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General Chat => Film & TV => Topic started by: Daveycandlish on 18 January, 2009, 03:04:34 PM

Title: Life on Mars
Post by: Daveycandlish on 18 January, 2009, 03:04:34 PM
I see the News of the World is giving this away on dvd over the next few weeks.
Think of it as a quid for the 2 episode disc each week with 88 pages of bog roll free...

I was so embarassed at buying the paper, I had to buy Spanking Fetish Monthly just so I had something to put round it as I left the shop
Title: Re: Life on Mars
Post by: Dandontdare on 18 January, 2009, 03:49:49 PM
I know - I recall the genuine feeling of shame when I bought a copy of the Mail on Sunday for that Prince album a while back.
Title: Re: Life on Mars
Post by: Bouwel on 18 January, 2009, 04:41:18 PM
Why is it that the papers you'd never dream of wanting to be seen with give away such good stuff?

Actually, in retrospect, I think I've just answered my own question there.

Title: Re: Life on Mars
Post by: Peter Wolf on 18 January, 2009, 04:46:01 PM
The same as when i had to buy a copy of the Sun for someone i was working with.Thats the only time i have ever bought it.Cant stand sunday papers full stop.
Title: Re: Life on Mars
Post by: worldshown on 18 January, 2009, 06:41:03 PM
Series one and two are currently £8.93 each on Asda's website.

http://www.asda-entertainment.co.uk/asd ... 43.product (http://www.asda-entertainment.co.uk/asda/8597543.product)

http://www.asda-entertainment.co.uk/asd ... 16.product (http://www.asda-entertainment.co.uk/asda/8543016.product)
Title: Re: Life on Mars
Post by: SamuelAWilkinson on 18 January, 2009, 08:16:19 PM
Quote from: "Bouwel"Why is it that the papers you'd never dream of wanting to be seen with give away such good stuff?

Actually, in retrospect, I think I've just answered my own question there.


It's a godawful small affair.

Title: Re: Life on Mars
Post by: TordelBack on 18 January, 2009, 08:28:40 PM
QuoteThe same as when i had to buy a copy of the Sun for someone i was working with

Pamela and her five sisters?

(heh heh heh, sorry, I'm drunk at my desk...)
Title: Re: Life on Mars
Post by: LARF on 18 January, 2009, 08:33:05 PM
QuoteWhy is it that the papers you'd never dream of wanting to be seen with give away such good stuff?


I had to buy the friggin' Mail on Sunday Today 'cos my lads wanted the John Lennon CD. I read it this morning whilst having a dump and it really, really annoyed me - it's a terrible paper and I dread to think that the people who read it really do embrace it's reasonings - as an example there was some columnist writing saying that poverty didn't really exist and that it was a fabrication of the Labour Party as an attack on the middle classes - for friggs sake!!!!
Title: Re: Life on Mars
Post by: Bouwel on 18 January, 2009, 08:53:40 PM
The Mail is truly a horrible paper. I normally end up reading a cast-off Express and that's just full of doom and gloom about bad weather.

Rhetoric dressed up as fact.

Title: Re: Life on Mars
Post by: satchmo on 18 January, 2009, 09:03:05 PM
Old Tankie will be along soon to defend the Daily Mail... :)
Personally I think it's the worst part of British culture that there is.
Title: Re: Life on Mars
Post by: Devons Daddy on 19 January, 2009, 10:10:28 AM
anyone seen the YANK version yet?
i downloaded episode 1 on itunes and word is they stayed true to the orignal,
but with typical yank style. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM. they dont do mystery very well the yanks do they,

also i am told more in your face tv cop show moments. but overall the word is IT ROCKS.
sadly unlike ashes to ashes. which is ok, but seems to lack the punch of LOM.
Title: Re: Life on Mars
Post by: Byron Virgo on 19 January, 2009, 04:49:17 PM
QuotePersonally I think it's the worst part of British culture that there is.

Ahem! I believe I quote the great sage Alan Partridge himself when I point out that you're bang-on wrong, as the Mail is quite the possibly the greatest newspaper in the world.

Title: Re: Life on Mars
Post by: radiator on 19 January, 2009, 05:42:12 PM
I despise the Daily Mail. Whats worse is that where I live, nearly everyone seems to read it.

A couple of weeks ago, they ran a headline 'The Great Lightbulb Revolt' or some such drivel, claiming that hordes of angry Britons were descending on DIY stores buying up all the soon-to-be outlawed 100w bulbs, and that it was against people's rights to deny them said bulbs. Get a ****ing life.
Title: Re: Life on Mars
Post by: Bouwel on 19 January, 2009, 05:42:44 PM
Chillingly close to reality I'm afraid.

Title: Re: Life on Mars
Post by: Peter Wolf on 19 January, 2009, 07:12:38 PM
I have a grudging respect for the Daily Mail because they are anti EU/New Labour BUT i hate their petty mindedness and lower middle class attitudes and worse than that is their "Femail" section which makes the assumption that ALL women have a keen interest in all that Celebrity Culture Shit and who is going out with who and who is pregnant and has got a new haircut etc etc etc.

Insulting offensive condescending Bullshit.
Title: Re: Life on Mars
Post by: Tiplodocus on 20 January, 2009, 12:46:07 PM
QuoteInsulting offensive condescending Bullshit.

Call the Irony Police.