2000 AD Online Forum

General Chat => Books & Comics => Topic started by: Van Dom on 08 May, 2013, 02:03:05 PM

Title: Vanguard Edition Three (warning: self pimping abounds!)
Post by: Van Dom on 08 May, 2013, 02:03:05 PM
Hi guys

Just thought Id throw out a little mention that Edition Three of our anthology comic Vanguard is now available, both in print and digital format. I know a bunch of you guys here picked up the last two issues (thank you!) and may have been wondering what happened to 3. Short, boring answer - a few of us involved had 'personal issues' that simply got in the way of fun comic-making. Stupid personal issues!

Anyway, we got there in the end and we have a cool comic to show for it, 32 pages this time, all-new comic material featuring the continuation of all (bar one) of the stories that appeared in issues 1 and 2, and a few new stories kicking off as well.

The comic features artistic contributions from forum regulars Bhuna, El Chivo and the artist currently known as Prof T. Bear (I think!), as well as some other incredibly talented 'pencil-monkeys'.

In true anthology fashion, there is 'something for everyone' - gothic horror, action/adventure,  sci-fi noir, time-travel shenanigans, black comedy, supernatural heroics and zombies. Well, no, there's not actually any zombies, but there probably should be, because everybody always seems to want zombies. We DO have a 'back from the dead' serial killer though, does that count? :)

Plenty more info, including sample pages of ALL the stories in the mag, can be found on our blog here -

The comic is available on comicsy and lulu (info on the blog) but if you order from me you get a set of 4 free postcards, featuring some of the comics characters by guest artists (including other fellow forumers Chris Askham and Tony Rothwell.) You can check out the artwork for these on the blog. I only have a handful of issues and cards left myself, and I am leaving for Japan in a couple of weeks, so if you'd like to get your hands on a set you'd need to contact me asap. Once they're gone, they're gone, and they really look good. I also have some copies of the previous set of cards (that went out with issue 2) that I can throw in, for anyone who didn't get them first time round.

Anyway thats enough shameless pimping from me! As you were! :)
Title: Re: Vanguard Edition Three (warning: self pimping abounds!)
Post by: Bhuna on 08 May, 2013, 02:49:02 PM
Tiz a great publication people. And the 4 cards are fantastic

Buck Tucker (who I drew) is technically dead, but is still killing people, so does that make him a zombie in a non-decomposing way?

Title: Re: Vanguard Edition Three (warning: self pimping abounds!)
Post by: El Chivo on 08 May, 2013, 05:55:23 PM
It's a great read with some awesome art (& mine) on lovely glossy paper & a steal at only 'insert price here'!

Right, where's my cheque, Van ...

Honestly, it is cool! :)

Title: Re: Vanguard Edition Three (warning: self pimping abounds!)
Post by: Greg M. on 08 May, 2013, 06:48:22 PM
Ah, lovely, been looking forward to a new Vanguard for a while. Really enjoyed the last couple. Take my money, Mr. Van Dom!
Title: Re: Vanguard Edition Three (warning: self pimping abounds!)
Post by: Van Dom on 09 May, 2013, 09:45:52 AM
Thanks fellas!

Greg - gladly! :)

Here's the cool greyscale cover by David Blankley, showing off our resident one-eyed donkey assassin Duncan  and his companion Jamie Swift. In issue 2,Duncan had to save Jamie from a gang of ruthless bandits...this time round, Jamie has to return the favour. :)

(http://i829.photobucket.com/albums/zz213/dirkvandom/1Cover.jpg) (http://s829.photobucket.com/user/dirkvandom/media/1Cover.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Vanguard Edition Three (warning: self pimping abounds!)
Post by: Professor Bear on 09 May, 2013, 02:49:43 PM

Got my comp copy and it is a great comic, kind of like Toxic! was, only Vanguard makes sense as a whole.