2000 AD Online Forum

Spoilers => Megazine => Topic started by: Satanist on 07 January, 2009, 11:44:44 AM

Title: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Satanist on 07 January, 2009, 11:44:44 AM
Wa-hoo bagged first of the noo year.
But I aint read it yet.
Colin Wilson collection don't have enough Wagner Dredd for my liking.
Al Ewing on Dredd
Article on Watchmen
Letters page
And due to the art I might just go back and read Tank Girl.

over tae Ewe...
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Leigh S on 07 January, 2009, 01:58:37 PM
What's that upstart Ewing doing having THE Colin Wilson on his Dredd strip?

Ah, he's doing a very good Dredd it seems! carry on.

honestly, thats a great Dredd first part - the vibe is spot on Mega City, and I was particularly taken by the bloodthirsty clients - great stuff!
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Jim_Campbell on 07 January, 2009, 09:00:45 PM
Still working through it. Enjoying it. A lot.

Everytime I find myself becoming a bit disheartened with the Meg, it manages to do something I can never quite put my finger on and comes back up in my estimation. Good stuff!


Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Proudhuff on 08 January, 2009, 11:41:02 AM
The Meg back to firing on all cyclinders again, Dredd a fine start, enjoying the Young dumb and full of spunk Cit-Def story: the artwork is just right for this story, Tank girl has just the right amount of sillyness to make it better than the 80s stories (imho), still wish the Film Review would just go away, as it doesn't chime with what I like and seldom recommends anything that I would want to see, nor indeed alerts me to anything under the radar that I would go out of my way to see.

A big fat 8/10 for this, only a letter from me would have made it a nine and no Film review a 10!
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Proudhuff on 08 January, 2009, 11:44:53 AM
oh, and the Colin Wislon Trade Floppy is good, hadn't read the 1st one before and the rest are fine, but what is it with Robbie and scorpions?
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Waddie on 11 January, 2009, 03:39:10 AM
Was Insurrection originally going to be a Warhammer Monthly script that Abnett's recycled?
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: I, Cosh on 11 January, 2009, 06:51:05 PM
Quote from: "Waddie"Was Insurrection originally going to be a Warhammer Monthly script that Abnett's recycled?
It certainly looks like a Warhammer strip with a few eagles and SJS banners stuck on for good measure. That doesn't make it bad though. I'm quite enjoying it so far, despite the art.

Citi-Def is also pretty entertaining. Being a tedious, pedantic fanboy, I'd prefer it if it wasn't a Dreddworld strip as a few elements jar with the way citi-def have generally been portrayed in the past, but I'm happy to accept that as part and parcel of pimping a strip for the Meg.

Dredd's the standout by a mile this month. Another quality MC1 idea and set up accompanied by lovely art from Wilson which is really enhanced by the colourist: check the supplement for evidence.
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: stacey on 16 January, 2009, 06:42:49 PM
I'm really enjoying Insurrection, and I love the artwork I think it's gorgeous.
Tank Girl is really fun and I liked the flashback and the bowlcut hairdo.
I'm enjoying CitiDef, I wasn't sure after the first part but I like the story but I'm not keen on the artwork it's a little cartoony for my tastes.  
I don't think Al Ewing has written many Dredds has he? It's funny because it reads like he's been doing it forever, hes geet good like as they say up here.  Well as I say anyway.

I thought the Meg was really good this month, I liked the interview with Tony Lee and the Colin Wilson trade thingy was great.  I've only been reading the 2000AD and The Meg for about a year so most of the stories in the trades are new and interesting for me, which is nice.
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Van Dom on 17 January, 2009, 09:16:21 PM
Has anybody in Ireland found a copy of this issue in shops yet? Havent been able to find it in any of the usual shops its sold in. Anyone know where - in dublin area - I might track a copy down or has it simply not come out over here yet?
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Proudhuff on 19 January, 2009, 03:49:07 PM
from the number of replies on this thread not many people have found it anywhere!    :roll:
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: +rufus+ on 19 January, 2009, 03:59:38 PM
I really enjoyed the Dredd! It was fantastic to see Colin drawing Dredd again!
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: McKennsy on 19 January, 2009, 09:28:52 PM
Quote from: "Van Dom"Has anybody in Ireland found a copy of this issue in shops yet? Havent been able to find it in any of the usual shops its sold in. Anyone know where - in dublin area - I might track a copy down or has it simply not come out over here yet?

I'm in Cork and I cant find it either. This happened a few times last year with 200AD, it just didnt appear. I've never seen it happen with the Meg though.
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Trout on 19 January, 2009, 10:42:16 PM
I've been busy lately, so I kind of skimmed a lot of it. I really liked Insurrection.

- Trout
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Hoagy on 20 January, 2009, 09:28:59 AM
I really liked this meg. from cover to back page. All the stories are good in writing and art.
The stage each story is at is extra thrilling as each has been introduced then layed out whats going on clearly and attractively. The massive difference in styles is certainly uplifting but the fact that they sit so cosily together extenuates this overall.
All the colour strips had my action addiction fixed but it was the cool, collected strategem in Insurrection which gave lasting effects. I think Colin McNiell has gets better and better. The best is yet to come from this man I'll wager. I think he's brilliant.

Upping the ante again, is rufus playing around with his colours. I noticed he'd gone more air brush than previously or I suspect he's been leaning towards this style and now mastered it. My eyeball rash may just be blurring my vision tho and I'm totally off the mark.

The features which grant me with more compressed reading, were punchily written to a point where I'm thinking the journos are stepping into their stride. Especially loved the Watchmen pieces. It is  the film review I slow at. I'll usually go for the largest segment of review but the tapering off reviews don't keep my attention. But, everyone does that, and I still like its routine round-up.

The letters are good for a laugh and finding alternate p.o.v to finally rest my own verdict with.

All in all a fine companion.
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Steven Sterlacchini on 20 January, 2009, 01:54:27 PM
Thanks for collecting nearly all the Colin Wislon Dredd's I'd missed during a little absence, very considerate of Tharg. Cheers.
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: satchmo on 20 January, 2009, 02:13:32 PM
The Meg feels pretty vibrant to me at the minute, great new Dredd, and Insurrection is rapidly becoming a favourite. John Adams with robots and muties is one of the best ideas for a Dreddworld strip well, ever.
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Dandontdare on 20 January, 2009, 10:09:45 PM
I'm really enjoying the meg these days.

Insurrection is impressive, a great sci-fi tale, but c'mon, it's got feck all to do with Judges! How can a city, even one as big as MC1, that tends to get nuked, zombified or overun by ganglords every few years, possibly sustain a huge galactic empire with massive fleets of warships? It's nonsense - The judge Child story seemed to suggest that Justice 1 was a pioneering long-range ship, one of a kind - this story just doesn't fit in  with anything else in Dredd's world (just like that old story about STAR judges), so why force the connection? It's not like we're still following the "Dreddworld Only" rule any more - so QUIT IT!

Tank Girl continues to be fantastic. I love Rufus' art, and the script is just so right, but I'm unsure about the colour scheme - This one-colour wash is reminiscent of those old cheap Marvel comics in green ink (showing my age there). I think I'd prefer either b/w or full colour. Did I read somewhere that these episodes will be fully coloured at a later date? If that's true, then why are we getting this half-finished? I'd rather wait till it was fully complete.

I don't mind text articles per se, but the movie reviews have GOT to go.
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Hoagy on 20 January, 2009, 10:47:17 PM
The Colin Wilson additional also filled in the wilderness gap for me too. Although I'm forever disputing artists helmet design, and his was no acception, I think his design of backdrops, cursed earth cityscapes and figure crafting is flippin marvelous.
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: satchmo on 21 January, 2009, 03:09:57 PM
Judge Child was a long time ago, there have been loads of stories about the Meg's colony planets since, Mandroid for instance.
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Steven Sterlacchini on 21 January, 2009, 04:28:13 PM
Quote from: "dandontdare"...but c'mon, it's got feck all to do with Judges! How can a city, even one as big as MC1, that tends to get nuked, zombified or overun by ganglords every few years, possibly sustain a huge galactic empire with massive fleets of warships? It's nonsense...

Yep that gets me as well.

I know that there have been stories about Judges in space, fighting Kleggs etc. but it doesn't seem to tie in with what goes on in Mega City One.

I tend to file the 'Judges in space' stories with the time travel or cross dimension Judge Dredd stories.
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Dark Jimbo on 21 January, 2009, 04:37:16 PM
Quote from: "el-lopo"I tend to file the 'Judges in space' stories with the time travel or cross dimension Judge Dredd stories.

Likewise. I buy that they maintain a few low-tech mining colonies on various backwater planets and asteroids (as in Mandroid), but these whacking great space fleets make a mockery of the mega-epics - why didn't they just blast their enemies to atoms from orbit?

No, it's not really canon, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying it any less. Insurrection is aces.
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: TordelBack on 21 January, 2009, 05:28:18 PM
For some of the 'modern' epics, a spacefleet is pretty irrelevant -  we know the Sovs got the jump on MC-1s orbital assets in the Apocalypse War, so presumably the same happened deeper out in space;  no-one knew what to do with the Necropolis situation, so presumably the extra-solar colonies bided their time like the rest of the megacities; starships wouldn't have been much more use against Sabbat than the nukes that were employed, Inferno never happened, of course.  The real problem is Narcos and Doomsday - Dredd had to go begging help from the Brits, when all he needed was a few men and droids, which surely the Star Corps could have provided.  

As to post-disaster relief, it may be the hidden reason that MC-1 continues to bounce back from repeated appalling losses, but it's possible that the spacefleet have their own problems that can't be disengaged from.  Would a wave of unopposed marauding Kleggs or a sudden collapse of interstellar trade and industry really help recovery?  One might equally ask why the US didn't recall its troops from Iraq and Afghanistan to deal with New Orleans after Catriona. Actually, don't answer that one, please.
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Dark Jimbo on 21 January, 2009, 05:39:14 PM
Quote from: "TordelBack"For some of the 'modern' epics, a spacefleet is pretty irrelevant -  we know the Sovs got the jump on MC-1s orbital assets in the Apocalypse War, so presumably the same happened deeper out in space.

I like to think that if the Meg did establish such a large space fleet, it would have happened after the Apocalypse War, in the same way that after the defeat of the Spanish Armada, England embarked on a massive shipbuilding programme and became a naval power unopposed on the world stage. A sort of measure to make sure they weren't caught napping by the sovs again. It also makes sense of Justice-One as that sort of pioneer ship one year earlier, and explains why the fleets weren't employed during the war. However...

Quote from: "Tordelback"Starships wouldn't have been much more use against Sabbat than the nukes that were employed.

The extra men would have been! Given it was such every-last-man-counts, backs-to-the-wall type stuff, it beggars belief they wouldn't have called in help from space, even if not simply to evacuate the city.
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: W. R. Logan on 21 January, 2009, 09:28:55 PM
Dredd OK

skipped the rest

its still by the side of teh bed waiting for me to find some enthusiasm.
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: +rufus+ on 22 January, 2009, 09:49:24 AM
Quote from: "W. R. Logan"Dredd OK

skipped the rest

its still by the side of teh bed waiting for me to find some enthusiasm.

C'mon Mr Mojo..you can do it!  More vitamin pills me thinks.   :lol:  :lol:
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: PreacherCain on 22 January, 2009, 02:13:41 PM
I can't find this issue of the Meg anywhere. I live in Cork, Ireland and it's nowhere to be found, and I was in Dublin a few days ago and couldn't find it there either.  :(
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: wrly_bird on 22 January, 2009, 03:20:23 PM
I've got a spare contributor's copy (still bagged) send me your address, PrecaherCain, and I'll post it to you, no probs.
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: W. R. Logan on 22 January, 2009, 06:43:21 PM
Quote from: "PreacherCain"I can't find this issue of the Meg anywhere. I live in Cork, Ireland and it's nowhere to be found, and I was in Dublin a few days ago and couldn't find it there either.  :(

your not missing much
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: +rufus+ on 23 January, 2009, 09:22:05 AM
Quote from: "W. R. Logan"
Quote from: "PreacherCain"I can't find this issue of the Meg anywhere. I live in Cork, Ireland and it's nowhere to be found, and I was in Dublin a few days ago and couldn't find it there either.  ;-)
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Judge Kirby on 24 January, 2009, 11:39:48 AM
Ah my first post. so many buttons....mwa hah ha.

Just to chime in, i also cant find this issue in ireland. I went to Sub City, Forbidden Planet, two easons and a borders and its just not here. happened a few times last year with the prog. Tharg has got to get his act together  :(
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: W. R. Logan on 24 January, 2009, 02:23:22 PM
QuoteLOL Thanks Stew... Positive as ever.. ;-)

Ahh yes, Mr Positive ive not been recently. Well I refuse to let the crap start to 2009 bring me down. When I return to Norfolk I will dig out Prog 2009 and the rest of this years Prog's, reread and try to inject some positivity.

[anyone got any idea where you can buy such stuff in a bottle?]
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Proudhuff on 24 January, 2009, 03:06:17 PM
Personal experience, the bottom of a bottle is the LAST place too look.

Counting your blessings and finding someone to hate, really hate, helps too

That will be £100... next

Dr Huff
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: +rufus+ on 26 January, 2009, 09:43:25 AM
Quote from: "Judge Kirby"Ah my first post. so many buttons....mwa hah ha.

Just to chime in, i also cant find this issue in ireland. I went to Sub City, Forbidden Planet, two easons and a borders and its just not here. happened a few times last year with the prog. Tharg has got to get his act together  :-)

Failing that.. subscribe..it's cheaper, and very reliable.

Cheer! Rufus
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: brendan1 on 26 January, 2009, 12:20:22 PM
I've only read a hnadul of recent Megazines, but this was pretty entertaining stuff, if a bit patchy.

Loved the Watchmen articles and also enjoyed the piece on Ant Williams. I really didn't like his art much when he was doing Robohunter, BabeRace or his early PJ Maybe Dredds, but he seems to have improved immeasurably since then from the bits in his article, and he also seems to be a really nice bloke.

Dredd was aces, although yet another iteration of the Hunters Club schtick, and I quite liked the art.

Insurrection is burning away promisingly, and anything involving Abnett and/or MacNeil is always worth looking at. Very, very grey, though, like he's using just charcoal and pencils.

Citi-Def....hmm. The art's bright and fun, but far too cartooney to make me really give a shit about anyone in it. And the story? Er, guns and dinosaurs. Not sure.

Didn't read Tank Girl as it bored the tits off me back in the 90s, when it was at least *vaguely* relevant and zeitgeisty (that's not a  word, I know), so it's of even less interest now.
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: +rufus+ on 26 January, 2009, 01:32:51 PM
Quote from: "brendan1"I've only read a hnadul of recent Megazines, but this was pretty entertaining stuff, if a bit patchy.

Loved the Watchmen articles and also enjoyed the piece on Ant Williams. I really didn't like his art much when he was doing Robohunter, BabeRace or his early PJ Maybe Dredds, but he seems to have improved immeasurably since then from the bits in his article, and he also seems to be a really nice bloke.

Dredd was aces, although yet another iteration of the Hunters Club schtick, and I quite liked the art.

Insurrection is burning away promisingly, and anything involving Abnett and/or MacNeil is always worth looking at. Very, very grey, though, like he's using just charcoal and pencils.

Citi-Def....hmm. The art's bright and fun, but far too cartooney to make me really give a shit about anyone in it. And the story? Er, guns and dinosaurs. Not sure.

Didn't read Tank Girl as it bored the tits off me back in the 90s, when it was at least *vaguely* relevant and zeitgeisty (that's not a  word, I know), so it's of even less interest now.

Pleased to see you gave Tank Girl a chance.  :-) Ruf
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: Judge Kirby on 26 January, 2009, 01:36:38 PM
Thanks for the welcome Rufus  :angry: ill blow up their inventory!
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: brendan1 on 26 January, 2009, 02:44:26 PM
QuotePleased to see you gave Tank Girl a chance. :-) Ruf

Heh, sorry I have now - albeit somewhat belatedly - put two and two together about who you are and what you do.

I've never, ever liked Tank Girl, right from the days of Hewlett and Martin; it's simply a creation and strip I can't get on with; it's of no interest to me.

And while you're probably a big boy, and don't require - much less ask for - any bones that I might throw, your art on the strip, while clearly inspired by jamie (especially some of those side-on simian faces) is very nice.
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: +rufus+ on 26 January, 2009, 02:57:51 PM
Quote from: "brendan1"
QuotePleased to see you gave Tank Girl a chance. :-) Ruf

Heh, sorry I have now - albeit somewhat belatedly - put two and two together about who you are and what you do.

I've never, ever liked Tank Girl, right from the days of Hewlett and Martin; it's simply a creation and strip I can't get on with; it's of no interest to me.

And while you're probably a big boy, and don't require - much less ask for - any bones that I might throw, your art on the strip, while clearly inspired by jamie (especially some of those side-on simian faces) is very nice.

Quite all right... ;) I certainly wasn't fishing for compliments.
I hope you'll enjoy the new short strips appearing this summer..

I worked on Gorillaz which Jamie designed ( I worked in animation for 15 years) so I'm naturally inclined toward this stuff.

Hope you continue to get the Megazine!
Title: Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
Post by: smellycatchris on 30 May, 2009, 10:43:22 AM
just testing this works