just wondering why I'd not being asked for a contribution and then thinking maybe I had been and I'd been my usual tardy idiotic self and not sent anything off.

Now it all makes sense...

I'll be ordering some of these here comics very shortly...
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 16 May, 2006, 05:37:02 AM
...con withdrawal... need... MORE VIOLENCE !!.... Gnarlllll
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: paulvonscott on 16 May, 2006, 05:37:35 AM
Sorry guys, I've had a few slightly hurt responses to the news of Solar Wind 7.  

All I will say is that I was a bit fed up of comic hassles.  In 2005, putting out two different comics had finally become more than I could cope with on my own (yes, Tharg does make it look easy, but I'm not from Betelgeuse).  So I wanted to do something as a nice surprise for everyone, and something that was purely a bit of fun on my behalf and not a serious issue.

Getting nominated for an Eagle Award, made me regret that decision, but it was too late by that point.

Obviously no artists were needed, and I only told those people who I thought were up for photostrips.  I did ask everyone for contributions in a small way, but only a small bunch of people responded.

Apathy, the silent killer...

Anyway, I'm told it's a really fun issue by independant 3rd parties, so I hope people really enjoy it.



Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: longmanshort on 16 May, 2006, 03:44:25 PM
And i'm 6'3" so erevyone's wee from where I am. And I thought Molcher would be taller too.

I may just be 6' 4", but I can kick your midget ass any day of the week ;-P
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Carlsborg Expert on 16 May, 2006, 03:49:52 PM
I kept wanting to tell Ush about a little Spanish looking place opposite my first nights stay. It was round the corner to the right and back of the Ramada.

It has big letters on it that spell out;-


I kept wanting to tell him but kept forgetting.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: House of Usher on 16 May, 2006, 03:53:23 PM
Spooky. I'll have to see if it's still there next year.
Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Bolt-01 on 16 May, 2006, 05:29:13 PM
PVS: I read SW07 yesterday and it was superb. I laughed my ass off!

Loved the opening story and the amazing appearance of cosmic Ray.

Title: Re: Bristol Expo 2006 - 13-14 May....
Post by: Aaron Smurf Murphy on 16 May, 2006, 11:58:34 PM
Molchers not that tall. I'm 6'5". I dwarf 'im.

And he wears silly silver hats.

Finn Sinn