2000 AD Online Forum

General Chat => Creative Common => Topic started by: Pauul on 13 July, 2011, 10:48:53 AM

Title: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: Pauul on 13 July, 2011, 10:48:53 AM
In the past few months discussions have occurred on both the 2000AD board and the Millarworld board regarding creating comics aimed at kids.

I'm sure when most of us started reading comics, we were children and it is a shame that if you look at the mainstream comic book market today that most comics are now aimed at adults.

So, wouldn't it be great if some of us came up with some comic books actually aimed at children?

Maybe even a shared universe?

Emperor started a thread on 2000AD titled 'Zeta Comics looking for kids comics pitches' and IanBuchanan82 created a similar discussion on Millarworld called 'Want to make child friendly superhero comics?'

I'd like to thanks those guys for raising this point, as I hadn't really thought about it before. But plenty of people on those threads (including myself) thought it'd be a good idea, so now I'm trying organise things into a single cohesive project.

Maybe if we can develop some scripts of professional quality with art to match, we can take this project to publishers and try to gain some interest.

There are no guarantees but sometimes you take a risk, invest your time in something and it pays off.

Zeta Comics have posted on their website that they are looking for submissions aimed at children and What the Flux?! Comics have shown a little interest – although they are currently changing their policy so that they require three completed issues before committing to a project (as they've had problems with creators).

But that certainly gives us somewhere to start.

If you think you might be interested in collaborating on this, post below.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: Pauul on 13 July, 2011, 10:50:14 AM
Here is the sister thread on Millarworld; http://forums.millarworld.tv/index.php?/topic/98268-a-shared-universe-project/ (http://forums.millarworld.tv/index.php?/topic/98268-a-shared-universe-project/)
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: chaingunchimp on 13 July, 2011, 04:01:45 PM
dunno how well i could write for kids. :-\
but if u want me to slap some lettering on anything give me a shout sure.


Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: Van Dom on 13 July, 2011, 04:34:24 PM
Great idea Pauul.
Myself and my (8 year old) daughter have started "work" on a comic strip called Madd Higz, about a bunch of goofy aliens with the ability to bring anything to life who turn up on a deserted Earth in the wake of a global apocalypse and start trying to bring the world to life. Except they have no idea what anything they find is or how anything worked, so they start creating a pretty messed up environment (for a start, they confuse wheelie bins for some kind of deceased God-like beings because of their huge 'mouths' and 'stomachs' full of discarded rubbish, and promptly set about reanimating them, creating a whole new population of angry, chomping wheelie-Gods).
It's just something we started talking about in mass last Sunday (emm. that's what you do in mass isnt it?) and by the time we had walked home we had this whole first episode plotted out. :)

But yeah, I'd be up for throwing my oar in on something like this for sure.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: CrazyFoxMachine on 13 July, 2011, 06:37:09 PM
Wouldn't mind drawing a kid's comic at all :D
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: Pauul on 13 July, 2011, 10:44:31 PM
I did think you Kirby head was really cool, Owen.

I think we should be really looking back to the classics for this.

Madd Higz sounds cool Van Dom, I'm not sure it'd fit into a shared superhero universe but I'd welcome more ideas.

We might not need a letterer for a while Chaingun, but I'll remember your offer. And feel free to bounce ideas off other guys on the thread if you think of any characters you might like to contribute.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: Pauul on 13 July, 2011, 10:46:12 PM
The discussion as turned to format on the other thread, so I'll repeat what I said there.

If we are to develop this project with any success, then we need a standard format which we can work to.

I propose that we work to the standard which has been in place for decades in America; a twenty-four page colour comic book.

This is certainly ambitious but if you're writing a strip aimed at children then you can't really afford to think small.

Black and white short stories simply wont cut it.

That being said, I am not necessarily proposing twenty-four page stories. Something many comics aimed at children do is to break up the book into multiple stories.

So, even if you have twenty-four pages – you might have one strip which is fifteen pages long with a nine page backup or a comic book that has two nine page stories and a six page story.

And if we did have to alter our plans later on to create an anthology, this approach would also allow us to do that.

I would also argue that each story should be complete in itself. No 'to be continued' or 'part one of three'. This is likely to frustrate a young reader and makes a comic book less accessible to new readers.

A child should be able to pick up any issue and immediately get into the story.

And although we are proposing a shared universe, characters really shouldn't interact in the origin issue. This didn't happen with classic characters like Superman or Batman and if this project does not get picked up I would like individual creators to be able to take their projects to publishers on their own.

Of course, I am open to suggestions but we really need a standard format if we are to move forward.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: locustsofdeath! on 14 July, 2011, 02:08:51 AM
Why do a children's comic? Personally, I think a new super-hero comic would be cool for adults or "older kids", but I don't think it cracks the kids' market. Youngsters coming in to anything tend to play it "safe", go with established brands or "entry drugs"...like Batman, Superman, Spiderman and all of the Big Names. I like your idea, I just think it would be more successful for a slightly older - and more daring - audience. That's just my two pennies rubbed together, though. You all may prove me dead wrong.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: clavell on 14 July, 2011, 02:34:50 AM
Does it have to be superheroes ?

- C
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: Hoagy on 14 July, 2011, 03:54:18 AM
Something like Electric soup style art for me, to have a go at. Frank Quitely's early children's stuff enthuses me. And I've definitely got a simplistic streak in my artwork, that I'd like to define.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: Van Dom on 14 July, 2011, 10:24:16 AM
Quote from: clavell on 14 July, 2011, 02:34:50 AM
Does it have to be superheroes ?

- C

Yes, what he said. As locusts said, if kids are going to go for a superhero comic aren't they more likely to go for Spiderman or Batman or Superman - something they are exposed to on a daily basis and are already familiar with?  I dunno.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: Pauul on 14 July, 2011, 11:08:56 AM
QuoteDoes it have to be superheroes ?

Well, frankly, no.

I guess it all depends how you define superheroes.

With the character I've been developing - Kid Prospero, he's a magic user who will wear a colourful costume but it wont include a mask and I envision it being more like a bright jacket and a t-shirt with 'K.P.' on it.

But that being said, it should be a concept that fits within a superhero-style present day shared universe.

QuoteWhy do a children's comic? Personally, I think a new super-hero comic would be cool for adults or "older kids", but I don't think it cracks the kids' market. Youngsters coming in to anything tend to play it "safe", go with established brands or "entry drugs"...like Batman, Superman, Spiderman and all of the Big Names. I like your idea, I just think it would be more successful for a slightly older - and more daring - audience. That's just my two pennies rubbed together, though. You all may prove me dead wrong.

Why do a children's comic? Essentially, because there is a lot of stuff aimed exclusively at an adult readership now. But perhaps 'kids comics' is the wrong description. What'd be great is a comic book that is all-ages. Which adults can pick up and enjoy but is still suitable to be read by children as well.

And yeah, a comic book for older kids would be great too. I see no reason not to aim at different age ranges. For instance, we could have a group of books aimed at kids 6-12 years old and another group for 12 years and older.

What makes something all-ages is less about it being unsophisticated and more about it including bright colours, a lack of real guns with an absence of swearing and other harsh language.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: TordelBack on 14 July, 2011, 11:19:01 AM
Quote from: Pauul on 14 July, 2011, 11:08:56 AM
Kid Prospero


"We are such stuff as dreams are made on - or in this case, your worst nightmare!"
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: locustsofdeath! on 14 July, 2011, 11:22:23 AM
Either which way you go, get a real editor attached to the project.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: Pauul on 14 July, 2011, 11:36:18 AM
QuoteEither which way you go, get a real editor attached to the project.

I take it you mean an editor who has worked professionally within the comic book industry? Rather than someone with the ability and training to edit scripts?

At this stage, I don't think a professional editor would be interested in the project. And I know this having spoken with John Paul Fitch at What the Flux?! Comics, an indie publisher. He doesn't have the time to edit scripts and put together material but would be interested in getting involved when said material has been assembled.

On the latter score, I've trained as a screenwriter as an undergraduate and postgraduate which gives me training in how to write scripts and how to edit them. I've helped peers bring their scripts up to a professional quality before and I beleive I can do the same here.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: locustsofdeath! on 14 July, 2011, 11:47:59 AM
Quote from: Pauul on 14 July, 2011, 11:36:18 AM
On the latter score, I've trained as a screenwriter as an undergraduate and postgraduate which gives me training in how to write scripts and how to edit them. I've helped peers bring their scripts up to a professional quality before and I beleive I can do the same here.

Yes, yes, I know you are...accomplished...at this and that, as you've mentioned before time and again. But have you launched a magazine before? And, my friend, no one needs degrees to write. Knowledge in X's and O's very rarely make a good writer. A good teacher, sure, so I suppose your boast about "bringing up scripts to a professional level" may be truthful.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: Pauul on 14 July, 2011, 12:34:05 PM
The degrees themselves are fairly useless, but I'd argue that learning from someone who has more experiance than you, is always worthwhile.

I have been taught skills to do with formatting and script editing which would be useful here.

In the past, I've helped friends on their projects by giving them useful feedback.

On one of the previous threads, it was asked that someone take charge to give this project some direction and when no one else stepped forward, I volunteered.

And doubtlessly, there will come a time when this project reaches a point where it will need to be taken to someone with more experiance than I have but first things need to be developed to that point and I will do all that I can to help.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: Christov on 14 July, 2011, 10:12:28 PM
Restraining myself from the gruesome and the sweary is a tremendous task, but I might give it a go.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: Richmond Clements on 15 July, 2011, 10:36:15 AM
QuoteI take it you mean an editor who has worked professionally within the comic book industry? Rather than someone with the ability and training to edit scripts?

I'd suggest he means an editor with no emotional attachment to any of the characters and who is not a friend of you or any of the other contributors. In other words- one who will tell you when something is not working and be able to offer help with finding a solution.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: blackmocco on 16 July, 2011, 12:20:16 AM
Quote from: Pauul on 14 July, 2011, 12:34:05 PM
The degrees themselves are fairly useless, but I'd argue that learning from someone who has more experiance than you, is always worthwhile.

I have been taught skills to do with formatting and script editing which would be useful here.

In the past, I've helped friends on their projects by giving them useful feedback.

On one of the previous threads, it was asked that someone take charge to give this project some direction and when no one else stepped forward, I volunteered.

And doubtlessly, there will come a time when this project reaches a point where it will need to be taken to someone with more experiance than I have but first things need to be developed to that point and I will do all that I can to help.

That's 'e-x-p-e-r-i-e-n-c-e'. Hate to be that guy but hard to take you seriously when there's glaring spelling mistakes...
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: Pauul on 16 July, 2011, 02:10:02 AM
QuoteThat's 'e-x-p-e-r-i-e-n-c-e'. Hate to be that guy but hard to take you seriously when there's glaring spelling mistakes...

My apologies, I'm dyspraxic and there is a certain overlap with other learning difficulties. I could run every post I make through spell check but falling into that kind of obsessive behaviour really isn't good for me.

Although it does make me very careful when checking through my scripts.

So, yes, I think we have firmly established that I am not a perfect human being. Nor am I a professional editor, who has launched a magazine before. If these facts are of concern to anyone, then you can by all means go elsewhere.

The fact of the matter is, that if someone hadn't stepped in to give this project some direction then it'd now be dead and we wouldn't be having this conversation anyway.

I can only promise to do my best and hope that is good enough.

QuoteI'd suggest he means an editor with no emotional attachment to any of the characters and who is not a friend of you or any of the other contributors. In other words- one who will tell you when something is not working and be able to offer help with finding a solution.

Trust me, being emotionally detached really isn't an issue for me. I am really very able to brutally dismantle a script should it prove necessary. I would happily do so, even if a friend were contributing to this because I know that is the best way to help a script (which in turn, is the best way to help a writer).

If you are referring to my own writing, then I am well aware that I am not the best person to edit my own work which is why I have taken the time to show my script to other people and get feedback.

Now, this is all becoming terribly personal, so could we perhaps turn out attention back to the project?

To those artists looking to contribute, I thank you for expressing your interest and when the scripts have reached the point where I deem they are at a professional level and worthy of your time and talents - I will let you know.

And to writers which have posted, I look forward to hearing what ideas you have.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: locustsofdeath! on 16 July, 2011, 10:44:25 AM
Quote from: Pauul on 16 July, 2011, 02:10:02 AM

Now, this is all becoming terribly personal...

Perhaps because you sound like a pretentious ass. Seriously, have a reread of your posts both here and in the Doctor WTF?! thread with that detached eye of yours. As I mentioned to you - in a private PM - there are many writers, editors and artists frequenting this forum who have a great deal of experience and success in comics. Your tone is in turns condescending, insulting - and whiny. As for me, you're such a turn-off that I wouldn't bother with a project that, with a few tweaks, might turn out nicely.

Good luck in any case.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: Proudhuff on 16 July, 2011, 11:46:26 AM

jeez, guys, guys....


Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: Richmond Clements on 16 July, 2011, 07:32:03 PM
QuoteNow, this is all becoming terribly personal, so could we perhaps turn out attention back to the project?

Well, I actually thought that I was trying to help, but never mind. Carry on.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: Pauul on 16 July, 2011, 08:01:14 PM
QuoteWell, I actually thought that I was trying to help, but never mind. Carry on.

That part of my post wasn't necessarily referring to you, but the general direction the thread was heading in. I was attempting to get things back on topic.

Looks like I did a terrific job, huh?

QuotePerhaps because you sound like a pretentious ass. Seriously, have a reread of your posts both here and in the Doctor WTF?! thread with that detached eye of yours. As I mentioned to you - in a private PM - there are many writers, editors and artists frequenting this forum who have a great deal of experience and success in comics. Your tone is in turns condescending, insulting - and whiny. As for me, you're such a turn-off that I wouldn't bother with a project that, with a few tweaks, might turn out nicely.

You really know very little about me and I do not see how it is at all helpful to insult me. I would suggest you are reading things into what I have written which are simply not there.

My mode of speech is perhaps slightly more formalised than most, that is difficult to deny but as I've already stated - I'm dyspraxic which has a certain overlap with other learning difficulties such as dyslexia and Asperger syndrome. I talk this way not because I'm being condescending, insulting or whiny but simply because it is the way I talk.

Richmond, I thank you for trying to help.

Locusts, if you don't have anything positive or helpful to say then please say nothing at all.

Proudhuff, nice kittens.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: locustsofdeath! on 16 July, 2011, 08:05:29 PM
I stand by my comments, and your latest post does very little to change my mind.

You say "formalised" I say "wooden"  :-\.

Edit: I'm going to apologize here real quick - not to Pauul, but to other members of the forum. I've worked with, been friends with and met for drinks with a good many of you, and I've been around this forum for a good while without ever having a go at someone or highjacking a thread in a negative way. But there's something about Pauul's pretentious "know-it-allness" that just gets under my skin, from his comments about submitting an "epic rewrite of the Doctor Who mythos" to his "I type more fomalised than most". I should keep my laughs and my comments to myself, and I'll do my best going forward. Those involved with this project, good luck. Really...good luck. To you most of all, Pauul.
Title: Re: A Shared Universe Project
Post by: Pauul on 17 July, 2011, 02:05:19 PM
Okay, given that some people on here think that I'm unfit to help organise the project (about half the posts on here are about that alone) and now that the atmosphere on here is so toxic that I doubt anything good can come out of this - I'd suggest a mod close the thread.

I really don't think there's any hope of getting this discussion back on track and no potential contributors coming onto the thread are going to want to be involved after reading this mess.

However, the thread on Millarworld is much more positive, so if anyone still wants to be involved then I suggest you head over there.