2000 AD Online Forum

2000 AD => News => Topic started by: wrly_bird on 31 October, 2010, 11:16:45 AM

Title: Worleyworld blog
Post by: wrly_bird on 31 October, 2010, 11:16:45 AM

Just a quick post to let you guys know that thanks to some expert ear-bending by Neil Roberts and Kev Lev and PJ (cheers, chaps), I've started up a blog.

I'm aiming to include some behind-the-scenes guff about writing, research and wotnot. Strictly nuts'n'bolts, mind. No boring intros. Just straight into HARD pen-pushing action!

For now, however, I'm beefing up some of the sub-sections on current projects, starting with DANDRIDGE: the five-parter by me and Warren Pleece what begins in Prog 1710.

Out November 10, yo!

Pour yourself into this digi-funnel and enjoy: http://alecworley.posterous.com/pages/dandridge

Anyway, I've also started up a Tumblr account through which I intend to fire the issuings of my blog. You can discover it here: http://alec-worley.tumblr.com/

I'm after doing the same with my Twitter account, through which you can also consume irregular truth droppings courtesy of Animal Facts: http://twitter.com/animal_facts (http://twitter.com/animal_facts)


Title: Re: Worleyworld blog
Post by: IAMTHESYSTEM on 31 October, 2010, 12:08:12 PM

Always good to hear from a 2000AD creator. Did enjoy your Age of the Wolf story.

Will there be more Rowan Morrigan soon or is that taking a rest for a while in favour of other projects?  :)

Title: Re: Worleyworld blog
Post by: Zarjazzer on 31 October, 2010, 01:08:13 PM
Dandridge sounds good I'll be looking out for that in the prog.
Title: Re: Worleyworld blog
Post by: wrly_bird on 31 October, 2010, 04:46:17 PM
Cheers, guys.
Plenty more stuff in the pipeline, IAMTHESYSTEM. Keeping busy. ;)
Fanks again.
Title: Re: Worleyworld blog
Post by: wrly_bird on 08 November, 2010, 07:49:35 PM
Ladies and gentlesquax,

I am writing to enquire whether you would do me the honour of joining me for several weeks of gothic reverie and transcendental bonhomie as I commence a 'guest blog' on Wednesday 10 November at the following link: http://worleyworld.posterous.com/

I shall be 'posting' as regularly as commitment allows over the next five weeks, and intend to cover a variety of subjects, from the occult significance of a correctly tailored suit to an excerpt from my latest novel – that is, if I can get Mr. Worley to stop fiddling with himself for long enough to transcribe the damn thing!

I look forward to the pleasure your company,

Dr. Spartacus Dandridge
Title: Re: Worleyworld blog
Post by: Richmond Clements on 11 November, 2010, 05:16:23 PM
At the risk of repeating myself- http://hiexcomics.blogspot.com/2010/11/dandridge-interview-exclusive.html
Title: Re: Worleyworld blog
Post by: wrly_bird on 13 November, 2010, 11:01:02 AM
Today on Worleyworld, we're publishing an exclusive extract from the latest Montague Baine novel by 'Oliver Packman'

http://worleyworld.posterous.com/ (http://worleyworld.posterous.com/)
