2000 AD Online Forum

General Chat => Games => Topic started by: U.S.S.R on 10 May, 2012, 09:15:22 AM

Title: 2000AD games?
Post by: U.S.S.R on 10 May, 2012, 09:15:22 AM
Anyone think there will ever be a Judge Dredd game, or any 2000AD related game for that matter, on one of the 'major' consoles? Or are there and I being a fool and there already are?  I can understand the difficulties with the size of the Meg, vastness of characters etc. but always thought how cool a Dredd gta-style game would be. Thoughts? :)
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: Goaty on 10 May, 2012, 09:24:33 AM
Er... yes.

Judge Dredd Vs Death (check Steam)

Judge Dredd Vs Zombies (iPhone, Android)

Rogue Troopers (PC or Wii)
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: Dandontdare on 10 May, 2012, 09:43:19 AM
not to mention the awesome Judge Dredd and Rogue Trooper boardgames (am I showing my age here?)

Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: Satanist on 10 May, 2012, 10:11:11 AM
You know what, I would LOVE a new 2000ad board game.

Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: Emp on 10 May, 2012, 10:13:42 AM
Quote from: Dandontdare on 10 May, 2012, 09:43:19 AM
not to mention the awesome Judge Dredd and Rogue Trooper boardgames (am I showing my age here?)

...and don't forget Block & Mega Mania...
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: U.S.S.R on 10 May, 2012, 11:14:39 AM
Ha never knew there were board games that's cool. I really meant like Xbox 360/playstation 3 but cool to know there are games out there
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: James Stacey on 10 May, 2012, 11:15:50 AM
Rebellion _must_ have a game in development to tie in with the film... surely ?
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: Molch-R on 10 May, 2012, 11:23:13 AM
We do not.
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: Mudcrab on 10 May, 2012, 12:56:26 PM
Quote from: Goaty on 10 May, 2012, 09:24:33 AM
Rogue Trooper (PS2 or PC or Wii)

Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: brendan1 on 10 May, 2012, 01:45:23 PM
Quote from: U.S.S.R on 10 May, 2012, 09:15:22 AM
Anyone think there will ever be a Judge Dredd game, or any 2000AD related game for that matter, on one of the 'major' consoles? Or are there and I being a fool and there already are?  I can understand the difficulties with the size of the Meg, vastness of characters etc. but always thought how cool a Dredd gta-style game would be. Thoughts? :)

I think the last two (Rogue Trooper and Dredd vs Death) were on the last generation xBOX AND ps2.

Think that's about it. Both were OK, I think. Although I only had the Dredd FPS. I liked it more than I would have because it was Dredd - compared to the likes of Halo, Half-Life 2, Black etc, it wasn't a very good FPS really.
Title: Re: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: Noisybast on 10 May, 2012, 01:47:26 PM
What's the situation rights-wise, Molch-R? Could Rebellion *potentially* make a game based on the film in the event of the film doing well, or is it a legal minefield?
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: Mr.Fastrope on 10 May, 2012, 01:54:33 PM
Im still playing Dredd vs Death sometimes. Okay, all story based with violence but i love it :)
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: Mr.Fastrope on 10 May, 2012, 01:57:10 PM
Quote from: James Stacey on 10 May, 2012, 11:15:50 AM
Rebellion _must_ have a game in development to tie in with the film... surely ?

Definitely, like Captain America or Green Lantern.
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: U.S.S.R on 10 May, 2012, 02:17:09 PM
Cool thanks for all your input, I think there is a lot of potential for more games 2000AD based though
Title: Re: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: Molch-R on 10 May, 2012, 03:07:38 PM
Quote from: Noisybast on 10 May, 2012, 01:47:26 PM
What's the situation rights-wise, Molch-R? Could Rebellion *potentially* make a game based on the film in the event of the film doing well, or is it a legal minefield?

It'd be nowt to do with legal stuff - we own the rights to Dredd property. It comes down to whether we can find a publisher. And you'd be looking at a good two years minimum to develop it, so for the foreseeable future it's not looking likely.
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: Noisybast on 10 May, 2012, 03:17:52 PM
Makes sense. Cheers, Molch-R.
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: WhizzBang on 10 May, 2012, 05:41:03 PM
I heartily recommend the Rogue Trooper game (I have played it on XBox and Wii and both are great). I think it is the best 2000ad video game there has ever been, and I have probably played them all since Strontium Dog:The Killing on the ZX Spectrum (1984).

Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: SmallBlueThing on 10 May, 2012, 11:14:35 PM
My kids (7 and 9) would tell you that both dredd vs death on the cube and ps2 and rogue trooper on the cube are two of the BEST GAMES EVER! They love shooting things, killing vampire and norts, then running round the house calling me a 'stinkin drokker!' and burning me to death with an ian dury bullet.

All good clean fun. Lovely.

Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: SmallBlueThing on 10 May, 2012, 11:16:10 PM
'ian dury bullet'? I give up with this phone. Incendiary, i meant.

Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: U.S.S.R on 11 May, 2012, 10:32:10 AM
Quote from: SmallBlueThing on 10 May, 2012, 11:14:35 PM
My kids (7 and 9) would tell you that both dredd vs death on the cube and ps2 and rogue trooper on the cube are two of the BEST GAMES EVER! They love shooting things, killing vampire and norts, then running round the house calling me a 'stinkin drokker!' and burning me to death with an ian dury bullet.

All good clean fun. Lovely.

Yep, sure sounds like a normal family to me! :)

Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: TordelBack on 11 May, 2012, 10:42:09 AM
Quote from: SmallBlueThing on 10 May, 2012, 11:16:10 PM
'ian dury bullet'? I give up with this phone. Incendiary, i meant.

I thought it was clever slang for hollow-point ammo.  Ian Dury = Blockheads = Dum-dums.
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: Large48 on 11 May, 2012, 04:06:25 PM
I could never get out of the training room in Dredd vs. Death.

Although found the Rogue Trooper one a bit easy finishing it very quickly.

So make out of that what you will!  :D
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: Dandontdare on 11 May, 2012, 04:25:16 PM
Quote from: Large48 on 11 May, 2012, 04:06:25 PM
I could never get out of the training room in Dredd vs. Death.

Me too! One time I got trapped under the stairs and due to some  glitch couldn't move in any direction, and the last time I tried it, I got so frustrated I just punched the judge-tutor until the SJS turned up. He's not a very good judge though - I must have been pumelling him for ages while he just kept saying "hey, watch it!" - I would've arrested me on the first punch!
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: SmallBlueThing on 11 May, 2012, 05:55:46 PM
Although i dont ever play videogames (except if they involve snowboarding) even i had to have a go at Dredd vs Death. I found it frustrating and annoying and boring in equal measure... Until i figured out how to get out of the training rooms (about two months later)- then it became ABSOLUTELY ARSOM! Shooting vampires and arresting fatties was such fun. And i liked 'youre gonna feel a little prick' repeated endlessly too.

Ive not played Rogue Trooper- but ive watched the boys play it enough to know it looks hideously complicated and not for me.

Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: shaolin_monkey on 13 May, 2012, 11:07:27 PM
Another vote for Rogue Trooper from me! You can pick up the PC version for next to nothing these days.  If you're running Vista, it crashes during the on-rails sections, but it plays beautifully on Windows 7.  Also, if you have nVidia 3D Vision, it works extremely well on that, all except some cut scenes and the sniper bits.

I personally thing RT is the best all time 2000AD game ever - I've played through it three times. I love the interaction of Gunnar, Bagman, Helm and Rogue; it really captures their relationship.

Also, the actual gameplay is so adaptive to your own style.  Like running in all guns blazing? Great.  Love sneaking around doing silent kills? No problem. Like picking them off from afar? Easy peasy. Enjoy hunting hidden items and levelling equipment? It's all there.

It's so close to the source material too! So many settings, characters, enemy type etc appear in it.  Love it!

Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: vzzbux on 14 May, 2012, 09:05:16 PM

Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: strontium71 on 14 May, 2012, 09:29:39 PM
Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 13 May, 2012, 11:07:27 PM
it plays beautifully...the best all time 2000AD game ever...I love the interaction of Gunnar, Bagman, Helm and Rogue...Great...Love it!

But do you like it?
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: shaolin_monkey on 14 May, 2012, 09:54:59 PM
Quote from: strontium71 on 14 May, 2012, 09:29:39 PM
Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 13 May, 2012, 11:07:27 PM
it plays beautifully...the best all time 2000AD game ever...I love the interaction of Gunnar, Bagman, Helm and Rogue...Great...Love it!

But do you like it?

Nah, it's crap.
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: M.I.K. on 17 May, 2012, 03:56:43 AM
Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 13 May, 2012, 11:07:27 PMIf you're running Vista, it crashes during the on-rails sections, but it plays beautifully on Windows 7.

I have Windows 7 and still had problems, but it's fixable...

http://forums.2000adonline.com/index.php/topic,14595.msg663420.html#msg663420 (http://forums.2000adonline.com/index.php/topic,14595.msg663420.html#msg663420)
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: opaque on 18 May, 2012, 06:51:22 PM
Something based on the film would be a mistake really even if it had been possible as it would just dilute the 'real' Dredd we love here. Might as well just keep on with things like the Ipad version and maybe another pc/ps3/360 game in the future.
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: shaolin_monkey on 19 May, 2012, 12:56:15 PM
Quote from: opaque on 18 May, 2012, 06:51:22 PM
Something based on the film would be a mistake really even if it had been possible as it would just dilute the 'real' Dredd we love here. Might as well just keep on with things like the Ipad version and maybe another pc/ps3/360 game in the future.

Did you know the original Xbox Rogue Trooper is playable on the 360 with a small update from Xbox Live?
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: judge cooper on 20 May, 2012, 08:56:26 PM
wasnt there a failed judge dredd arcade game by midway
Title: Re: 2000AD games?
Post by: Dr_Kirk on 20 May, 2012, 09:22:12 PM
Quote from: judge cooper on 20 May, 2012, 08:56:26 PM
wasnt there a failed judge dredd arcade game by midway

Try this: http://gaminghell.co.uk/JudgeDreddInterview.html

The Judge Dredd game for the SNES and Megadrive was quite good (for a 2D platformer).  Although it was based on the movie up to a point, the sprites were resembled the comic and the last levels were set on Deadworld.  Lots of nods to 2000 AD, including Otto Sump, Chopper and the Dark Judges.