2000 AD Online Forum

General Chat => Events => Topic started by: Wils on 11 May, 2008, 09:52:02 PM

Title: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Wils on 11 May, 2008, 09:52:02 PM
Well I made it home, albeit with a knackered back and an empty wallet, thanks mainly to the Ramada bar. A fantastic weekend and I evena managed not to start any fight. Great to see old faces again and meet new ones (props to Dankell and his incredibly smiley gf).

Far too many moments to list all at once, although the 2000ad panel was a definite highlight. Another brief one this morning involved a very strange, very short man stopping me to ask where I got my Doomlord t-shirt from, then just staring at me. I hope to god it wasn't a messageboarder. :s

Only really low point was the Eagle Awards. Panini Spider-Man reprints 'Best British Comic'? Fuck off.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: paulvonscott on 11 May, 2008, 11:13:46 PM
Yes, probably the best time I've had at Bristol for numerous reasons.  Great to meet everyone - anyone I didn't meet, next time be sure to say hello.

I arrived late to the Eagles so missed some of the announcements, but there were two well deserved wins for 2000AD droids.  Lots of people (in and outside of 2000AD) I had hoped would win, but didn't. It's dissapointing, and rarely seems fair, but that's awards for you.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Large48 on 11 May, 2008, 11:31:56 PM
Was only there on Sat and missed Boo and Steve Roberts, where they there?
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: COMMANDO FORCES on 12 May, 2008, 07:27:18 AM
Boo was there on Saturday as I accosted him as he tried to enter the hall. I then had a chat later with him as he drew a Dredd for me.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Matt Timson on 12 May, 2008, 07:56:01 AM
Despite the crushing blow of Thinky's crap car blowing up, which meant that I had to (gasp!) drive myself, like some common convention goer- I had a brilliant time (although, predictably, I managed to get lost on the way there).

Finding myself in the luxurious position of having two beds and no family, I drank a lot less, went to bed much earlier, made full use of all the facilities (yes, I even managed the gym and pool- shocking behaviour) and only walked around the sweaty convention hall once the entire weekend.

Comedy highlights included:

John Reppion's new moustache, which made him look like Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand.  I was quite concerned at first, when this bearded monstrosity leapt out at me, insisting that he knew me- and I briefly considered hitting him with the sports bag full of beer that I was smuggling in from the car, before realising who he was.

Paul Scott, more pissed than I've ever seen him- it was just comedy gold!  Of course, I'm working on the theory that I was just less pissed than usual, so noticed it more- but the usually morose PVS was nowhere to be seen.  He was the life and soul of the party and had me in stitches!  He even brought biscuits.

Had a really good time all round to be honest- with everyone being on top form.  I was going to make this my last Bristol- but I had such a great time, I reckon I'll give it another go next year.

Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Dan Kelly on 12 May, 2008, 09:47:50 AM
Hey guys!

Got back last night, but decided to spend the evening sorting the flat out.  Had a great weekend, as did Alina surprisingly.  For some strange reason she thinks you lot are all "really nice" ;-)

Highlight had to be the 2000ad panel.  Not for the information imparted, but for The Mighty One's masterful charing of said panel.

Only got a few sketches, will try and get them up later in the week.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Malchidiel on 12 May, 2008, 09:55:59 AM
Had a brilliant weekend. :)

Great to catch-up with old faces, and meet new ones. Hopefully we'll get to meet up again at Leeds.

Sorry I didn't get a chance to say bye to Bou, but we had to leg it for the train.

Going to get myself a nice cuppy of coffee (the coffee in the hotel was fucking foul), put my aching feet up, and watch some Absolutely's. Yayy!

Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: radiator on 12 May, 2008, 09:56:25 AM
Any interesting announcements regarding new strips, GNs etc?
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: davidbishop on 12 May, 2008, 10:45:47 AM
Aside from Spider Panini [with pesto and mozzarella, mayhap] winning Best British Colour Comic, can anyone recall what else won Eagles?
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: paulvonscott on 12 May, 2008, 10:51:11 AM
Matt Smith - Best Editor
D'israeli - Best Inker (I think)

The rest, no idea at all.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Wils on 12 May, 2008, 10:56:32 AM
Erm... [scratches head]

Alan Davis - Best Writer/Artist

Mike Mignola - Roll of Honour

Marvel - Best Publisher(?)

Marvel.com - Best comics-related website

Thor - Best New Comic(?)
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Matt Timson on 12 May, 2008, 11:17:42 AM
I see the beer's worn off, Paul...

Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: satchmo on 12 May, 2008, 02:17:29 PM
I was a bit worse for wear by that point, I can't remember who won what :)
I don't think Bob Byrne won but after reading Mr Amperduke this morning he fucking well deserved to. It's utterly brilliant.

I had a great time, fantastic to see everyone but I'm suffering a bit today :)

Many highlights, I'm sure I'll think of more later too.

Just hearing about the 2000AD panel was great, I would give one of my fingers to go back in time and see it!

Walking past Walt and Louise Simonson and trying not to look like a freak :)

The kid dressed as The Riddler, he looked awesome.

Duke Etrange's World of Weird. The comic that's so cool it has it's own soundtrack, you dig?

Going to see Iron Man, I bloody loved it. But not as much as I loved Iron Man- Noble Defender of Fascism.

Being constantly surprised at the people who are reading my webcomic.

And just hanging out with friends and laughing a lot.

Great Bristols!
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: House of Usher on 12 May, 2008, 03:46:11 PM
I enjoyed Bristol again this year. Quite apart from the comics, the best bits are always the meeting people, hanging out and having a laugh bits.

The 2000ad panel was great fun. No major revelations, but a top turn by the man in the Tharg mask! I wouldn't have sacrificed any body parts to see it though!

I was very pleased to meet Wils and Malchi for the first time, as well as meeting Dankell and Alina together. I don't remember seeing Johnnyeyebrows for longer than two whole minutes before this visit to Bristol either, so that was a bonus as far as I was concerned.

Also caught up with Bolt-01, Bou, Richard, Paul Scott, Ed Berridge, Ben Clarke, and Julien Modde and non-2000ad types Richard Nairn, Robert Martin, Oliver Lambden, Bevis Musson and Dan Lester. And only just got an introduction to Garramin as I was leaving.

I rather missed seeing WoD and especially Thinky, who's now going to emigrate without us ever getting to have that pint together!

I picked up various small press comics and only one pro comic: Scarlet Traces.

I'll be reflecting upon my purchases over the next few weeks. Yesterday evening I was in the park reading James Kochalka's 'Super Fuckers'. A rather jolly and garishly coloured comic about a bunch of superheroes who look like Fisher Price people come to life and seem to do nothing else but laze around in their superhero club house being mean to one another in the most childish manner. I like it!
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Wils on 12 May, 2008, 04:12:29 PM

Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: House of Usher on 12 May, 2008, 04:48:28 PM
um... thanks?
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Wils on 12 May, 2008, 04:55:18 PM
No need to turn into Little Plum, Ush, that wasn't aimed at you in any way. :)
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: House of Usher on 12 May, 2008, 05:32:37 PM
Nah, I know - I'd sussed that, seeing as I'm not by any stretch of the imagination 'in comics'!

I guess it wasn't aimed at anyone in particular at all. Ho hum. And if there was such an award you can bet it'd go to an American comics creator anyway!

Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: WoD on 12 May, 2008, 07:30:01 PM
I really missed Bristol this year.  My best man duties had to take precedent though (still recovering now).
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Rex Banner on 12 May, 2008, 08:33:21 PM
Myself and the wife had a great time this year. The wife was actually excited about some comics coming out, The Tempest from Classical Comics and embracing the whole weekend by wanting a zombie picture of us. Nice to meet and greet the few faces that we know from the board and the artists and writers, extra special mention for Chris Weston for encouraging the wife's increasing broodiness. Picked up quite a few small press titles but haven't started reading them yet and a few more pages of art from Boo Cook and Mike Collins. Some sad-ish news I heard is that EE 30 might be the last with a replacement, maybe, being a unbound graphic novel size giveaway with the Meg.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 12 May, 2008, 09:28:13 PM
Great weekend again !

although we're thinking it might be cheaper to actually go to san diego or new york next year....

lovely to catch up with everyone & meet some great new people.

missed tharg at the panel, missed the halarious alternative awards, missed the 5am piss ups, DID see PVS rather pissed with his biscuits tho !
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Bolt-01 on 12 May, 2008, 10:15:33 PM
Had a grand time, and thanks to the Image studio space book- I actually managed to get a couple of sketches too!

Hopefully made some decent connections for future strips, and sold out of both FQ 10 and Zarjaz 05! More are already ordered from the printers though folks.

Really nice to meet Matthew and the lovely Lisa again, and to discover that I've known Garamin for a while already! Still to discover who the mystery boarder is though!

Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: satchmo on 12 May, 2008, 11:15:15 PM
Some stuff about Bristol and the Eagles on this week's Lying in The Gutters...

Link: LITG

Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Bart Oliver on 12 May, 2008, 11:40:51 PM
Now that I've reconfigured my airport extreme and had some sleep I can finally post..

In short- I had a blast. Thanks to one and all for making it a birthday weekender to remember.

Fair few acquisitions, complimentaries and birthday gifts to digest, so far enjoyed Shaky Kane's Monster Truck and the Duke's discs Straight Outta Wigan and Panthers In The Night. Nice.

Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Peter Wolf on 13 May, 2008, 12:56:26 AM
"Some sad-ish news I heard is that EE 30 might be the last with a replacement, maybe, being a unbound graphic novel size giveaway with the Meg."

 I hope this is not true but if it is its a shame as  large amounts of archive material may never be reprinted now.

 Shame but i am grateful for what got reprinted.

 I await confirmation of this from 2000ad.

 As for the con it was a toss up between Bristol and Ebay and Ebay won out right at the last minute.


 Large queues outside to get in in the morning ?

 Not sure i like the sound of that.

 I cant be expected to queue up outside to get in just like everyone else.

 Thats Outrageous !

Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: House of Usher on 13 May, 2008, 01:24:45 AM
Anyone who bought their ticket in the foyer of the Ramada hotel instead of the exhibition hall could just walk straight in instead of having to queue. Worth knowing for next year.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: COMMANDO FORCES on 13 May, 2008, 07:33:18 AM
Also if you bought your ticket via paypal you went straight to the front of the queue.
HA HA HA all those faces wondering what was going on as I walked straight past them all!
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Dan Kelly on 13 May, 2008, 08:33:01 AM
The queuing was atrocious on Saturday morning

We queued in the shorter queue for about 20 minutes to pick up our prepaid tickets - and that was with a dedicated pre-pay line.

We were worried we were going to miss the 2000ad panel

In the end it turned out that we could have skipped straight to the Ramada and picked the ticket up later, as no-one was checking tickets there.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Richmond Clements on 13 May, 2008, 09:28:09 AM
Back to work this morning. Still zombified..!

It was a great- if exhausting- weekend. Lovely to meet everyone again, and meet some new folks too.

And no, PVS, I don't want a chocolate biscuit. Yes, I'm sure. Really, it's alright, I'm not hungry...
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: paulvonscott on 13 May, 2008, 09:53:35 AM
Take a biscuit...

Actually you can't, Matt Timson ate them all.

You will be pleased to know that the non-morose PVS from a higher (and seemingly drunker) dimension is now imprisoned within my black withered soul, and you will never see him ever again.

Plus, the secret formula that allowed him to escape in the first place cannot be easily recreated.

By some strange quirk of karma, yesterday at work (with post Bristol exhaustion) I had to sort out a fully-pissed up drunk who was seeing things and hearing voices and had collapsed unconscious in the junior library.  He didn't bring biscuits, just what looked like a bottle of piss.

Currently listening to Duke Etrange's Revenge of the Loungecore Set in my recovery pod.

I'll be at PrestonPans at the end of the month, then Thought Bubble in Leeds at the end of the year if all goes to plan.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 13 May, 2008, 09:59:38 AM
bah ! i dunno if we can make prestonpans now, desipte needing to sell every comic we've got to pay for bristol.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: LARF on 13 May, 2008, 10:01:42 AM
"I had to sort out a fully-pissed up drunk who was seeing things and hearing voices and had collapsed unconscious in the junior library"


How old was he?
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: satchmo on 13 May, 2008, 11:37:14 AM
Judging by which Library PVS works in, he was probably about 11 :)
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Dan Kelly on 13 May, 2008, 02:18:39 PM
Bugger.... I appear to have contracted a dose of nerd flu over the weekend...  *sniff*

BTW D'Izzy has posted the photo's of his sketches on his flickr blog...

Link: Can you tell what it is yet

Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: johnnystress on 13 May, 2008, 02:56:53 PM
good god

each one a masterpiece-how does he do it?

something to so with fishpaste?
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Byron Virgo on 13 May, 2008, 05:55:50 PM
Good to see peeps old and new at Brizzle once again: highlights include a wankered-on-rum PVS making elliptical comments about 'abstract gynaecology', Timson scoffing biscuits before attempting to sketch Victorian Wolverine, Jock's threats to serenade me shortly after referring to me in terms of a certain part of the female anatomy, John Reppion's 19th Century explorerâ??s 'tasche, Satchmo's excellent mini-comic 'Godzilla - Film Reviewer' (now he *really* didn't like Cloverfield!), thanks to Bart for the offer of sending me his spare students (Go Street Team!), plus John Spelling wins hands down for Best Dave Stone Anecdote of the Con, which also saw the creation of 'Vic Anger - Black Power Man', striking a blow for the homies against cracker-ass honkey injustice as doled out by The Man, with a rogueâ??s gallery that includes the likes of Johnny Cyclops, The Ku Klux Man and his deadly female sidekick Miss Cegenation.

My favourite comic I picked up this year has to be the 1980 Action Annual, in which Hook Jaw takes a bite out of communism; Hellmann of Hammer Force accidentally kills Montyâ??s Double with an Ancient Egyptian sarcophagus; Spinball blows the presidentâ??s noseâ?¦off his face!; David Gower and Daley Thompson are â??Young Men of Actionâ??; we â??hit the adventure trail with globe-roaming Captain Cliff Hanger and his blade-throwing Ghurkha pal Kukri. Share with them their moments of breathless peril! See if you, too, can find a way outâ?¦ WHEN ESCAPE SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE!â??; D.I.6. agent Dredger has become addicted to Cuban heels and is mistaken for a â??murderous yellow pig!â??; and Look out for Leftyâ??s winger â??Leftyâ?? Lampton gains Albert Steptoe as a grandfather and wows a school fete by kicking the head off a bear
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Wils on 13 May, 2008, 07:09:40 PM
Although I've not looked through everything that I bought, perhaps the most bizarre is the book by Leo Baxendale that includes a piece where a woman pulls out a baby's cock and starts skipping with it.

My find of the weekend is probably The Bogie Man: The Manhattan Project which I got for the princely sum of 2 quid.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Something Fishy on 13 May, 2008, 08:48:36 PM
This was nearly the one, I nearly made it this year.   It was even perfect as it was my birthday weekend and i was staying at a mates.

a couple of shit weeks leading up to it though meant that, once again, I didn't.

I'm doomed to never make it I fear.  
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: James on 13 May, 2008, 09:50:04 PM
I missed it this time. I'd like to go one year and do the whole stay in a hotel and get hammered with the borders, but to be honest i' m shit scared of you all!

I nearly went for a few hours on saturday but had some stuff on that got in the way.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Matt Timson on 13 May, 2008, 10:43:49 PM
I'd forgotten the drunken Wolverine- with a withered hand, no less.  There was an awful Batman as well, I think.  Plus something else- but I forget what it was now.

Perhaps that's for the best.  The only thing they had in common is that they were all pretty bad.

Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Tiplodocus on 13 May, 2008, 11:05:50 PM
I'm destined never to go as it always but always coincides with my wedding anniversary.

Having said that, if I did go one year, I'm pretty sure I'd be free to go in every subsequent year...
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: paulvonscott on 14 May, 2008, 09:51:51 AM
"How old was he?"

Could have been 10 years older or 10 years younger than me.  He looked unidentifiably rough.  Poor guy knew he had a problem and was hoping the library could help as his doctor apparently wasn't interested.  

I've ordered some hopefully easy-to-read books, and am trying to find out more information on help he can get.  Rather dissapointingly, my local GP surgery was of almost no use and suggested I look 'on the internet'.  Well, duh.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 14 May, 2008, 09:59:30 AM
humm, well PVS, help for people with drugs and alcohol problems ?! you'd think eh, short answer is.. its fucking appauling the lack of real help. people need to get criminalised before social work will vaguely take note, sort of. theres usually charitys that work seperate to mainstream agencies, His best chance might be to check into the nearest mental hospital & get himself sectioned... cos even A&E just chucks them out once the wounds are dressed.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Proudhuff on 14 May, 2008, 10:48:02 AM
++accidentally kills Montyâ??s Double with an Ancient Egyptian sarcophagus;++

Damn! that's my next Future Shock sunk...
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Aaron Smurf Murphy on 14 May, 2008, 11:34:13 AM
Just a quicky to say cheers and lovely to the various borders bumped into at the show (names in no order and may veer from real to boardname at random)...

RAC, Bou and Bolt - cheers for Zarjaz, odd talks and a costume confessional. And i'll hold Bolt to that offer of doing back up inks.

PVS and Ben Clark - the north easts finest were kind enough to give me all the Mike Neville I could handle. A mate back in Swindon hails from Middlesborough has since seen these and automatically recognised Mike Neville, proclaiming Ben as her hero. Cheers for taking a copy of Fecal Depot too!

House Of Usher - Good to see you and your new haircut between a chat and cheese toasty. Sorry about cracking up when you proclaimed you were the first ordained member of the Dirk Despair fanclub too, but you ARE well suited to it.

Al Ewing - Sorry for pressganging you into that photo session but it was a golden oppurtunity man. Nice to chat about Dead Signal too.

Mini-Bolt - Highlight of the weekend for me. Mini Bolt handed me a comic done for a-levels and the first strip was a redrawn version of a comic I did years ago! Brilliant!  

Good weekend all in all.

Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: WoD on 14 May, 2008, 11:50:48 AM
I can't wait to see the Mini-bolt strip in the flesh so to speak!
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Richmond Clements on 14 May, 2008, 11:52:39 AM
Back off WoD- he's my bitch.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Bolt-01 on 14 May, 2008, 12:02:47 PM
WoD- That is wrong on SO many levels...

Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: WoD on 14 May, 2008, 12:09:00 PM
Oh shit...I just read it back...you bloody pervs, not a clean mind out there!!

I meant, I can't wait to get a copy of the comic to see how it looks in real-life as opposed to on the PC!!  Bloody weirdos!!!
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Bolt-01 on 14 May, 2008, 12:11:36 PM
Oh, right. That's clearer... :)

Comps are almost all bagged up, I'll be getting them in the post probsably Saturday.

Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: WoD on 14 May, 2008, 12:12:52 PM
I think a comma or two may have saved the original sentence, but probably not!
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: House of Usher on 14 May, 2008, 05:39:10 PM
Salut, Aaron Smurf Murphy. I'd have been disappointed not to have run into you in Bristol as always. Flicking through your portfolio was fun.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Mini-Bolt on 14 May, 2008, 07:39:53 PM
thanks smurf, i was glad to be handing my comic out. wod! i shall be sending you a triple threat (my comic not a triple fold death threat)in the post asap.T'was an awesome con and it was great to see everyone again :)
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Mini-Bolt on 14 May, 2008, 07:40:08 PM
thanks smurf, i was glad to be handing my comic out. wod! i shall be sending you a triple threat (my comic not a triple fold death threat)in the post asap.T'was an awesome con and it was great to see everyone again :)
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: WoD on 14 May, 2008, 08:05:46 PM
Thanks mini-bolt, can't wait mate.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: satchmo on 14 May, 2008, 08:08:05 PM
Aww Mini-Bolt I didn't realise you had a comic out! But then you looked pretty busy all weekend :)
I needs me a copy old chap!
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Dan Kelly on 14 May, 2008, 08:08:35 PM
I can confirm that the Johnny Eyebrows sketches were: Batman (abandoned), Wolverine, and a damn fine Two Face.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: satchmo on 14 May, 2008, 08:10:39 PM
PS I read your book earlier Smurf it's great! Are you taking it to No Barcodes?

Link: No Barcodes!

Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: satchmo on 14 May, 2008, 08:12:34 PM
I might have had something to do with the abandonment of Batman by being a cheeky bastard :)
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: paulvonscott on 14 May, 2008, 08:43:10 PM
Here is that full list of awards.

2007 Awards (Held in May 2008) Results
Favorite Newcomer Writer

Favourite Newcomer Artist

Favourite Comics Writer

Favourite Comics Writer/Artist

Favourite Comics Artist: Pencils

Favourite Comics Artist: Inks

Favourite Artist: Fully-Painted Artwork

Favourite Colourist

Favourite Letterer

Favourite Editor

Favourite Publisher

Favourite Colour Comicbook - American

Favourite Colour Comicbook - British

Favourite Black and White Comicbook - American

Favourite Black and White Comicbook - British

Favourite New Comicbook

Favourite Manga

Favourite European Comics

Favourite Comics Story published during 2007

Favourite Comics Cover published during 2007

Favourite Original Graphic Novel

Favourite Reprint Compilation

Favourite Comics Hero

Favourite Comics Villain

Favourite Magazine About Comics

Favourite Comics-Related Book
OUR GODS WEAR SPANDEX: The Secret History of Comic Book Heroes (Chris Knowles)

Favourite Comics-Based Movie Or TV

Favourite Comics Related Website

Favourite Web-Based Comic

Roll of Honour
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Aaron Smurf Murphy on 14 May, 2008, 08:43:49 PM
Sure am taking it Satch! Have about 8 copies left but managed to find two copies my local comic shop hadn't sold so that puts me back up to 10. There'll also be stickers and posters to boot!
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Al_Ewing on 14 May, 2008, 11:27:26 PM
Wasn't aware Our Gods Wear Spandex had got the nod. I bought a copy and it's so-so at best, especially compared with Wolk's entry.
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Grant Goggans on 15 May, 2008, 09:49:23 AM
So far, the only news or rumors I can find from Bristol have been confirmation of Rennie finding more work elsewhere, and the possibility that EE30 will be the last.  Was everybody really so tight-lipped?  There's gotta be more than that to share!
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Rio De Fideldo on 15 May, 2008, 09:58:29 AM
yeah come on what series are coming up? Any Dredd revelations?
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Grant Goggans on 15 May, 2008, 10:14:17 AM
My current list of "strips said to be coming":

1589-99 bunch, including:

Nikolai Dante: Amerika (cover image over on Simon's LJ: http://simonfraser.livejournal.com/14825.html)
Defoe Book 2
The Vort
Sin Dex


ABC Warriors: Volgan War Book 3
At least two more Bob Byrne's
Robo-Hunter: La Revolution Robotique
Greysuit Book 2
Domino (that Si Spurrier superspy girl)
Strontium Dog: Blood Moon
Title: Re: Après Bristol 2008
Post by: Bolt-01 on 15 May, 2008, 10:24:36 AM
Satch- Dan only had a couple left, but if he's not getting anymore done I'll send you the files. It was really a collection of the comic strips he's done for his A level folder (due in today of all days) and he was lucky enough to get some nice feedback via email from Mr boo cook.

As for 2000ad news- I can confirm that Ian Edginton has two new series in production with Simon Davis, though it is still early days for them both yet.

Bolt-01 - must get some work done...