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General Chat => Games => Topic started by: Keef Monkey on 03 July, 2007, 10:54:33 PM

Title: The Darkness 360...
Post by: Keef Monkey on 03 July, 2007, 10:54:33 PM
...is absolutely stunning. Anyone else playing this? Genuinely the first time a videogame has brought a tear to my eye. Mock me now, there'd be something wrong with the world if you didn't.
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: Satanist on 04 July, 2007, 09:29:57 AM
I almost bought this the other day. The only reason I didnt is cause I have too many games I havent gave a fair go yet due to my Oblivion addiction. I will pick it up though.

Is it as open as Riddick was? Can you just wander about instead of shooting all the time?

Damn you Oblivion!!!
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: Keef Monkey on 04 July, 2007, 11:31:14 AM
Never played Riddick, but I hear it's great and they're remaking it. Darkness is open-ish in that you can go anywhere you like more or less but there's always somewhere in particular to get to in order to progress the story. There's a subway station for getting to places but you can wander around the station chatting to people and completing little side missions for them, which is pretty different for an fps. Also because of your powers there's always a few different ways to approach firefights, I've found if you just play it like a normal fps and run in guns blazing you get deaded quite quickly. The whole atmosphere and the way the it's designed is pretty unique, can't recommend it enough. Only downside is the live games are so laggy they're unplayable but I'm sure they'll patch that up quicksmart.
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: The Enigmatic Dr X on 04 July, 2007, 12:20:50 PM
I fancy it, but read a review to say there was a wonky save system that let you save only once a level. I don't like that, preferring either regular* check points or unlimited saves.

There is nothing worse than having one save, and using after what you THOUGHT was the levels big battle, only to find it is still to come and you are in bad shape.

* Note to Rebellion: regular = frequent and after most set pieces, buildings or boss battles.
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: Bico on 04 July, 2007, 12:35:04 PM
My brother has gone dolally over this, but it just looks like a slightly-prettier Riddick, and a bit clippy.  I'm intrigued by the hours of movie footage, though - apparantly you can sit down and watch episodes of Flash Gordon on the in-game tv sets, or To Kill A Mockingbird.  I suppose it's just the next step up from GTA's radio stations.
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: Keef Monkey on 04 July, 2007, 01:18:09 PM
The save system is basically just checkpoints and for the most part they're not too far apart, I haven't found myself getting annoyed with it(yet). One thing I will say is that when I bought it in Game I got a free comic which if you haven't followed the comics before spoils a couple of the game's twists. So basically if you're not a fan of the comics already don't read the free one 'til after you've played the game.
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: VampiraJen on 04 July, 2007, 06:43:37 PM
it's coming to ps3 in a few weeks so i've been reading reviews.  some people are saying its brilliant.  some people are saying its shit.  i'm so confused
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: Richmond Clements on 04 July, 2007, 06:46:40 PM
Woo-hoo! I've a review copy on the way!
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: Roger Godpleton on 04 July, 2007, 07:57:21 PM
It's pretty good, I'm not too keen on the scary monster levels but the New York stuff is really atmospheric and tense. The main missions are quite linear and later on in the game you get a sort of smart bomb which solves too many problems IMO. I like it but I'll probably trade it in eventually.
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: Something Fishy on 04 July, 2007, 11:19:54 PM
I love this.. fantastic game and nails the comics spot on.

The save system is fine by the way, regular saves.
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: Keef Monkey on 05 July, 2007, 10:30:44 AM
Played a couple of online games yesterday that were more or less stable so it looks like they're sorting out the server problems. Finding the side missions quite a diversion, get the feeling I would have finished the game ages ago without them so they're very welcome. On the subject of the comics, I've read the Compendium which has everything from volume 1 and have been trying to find a trade paperback that collects the next batch of stories, anyone point me in the right direction? When I type it into Amazon it's more or less a dead end.
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: House of Usher on 07 July, 2007, 12:03:31 PM
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: Keef Monkey on 08 July, 2007, 06:48:35 PM
Finished the game, and it was solidly enjoyable through to the end. Plus I've started again already, 2nd play through is even more fun because I've got the knack of the powers more this time round. Thought I'd gotten all the collectables and side missions but seem to have missed a few, so the replay value is pretty decent. Great game. Anyone help with my previous comics question?
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: Richmond Clements on 09 July, 2007, 09:49:55 AM
Had to stop playing it last night about half eleven.
Two reasons: I had to get up for work this morning, and the other being that I was in the house alone, and was getting scared.


I'm currently in the no mans land level, and was freaked out when they guys I'd just shot started to get up again! Currently in some sort of bunker trying to get the inside door open...
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: WoD on 09 July, 2007, 10:06:39 AM
scaredy cat!
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: Richmond Clements on 09 July, 2007, 10:11:24 AM
Bloody right I was! It was dark outside and there's big black windows...
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: Something Fishy on 10 July, 2007, 06:36:40 PM
Rac.. the way to stop them was pretty final though hey.

One game that unnerved me much more than this was RE4.. that bricked me totally.

This is a fantastic game, realy enjoyed it.
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: WoD on 10 July, 2007, 07:04:15 PM
Just started it on the Wii...it is a nice game...now re-starting it as I have more of the hang of it and it seems to deserve a better play-through.
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: James on 10 July, 2007, 10:55:06 PM
I just picked up RE4 on the Gamecube too. It's enjoyable if a little hackneyed so far. dunno about scary though.
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: Keef Monkey on 10 July, 2007, 11:11:06 PM
Took me a while to get into RE4, think it was the change in style, but once I got my head round it I really enjoyed it. "Not enough cash" has become a bit of a catchphrase round at chez monkey thanks to that game. Oh, and for anyone playing The Darkness, if you want to play it through on hard there's a bug that means if you play a multiplayer game and then go back to your game save it'll have defaulted to normal difficulty. I'm sure they'll fix it with a patch but at the mo the only way to play it through on hard is to avoid playing it on live for the duration.
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: Richmond Clements on 11 July, 2007, 09:35:53 AM
Rac.. the way to stop them was pretty final though hey.

Heh. Bastards aren't getting up from that!
So... finished that level last night, and had to stop a couple of times during, as I was getting headfucked by the lightening flashes (you'll know what I mean)...

Res4: Loved this too, and it was really bloody scary!
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: Peter Wolf on 11 July, 2007, 03:26:39 PM

  There goes all my ideas of  not playing anymore games after reading this thread.
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: Something Fishy on 13 July, 2007, 11:38:43 AM
James: I'm a wuss when it comes to this sort of game though.

really wasn't expecting the speed at which they come at you either.
Title: Re: The Darkness 360...
Post by: James on 13 July, 2007, 02:35:30 PM
I just got to play as the girl for a bit, creeping through dark corridors with just a torch, creepy music looming was scary...