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General Chat => Film & TV => Topic started by: bluemeanie on 20 June, 2012, 04:47:13 PM

Title: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: bluemeanie on 20 June, 2012, 04:47:13 PM
Was just upstairs in work fixing someone's pc. One of the girls up there was talking about  how she's going to the cinema tonight and then brought out the fucking HUGE bag of crinkly wrapper sweets she's bought in tescos to munch through the entire thing.

Resisted the urge to hit her with a chair. But only barely

Can anyone explain why it is people feel the need to constantly eat during a two hour movie? Every cinema trip I go on requires me to try and block out the constant rustle and crunch as mouth breathers shovel shit into themselves. Do they do the same whenever they put in a dvd? Cant get through the credits without a box of fucking nachos?

I'd happily pay a premium to sit in a "no food" screen.

Of course I may just be over reacting. I do that   ::)
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: Roger Godpleton on 20 June, 2012, 04:52:21 PM
I once saw someone eating KFC in the cinema.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: Molch-R on 20 June, 2012, 04:54:37 PM
Quote from: bluemeanie on 20 June, 2012, 04:47:13 PM
Can anyone explain why it is people feel the need to constantly eat during a two hour movie? Every cinema trip I go on requires me to try and block out the constant rustle and crunch as mouth breathers shovel shit into themselves. Do they do the same whenever they put in a dvd? Cant get through the credits without a box of fucking nachos?

I ... I get hungry.

Seriously though, I'm proper addicted to cinema food and it stops my fidgeting. I *do* try and keep the noise to a minimum (saying that, when I went to see the Avengers I'd finished nachos, large popcorn, AND drink before the trailers had even finished).

Kinda backfired when I bought my usual choices for a screening of No Country For Old Men - A FILM ENTIRELY WITHOUT ANY SOUNDTRACK!! Had to suck my way through a massive box of salted popcorn and nearly died of thirst before it had finished.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: Goaty on 20 June, 2012, 04:56:31 PM
You could if you arrived late from work!
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: bluemeanie on 20 June, 2012, 04:59:29 PM
It always gets me when they show three or four "Turn your phone off... keep the noise down... dont spoil the movie for other people" ads then sell people nachos.

Fuck it, why not ice-cream sundaes with a sparkler in the top?

The lovely wife is even worse than me though. To be fair she's got a proper medical thing that means she cant tune out background noise so anyone sat behind her eating stuff gets some serious Paddington Bear Stare action

It does actually colour what movies I go and see in the cinema though. Would never go see something like Tinker,Tailor,Soldier, Spy as I know its a quiet, clever film and the distraction would drive me nuts.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: radiator on 20 June, 2012, 05:07:53 PM
QuoteI once saw someone eating KFC in the cinema.

A friend of mine told me that where he's from it's a regular occurence to see people eating entire Indian or Chinese takeaways in the cinema.

While that is clearly taking the piss, I don't mind people eating - and almost always have a bag of salted popcorn when I watch a film - it's just not the same without it. I'd even go so far as to say that I quite like the sound of rustling popcorn.

As with anything, it's all about consideration. It's perfectly possible to munch without making a lot of noise.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: JOE SOAP on 20 June, 2012, 05:10:18 PM
They still haven't solved the problem of missing bits of the film while taking a slash. I suggest flat-screens in the jax or a piss-trough below the main theatre screen.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: SuperSurfer on 20 June, 2012, 05:13:18 PM
Yeah, bloody winds me up. I go gaps of years without going to the cinema because I always end up so riled I swear I will never go again.

The film before last that I saw in a cinema was True Git (not the John Wayne version). Can't remember what I saw before that.

In a moment of weakness went to see Avengers. Load of open gobbed uncouth popcorn munchers. One of the worst culprits finished a box, I finally thought I could concentrate on the film then she left to go and buy another box.

I reckon some people say to each other: "shall we go out for popcorn?" and then decide on the cinema.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: von Boom on 20 June, 2012, 05:16:39 PM
Quote from: JOE SOAP on 20 June, 2012, 05:10:18 PM
They still haven't solved the problem of missing bits of the film while taking a slash. I suggest flat-screens in the jax or a piss-trough below the main theatre screen.

Use your drinks cup.

Quote from: SuperSurfer on 20 June, 2012, 05:13:18 PM
In a moment of weakness went to see Avengers. Load of open gobbed uncouth popcorn munchers. One of the worst culprits finished a box, I finally thought I could now concentrate on the film then she left to go and buy another box. 

This irks me too. I'm always in the same row and they climb past me in a cloud of salt. I hope they enjoy their salt induced hypertension.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: JOE SOAP on 20 June, 2012, 05:21:17 PM
Quote from: Judge von Boom on 20 June, 2012, 05:16:39 PM
Quote from: JOE SOAP on 20 June, 2012, 05:10:18 PM
They still haven't solved the problem of missing bits of the film while taking a slash. I suggest flat-screens in the jax or a piss-trough below the main theatre screen.

Use your drinks cup.

It's never enough and people tend to kick it over then they walk out with pissy feet.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: COMMANDO FORCES on 20 June, 2012, 05:24:11 PM
Death to cinema menaces  >:D

Here is a tip for you wimps with tiny bladders, don't drink anything before or during the main feature.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: von Boom on 20 June, 2012, 05:25:53 PM
Quote from: JOE SOAP on 20 June, 2012, 05:21:17 PM
It's never enough and people tend to kick it over then they walk out with pissy feet.

You are one considerate and classy gent.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: strontium71 on 20 June, 2012, 05:26:54 PM
Quote from: Molch-R on 20 June, 2012, 04:54:37 PM

Kinda backfired when I bought my usual choices for a screening of No Country For Old Men - A FILM ENTIRELY WITHOUT ANY SOUNDTRACK!! Had to suck my way through a massive box of salted popcorn and nearly died of thirst before it had finished.

That is the funniest thing I've heard all day because it's so true :lol:
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: JOE SOAP on 20 June, 2012, 05:31:24 PM
Quote from: COMMANDO FORCES on 20 June, 2012, 05:24:11 PM
Here is a tip for you wimps with tiny bladders, don't drink anything before or during the main feature.

I always said you were full of wind & piss.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: Mardroid on 20 June, 2012, 06:59:36 PM
Quote from: COMMANDO FORCES on 20 June, 2012, 05:24:11 PM
Here is a tip for you wimps with tiny bladders, don't drink anything before or during the main feature.[/color]

That's what I do.

I will eat popcorn while at the cinema though. And other people eating it doesn't bother me. It's not THAT noisy.

I try to be considerate when eating it though. I.e. I feel paranoid about the crackling if I buy that packet popcorn, (although it's tempting being so much cheaper than the stuff in the cinema) but the kind of open packet stuff they sell in the cinema (sugared for me thank you, not salty) doesn't make a whole lot of noise.

*(It'd bother me if they were noisy open mouthed eaters with lots of crunching and squealchy sounds but if you eat with your mouth closed you'd have to be quite close to hear it.)
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: Dandontdare on 20 June, 2012, 07:26:29 PM
the only films I tend to go to the cinema for are the big eyeball-candy superhero/scifi/action flicks, which these days are so bloody loud I never seem to hear the munchers. TALKERS on the other hand... kill 'em!

I almost got annoyed at some very young kids in the Avengers who talked too much, but I couldn't help grin during the fight scenes though as their little heads were exploding and it was all "did you see.. and then WHAM... and... and.. and Hulk just POW!...". At the end they all rushed to the front and roared around swinging imaginary hammers and clobbering each other.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: radiator on 20 June, 2012, 07:59:24 PM
Talking during the film is bang out of order, but the people who give me dirty looks for talking during the adverts before the film can get fucked.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: Definitely Not Mister Pops on 20 June, 2012, 08:08:03 PM
Quote from: radiator on 20 June, 2012, 07:59:24 PM
...the adverts before the film can get fucked.


Haven't been to the cinema since my local Odeon made me sit through forty-fuckin-five minutes of ads before The Dark Knight
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: SuperSurfer on 20 June, 2012, 08:10:53 PM
People can talk through adverts as much as they like as far as I am concerned. But those who find every other advert just so hilarious kind of wind me up. A little bit.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: Buttonman on 20 June, 2012, 08:30:44 PM
One year I saw 145 separate features at the cinema - I had a pass and a diary. For example i can tell you that on 01/11/2004 I saw Oldboy, Man on Fire and House of the Dead and although I didn't record the details I can guarantee that someone annoyed me at each one - even those screenings with two people!

Big bug bear is the text checker who thinks his window of bright light is fine during the film. I can also remember every time I've told some one to shut up - at 'The Passion of the Christ' one woman said 'there are subtitles'.

Eating food is a pain but at least it's cheap. Whaaa...

I used to be able to eat a full family sized pack of Revels before the ads and often had a numb tongue from too many sour pick and mix.

In the years since I've went less and less and this year will only see me at the pictures 3 times - Tintin, Avengers and Dredd. Dark Knight put me off the new one due to it's bloated run time and I need another Spider Man origin movie like I need another Superman reboot.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: radiator on 20 June, 2012, 08:37:37 PM
QuotePeople can talk through adverts as much as they like as far as I am concerned. But those who find every other advert just so hilarious kind of wind me up. A little bit.

Yeah I was going to mention that. Especially if it's a fucking Lynx advert or something.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: Michaelvk on 20 June, 2012, 08:38:58 PM
I fucking hate it. I ab-so-lutely fucking loath having to hear other people munching their way through crap they never eat at home during a movie.. If I get the chance, I go to 9am shows where I know there's fuck all people there to ruin my passion... For prometheus I forbade my girlfriend from getting popcorn..

..saying that.. I went to transformers 2 (I liked it.. ), at around 9am, and had to wait to get my ticket (tickets and food sold at the same counter) while a couple was selecting a mountain of popcorn and other crap. Clearly they were going to the cinema for breakfast.

I however find the majority of people at the Cardiff Odeon to be rather well behaved in comparison to the crowds in South Africa. Can't remember what I went to, but it sounded like I was sitting in a giant bag of rice crispies.. And I'm not going to mention the fucking mobile phones that shine like magnesium flares. The cinemas there are all buried deep within malls (like most these days, I suppose), so there's a lot of people who just go to the movies almost arbitrarily, and don't really seem to be there for the show itself, but to just kill time..

I hate people..
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: Mardroid on 20 June, 2012, 08:39:11 PM
Quote from: SuperSurfer on 20 June, 2012, 08:10:53 PM
But those who find every other advert just so hilarious kind of wind me up. A little bit.

I know what you mean. I think part of the reason for them reacting that way is the fact they're all hyped up with their mates and excited to see the film though. I wonder if they'd laugh at the same material if they were back home watching it on the box? (Or maybe that should be 'board' since we're talking about LCD and Plasma screens. Nar, some boxes are flat...)
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: Definitely Not Mister Pops on 20 June, 2012, 08:45:14 PM
Quote from: Mardroid on 20 June, 2012, 08:39:11 PM
Quote from: SuperSurfer on 20 June, 2012, 08:10:53 PM
But those who find every other advert just so hilarious kind of wind me up. A little bit.

I know what you mean. I think part of the reason for them reacting that way is the fact they're all hyped up with their mates and excited to see the film though. I wonder if they'd laugh at the same material if they were back home watching it on the box?

I reckon they do and that's where I think the problem comes from. When I'm watching a film at home with me mates, we talk a lot, commenting and on the events in the movie and generally mucking about. The thing is, I realise that when I'm in a public cinema, not everyone is as forgiving of my bullshit as my mates are.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: Michaelvk on 20 June, 2012, 08:49:40 PM
Quote from: pops1983 on 20 June, 2012, 08:45:14 PM
Quote from: Mardroid on 20 June, 2012, 08:39:11 PM
Quote from: SuperSurfer on 20 June, 2012, 08:10:53 PM
But those who find every other advert just so hilarious kind of wind me up. A little bit.

I know what you mean. I think part of the reason for them reacting that way is the fact they're all hyped up with their mates and excited to see the film though. I wonder if they'd laugh at the same material if they were back home watching it on the box?

I reckon they do and that's where I think the problem comes from. When I'm watching a film at home with me mates, we talk a lot, commenting and on the events in the movie and generally mucking about. The thing is, I realise that when I'm in a public cinema, not everyone is as forgiving of my bullshit as my mates are.

At least at home you can pause and rewind.. Not so much in the theatre..
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: radiator on 20 June, 2012, 08:53:45 PM
I don't really subscribe to that rather humourless worldview of EVERYONE MUST SIT IN ABSOLUTE SILENCE DURING THE FILM. Part of the appeal of going to the cinema is the communal experience, no? A bit of noise is inevitable, and there's nothing quite like seeing a movie in a packed cinema. My girlfriend gets so absorbed in a good film that she'll often make exclamations, or shift in her seat at dramatic moments in the film - I just see that as part of the fun. I've been to some great screenings where the audience was anything but quiet - Jurassic Park and Drive to name two in recent years - and it added massively to the experience.

I draw the line at just talking throughout the film though, but mainly because it's just not worth confronting someone and getting beaten up/stabbed over, and then feeling all emasculated on the way home!
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: Michaelvk on 20 June, 2012, 09:03:16 PM
Don't get me wrong.. I do enjoy the communal experience, but quite often people are just taking the piss. For some reason it's worse in SA.. Here in the UK it's a lot more well behaved by comparison.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: JOE SOAP on 20 June, 2012, 09:08:23 PM
Once everyone's naked, I'm happy.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: SuperSurfer on 20 June, 2012, 09:38:00 PM
I've often wanted to see a really scary film in the cinema for the communal experience. The scariest I've seen in the cinema is Sixth Sense and that was great. (I don't count Blair Witch Project 'cos that ain't a scary movie but I don't want to open up that debate again.) Tell a lie – I saw Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original) in an arthouse cinema and the main reaction (out of fright) was laughter.

Try seeing a subtitled English language film in a non-English speaking country in the cinema and then you are in for a tough time. I saw a film in Spain and listening to it was a lost cause. People spoke all the way through as I guess most were just reading the subtitles. Saw many films in Holland and that was fine as virtually all Dutch people are fluent in English. In fact they would often pick holes in the translated subtitles. One Dutch friend pointed out to me that "let's go get Sushi" became "let's go get Suzie" (yup, Repo Man).

Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: SmallBlueThing on 20 June, 2012, 09:40:23 PM
There used to be a great little sex cinema in london called the astra, or the astral, or somesuch, and i went there once with a view to purchasing it. The furtive noises from the small audience and selected working girls put any munching of popcorn or nachos into perspective.

Personally, im blissfully unaware of any food-noise when im at the cinema (which is about once year these days) but talking through movies really pisses me off. That's the real sin.

Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: I, Cosh on 20 June, 2012, 09:47:22 PM
Maybe I'm just oblivious but I go to the cinema fairly regularly and am rarely aware of any misbehaviour or noise from the rest of the audience. The trick seems to be not going on a Friday or Saturday evening. Braying student twats at the local arthouse tends to be the worst I encounter but telling them to shut up is far less intimidating (and more likely to work) than a bunch of neds.

I vastly prefer seeing a film at the pictures to watching a DVD but I'm not sure about the communal experience part. A half empty showing on a Tuesday evening suits me fine. The prospect of one of these American screenings I read about on AICN, with people whooping and hollering, fills me with abject terror.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: JOE SOAP on 20 June, 2012, 09:51:50 PM
Quote from: SmallBlueThing on 20 June, 2012, 09:40:23 PM
There used to be a great little sex cinema in london called the astra, or the astral, or somesuch, and i went there once with a view to purchasing it.

and you still haven't bought Lost Girls?
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: bluemeanie on 20 June, 2012, 10:17:33 PM
Tell you what annoyed me at the cinema today... the Olympics advert before the film with Jamie Oliver saying "I'm taking part"

I didnt even know there WAS a 500m c*nt event
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: JOE SOAP on 20 June, 2012, 10:28:27 PM
Is cookery in the Olympics?
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: Definitely Not Mister Pops on 20 June, 2012, 10:34:12 PM
Quote from: JOE SOAP on 20 June, 2012, 10:28:27 PM
Is cookery in the Olympics?

McDonalds is sponsoring it
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: I, Cosh on 20 June, 2012, 10:38:15 PM
They should bring back Olympic sculpture.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: brendan1 on 21 June, 2012, 08:45:42 AM
It's all about being considerate. Usually the volume is enough to drown out incidental noises like people chomping food, or talking. I usually have a little bag of sweeties and a drink, but I do try and pick ones that don't need unwrapping.

It's talking that does my head in. I've launched a handful of M&Ms at a group of halfwitted meffs in the cinema before, followed by a shouted "Will you fucking morons SHUT THE FUCK UP!" which actually seemed to work, but that was when I was young and angry.

Now I sit and tut. Not that I go very often anymore.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: JamesC on 21 June, 2012, 10:41:14 AM
I don't mind people eating but what annoys me is when people go to see films that they really aren't very likely to enjoy and then they get bored and talk all the way through.
My last experience of this was when a couple of parents had taken about fifteen tween girls to see Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes for a birthday party.
I had to tell them to shut up which worked fairly well but I got a really dirty look off the two parents!
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: radiator on 21 June, 2012, 11:13:54 AM
I had a bad experience when I went to see Young Adult, which is quite a slow, quiet film. There were a few people just talking the whole way through the film. What really irked is that they were talking even over the credits. They clearly had no interest in giving the film a chance, so why were they even there? Why not just go to the pub instead?
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: Ancient Otter on 28 June, 2012, 04:42:56 PM
I was in a small cinema in Country Kerry watching Miami Vice. The cinema was a bit lax on age restrictions as there usually a load of ten-twelve year olds and teenagers in the rated 15 films. Anyway they were acting the maggot as usual and a woman who was part of a middle-aged couple turned around and tore strips off them during the film. It didn't end there - outside the cinema after the film ended she clattered one of them, who then ran off home crying....
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: mygrimmbrother on 28 June, 2012, 04:49:59 PM
Quote from: radiator on 21 June, 2012, 11:13:54 AM
I had a bad experience when I went to see Young Adult, which is quite a slow, quiet film. There were a few people just talking the whole way through the film. What really irked is that they were talking even over the credits. They clearly had no interest in giving the film a chance, so why were they even there? Why not just go to the pub instead?

Indeed. This baffles me. I mean, handing over something in the area of £10 to NOT watch a film?? As you say, you can go tot the pub and not watch it there, and have more money for some f*cking WKDs or something. Too much disposable income I think.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: brendan1 on 28 June, 2012, 04:52:23 PM
Quote from: mygrimmbrother on 28 June, 2012, 04:49:59 PM
Quote from: radiator on 21 June, 2012, 11:13:54 AM
I had a bad experience when I went to see Young Adult, which is quite a slow, quiet film. There were a few people just talking the whole way through the film. What really irked is that they were talking even over the credits. They clearly had no interest in giving the film a chance, so why were they even there? Why not just go to the pub instead?

Indeed. This baffles me. I mean, handing over something in the area of £10 to NOT watch a film?? As you say, you can go tot the pub and not watch it there, and have more money for some f*cking WKDs or something. Too much disposable income I think.

When I saw Prometheus for the second time with civilians, there was a bloke in there who'd clearly spent a lot of time in the pub *before* going to the cinema. He was fucking *smashed* and kept shouting at the screen.
Title: Re: Cinema going question or "Are you really THAT f*cking hungry"
Post by: Richmond Clements on 28 June, 2012, 05:53:08 PM
Quote from: brendan1 on 28 June, 2012, 04:52:23 PM
Quote from: mygrimmbrother on 28 June, 2012, 04:49:59 PM
Quote from: radiator on 21 June, 2012, 11:13:54 AM
I had a bad experience when I went to see Young Adult, which is quite a slow, quiet film. There were a few people just talking the whole way through the film. What really irked is that they were talking even over the credits. They clearly had no interest in giving the film a chance, so why were they even there? Why not just go to the pub instead?

Indeed. This baffles me. I mean, handing over something in the area of £10 to NOT watch a film?? As you say, you can go tot the pub and not watch it there, and have more money for some f*cking WKDs or something. Too much disposable income I think.

When I saw Prometheus for the second time with civilians, there was a bloke in there who'd clearly spent a lot of time in the pub *before* going to the cinema. He was fucking *smashed* and kept shouting at the screen.

To be fair though, he was watching Prometheus...