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General Chat => Games => Topic started by: mogzilla on 29 October, 2010, 10:39:20 PM

Title: force unleashed 2
Post by: mogzilla on 29 October, 2010, 10:39:20 PM
after a loooong wait i finally got to spend my tradein stash on this and fable 3...so far this seems a bit better than the original without too much of the upgrading powers as you are pretty amped up (to 11) at the start. it feels very proper star wars and the first proper boss monster was impressive i actually swore in front of mini mog when i saw it! [spoiler]a big fuck off monster that swatted a rancor with its palm!!![/spoiler]

  also enjoying slicing and dicing stormtroopers as i mentioned in the demo thread arms everywhere!!!
Title: Re: force unleashed 2
Post by: Batman's Superior Cousin on 30 October, 2010, 04:07:29 PM
Brought it yesterday after visiting the Life Centre (for the Doctor Who Exhibition taking al LOT of photos) & Forbidden Planet (Tried to buy the graphic novel version of Force Unleashed 2, didn't have it in so I brought the Victorian Undead book instead), In the morning, I got CLiNT #3, (good stories, gonna get #4) then Prince's Trust (I'm now halfway there :)).
Title: Re: force unleashed 2
Post by: Pete Wells on 30 October, 2010, 04:31:34 PM
I'm half way through the second level and absolutely loving it! It's certainly not for those who didn't like how powerful you were in the first as you're a complete hardcase from the off.

The story has got me intrigued already, topper!
Title: Re: force unleashed 2
Post by: mogzilla on 30 October, 2010, 08:58:20 PM
finished (yes i played on easy) deffo the [spoiler]"empire" cliffhanger[/spoiler]ending....enjoyable stuff throughout.
Title: Re: force unleashed 2
Post by: Keef Monkey on 02 November, 2010, 11:09:21 AM
Got pretty excited about this, being Star Wars and all, but a few minutes into the demo I remembered I didn't really like the first game and this was more of the same! Seems a lot more polished this time mind you, the combat is way less ropey. Still has a lot of trouble with the lock-on, the amount of times I decided I wanted to throw a crate through a squad of troopers but just couldn't get him to target it. It was a big frustration for me with TFU1, so I've been pretty put off that its still annoying here! Still, the idea of missing out on some Star Warseyness isn't a pleasant one so I'll probably cave and play it at some point.
Title: Re: force unleashed 2
Post by: radiator on 02 November, 2010, 12:44:45 PM
QuoteIt's certainly not for those who didn't like how powerful you were in the first as you're a complete hardcase from the off.

Well, there's 'hardcase', then there's 'plucking TIE fighters out of the air and throwing them around'!

I want to play as a jedi - like Luke in RotJ, not as some sort of insanely overpowered demigod! I still think it's a fundamental problem with the series - as the player character is so powerful, they have to invent all these ridiculous enemies for you to fight, like lightsaber-blocking stormtroopers.
Title: Re: force unleashed 2
Post by: Steve Green on 02 November, 2010, 08:27:18 PM

I played the demo last night and it looks beautiful, but the omnipotence is ridiculous, to the extent it spoils things for me - it's like giving Freeman the gravity gun at the start of HL2.

"All too easy" to quote Vader.

I'd rather see them do a DPS along the lines of Dark Forces and play as a Han Solo character.
Title: Re: force unleashed 2
Post by: Pete Wells on 03 November, 2010, 06:29:42 AM
I completed this last night (both endings) and, in the main have enjoyed it. However, it seems that the levels are very, very long, which is good, but there are too few of them, especially as one level is pretty much repeated.

Still, a good game, great story with real epic moments. I'm looking forward to flying through it as a totally tricked out Jedi master...
Title: Re: force unleashed 2
Post by: radiator on 03 November, 2010, 12:08:12 PM
QuoteI'd rather see them do a DPS along the lines of Dark Forces and play as a Han Solo character.

Me too - or one like DFII where you slowly acquired jedi powers throughout the game. I had a bit of a rant about this on the other Force Unleashed thread, but I'm a bit disappointed with the excess of instant gratification and general OTT-ness in games these days - it works for certain types of games, but sometimes less is more! It would be far more satisfying to gradually earn your powers - and to have to use them to the full their extent to survive against a few evenly matched opponents...
Title: Re: force unleashed 2
Post by: Keef Monkey on 03 November, 2010, 05:44:41 PM
I've heard people complain about the Dagobah level, apparently its something folks were excited about but amounts to about 30 seconds of gameplay (and that's just walking in a straight line to trigger cutscenes).

About being overpowered, I guess they were in a tough spot because the first game followed that structure. They gave you a taste of lots of power in the opening level as Vader then you started as Starkiller and gradually gained power. It must be a tough balance to try and show people they will be a powerful Jedi at some point in the game so they don't tune out after 5 minutes, but without blowing their force load at the start. Thought Arkham Asylum did a great job of this, right from the start you felt every bit a Batman badass, but as it went on you got new gadgets and things to keep you developing.
Title: Re: force unleashed 2
Post by: SmallBlueThing on 16 January, 2011, 12:48:51 PM
My eldest (7) has just this minute completed Force Unleashed 2, and is very, very happy. He got it at xmas, and I've been watching him play, and aside from the hilariously dodgy Vader voice, it's been brilliant. When's the next one out?

Title: Re: force unleashed 2
Post by: Batman's Superior Cousin on 16 January, 2011, 01:33:34 PM
It's in the very early stages according to those in the know (due to the cannon Light Side ending) & won't be out for at least a year or two.
Title: Re: force unleashed 2
Post by: locustsofdeath! on 16 January, 2011, 02:00:12 PM
Like the first one, I found Force Unleashed pretty diverting though I don't know how replay value it has. Good fun, not too difficult - didn't like the locked in camera but the graphics were nice. That said...

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