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General Chat => Classifieds => Topic started by: davidbishop on 26 May, 2007, 01:01:54 PM

Title: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!
Post by: davidbishop on 26 May, 2007, 01:01:54 PM
As part of my post-TPO purge, I'm flogging all manner of stuff on eBay from today. Lots on offer include:-

â?¢251 issues of the MEGAZINE, including 5 copies of the first issue

â?¢all 63 issues of CRISIS, plus two specials

â?¢first 68 issues of 1980s EAGLE

â?¢all 36 pre-ban issues of ACTION, including #2 Hookjaw free gift transfer

â?¢Martin Barker's excellent book ACTION: The Story of a Violent Comic


â?¢all 22 issues of STARLORD, plus summer special

â?¢all 22 issues of TORNADO

No reserves, just pure thrill-power at bargan basement starting prices.

Link: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy

Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!...
Post by: Wils on 26 May, 2007, 06:44:08 PM
â?¢Martin Barker's excellent book ACTION: The Story of a Violent Comic

*Every* time over the last 10 years that this book rears it's head for sale I'm bloody skint. ARSES!

One day, I'll get it. One day...
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!......
Post by: opaque on 26 May, 2007, 07:47:09 PM
Thought of selling signed TPO's?
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: [YT-2] on 26 May, 2007, 10:05:34 PM
cunning highest bidder's ID kept private so we cant see who were bidding against.
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: VampiraJen on 26 May, 2007, 10:22:37 PM
that always makes me a bit wary.  i  don't like to bid when you cant see who else is bidding.  you hear all these dodgy stories about ebay sellers.

not that i'm accussing the bishop of anything, mind
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: [YT-2] on 26 May, 2007, 10:34:11 PM
im bidding for the Actions but expect to get left behind
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: paulvonscott on 26 May, 2007, 11:14:39 PM
That's perhaps a good reason to have no ID showing on these auctions.  I want to bid for the Actions as well, but I don't really want to bid against people I know.
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: VampiraJen on 26 May, 2007, 11:18:14 PM
fair enough point in a sitruation like this where a lot of people here know each other and it might make them feel uncomfortable 'fighting' over some old progs, but in general it makes me wary
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: paulvonscott on 26 May, 2007, 11:23:30 PM
Yes, me too.  I don't normally bid on auctions with the ID's hidden.  And I always keep an eye out for any bids I think are suspicious.
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: I, Cosh on 27 May, 2007, 02:49:25 AM
I believe EBay now automatically hides IDs when bids go over £100.
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: Floyd-the-k on 27 May, 2007, 05:45:51 AM
is this the moment to point out that I'm selling the suggestively titled "Juicing for health"?

probably not.  Good luck with the auctions Mr B
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: Peter Wolf on 27 May, 2007, 11:53:41 AM

   I always wonder why they do that.   What is there to hide?        
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: Peter Wolf on 27 May, 2007, 11:59:52 AM

       I would love to bid on the actions but i am not going to.          
                  How many of you are good at winning auctions?    How many do you lose?

              I must admit i do snipe nearly always as i never bid until the last minute.    99 percent of the time i always win which must annoy the hell out of others and i do feel a bit guilty when i do it as well as it is very sneaky.

     I dont bother with sniping software as i wouldnt trust it.      
                                I promise i wont go near the actions.
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: paulvonscott on 27 May, 2007, 12:15:41 PM
Well, I think in all fairness to Bish-op, Peter, if there's something you want, then you should bid what you're willing to pay for it.

I shouldn't as I'm broke.  But I probably with have a stab at a couple of them.
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: Peter Wolf on 27 May, 2007, 12:37:51 PM

               I just cant afford to bid.     I just dont have ready cash               Its just like that at the moment.           They should a good buy as they arent common.   You never know with ebay             If ti is a set then i have never seen a set before.     I will watch them though,  but no bidding.
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: Marbles on 27 May, 2007, 01:01:39 PM
If you want to try sniping, this is what I use, you get 3 free snipes a week. Always works for me :)

Link: AuctionStealer

Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: Rex Banner on 27 May, 2007, 01:20:01 PM
I won an auction recently by sniping. Within two minutes the underbidder had sent me a less than complimentary email.
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: Peter Wolf on 27 May, 2007, 01:22:08 PM

     I only snipe when i am sitting here otherwise i always lose.     Sometimes i forget to bid and that is annoying.   Sometimes i have won something so cheap that i feel like i am stealing from them so i send them a bit more cash on top if i have it.     You get good feedback if you do that.    

         I am on my second account now as i got banned from ebay as i let someone else use my account .That was very stupid indeed. They were getting carried away and winning and not paying for items.     You learn in the end.
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: Richmond Clements on 28 May, 2007, 10:57:13 AM
The bastard who sniped us on Saturday night deserves to die.

Obviously, any time I successfully do it, it is a totally different thing...
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: Mike Carroll on 28 May, 2007, 11:38:53 AM
I never, ever snipe! I HATE it when it happens to me, so I wouldn't do it to someone else.

I actually wrote to the eBay people about five years ago suggesting that items that already have more than one bid should be closed to new bidders for the final hour of the auction. That'd scupper the snipers. Unfortunately they never wrote back.

Still think it's a good idea, though!

-- Mike
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: I, Cosh on 28 May, 2007, 12:02:22 PM
I take it "sniping" means waiting until the last possible moment before bidding for an item?

If so, I assumed that's what everyone does as the only auctions I've missed out on have been ones where I couldn't be at the PC when it was closing and I really can't see what the problem is. Everyone knows what they're willing to pay and when the auction ends.
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: Floyd-the-k on 28 May, 2007, 12:24:16 PM
wouldn't the snipers just set the software to snipe at the one hour mark?

yours snipeably with only one bidder going for 'Juicing for Health'

Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: VampiraJen on 28 May, 2007, 12:34:53 PM
I won an auction recently by sniping. Within two minutes the underbidder had sent me a less than complimentary email.

he called you fat and ugly?

the bastard!
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: Peter Wolf on 28 May, 2007, 12:40:26 PM

      That is a good idea.    I always snipe at the last minute and enter a much higher maximum bid that the others havent so they have no chance of catching up as there is no time left to do so .    This is incredibly annoying for others and not really in the spirit of things.These days i give them about 5 to 10 minutes to act as that is plenty of time to catch up.  This is when there are a few bidders.If there is only one or two and it is still cheap then i dont worry at all about sniping.  Its only when the item is being bidded on by lots of others that i try to be fair and not snipe. It depends how badly you want it


Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: I, Cosh on 28 May, 2007, 01:59:32 PM
wouldn't the snipers just set the software to snipe at the one hour mark?

Or simply enter a ridiculously low bid in the first instance.
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: Buttonman on 28 May, 2007, 03:08:34 PM
Anyone who moans about snipers hasn't really grasped the idea of 'highest bid wins'. It's not against ebay policy and I don't even regard it as a dubious tactic. Bid what you are prepared to pay and if someone offers more by another bid, sniped or otherwise, you have no complaints.

One of the joys of ebays selling is seeing the last five minutes of your auction in constantly refreshed pages as punters squabble over your tat.
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: Max Kon on 28 May, 2007, 11:08:28 PM
A different way to prevent sniping would be to extend auctions, so if someone bids say 14 minutes before the close the auction is extended by one minute, if they bid one minute before the end then it's extended by 14 minutes. This would carry on indefinately, so the amount your item sells for could actually be far higher, as at the end you'd have people battling to try and secure the auction until the close
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: JOE SOAP on 29 May, 2007, 01:58:37 AM
that's a nonsensical idea for an auction.
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: Floyd-the-k on 29 May, 2007, 03:54:04 AM
pigeonholing sniping for one moment, there are only hours for you to put in bids for Juicing FOr Health. Not only can you enjoy a lifetime of healthy juicing, you can have the comfort of knowing you've helped me afford the two Bish-OP items I've bid for.

yours juicily

Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: IndigoPrime on 29 May, 2007, 09:16:57 AM
:: Anyone who moans about snipers hasn't really grasped the idea of 'highest bid wins'.

Exactly. A simple tactic is to simply decide what you're willing to pay, put on a bid when there are a few hours to go, and then just walk away. If a 'sniper' wins, it's over the amount you were willing to pay anyway.
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: gurnard on 01 June, 2007, 08:14:20 AM
Yeah this sniping thing.  I only recently got to bidding on ebay managed to avoid being dragged into the whole thing for years.  But looking at it what does the sniping software give you that ebay does not.  If you set your maximum bid then surely, even if someone snipes, then ebay will up your bid for you to the max that you want to pay, like buttonman says.  Or am I missing something about this sniping malarky?
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: Marbles on 01 June, 2007, 08:57:37 AM
Sniping really only adresses the issue that people are not logical. They don't actually put in their genuine maximum bid. When they see that they are outbid, they decide to bid again, going over their previous maximum bid. Its pyschological and of course ultimately irrational.

With sniping, you don't allow people to behave in this manner (& very many do) because they have no time to re-bid.  

Link: Wikipedia - Sniping

Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: Mike Carroll on 01 June, 2007, 09:02:48 AM
OK, I admit that you're all right about sniping not really being that bad, it's just really annoying when you've put in a bid on something and no one else has bid for ages, and you think you're going to win, then - bam! - sniped at the last few seconds.

-- Mike
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: gurnard on 01 June, 2007, 12:35:10 PM
I dont get it really.  If you put in your maximum bid (not just a normal bid but the max bid service on ebay), say 100 for instance, but the highest bid is only 50, and you win with that, then 50 is what you pay. So surely that is the same thing
Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: gurnard on 01 June, 2007, 12:38:05 PM
ahhh this is what I was talking about, proxy bidding:

Title: Re: Bish-OP goes eBay crazy!.........
Post by: gurnard on 02 June, 2007, 11:31:43 AM
ok I think I get it now, I just got sniped on the Tornado set, bugger, I guess I have a lot to learn about this ebay stuff.