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General Chat => Games => Topic started by: Tiplodocus on 23 July, 2009, 07:15:11 PM

Title: project Natal on XBOX 360 with Milo and Kate
Post by: Tiplodocus on 23 July, 2009, 07:15:11 PM
I was reading this month's EDGE and must say all the stuff about this Project Natal depth perception camera for teh XBOX 360 did sound like a mighty bundle of fun.

No controller (Minority Report style) interfacing with your XBOX sounds like great fun. 

And it can read facial expressions, 48 joints on up to 4 players and even extrapolate where you are if someone stands in front you.

And the Milo (controlling a young boy to do what exactly?) sounds fascinating.

And then you realise a lot of the above has been said by Peter Molyneux and it might all be wishful thinking...
Title: Re: project Natal on XBOX 360 with Milo and Kate
Post by: Pete Wells on 23 July, 2009, 08:15:09 PM
I watched some YouTube videos of the E3 demo of this and it looks amazing. At one point the lady who was demoing it drew a picture on a piece of paper, showed it to the character onscreen then handed it in the direction of the screen. Digitally, the character grabbed the paper then turned it to the screen to reveal the picture the lady had drawn. I dunno how authentic the demo was but if it's as good as that it'll be pretty exciting.
Title: Re: project Natal on XBOX 360 with Milo and Kate
Post by: Richmond Clements on 24 July, 2009, 07:56:06 AM

It does look genuinely groundbreaking.
Title: Re: project Natal on XBOX 360 with Milo and Kate
Post by: Colin YNWA on 24 July, 2009, 08:13:39 AM
Wow I'm so out of touch with the world of gaming that when I saw that title I thought this was spam until I saw Tiplodocus had started it!
Title: Re: project Natal on XBOX 360 with Milo and Kate
Post by: Devons Daddy on 24 July, 2009, 10:54:29 AM
on this one
the PS3 looks far further ahead, they did a real time demo, of their version, which was good,(it was not WOW! but it was good.

i own a 360, and liked what i saw, but felt it was more of demo-video created to combat sonys actual real time on stage demo.
to be honest i believe the next gen are goingo to be WII meets PS3 with XBOX graphics and standards towards live.

this gen, they got it wrong, laughed at WII, then xbox ate well baked crow, with sony only getting the left over crumbs and feathers of that.
Title: Re: project Natal on XBOX 360 with Milo and Kate
Post by: uncle fester on 24 July, 2009, 11:21:17 AM
That preview's all a bit creepy....
Title: Re: project Natal on XBOX 360 with Milo and Kate
Post by: Something Fishy on 25 July, 2009, 11:10:49 AM
Quote from: Devons Daddy on 24 July, 2009, 10:54:29 AM
on this one
the PS3 looks far further ahead, they did a real time demo, of their version, which was good,(it was not WOW! but it was good.

i own a 360, and liked what i saw, but felt it was more of demo-video created to combat sonys actual real time on stage demo.
to be honest i believe the next gen are goingo to be WII meets PS3 with XBOX graphics and standards towards live.

this gen, they got it wrong, laughed at WII, then xbox ate well baked crow, with sony only getting the left over crumbs and feathers of that.

Watching E3 live mate, it seemed quite the opposite.

MS did all of their Natal demo's live on stage and then did some back-room demo's to show that it was real tech.

Sony apeared to have been caught on the hop and hastily cobbled their presentation together and it was generally felt to be rushed.  In fact a lot of things they say it can do (e.g. facial recognition) were added after E3.

Both look very interesting, Sony's being more down the Wii side of things and Natal being something really different.
Title: Re: project Natal on XBOX 360 with Milo and Kate
Post by: Devons Daddy on 26 July, 2009, 06:34:41 AM
i only saw some stuff on you-tube my son shared with me,
based on what you say, that scenario  makes sense, likely what i viewed was by some PS3 centric fan boy.(we are 360 ourselves)

but the scanning of the skate board in the video presenatoin,looked a bit dodgy, all very star trek i felt. could be wrong though.

if its realistically priced, below a couple of hundred USD$, and the games match the potentail i will buy.
hoping for the WII for my birthday though.

which could render it an uneccary purchase,
whats the expected life of the 360? another four years.
i mean that they sell it 8) not till the next ROD  >:(
Title: Re: project Natal on XBOX 360 with Milo and Kate
Post by: Something Fishy on 26 July, 2009, 12:44:33 PM
Quote from: Devons Daddy on 26 July, 2009, 06:34:41 AM
i only saw some stuff on you-tube my son shared with me,
based on what you say, that scenario  makes sense, likely what i viewed was by some PS3 centric fan boy.(we are 360 ourselves)

but the scanning of the skate board in the video presenatoin,looked a bit dodgy, all very star trek i felt. could be wrong though.

if its realistically priced, below a couple of hundred USD$, and the games match the potentail i will buy.
hoping for the WII for my birthday though.

which could render it an uneccary purchase,
whats the expected life of the 360? another four years.
i mean that they sell it 8) not till the next ROD  >:(

If you've viewed it on youtube then it's highly likely to have been composed later from various things they've said since.

Fanboys are masters of ensuring their preferred brand is defended to the max.

I think they'll both bad interesting and I'm glad they are so different. 

I like my Wii but am a bit of a graphics whore so am looking forward to motion control in HD.

Seems PS3 will give me something similar to the Wii but great looking and 360 something a bit different but great looking. It's quite exciting stuff for an old geek like me.
Title: Re: project Natal on XBOX 360 with Milo and Kate
Post by: Tiplodocus on 28 July, 2009, 01:44:52 PM
That bit with handing a piece of paper over did sound cool - and the way they explained it (multiple images taken constantly before you even get close to handing it over so there's no need to hold it still and line it up etc.).

Reading back the article, only half of it is Molyneux saying how it will be the best thing ever so maybe it might actually turn out nice.

They also make a very valid point about the controller being different from the interface - unless the developers get the interface bit nicely intuitive no amount of waving your arms around helps.
Title: Re: project Natal on XBOX 360 with Milo and Kate
Post by: The Enigmatic Dr X on 12 August, 2009, 01:58:30 PM
Read in this month's Games TM that MS have admited that a chunk of their E3 Natal demo was scripted. Dunno how true this is.