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General Chat => Film & TV => Topic started by: Goaty on 10 December, 2013, 06:11:40 PM

Title: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Goaty on 10 December, 2013, 06:11:40 PM

http://www.youtube.com/embed/QjKO10hKtYw (http://www.youtube.com/embed/QjKO10hKtYw)
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: von Boom on 10 December, 2013, 06:30:04 PM
Very cool. I'm really looking forward to this one, but there's something a bit wrong about a Godzilla NOT rampaging through Tokyo.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Rog69 on 10 December, 2013, 07:29:31 PM
Looking good  :D.

I really want this not to suck and so far it looks like it is in safe hands, as a huge fan of Godzilla movies I need this to erase the painful memories of the 98 travesty in the same way that the recent Dredd movie did for the horrible Stalone version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIcExdpsEcQ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIcExdpsEcQ)

More than anything, I hope it is enough of a success to encourage Toho to bring the real Godzilla out of hibernation and start making movies again, it's been too long since Final Wars.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Mabs on 10 December, 2013, 07:46:17 PM
Wow. Stunning opening and that score from 2001: A Space Odyssey! Brilliant.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: von Boom on 10 December, 2013, 08:00:11 PM
Quote from: Rog69 on 10 December, 2013, 07:29:31 PM
More than anything, I hope it is enough of a success to encourage Toho to bring the real Godzilla out of hibernation and start making movies again, it's been too long since Final Wars.

We can only hope.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: JOE SOAP on 10 December, 2013, 09:41:14 PM

I hope I never have to sit beside the the bootlegger who filmed this (http://videobam.com/BgFZX).

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: vzzbux on 10 December, 2013, 10:00:29 PM
I have been waiting a good number of years for this. Must be about 3 or 4 years ago when I initially opened a thread about this. I really really hope they do this justice. The Broderick monstrosity, like Stallone's may finally be put to rest.

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Goaty on 11 December, 2013, 08:18:15 AM

New poster

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 11 December, 2013, 08:29:31 AM
I have high hope's for this. Looks to be just what we've been asking for for years.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Dunk! on 11 December, 2013, 09:01:14 AM
So is it gonna be just Godzilla rampaging?

Is he gonna fight other monsters/huge mechs?

Otherwise eh?

Don't get what the story is here.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: dweezil2 on 11 December, 2013, 09:06:19 AM
Gareth Edwards' Monsters was fantastic, so I've high hopes for this.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: shaolin_monkey on 11 December, 2013, 10:17:25 AM
Quote from: Mabs on 10 December, 2013, 07:46:17 PM
Wow. Stunning opening and that score from 2001: A Space Odyssey! Brilliant.

That's György Ligeti's 'Lux Aeterna'.

I wonder if they are just applied it to the trailer, or if they're going to use it in the film?  Hearing it instantly sent a chill down my spine - just like when I heard it in 2001: A Space Odyssey!
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: DaveGYNWA on 11 December, 2013, 11:43:08 AM
Showed this to my wife last night and gave her no idea what it was before pressing play - she was getting very "god, this is boring" until they got through the cloud and then the magical words of "Holy f**k it's Godzilla!!" arrived.

That trailer has got some serious "goosebump giving" power.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: shaolin_monkey on 11 December, 2013, 12:25:46 PM
Sing it with me!!!

Up from the depths
Thirty stories high
Breathing fire
His head in the sky


(try and ignore the goddam Godzuki bit)
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: CrazyFoxMachine on 11 December, 2013, 01:20:16 PM

This is the song I can't get out of my head since that first trailer.

Oh, no, there goes Tokyo!

Go go Godzilla!

I hope this is played throughout. And I hope Minilla is in it too.

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: TordelBack on 11 December, 2013, 01:35:07 PM
It just won't be the same without Ferris, Leon, Moe and Flanders.

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: DaveGYNWA on 11 December, 2013, 02:47:57 PM
Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 11 December, 2013, 12:25:46 PM
Sing it with me!!!

Up from the depths
Thirty stories high
Breathing fire
His head in the sky


(try and ignore the goddam Godzuki bit)

My nick name in school was Godzilla (surname starts with 'God...') and my little brother was Godzuki.

I hated Godzuki.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Recrewt on 11 December, 2013, 03:42:21 PM
I have not seen much of the original Japanese movies but I never really had a problem with the '98 movie.  I can see it is a different Godzilla, which might upset some fans, but other than that it was a great child friendly action movie with some impressive effects.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 11 December, 2013, 03:47:58 PM
I'll be happy if they can squeeze a few of my favourites in. Anguires, naturally has shared the longest rivalry with the king and would make a great addition to the film. I also have a soft spot for Megalon, but Gigan is my favourite classic Toho antagonist.

Knowing our luck though we'll get landed with fucking Mothra though! :lol:
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Rog69 on 11 December, 2013, 06:32:32 PM
Quote from: Hawkmonger on 11 December, 2013, 03:47:58 PM
I'll be happy if they can squeeze a few of my favourites in. Anguires, naturally has shared the longest rivalry with the king and would make a great addition to the film. I also have a soft spot for Megalon, but Gigan is my favourite classic Toho antagonist.

Knowing our luck though we'll get landed with fucking Mothra though! :lol:

Godzilla will definitely be fighting other monsters in this movie, the first leaked teaser trailer from SDCC had a dead, multi limbed monster in it, it is believed to be called Muto. You can see the leaked teaser here -https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=594038590656072&set=vb.100001498083636&type=2&theater (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=594038590656072&set=vb.100001498083636&type=2&theater) , this is the only source I can find and it gets taken down quickly whenever it pops up on line.

They also showed a clip (at Comic con I think) where we see one of the creatures attacking a jumbo jet on a runway before Godzilla shows up to fight it, nobody managed to film this but there a few descriptions floating around on line.

I would love to see some of the classic monsters from the series show up too, Gigan would be cool but I would like to see Ghidora as well.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: TordelBack on 11 December, 2013, 06:48:33 PM
Thanks for the link to the teaser Rog, that Oppenheimer audio really makes the hairs stand up! 
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: von Boom on 11 December, 2013, 07:35:39 PM
It sounds like Godzilla at least.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Dunk! on 11 December, 2013, 10:10:27 PM
Quote from: Rog69 on 11 December, 2013, 06:32:32 PMGodzilla will definitely be fighting other monsters in this movie

See now that i get.

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: von Boom on 12 December, 2013, 05:10:22 PM
Official Japanese trailer. The same except they've put in a shot of Ken Watanabe.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzcpLOsO9-I (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzcpLOsO9-I)
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Zarjazzer on 13 December, 2013, 08:24:22 PM
May any detractors be swept away by a giant claw somehow.

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: strontium71 on 20 February, 2014, 08:09:05 PM
Up from the depths...

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Goaty on 20 February, 2014, 08:14:21 PM
Oh that is good! and so the new Godzilla is 5 times biggest than that 1998 version?
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: von Boom on 20 February, 2014, 08:18:47 PM
Here's how he stacks up over the years.


Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: shaolin_monkey on 20 February, 2014, 08:48:57 PM
That radiation is still working its magic then.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: strontium71 on 20 February, 2014, 08:54:35 PM
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: COMMANDO FORCES on 20 February, 2014, 08:55:24 PM
That new Godzilla looks at least 151 metres tall!
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Steve Green on 20 February, 2014, 10:23:22 PM
Does that count as one of these?

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Emp on 20 February, 2014, 10:36:35 PM
Ssshhh...you'll put Hollywood ad men out of business
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: shaolin_monkey on 20 February, 2014, 11:46:22 PM
Quote from: strontium71 on 20 February, 2014, 08:54:35 PM

Jesus H Christ, I've i never see bloody Godzuki again I'll still have seen him too much.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: judda fett on 21 February, 2014, 12:20:01 AM
Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 20 February, 2014, 11:46:22 PM
Quote from: strontium71 on 20 February, 2014, 08:54:35 PM

Jesus H Christ, I've i never see bloody Godzuki again I'll still have seen him too much.

Godzuki vs Scrappy Doo, knife fight to the death. Winner gets euthanised.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Fragminion on 21 February, 2014, 03:50:24 AM
Quote from: judda fett on 21 February, 2014, 12:20:01 AM
Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 20 February, 2014, 11:46:22 PM
Quote from: strontium71 on 20 February, 2014, 08:54:35 PM

Jesus H Christ, I've i never see bloody Godzuki again I'll still have seen him too much.

Godzuki vs Scrappy Doo, knife fight to the death. Winner gets euthanised.
Hey! I liked that toon!
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 21 February, 2014, 07:10:12 AM
Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 20 February, 2014, 11:46:22 PM
Quote from: strontium71 on 20 February, 2014, 08:54:35 PM

Jesus H Christ, I've i never see bloody Godzuki again I'll still have seen him too much.

Godzuki is genuinly the worst thing that ever happened to the Godzilla franchise.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: The Adventurer on 21 February, 2014, 08:29:34 AM


Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Spaceghost on 21 February, 2014, 08:34:43 AM
You're right about Godzuki of course, but at least Godzilla himself kept his dignity in the American cartoon. The Japanese Godzilla films of the late 60's were far more camp and ridiculous.

Remember victory dance Godzilla? Bruce Lee style nose thumbing Godzilla? Bloody Jet Jaguar?

And don't get me started on Minilla. The film series' very own fucking Godzuki. Little prick.

This new film, on the other hand, looks like the real deal. May can't come soon enough.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: CrazyFoxMachine on 21 February, 2014, 08:39:03 AM

This is all I know of Minilla - the glorious song from 69's All Monsters Attack.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: M.I.K. on 21 February, 2014, 10:00:09 PM
Quote from: Hawkmonger on 21 February, 2014, 07:10:12 AM
Godzuki is genuinly the worst thing that ever happened to the Godzilla franchise.

Leave Godzuki alone. He has an infinite amount more street cred than Matthew Broderick.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Professor Bear on 21 February, 2014, 10:23:12 PM
The Hanna Barbera 'Zilla is a boss cartoon, possibly even more so watched as an adult where you aren't quite as judgey as you were when you were a kid and wanted everything to have guns and ninjas in it.  Say what you like about Godzuki, he at least wasn't Scrappy Doo.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: vzzbux on 25 February, 2014, 06:45:44 PM

Nuff said.

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: locustsofdeath! on 25 February, 2014, 07:02:56 PM
Quote from: vzzbux on 25 February, 2014, 06:45:44 PM

Nuff said.

Yep.  :o
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 25 February, 2014, 09:42:59 PM
That induced an audible "phwaaar!". May is to damn far away.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Steve Green on 25 February, 2014, 09:48:06 PM
Like a mobile volcano.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: TordelBack on 26 February, 2014, 12:07:18 AM
Gulp!   :o
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Spaceghost on 26 February, 2014, 09:26:19 AM
My God(zilla), this looks good.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Goaty on 26 February, 2014, 09:27:34 AM
Oh that was so awesome! Looks scary and great!
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: COMMANDO FORCES on 26 February, 2014, 01:31:01 PM
That was enjoyable and I did like the nuclear tests backstory. One thing though, when the beast goes under the aircraft carrier with Billy on top and we see it through the water, surely with that amount of displacement of water underneath, it should have done a wee bit more disturbance to the ship ;)
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: James Stacey on 26 February, 2014, 02:10:41 PM
It's a story about a giant nuclear mutated dinosaur. Your argument is invalid.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Dunk! on 26 February, 2014, 02:14:22 PM
Godzilla is very porous until he needs not to be. Fact.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: strontium71 on 26 February, 2014, 09:38:33 PM
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Goaty on 26 February, 2014, 09:52:01 PM
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Professor Bear on 26 February, 2014, 10:04:55 PM
Is there an email address for the movie makers where I can tell them to stop making trailers and just take my damn money already?
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: M.I.K. on 26 February, 2014, 10:29:49 PM
He's looking very reminiscent of the 1954 original on that Empire cover.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: The Enigmatic Dr X on 27 February, 2014, 08:09:58 AM
That is one of the best trailers I have seen for a while. I really want to see this. More than my boy - and he loves Godzilla!

Also, there's already merchandise for this in the shops. (And my house)
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Radbacker on 27 February, 2014, 11:03:42 AM
so this appears to kind of be a direct sequel to the original 50's Godzilla?
Either way it's got my $, I was wondering how they'd make this feel different to Pacific Rim, they answered with a 200m tall monster, nice move Legendary Pictures nice move.

CU Radbacker
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Spaceghost on 27 February, 2014, 11:12:43 AM
Not only that, but the feel of this is so different to Pacific Rim.

I had worried that Godzilla would be too similar and perhaps suffer by comparison, but the tone seems so different, I don't think that will be a worry.

Judging by the trailers, Godzilla is going for a bleak, human-centered disaster movie feel. Not a single whiff of the cheesy blockbusteryness that pervaded Pacific Rim.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Goaty on 27 February, 2014, 11:19:30 AM
Quote from: Spaceghost on 27 February, 2014, 11:12:43 AM
Not only that, but the feel of this is so different to Pacific Rim.

I had worried that Godzilla would be too similar and perhaps suffer by comparison, but the tone seems so different, I don't think that will be a worry.

Judging by the trailers, Godzilla is going for a bleak, human-centered disaster movie feel. Not a single whiff of the cheesy blockbusteryness that pervaded Pacific Rim.

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Jim_Campbell on 27 February, 2014, 11:30:58 AM
Quote from: Spaceghost on 27 February, 2014, 11:12:43 AM
Judging by the trailers, Godzilla is going for a bleak, human-centered disaster movie feel. Not a single whiff of the cheesy blockbusteryness that pervaded Pacific Rim.

You've put me right off, now!


Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Spaceghost on 27 February, 2014, 11:32:10 AM
Quote from: Goaty on 27 February, 2014, 11:19:30 AM
Quote from: Spaceghost on 27 February, 2014, 11:12:43 AM
Not only that, but the feel of this is so different to Pacific Rim.

I had worried that Godzilla would be too similar and perhaps suffer by comparison, but the tone seems so different, I don't think that will be a worry.

Judging by the trailers, Godzilla is going for a bleak, human-centered disaster movie feel. Not a single whiff of the cheesy blockbusteryness that pervaded Pacific Rim.


It's a similar tone, but Godzilla reminds me more of a multi-viewpoint disaster movie. Much larger scale (no pun intended).
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Goaty on 10 March, 2014, 08:16:42 PM

Wow that's so awesome Mondo poster!

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Goaty on 18 March, 2014, 05:07:59 PM
Godzilla International Trailer

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOelEIQHR_U#t=112 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOelEIQHR_U#t=112)

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 18 March, 2014, 05:30:07 PM
Thats fucking [spoiler]Rodan[/spoiler]!
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: DaveGYNWA on 18 March, 2014, 11:21:27 PM
Quote from: Hawkmonger on 18 March, 2014, 05:30:07 PM
Thats fucking [spoiler]Rodan[/spoiler]!

[spoiler]It bloody is Rodan.[/spoiler]

The "Can't f'ing wait"-ometer is throught the roof here.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: DaveGYNWA on 18 March, 2014, 11:32:01 PM
Actually, it could also be [spoiler]Megaguirus[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Spaceghost on 19 March, 2014, 09:37:22 AM
It's definitely not [spoiler]Rodan[/spoiler], or [spoiler]Radon[/spoiler] as he is more properly known in Japan, nor is it [spoiler]Megaguirus[/spoiler]. No other Toho monsters will be appearing in this one.

It's an entirely new monster, created for this film. Here are some closer looks at the official toy of the 'MUTO Monster' -


Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 19 March, 2014, 09:46:29 AM
[spoiler]Rodan and Clovers bastard son then?[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Radbacker on 29 April, 2014, 11:32:46 AM
this is going to be f^&ken arsom



CU Radbcker
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: TordelBack on 29 April, 2014, 11:40:24 AM
I love the way Godzilla moves.  Those shoulders!  This is indeed going to be great.

Is it just me, or was anyone else expecting to hear Hector Salamanca's bell in those quiet bits?
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: DaveGYNWA on 29 April, 2014, 02:35:34 PM
16th May needs to hurry the f**k up.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 29 April, 2014, 02:57:46 PM
2 damn weeks?!!! Thats years away!!!!
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: CrazyFoxMachine on 29 April, 2014, 03:50:46 PM
Day before my birthday - time's dragging over here too.

Reinstating this looks like the best disaster/monster movie for decades. Looks messy, stressy and silly in equal measure. Plus lashings of Cranston in a pickle.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Theblazeuk on 29 April, 2014, 06:15:38 PM
Lashings of (http://media.firebox.com/pic/p6518_column_grid_12.jpg)
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: GrinningChimera on 02 May, 2014, 09:15:49 AM
If you had said to me Godzilla Film 12 months ago, I would have laughed at you. But this is looking like it could be one of my top films of the year if the increasingly awesome trailers are anything to go by! Plus it gives me something to take my mind off of X-men....
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Frank on 02 May, 2014, 09:33:02 AM

I'm sure Godzilla (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIu85WQTPRc) will be everything you hope of it and more, but seeing Brian Cranston commit the full range of his impressive dramatic chops to a role in a film where the real star is a teamster in a rubber suit makes me sad. I'd just assumed his unbelievable work on Breaking Bad had bought him instant access to the kind of high status roles De Niro and Hopkins used to hog in previous decades, rather than the kind of supporting roles in high camp films those actors are reduced to these days.

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: TordelBack on 02 May, 2014, 09:36:13 AM
Hush now.  Discrediting Cranston and keeping him away from Merchant Ivory is all part of a secret campaign to get Malcolm: The Middle Generation made.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Theblazeuk on 02 May, 2014, 12:53:28 PM
If its a well made Godzilla movie, I'm happy for the best actors to be involved in these projects. Hopefully they have a little feeling for the material - Ralph Fiennes didn't care about Harry Potter's stuff, which is fair enough but its not the most impenetrable material in the world.

If it turns out to be like Broderick's movie then meh. But you need good actors for good genre movies.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Spaceghost on 02 May, 2014, 03:31:36 PM
Quote from: sauchie on 02 May, 2014, 09:33:02 AM

I'm sure Godzilla (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIu85WQTPRc) will be everything you hope of it and more, but seeing Brian Cranston commit the full range of his impressive dramatic chops to a role in a film where the real star is a teamster in a rubber suit makes me sad. I'd just assumed his unbelievable work on Breaking Bad had bought him instant access to the kind of high status roles De Niro and Hopkins used to hog in previous decades, rather than the kind of supporting roles in high camp films those actors are reduced to these days.

He can do smaller, more worthy art-house films as well though. Plus, reading interviews, he's a massive Godzilla geek and probably loved every minute of it.

Anyway, I'm really excited about Godzilla so shurrup.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 02 May, 2014, 03:45:31 PM
'Comes out of hybernation'

Is it the 15th yet? No? Bugger.

'Goes back to sleep'
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Goaty on 02 May, 2014, 03:58:05 PM
Oh crap!

Total Film just say the Godzilla release is delay till 22nd August.

Studio boss delay film release till 22nd August (http://i.imgur.com/IzWPY1m.jpg)
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: GrinningChimera on 02 May, 2014, 04:15:07 PM
Quote from: Goaty on 02 May, 2014, 03:58:05 PM
Oh crap!

Total Film just say the Godzilla release is delay till 22nd August.

Studio boss delay film release till 22nd August (http://i.imgur.com/IzWPY1m.jpg)

Talk about living dangerously! I can see it now : "Goaty disemboweled by angry Godzilla fans"

Good one though :D
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 02 May, 2014, 04:18:41 PM
Quote from: Goaty on 02 May, 2014, 03:58:05 PM
Oh crap!

Total Film just say the Godzilla release is delay till 22nd August.

Studio boss delay film release till 22nd August (http://i.imgur.com/IzWPY1m.jpg)

'Wakes up'

I felt a great disturbance in the force. As if one, sheep like voice cried out in agony. Then was silenced.'

'Goes back to sleep'
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: DaveGYNWA on 04 May, 2014, 08:26:03 PM
Let them fight.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTu0Zzf0x-8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTu0Zzf0x-8)
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 04 May, 2014, 08:33:55 PM
Thats the king! Thats my king!
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Definitely Not Mister Pops on 04 May, 2014, 09:45:29 PM
Fuck the king
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: locustsofdeath! on 04 May, 2014, 10:32:47 PM
Quote from: GrinningChimera on 02 May, 2014, 04:15:07 PM

Talk about living dangerously! I can see it now : "Goaty disemboweled by angry Godzilla fans"

I'll be sure to post that in the RIP thread. Goaty would want that.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: GrinningChimera on 11 May, 2014, 10:45:43 AM
http://au.ign.com/articles/2014/05/11/godzilla-review (http://au.ign.com/articles/2014/05/11/godzilla-review)

IGN gave it a 9.0

[spoiler]Amazing! Godzilla comes back to roaring, vivid life in a film that captures the complex nature of the creature. [/spoiler]
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: PsychoGoatee on 12 May, 2014, 05:53:53 AM
Very pumped! Always been a big fan of the Big G. Just picked up the ones they put on blu-ray in double features recently, some of my favs. Destoroyah, 90s Mechagodzilla, Final Wars, oh yes. Now just need GMK on blu-ray.

Can't wait for this fine film this Friday, oh yes!
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 12 May, 2014, 07:51:38 AM
What are the region codings on those duel Sony releases, PsychoGoatee? Really want them. Despite being a huge fan myself the only BD on my shelf is Godzilla vs. Biollante and vs. King Kong
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: radiator on 12 May, 2014, 04:38:54 PM
Seems to be getting fairly middling reviews.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: HdE on 12 May, 2014, 05:08:26 PM
Everything I've heard so far in the wake of the premiere has been very, very positive.

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Professor Bear on 12 May, 2014, 05:39:56 PM
The only good reviews seem to be coming from places where people have paid for their own tickets and/or want to enjoy themselves when they go to the cinema, but I think we can all agree that those are the last people in the world whose opinion we should trust.  I mean, the true cinema connoisseur wants to know how this film about a giant fire-breathing atomic lizard compare to The Seventh Seal, and if the motivations of the monsters are fully explored.  And also how hard it is to smuggle beer into the screening.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Definitely Not Mister Pops on 12 May, 2014, 05:59:28 PM
Quote from: Professor Bear on 12 May, 2014, 05:39:56 PM
And also how hard it is to smuggle beer into the screening.

Easier to smuggle whiskey, with the added bonus of mixing it with the bucket of coke they sell ye at the cinema.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Richmond Clements on 12 May, 2014, 06:00:16 PM
Quote from: Professor Bear on 12 May, 2014, 05:39:56 PM
The only good reviews seem to be coming from places where people have paid for their own tickets and/or want to enjoy themselves when they go to the cinema, but I think we can all agree that those are the last people in the world whose opinion we should trust.  I mean, the true cinema connoisseur wants to know how this film about a giant fire-breathing atomic lizard compare to The Seventh Seal, and if the motivations of the monsters are fully explored.  And also how hard it is to smuggle beer into the screening.

People with an objective opinion, rather than heavily invested fans, you mean?
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Tiplodocus on 12 May, 2014, 06:00:28 PM
I used to take a bottle of wine and glasses into the Withington Cinema. But I had a coat with deep pockets.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Professor Bear on 12 May, 2014, 06:10:43 PM
Quote from: Richmond Clements on 12 May, 2014, 06:00:16 PMPeople with an objective opinion, rather than heavily invested fans, you mean?

Heavily invested Godzilla fans have already sat through the 1998 remake, and the gash entries to the Japanese canon and come away with good and bad opinions - I dare say they may be capable of being at least as objective as a Guardian reviewer being told he's going to a film about a giant iguana fighting a giant moth whether he wants to or not and then he's going to write 2000 words about it that'll be shat over in the comments section as usual.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: HdE on 12 May, 2014, 06:45:16 PM
I saw a review elsewhere earlier that criticised the movie for being 'all action and no heart', citing the movie's focus on Godzilla over the human drama as a fault.

For god's sake! There are G-fans out there who have waited DECADES for a Godzilla movie that dispensed with the human-centric padding and went all-out on the monster action. If what we've got is a movie that ups the ante with its use of Godzilla and features a cast that are even a BIT more interesting than the average Toho G movie boasts, then we've got quallity entertainment right there.

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: radiator on 12 May, 2014, 07:10:09 PM
I think it's perfectly legitimate to criticise event/blockbuster/B-movies on the grounds of character, dialogue and story.

Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and Indiana Jones were visual effects milestones and crowd-pleasing event movies that would sound goofy on paper, and they'd be very dull indeed without all those memorable character moments, tight story arcs and quotable lines.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: locustsofdeath! on 12 May, 2014, 07:28:46 PM
I'm pretyy well excited for this movie. I'm a big Godzilla fan.

And all I want to see is Godzilla stomp all across cities and buildings and smash things up and set the world on fire. Yeah yeah, I like character-building and all of that, and if this movie has it - BONUS - but if it doesn't but has all the destruction, I'll be cool with it.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: HdE on 13 May, 2014, 02:36:16 AM
Quote from: radiator on 12 May, 2014, 07:10:09 PM

Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and Indiana Jones were visual effects milestones and crowd-pleasing event movies that would sound goofy on paper, and they'd be very dull indeed without all those memorable character moments, tight story arcs and quotable lines.

Ah, but the thing is, a certain subjective element comes into play here.

I find three of the movies you mentioned there quite hard work. The first Star Wars, in fact, I actually think is a pretty naff movie.

If you're talking about genre movies, then there's a pretty good case to be made for viewer expectation. I'm with Locusts when he says he wants to see the spectacle of Godzilla, and any grafted-on human drama is a bonus. 
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Spaceghost on 13 May, 2014, 08:49:43 AM
Not sure I agree with Radiator that it's getting 'middling' reviews seeing as it's at a respectable 88% on Rotten Tomatoes at the moment.

As for this -

Quote from: HdE on 12 May, 2014, 06:45:16 PM
I saw a review elsewhere earlier that criticised the movie for being 'all action and no heart', citing the movie's focus on Godzilla over the human drama as a fault.

I read another review where the main criticism was that Godzilla is barely seen for the first hour and that, despite that, the human cast are not given much to work with and fail to make an impression.

Ultimately, I'm with Locusts block. I just want to see an ultra-realistic Godzilla fucking up the city and fighting another ultra-realistic monster. Anything else is garnish.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: James Stacey on 13 May, 2014, 09:47:05 AM
Apparently the Japanese are finding fault
I notice they aren't complaining you can't see his zip anymore and the heads stopped wobbling :D
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Will Cooling on 13 May, 2014, 01:55:20 PM
Quote from: Hawkmonger on 12 May, 2014, 07:51:38 AM
What are the region codings on those duel Sony releases, PsychoGoatee? Really want them. Despite being a huge fan myself the only BD on my shelf is Godzilla vs. Biollante and vs. King Kong

Yeah I'd llike to know this too if possible
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: HdE on 14 May, 2014, 06:03:04 AM
Quote from: Spaceghost on 13 May, 2014, 08:49:43 AM
Not sure I agree with Radiator that it's getting 'middling' reviews seeing as it's at a respectable 88% on Rotten Tomatoes at the moment.

As for this -

Quote from: HdE on 12 May, 2014, 06:45:16 PM
I saw a review elsewhere earlier that criticised the movie for being 'all action and no heart', citing the movie's focus on Godzilla over the human drama as a fault.

I read another review where the main criticism was that Godzilla is barely seen for the first hour and that, despite that, the human cast are not given much to work with and fail to make an impression.

Could you not apply that criticism to a lot of the original Toho movies, though? I happily could, even speaking as a fan.

I'm reminded of Godzilla Vs. Ebirah, where the Big G doesn't show up or get to do anything interesting for absolutely aaaaaaaages.

But, whatevs. This is getting my money on Friday. All will become readily apparent then!
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: TordelBack on 14 May, 2014, 08:49:33 AM
Quote from: HdE on 14 May, 2014, 06:03:04 AM
But, whatevs. This is getting my money on Friday. All will become readily apparent then!

Yep*.  Good or bad, they've already earned my interest and thus my shekels. 

*Apart from 'whatevs', the use of which I abominate. 
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Theblazeuk on 14 May, 2014, 10:45:20 AM
Is Ultra-Realistic being used with a wink here?

Ultra-realistic giant monster = falls into pieces as it stands under the weight of its own organs, skin and musculature. Sea of messy bits destroys dowtown Tokyo. Or of course giant monster starves due to caloric inefficiencies; giant monster is lightweight enough to exist and therefore harmless as a paper bag; giant monster is killed immediately after encountering any large caliber weaponry...


Of course I know what you mean though - I can suspend my disbelief over all points and accept that monster lizard is bulletproof, absorbs exponential energy from some unknown source and has a skeletal structure that defies physics. If it can smash things in a realistic way given those points I will be very happy!
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Spaceghost on 14 May, 2014, 10:50:06 AM
Quote from: Theblazeuk on 14 May, 2014, 10:45:20 AM
Is Ultra-Realistic being used with a wink here?

Ultra-realistic giant monster = falls into pieces as it stands under the weight of its own organs, skin and musculature. Sea of messy bits destroys dowtown Tokyo. Or of course giant monster starves due to caloric inefficiencies; giant monster is lightweight enough to exist and therefore harmless as a paper bag; giant monster is killed immediately after encountering any large caliber weaponry...

First rate internet pedantry there my good man.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Keef Monkey on 14 May, 2014, 11:26:20 AM
Quote from: TordelBack on 14 May, 2014, 08:49:33 AM

Yep*.  Good or bad, they've already earned my interest and thus my shekels. 

I really like this attitude. It might be great and it might be terrible, but if they've got me interested enough to want to find out then I think they deserve my money for their efforts! It's where a lot of 'I wanted to see if it was good or not' pro-piracy arguments fall down with me.

Looking forward to finding out what this thing is either way!
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: The Enigmatic Dr X on 14 May, 2014, 12:32:04 PM
This film is a prime candidate for Dr X's Godzilla Theory.

I can't find the thread I first posted it on, but it dates back to the 1998 Godzilla.

Long story short, I reckon how much you enjoy a film is determined by the difference between its actual quality and your expectation. This is why "so bad it's good" exists as a concept.

Every film has a quality score - and this is your own subjective score, not a movie review - that you attribute to it once seen. Compare that to what you expected when you sat down, and you get an actual impression.

For example, I liked both Godzilla (1998) and The Proposal (The Sandra Bullock film).


Expectation: -40% (I nearly went home when in the line for tickets)
Actual: 20%
Score: 60%

The Proposal
Expecataion: -70% (I watched it under sufferance)
Actual: -20%
Score: 50%

Compare and contrast:

Phantom Menace
Expectation: 80%
Actual: 30% (it's not that bad)
Score: -50%

The point: Phantom Menace is in my view a better film that the 98 Godzilla, yet I enjoyed the latter more than the former.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Proudhuff on 14 May, 2014, 01:02:18 PM
Quote from: Spaceghost on 14 May, 2014, 10:50:06 AM
Quote from: Theblazeuk on 14 May, 2014, 10:45:20 AM
Is Ultra-Realistic being used with a wink here?

Ultra-realistic giant monster = falls into pieces as it stands under the weight of its own organs, skin and musculature. Sea of messy bits destroys dowtown Tokyo. Or of course giant monster starves due to caloric inefficiencies; giant monster is lightweight enough to exist and therefore harmless as a paper bag; giant monster is killed immediately after encountering any large caliber weaponry...

First rate internet pedantry there my good man.

you know that has it's own thread?
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Proudhuff on 14 May, 2014, 01:03:43 PM
and here it is:

http://forums.2000adonline.com/index.php/topic,32919.0.html (http://forums.2000adonline.com/index.php/topic,32919.0.html)
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: HdE on 14 May, 2014, 04:18:00 PM
Quote from: TordelBack on 14 May, 2014, 08:49:33 AM

*Apart from 'whatevs', the use of which I abominate.

ell, WHATEVS. ;)
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: TordelBack on 14 May, 2014, 04:31:22 PM
Quote from: HdE on 14 May, 2014, 04:18:00 PM
Quote from: TordelBack on 14 May, 2014, 08:49:33 AM

*Apart from 'whatevs', the use of which I abominate.

ell, WHATEVS. ;)

Mods!  MODS!  HdE is trolling me something fierce, Mods.  He said a bad word twice... well, a bad something, I'm not sure it was actually a word...
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Richmond Clements on 14 May, 2014, 05:35:58 PM
Quote from: TordelBack on 14 May, 2014, 04:31:22 PM
Quote from: HdE on 14 May, 2014, 04:18:00 PM
Quote from: TordelBack on 14 May, 2014, 08:49:33 AM

*Apart from 'whatevs', the use of which I abominate.

ell, WHATEVS. ;)

Mods!  MODS!  HdE is trolling me something fierce, Mods.  He said a bad word twice... well, a bad something, I'm not sure it was actually a word...

Yeah, whatevs.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Frank on 14 May, 2014, 06:01:36 PM

I'm sure the internet pedantry of those who're dishing out negative reviews is absolutely above reproach, but it's also been getting good reviews from some unexpected sources. Warning: the following show is so middle class and middle brow you can hear the corduroy over the radio (fast forward 11 minutes if you have no interest in opera)


Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Goaty on 14 May, 2014, 11:14:12 PM
Ooh now Netflix USA got old Godzillas;

"Godzilla vs. Monster Zero" (1965)
"Godzilla vs. Mothra" (1964)
"Godzilla: King of the Monsters" (1956)
"Godzilla's Revenge" (1969)
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 14 May, 2014, 11:35:10 PM
Godzilla vs. mothra is a must. Bloody good sci fi it is. Monster Zero is great fun as well, featuring Rodan and King Ghidora. You can pass on Godzilla's Revenge though. :lol:
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: HdE on 15 May, 2014, 12:13:04 AM
I'll second the notion that Godzilla Vs Mothra is must-see material. Those 1960s movies are where it's at, as far as I'm concerned. When they're good, they're really good.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: vzzbux on 15 May, 2014, 10:01:53 PM
I really enjoyed the Manga releases in the 90's.
A big fan of the older stuff when I was a kid (and still am).
Think I have just about all the films on one format or another.
Poo Poo one the last incarnation.
Can't wait for this one.

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Rog69 on 15 May, 2014, 11:29:17 PM
I just got in from seeing it and while it wasn't a terrible film, it wasn't great either, I'd give it a 6/10.
I'm a fan of all things Godzilla so this film was a big event for me but it just didn't quite hit the spot.

Bryan Cranston gets far too little time in the film and I found myself really not caring about the rest of the human cast. I saw it in 3D but it didn't really enhance the experience as it is pretty underused, I kind of forgot it was in 3D until the end of the movie when I realised I was wearing the glasses.

The biggest thing that annoyed me was that at least twice the movie built up to what I was expecting to be a good monster dust-up, only to cut away to something less interesting, it was more like monster foreplay than the monster porn I was hoping for.[/spoiler]

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: The Enigmatic Dr X on 15 May, 2014, 11:57:58 PM
One simple question gets my ticket bought: does Godzilla shoot lasers or fire from his mouth?
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Fragminion on 16 May, 2014, 04:32:14 AM
Quote from: The Enigmatic Dr X on 15 May, 2014, 11:57:58 PM
One simple question gets my ticket bought: does Godzilla shoot lasers or fire from his mouth?

This guy pretty much sums up the movie..

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se-5ali709I (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se-5ali709I)

But I just saw it and all I can say is that its is G.O.S.

Godzilla of Steel.

I won't say any thing else.

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: COMMANDO FORCES on 16 May, 2014, 05:25:34 AM
I have a feeling that that bloke may be more entertaining than the actual film!
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 16 May, 2014, 06:27:39 AM
'Expectation flickers momentarily'
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Radbacker on 16 May, 2014, 02:57:30 PM
Well i loved it, im in Thailand at the moment and unfortunately only saw a dubed version and as my Thai is very basic missed a hell of a lot i cant wait to get back to Oz to watch the thing in english.
[spoiler]i kinda liked how the movie gave you blue balls for the first two major city destructions it made the release of the Sanfransisco show down that much more satisfying, it rare a movie this big is that restrained, it sure stopped the movie from suffering from destructo fatigue like every blockbuster from the last couple of years[/spoiler]
Loved the human perspective to the whole thing and the final beat down is truelly epic, to answer Dr X [spoiler]oh yes he does shoot blue nuclear laser from his mouth twice and when he does its the best shot in the whole movie i will say no more[/spoiler]
Godzilla reings as king of the monsters the final shot nearly had me cheering in the cinema, must get sequal now.  De mak!

CU Radbacker
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: HdE on 16 May, 2014, 06:37:11 PM
Booked my tickets for the movie for tomorrow night!

Scarily, my pals missus is even more excited about the movie then me and her fella put together. What have I started here?
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: von Boom on 16 May, 2014, 09:22:42 PM
Just got back from seeing Godzilla. Not a perfect film, but still very good. They've done Gozilla justice i think. However Rog does make some good points. [spoiler]Especially concerning Cranston.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: MR. ELIMINATOR on 16 May, 2014, 11:08:56 PM
Just got back from watching it. It is decent, godzilla himself I thought looked absolutely amazing. But there wasn't enough screen time for him. And the bad guy monsters looked rubbish.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Fragminion on 17 May, 2014, 02:51:21 AM
I would like to see it again but in a better theater then the run down mold hole I saw it in.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: locustsofdeath! on 17 May, 2014, 04:13:35 AM
My review:

While I would have preferred a movie in which Godzilla just smashes everything up for two hours uninterrupted by story or plot, this was the next best thing.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: MR. ELIMINATOR on 17 May, 2014, 09:21:41 AM
I would like to see it cut down by 15-20 minutes.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Rog69 on 17 May, 2014, 10:12:08 PM
Quote from: MR. ELIMINATOR on 17 May, 2014, 09:21:41 AM
I would like to see it cut down by 15-20 minutes.

[spoiler]Yes, there is a lot of fat that could have been trimmed, including some of the less interesting characters like Ken Watanabe and Admiral Exposition.

I would have preferred to see a lot more Cranston, an earlier entrance from Godzilla and none of those annoying cut-aways, I grinned like a loon when Godzilla showed up at the airport, only to be left utterly disappointed moments later.

I hope it does well enough at the box office to warrant a sequel though, they got Godzilla himself spot on but next time I would prefer a film that puts the monsters in the foreground a little more. It would be nice if it prompts TOHO to dust off the franchise too and start making Godzilla films again.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: HdE on 18 May, 2014, 02:14:19 AM
Saw it tonight and was thoroughy entertained.

I agree that Godzilla doesn't feature in the movie nearly as much as he should. Bryan Cranston got pretty short shrift, and his character's outcome sort of renders his whole role in the movie a bit pointless, in my opinion.

G himself looks utterly brilliant, and there's a real sense of upped stakes and OPPRESSIVE DOOM when he starts fighting the MUTOS. He also gets two of the best dramatic uses of his nuclear breath I've ever seen.

It's solid stuff. I'm glad to hear it's doing well at the box office.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: TordelBack on 18 May, 2014, 09:27:40 AM
Saw it last night, I thought it was a surprisingly well-structured film, and rather beautifully made.  The things many people have cited - [spoiler]early bath for Cranston, repeated instances of gojira-tease[/spoiler] - were certainly frustrating in the course of watching, but I thought they eventually paid off massively in terms of tightening the focus right down on Taylor-Johnson (and Watanabe) and made the sustained look at Godzilla in the  final monster battle that more special, without it having to be ramped-up with any spurious additional elements.

The innumerable homages to/borrowings from just about every monster and alien invasion film ever made were very well done (although maybe the Jurassic Park one was a bit on the nose), not to mention the catalogue of contemporary horrors from 9/11 and the Boxing Day tsunami to Fukashima and Chernobyl.  Some glorious images, and a real well-delivered sense of the unstoppable destruction of the world.

I rather liked Shelley Duvall Sally Hawkins' turn as Exposition Girl, but did wonder where she went for the second half of the film. 

I thought[spoiler] the Mutos[/spoiler] were a lovely piece of design, and I particularly liked the humans' role in the climax, [spoiler]which was to fix mistakes they had made[/spoiler], rather than affect the battle at all.   

Mainly, I just loved watching a beautiful, lovable Godzilla doing his thing.

I'm not going to get on to the plot-holes, which are so vast that you could literally you-know-who right through them, because it's not that kind of film (the Mutos' entire life-cycle renders sense and logic mute, so why think about it?).

If I had a criticism*, and I don't really, it would be that despite the time spent with Lt. Brody he never really exists as a character, and he and Olson suffer badly in comparison with the far more interesting older generation of Cranston and Binoche...  but again, this serves to remove distractions from the city-smashing tussles.  Which is as it should be. 

Good stuff.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: HdE on 18 May, 2014, 01:55:10 PM
I don't think it can be stated enough that Godzilla himself looks ABSOLUTELY AMAZING in this movie. And if you've ever given the big lizard time fo day, I defy you not to be impressed at the spectacle of him unleashing that famous roar.

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Steve Green on 18 May, 2014, 10:43:22 PM
Yeah, he looks fantastic, very well staged - I enjoyed it a lot.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Spaceghost on 19 May, 2014, 02:31:30 PM
As a MASSIVE lifetime Godzilla fan and uber-geek who has seen all the films and bought most of them on DVD/video and whose love of The Big G is eclipsed only by Judge Dredd, I was nervous going into the cinema.

I'm happy to report that it was fantastic. I was blown away by how fresh and new, and yet also familiar it all felt. Godzilla is depicted exactly as he should be, taking elements from all the incarnations so far to create a new, definitive version.

I loved the way that Godzilla's origins are basically not explained, he's just "a force of nature used to set the balance right". I love that, whilst he's scary and destructive, he basically comes across as [spoiler]a force for good[/spoiler]. His first big reveal was epic and his roar made all the hairs stand up on the back of my neck.

Yes, I could have stood to see a few more scenes with Godzilla and a few more battle scenes, but in the end, the lack of early action gives the later scenes a far greater impact. A lot of the classic Godzilla films have about the same ratio of kaiju/human scenes so I felt this new film was carrying on the tradition.

I would have preferred [spoiler]Bryan Cranston[/spoiler] to stick around longer as he was by far the best actor on screen. I felt [spoiler]he only died[/spoiler] to give further motivation to Aaron Taylor-Johnson which wasn't really neccessary as the [spoiler]MUTO had already claimed the life of his mother[/spoiler].

[spoiler]ATOMIC BREATH! SQUEEEEEEEE!!! The first blast gave me chills all down my spine. And a second one right down the throat too.[/spoiler]

My son, who has inherited my love of Godzilla (and a huge collection of toys and collectables of Godzilla and other kaiju) was excited, clutching his favourite Godzilla action figure (the one from Godzilla 2000 with the purple spines for those who wish to know) as the climactic battle raged. He leaned over to me without taking his eyes off the screen and whispered, "Daddy, we're getting this on DVD!".
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: HdE on 19 May, 2014, 03:01:27 PM
Spaceghost, the final line of your post made me grin from ear to ear!

Pretty much agree with everything you've said, especially on the balance of human drama / monster action in the movie. I observed a fun little exchange between two guys leaving the cinema, when one said to the other 'That was shit. Godzilla was hardly in it' and his pal immediately retorted with 'Haven't seen a lot of Godzilla movies, have you?'

The tease of the first nuclear breath blast is easily my favourite movie moment of 2014 so far. It worked better for making me think 'Eh? What's that? OH!'

The good news for us fanboys is, with the second biggest opening of 2014, Godzilla looks set to become a franchise now, with talk of MORE than one more movie to come. This makes me idescribably happy!
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: James Stacey on 19 May, 2014, 03:54:14 PM
Quote from: HdE on 19 May, 2014, 03:01:27 PM
I observed a fun little exchange between two guys leaving the cinema, when one said to the other 'That was shit. Godzilla was hardly in it' and his pal immediately retorted with 'Haven't seen a lot of Godzilla movies, have you?'
I said almost the same thing to my mate (although more politely) and after a few pints in the spoons after he had decided it was actually pretty good.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Keef Monkey on 19 May, 2014, 04:23:35 PM
Glad the hardcore fans had fun with it!

Personally this is one of those occasions where I feel like I've watched a different movie to everyone else I'm afraid. I've been trying to explain what I didn't like about it to people today and struggling a little to articulate it. It just felt like it would build for 20mins or so, then reset, then build for another 20mins, then reset etc. It was like watching the first tension-building act of a monster/disaster movie over and over again without actually getting to the pay-off. It's not that I necessarily wanted Godzilla to be in it throughout as that would be just as silly, but I did expect more than just several ramps which turned out to be building to nothing much. It's like the first 90mins are mainly comprised of slow zooms on the slack-jawed faces of people in awe of the wave of destruction that's imminent on the horizon...before cutting away to something else and doing it all again, and that loses it's effectiveness after a while.

It does eventually get around to climaxing, and that part has its moments of awe (I wish the parachute jump hadn't been in the trailer as it was definitely the most striking image in the whole movie) and a decent monster fight (if a bit on the murky side), but I found that to be too little too late as I'd already lost interest a bit after all the false starts.

I know most folks won't agree with me (of the group of 5 I went with only one friend disliked it and everyone else was blown away) but personally I think of the two things it tried to do, Cloverfield was a more effective terrified-view-from-the-street-monster-flick-as-disaster-movie affair, and Pacific Rim was a better big-things-fighting-and-smashing-stuff-nerd-boner experience. I'm just not sure Godzilla did enough to justify its existence to be honest.

That was a bit long, so in brief summary, I didn't think it was bad, but I did think it was dull, which is something a movie about enormous monsters fighting and trashing cities doesn't have any right to be.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Rog69 on 19 May, 2014, 09:54:51 PM
Quote from: Keef Monkey on 19 May, 2014, 04:23:35 PM
Personally this is one of those occasions where I feel like I've watched a different movie to everyone else

No, I saw the same movie as you, I prefer my monster porn a little less tantric too.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: HdE on 19 May, 2014, 10:30:00 PM
I actually find nothing surprising or disheartening about the fact that the movie is polarizing opinions. The classic style of Toho monster movies have always done that. So much rides on personal taste and preference.

My personal hope is that the sequel will address the perceived technical shortcomings of this movie (and admittedly, even speaking as somebody who thought it was a good movie, there are a few) and also provide a different sort of monster movie. Something  with allout tooth 'n' claw action wouldn't go amiss, and might well secure a different type of audience / audience reaction.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Professor Bear on 21 May, 2014, 02:20:01 PM
Not a classic, but still very enjoyable.
I did like how the film dangled the monsters kissing in front of you so you'd think "aw no!  They're not really going to shoehorn in a romance plot this late in the game, are they?" like they'd surrendered to focus groups entirely, but then they flip the script by having the lady monster strum herself daft on-camera with a nuclear dildo, and then the next time we see the nuke it's covered in gallons of sticky white fluid, and we see this right after a bunch of squaddies kick in a door that's sitting perfectly intact in the middle of a giant crater that used to be a building.
There's silliness in there if you look for it, my favorite bit probably being Identikit Soldier Man tiptoeing through a burning city in case Godzilla sneaks up on him and then it cuts to a ginormous Godzilla shadow on a wall that he hadn't noticed, as there's an identical scene in Sharknado where a bunch of people are tiptoeing through a flooded house in case the sharks hear them.  Also silly was the Mufos tracking nukes from one continent to another across the Pacific Ocean, but they can't tell when some humans have grabbed it and done a runner until they notice their own babies on fire.  The bit where the soldier opens a door and finds half a mountain has gone missing made me laugh, too, especially as he then gets out binoculars to look for a monster the size of a skyscraper in the middle of a desert and then the camera zooms in on it like "oh, I found it", which is outright silly rather than just poor plotting like the bit where the soldiers take the nuclear dildo straight through a monster rampage zone instead of flying it around the danger area or getting a nuke from somewhere else or something and then when - surprise surprise - the monsters nick the dildo someone mentions that this was the only plan they had.

I wouldn't have minded[spoiler] Breaking Bad [/spoiler]taking a dirt nap so early if he'd been replaced by a better actor, or even a better character, as Identikit Soldier Man's character and personality is that he doesn't care about Dead Parent Drama to the point that he doesn't even remember basic words or phrases from that time he and his mum and dad lived in Japan for years and he was going to a Japanese-langidge school - yes he's got unresolved issues, but he's put all that out of his mind and is not motivated by a need for closure in the way [spoiler]Breaking Bad[/spoiler] is even if there's some good work done in showing a cats-in-the-cradle-type thing between father and son that's broken only by Monster Trauma, though that sadly doesn't really survive contact with Identikit Soldier Man doing his huffy face acting thing where he does a huffy face even if he isn't huffy because that's the same thing as intense, which is the same thing as charisma or something and not just a lack of range.
Basically, [spoiler]Breaking Bad can act and his character still had mileage,[/spoiler] but Identikit Soldier Man was a non-starter who could have been replaced with a dog wandering between meetings where military types and scientists explain things to each other and it still would have been much the same film, except that at the end the dog could maybe save its puppies from the monster nest, as not being a teenage girl or a gay man, ISM's charms are lost upon me and this would have made a really good Godzilla film into a really good Lassie movie as well.

Not perfect and it could have done with a few splashes of colour, but I really liked it.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 22 May, 2014, 12:47:26 PM
Saw it, loved it, left wanting more, full review forthcoming.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Bad City Blue on 22 May, 2014, 12:51:07 PM
Saw it, was bored out of my skull.


Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Spaceghost on 22 May, 2014, 02:28:16 PM
Not a very insightful review, is it? You don't seem to be making much of a point there apart from "it's shit". And you appear to think you are hilarious.

You also say you prefer Pacific Rim, rendering any argument you may have invalid.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: dweezil2 on 22 May, 2014, 02:50:55 PM
I found it seriously underwhelming sadly.
I loved Edward's Monsters-a fantastic and powerful subversion of the genre and I was really looking forward to his take on the iconic character.
After a intriguing 30 minutes, I'm afraid I lost interest.
Dull human drama, hackneyed and poorly paced, the dreaded dull exposition scenes and some appalling acting from mannequin like Aaron Taylor-Johnson, sucked any potential drama from the sub-par script.
By the time the monsters finally got down to their smack down after what felt like and excruciating long wait, I'd lost interest.
Some very good effects and photography aside, the film was a Godzilla sized disappointment.   :(
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 22 May, 2014, 02:53:19 PM
Pacific Rim was great but any comparrion between the two is pointless. They are utterly and completely different in both premise (despite sharing a genre, naturally) and cinemetography (PR is very fluid and damp, while GZ14 was very dry and dirty throughout).
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Keef Monkey on 22 May, 2014, 02:53:39 PM
Quote from: Spaceghost on 22 May, 2014, 02:28:16 PM
You also say you prefer Pacific Rim, rendering any argument you may have invalid.

Not to touch any of the other arguments (I haven't read the review in question) but while I think they're two very different films I would just like to add that I much, much, much preferred Pacific Rim. Hell, even the folk I was with who really enjoyed Godzilla still prefer Pacific Rim.

Just saying.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: I, Cosh on 22 May, 2014, 03:02:12 PM
Quote from: Hawkmonger on 22 May, 2014, 02:53:19 PM
Pacific Rim was great but any comparrion between the two is pointless. They are utterly and completely different in both premise (despite sharing a genre, naturally) and cinemetography (PR is very fluid and damp, while GZ14 was very dry and dirty throughout).
Surely you can only say how different they are by making a comparison?
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 22 May, 2014, 03:04:05 PM
Thats a contrast, more differences than similarities.

If i'm wrong ignore me, I failed media studies. :lol:
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Spaceghost on 22 May, 2014, 03:05:42 PM
Quote from: Keef Monkey on 22 May, 2014, 02:53:39 PM
Quote from: Spaceghost on 22 May, 2014, 02:28:16 PM
You also say you prefer Pacific Rim, rendering any argument you may have invalid.

Not to touch any of the other arguments (I haven't read the review in question) but while I think they're two very different films I would just like to add that I much, much, much preferred Pacific Rim. Hell, even the folk I was with who really enjoyed Godzilla still prefer Pacific Rim.

Just saying.

Yeah, this was supposed to be a bit of a joke to be honest. I thought Pacific Rim was good fun but so, so stupid.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: CrazyFoxMachine on 22 May, 2014, 03:15:43 PM
It's really fascinating how dividing this seems to be - although I'm spotting a common theme. There are those that are comfortable with slow build-ups and those who find them frustrating and that confounded it for them.


Which incidentally would be a fantastic pimp name.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Dunk! on 22 May, 2014, 03:23:01 PM
Overall I enjoyed Godzilla but look forward to a sequel in about 2 years time, using the same cinematic version of his highness, called Godzilla: kicks the arse of all other monsters, and then some, across multiple cities and time-zones for 2 & 1/2 hrs solid, no breathers.

First in the queue for that.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Keef Monkey on 22 May, 2014, 03:31:12 PM
Quote from: CrazyFoxMachine on 22 May, 2014, 03:15:43 PM
It's really fascinating how dividing this seems to be - although I'm spotting a common theme. There are those that are comfortable with slow build-ups and those who find them frustrating and that confounded it for them.


Which incidentally would be a fantastic pimp name.

Not sure I agree, I love a slow build up me, but my issue with the film was it doesn't build slowly for 90mins (which would have been cool), instead it builds for 20mins then fizzles out, then builds for 20mins then fizzles out etc.

It was that repetitive lead-up to nothing of note that started to wear me down.

I do concur with the GODZILLA MARMITE/Pimp Name part of your post though, so we are back in agreement.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Steve Green on 22 May, 2014, 03:34:11 PM
I had no problem with slow buildups, where I guess it lacked were compelling characters when it cut away from the monster action.

I liked the approach to VFX though, explained here. It certainly made it more involving for me than Man of Steel.

http://www.fxguide.com/featured/learning-from-godzilla/ (http://www.fxguide.com/featured/learning-from-godzilla/)
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Keef Monkey on 22 May, 2014, 03:57:20 PM
Yeah, all gripes aside I did think it looked incredible. I wasn't big on the MUTO designs but Godzilla looked fantastic and while the film overall didn't wow me, the parachute jump is one of the coolest things I've seen in yonks.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Professor Bear on 22 May, 2014, 04:11:17 PM
Quote from: Dunk! on 22 May, 2014, 03:23:01 PM
Overall I enjoyed Godzilla but look forward to a sequel in about 2 years time, using the same cinematic version of his highness, called Godzilla: kicks the arse of all other monsters, and then some, across multiple cities and time-zones for 2 & 1/2 hrs solid, no breathers.

First in the queue for that.

Sounds like you want Godzilla: Final Wars, the aptly-titled final Japanese movie featuring the character: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aZKHsha3Ek which has everything you want in a Godzilla movie, as he fights every monster from previous films (including Rodan, Mothra, and even the Godzilla from the 1998 American movie) and stomps every major city on the planet while doing so, from London to Sydney to NYC to Tokyo.  For good measure, the talky human bits have a power struggle between ninjas and the X-Men so you don't get too bored, and at some point there's a pimp in flares and a wide-brimmed leopard-print hat declaring Rodan to be a jive mother.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Bad City Blue on 22 May, 2014, 05:55:07 PM
Quote from: Spaceghost on 22 May, 2014, 02:28:16 PM

You also say you prefer Pacific Rim, rendering any argument you may have invalid.

If you don't, that renders yours invalid!
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Dunk! on 22 May, 2014, 06:11:17 PM
Quote from: Professor Bear on 22 May, 2014, 04:11:17 PM
Quote from: Dunk! on 22 May, 2014, 03:23:01 PM
Overall I enjoyed Godzilla but look forward to a sequel in about 2 years time, using the same cinematic version of his highness, called Godzilla: kicks the arse of all other monsters, and then some, across multiple cities and time-zones for 2 & 1/2 hrs solid, no breathers.

First in the queue for that.

Sounds like you want Godzilla: Final Wars, the aptly-titled final Japanese movie featuring the character: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aZKHsha3Ek which has everything you want in a Godzilla movie, as he fights every monster from previous films (including Rodan, Mothra, and even the Godzilla from the 1998 American movie) and stomps every major city on the planet while doing so, from London to Sydney to NYC to Tokyo.  For good measure, the talky human bits have a power struggle between ninjas and the X-Men so you don't get too bored, and at some point there's a pimp in flares and a wide-brimmed leopard-print hat declaring Rodan to be a jive mother.

Nope, I've seen a host of Japanese Godzilla films and, bar the original, haven't been able to make a jot of sense from them.

I need to be nicely spoon fed a simple plot involving this Godzilla and MUTO fighting.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: TordelBack on 22 May, 2014, 06:22:42 PM
There's no question that Lt. Kickass was an outrageous plank, especially when compared to Walt, but I thought he worked well as a roving POV, leaving you under no illusion as to who the protagonist actually was.  Similarly everything the Prof says about the plot is true, it's almost painfully daft, but I honestly didn't and don't care. Almost a week on from seeing it, I find myself mulling over specific images like the dragon under the pooling petrol, and clever things like the brittle fragility of the buildings, and really wanting to see it again.  In my memory this Godzilla really is immense, and unstoppable.  Good movie.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Tiplodocus on 22 May, 2014, 06:32:08 PM
Quote from: Keef Monkey on 22 May, 2014, 03:31:12 PM

Not sure I agree, I love a slow build up me, but my issue with the film was it doesn't build slowly for 90mins (which would have been cool), instead it builds for 20mins then fizzles out, then builds for 20mins then fizzles out etc.

Might this not be a way of capturing the rhythym of big stompy footsteps approaching? A bit like the titular character?

I recall an interview with Sergio Leone where he said he'd paced Once Upon A Time In The West as if it was a death rattle of somebody expiring. Or something.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: radiator on 22 May, 2014, 06:38:46 PM
QuotePacific Rim was good fun but so, so stupid

Stylised, yes. Cheesy as hell, yes. A bit predictable, yes.

But I'd argue that Pacific Rim managed to tell a coherent story, keep a consistent tone throughout, keep track of all its characters and give each of them a proper arc and plenty to do without getting bogged down by any significant plotholes, taking itself too seriously, being offensively jingoistic, outstaying its welcome and/or just being an extended trailer for a sequel or franchise. And to my mind that makes it a much more intelligent film than pretty much any other blockbuster so far this decade.

Seems to me most people instinctively reacted against it and proclaimed it 'dumb' based purely on the (deliberately) goofy tone, because evidently they wanted their apocalyptic 'giant monsters vs giant robots' movie to be dark and serious.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 22 May, 2014, 06:47:02 PM
Quote from: Professor Bear on 22 May, 2014, 04:11:17 PM
Quote from: Dunk! on 22 May, 2014, 03:23:01 PM
Overall I enjoyed Godzilla but look forward to a sequel in about 2 years time, using the same cinematic version of his highness, called Godzilla: kicks the arse of all other monsters, and then some, across multiple cities and time-zones for 2 & 1/2 hrs solid, no breathers.

First in the queue for that.

Sounds like you want Godzilla: Final Wars, the aptly-titled final Japanese movie featuring the character: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aZKHsha3Ek which has everything you want in a Godzilla movie, as he fights every monster from previous films (including Rodan, Mothra, and even the Godzilla from the 1998 American movie) and stomps every major city on the planet while doing so, from London to Sydney to NYC to Tokyo.  For good measure, the talky human bits have a power struggle between ninjas and the X-Men so you don't get too bored, and at some point there's a pimp in flares and a wide-brimmed leopard-print hat declaring Rodan to be a jive mother.
Not every monster but a healthy mix. Would have prefered Godzilla Jr. over Manilla but I guess you can't have everything. Hedorah got shaffted in that one though, so it loses points for giving one of my favourite Kaiju a mear cameo.

Points added for the awesome Anguires, Rodan and King Ceasar team up and 'THAT' scene in Sydney. Had me grining like and idiot. :lol:
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: shaolin_monkey on 22 May, 2014, 10:49:14 PM
Fucking hell! Just back from seeing Godzilla. BLOODY BRILLIANT!!!

Everything you could want from a Godzilla movie.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Richmond Clements on 22 May, 2014, 11:22:15 PM
Well that was not very good at all, was it?
I don't mind sketchy characters if the film is good enough the carry them, but this wasn't.

The plot holes were just appalling - at an almost Prometheus level, in fact.

[spoiler]These creatures were ancient Earth life forms? Yet we have never seen a fossil..? Yet Ken Exposition (utterly wasted here, as was Cranston) knew all about them?
And if they are ancient animals, why the hell would one evolve an EMP weapon?
They eat radiation, but the female, when she magically comes alive again, LEAVES the biggest supply of food on the Continent?[/spoiler]

And enough with the 9/11 imagery already.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Steve Green on 22 May, 2014, 11:41:27 PM

Fossils first. Well they've been pretty good at covering them up when they were nuking the things, so it's not a massive leap that they've been nobbling anyone discovering a fossil, or covering it up and the fossils have been fairly deep underground - didn't it say they were mainly staying hidden deep down as the radiation faded?

The EMP thing is easily explained - as more of an electric eel type affair, but on an enormous scale it just happens to handily knock at any man-made electronics. It's not hard to imagine that there were other creatures other t.han the MUTO and Godzilla, so who knows how they functioned considering they were nuclear in nature

It was nowhere near Prometheus levels - big unknown beasties, who can fathom their motivation?

Maybe she didn't like that particular brand of nuclear waste, or was scoping out the area once fed - it's not exactly in the same ballpark as scientists acting like they were high school kids in a slasher flick

*yeah, I'll just pet that angry hissy alien snake thing*

I'd certainly agree that the human characters were either sketchy or wasted though, particularly noticeable when you cut back to them from the monsters[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: shaolin_monkey on 23 May, 2014, 12:07:34 AM
Yeah. Plot holes the size of a MUTO. Big deal! It wasn't about plot though, was it? It was about MASSIVE BLOODY MONSTERS ON THE RAMPAGE IN CITIES!!!

And in that respect it was bloody brilliant.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Professor Bear on 23 May, 2014, 12:10:38 AM
Bearing in mind that those are the only plot holes in the entire film, Rich:

[spoiler]Godzillas ate the Mutos Probably.  Except at the end of the film when he doesn't.

Godzillas live in the bottom of the ocean and only came up when they smelled radioactivity from Hiroshima and thought it was Mutos, that's when Ken found out about them and started covering up evidence of their existence with the help of governments around the world, but he didn't know about the Mutos until we see him discovering them at the start of the film inside a Godzilla corpse's belly.  Otherwise Godzillas avoid humans to the point that the one at the end definitely doesn't stomp hundreds of people flat when he's heading for the water even though you can see them clear as day and there's no way they can get out of his road in time seeing as there's a huge traffic jam right in front of him.  He definitely didn't kill anyone in that tsunami he made, either, and that's why people were cheering him and not running around screaming that the Satan Dinosaur cannot be destroyed and will likely kill us all now he isn't distracted.

The EMP isn't an anti-electronics weapon, it's a biological side-effect of the Mutos using radiation, because reasons.  Possibly also that electric eel thing Steve suggests.

The female leaves such a rich food source because Godzilla has started chasing the male Muto and they have to meet up halfway if they ever want to get their legs over.  They're talking with ultrasonics up until that point (which is what Breaking Bad was on about) and the female is content to stay where she is and let the male come to her, so I presume she intended to use the dump as a nest.  Ken mentions the Mutos are suddenly talking to each other again just after the Hawaii showdown with Godzilla, and it's the reason they send soldiers to check the nuclear dump in the first place.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Richmond Clements on 23 May, 2014, 12:47:12 AM
Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 23 May, 2014, 12:07:34 AM
Yeah. Plot holes the size of a MUTO. Big deal! It wasn't about plot though, was it? It was about MASSIVE BLOODY MONSTERS ON THE RAMPAGE IN CITIES!!!

And in that respect it was bloody brilliant.

Well, apart from barely actually seeing any monster fights that is.

And sorry, no, "it's a monster movie" is no excuse for a shit, lazy, cliche ridden script that makes no sense whatsoever.
Do we just apply 'the script doesn't matter' rule to monster movies, or to all movies that have special effects and/or monsters in them?
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: shaolin_monkey on 23 May, 2014, 12:58:44 AM
I vaguely remember someone applying that argument to Pacific Rim. ;)

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Professor Bear on 23 May, 2014, 01:19:45 AM
Quote from: Richmond Clements on 23 May, 2014, 12:47:12 AMno excuse for a shit, lazy, cliche ridden script that makes no sense whatsoever.

The half a billion dollars of box office for Star Trek Into Darkness disagrees with you, Richmond.  If I had to sit through that, you have to sit through Godzilla.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: JOE SOAP on 23 May, 2014, 01:38:22 AM
Quote from: Professor Bear on 23 May, 2014, 01:19:45 AM
The half a billion dollars of box office for Star Trek Into Darkness disagrees with you, Richmond.  If I had to sit through that, you have to sit through Godzilla.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2
was made for you.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 23 May, 2014, 06:36:29 AM
The [spoiler]Female MUTO left the waste dump to meet with the male. Sometimes you just really need a fuck rather than eating.

They where described as being unimaginably old. Compare that to all the other pre-cambrian fossils in reality, their really aren't that many in comparison to post-cambrian explosion.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: TordelBack on 23 May, 2014, 08:43:26 AM
Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 23 May, 2014, 12:07:34 AM
Yeah. Plot holes the size of a MUTO. Big deal! It wasn't about plot though, was it? It was about MASSIVE BLOODY MONSTERS ON THE RAMPAGE IN CITIES!!!

And in that respect it was bloody brilliant.

With you on this one, SM. 

I get everything RAC says, I really do, and these are criticisms I'm usually first in line to promulgate, but there is no way to make a Godzilla film without completely ignoring uncomfortable questions about physics, biology, evolution, ecology and the fossil record: the existence of the eponymous hero is an affront to reason.

Once you decide that a movie about Godzilla is a good idea, then all those other very sensible issues have to get quietly lost somewhere. 

The use of less-than-cypher characters must surely have been a deliberate choice too, because Cranston and Binoche had chemistry and a believable relationship and I can't believe anyone could look at Taylor-Johnson and Olsen and World's-Quietest-Offspring and think that they were the thread to follow unless a teflon-effect was desired.  The fact that our POV wasn't split across an ensemble of Airplane-archetypes was actually refreshingly restrained:  Soldier-Carer-Scientist, keeping it simple.  And I thought Watanabe was pretty good, personally.

The script could definitely have used some sparkle, that is true.

But I came for the impending sense of doom at the hands of inconceivable monsters, and the faint hope that a monstrous force of nature could save us all - and I got that, in buckets. 

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: shaolin_monkey on 23 May, 2014, 08:57:51 AM
Yeah! I went to see this for the spectacle. This is a cinema must-see.

I really don't get what people are saying about the lack of monster screen time? Once [spoiler]Cranston dies they're pretty much EVERYWHERE!![/spoiler]

The bits in between aren't too bad, and there wasn't such a long wait between sightings.  When they did appear it was usually pretty bloody spectacular!

And when [spoiler]Godzilla used his energy beam I was absolutely delighted! I was laughing and grinning from ear to ear. It was just perfect! [/spoiler]

Script was a bit silly, and the acting of the young lad a bit wooden, but there was a genuine sense of peril, awe, excitement and majesty.

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 23 May, 2014, 09:33:49 AM
Also, anyone who can stomach 3D, watch it in 3D. I usually hate it, but in Godzilla, blimey, it REALLY gives you a sense of scale.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Tiplodocus on 23 May, 2014, 09:36:06 AM
IMAX 3D for me tonight. My thinking was "Even if it's more like GODZHITE*, it deserves to be seen on the biggest of screens".

* Whatever happened to those succinct movie reviews?
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Keef Monkey on 23 May, 2014, 09:52:24 AM
I really wanted to go to IMAX, it really seems to me the only sensible way to watch a film like that. Sadly the friend who was booking the tickets decided the extra cash wasn't worth it so booked a wee screen instead.

While I didn't particularly like the film, the bits that I did like would have been much better in IMAX so it definitely would have been worth the extra groats. Enjoy it Tips! 
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: blackmocco on 23 May, 2014, 09:38:07 PM
Well, I didn't hate it although I didn't really like it much either. It did its thing and I doubt I'd ever feel a need to watch it again.

A couple of things:

[spoiler]- Bearing in mind that the main character's mother AND father have BOTH been killed by these giant creatures, is THAT the guy you really trust putting in charge of arming a nuclear weapon...?

- There are no other explosives experts anywhere near the west coast of America. Just him. No-one else is qualified. Seriously.

- Everyone's freaking out about disarming the nuke at the end but think about that fight again. Is there anyone left to save after that kind of carnage? Jesus H., even when Godzilla walks out to the sea at the end, how are all those people getting out of the way in time...?

- On that point, I actually liked that the creatures are oblivious to the humans around them. Superman barely fucking saved anyone while Metropolis was getting wrecked in that last piece of shit but at least we know with Godzilla that he really doesn't care. Killing MUTO's is all he's interested in. As it should be.

- Yes, great he's got his fire breath but just like in Pacific Rim when they suddenly remember they have a giant sword that's more effective than any other weapon they've just used, how come he waits so long to use it.[/spoiler]

There's probably more but as others have said, it's probably a little pointless hanging on the flaws of a movie that's about giant monsters fighting. No reason they couldn't have tightened up the script though. It's like a child wrote it.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: locustsofdeath! on 23 May, 2014, 10:34:40 PM
As far as your third point - [spoiler]there's still plenty of people alive in the ruins/wreckage. Not sure I'd really worry about that. I felt it was a nice way to have some human stakes as well as eliminate the easy "nuke 'em form orbit-it's the only way to be sure" approach.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Steve Green on 23 May, 2014, 10:47:07 PM
[spoiler]I took the atomic breath as something that's a bit risky, last ditch weapon. It's stated they rely on nuclear energy, maybe it's something that uses an enormous amount of energy and leaves him vulnerable.

He does collapse pretty much straight away[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Richard on 24 May, 2014, 08:07:07 PM
Typical Internet... See a Godzilla film and then go online and complain that it's implausible...
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Fragminion on 26 May, 2014, 06:41:49 PM
Quote from: Richard on 24 May, 2014, 08:07:07 PM
Typical Internet... See a Godzilla film and then go online and complain that it's implausible...

I had no problems with its implausibility. ...its BORINGibility on the other hand...
Title: Re: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Richmond Clements on 26 May, 2014, 07:47:00 PM
Quote from: Richard on 24 May, 2014, 08:07:07 PM
Typical Internet... See a Godzilla film and then go online and complain that it's implausible...

Implausible and having no internal logic are two different things.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 26 May, 2014, 07:57:02 PM
I'm gonna go and watch it again. Just because I can. I really enjoyed it, just so you know. :lol:
Title: Re: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: locustsofdeath! on 26 May, 2014, 10:03:25 PM
Quote from: Richmond Clements on 26 May, 2014, 07:47:00 PM
Quote from: Richard on 24 May, 2014, 08:07:07 PM
Typical Internet... See a Godzilla film and then go online and complain that it's implausible...

Implausible and having no internal logic are two different things.

I do have to agree with Richmond - even though I really liked the film. There were inconsistencies, but for whatever reason (probably caught up in the spectacle, I'm a 9-year-old at heart like that) I could gleefully overlook everything. Maybe when I watch it a second time they'll get me.

That said, at least want to see this film a second time, unlike other genre of late (Hobbit films, Robocop, 300: Rise of an Empire).
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Tiplodocus on 27 May, 2014, 12:57:05 PM
I managed to enjoy it and be slightly disappointed at the same time.  Characters were way too thin (I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you want an example of how the sketch memorable, affecting characters in a short space of time in and action movie, watch ZULU).

I don't think it knew which story it wanted to tell;
- monster [spoiler]on monster [/spoiler] action? (only in the last 30 minutes)
- obsessed man hunting down beastie that killed his wife?  (no, he took an early bath)
- obsessed son hunting down beastie that killed his parents? (no he never showed any hint of emotion)
- miltary vs monster? (what a waste of David Strathairn? plus ultimately, they fail)
- secretive X files organisation cover up vs monster? (Give Ken some lines and meaningful history then)
- man trying to get back to his wife and son to see them safe? (no, he runs off after the monster and plans to blow a nuke up next to them)
- all of the above?

There wasn't as much Godzilla on screen as I was expecting but I certainly thought there was plenty of [spoiler]monster MUTO[/spoiler] action.

But somehow, despite some great indivual bits (I loved seeing the chain reaction of explosions at the airport) it ended up being much less than the sum of it's parts.

Three things to note: Tiny (actually now 14) Tips declared it great fun. He had no idea [spoiler]the mutos were in it [/spoiler] (there's only a hint in the trailers) so loved that hunt/fight aspect of it.

The 3D was broken at the start of our showing so they showed the first 15 minutes again and the difference between 2D and 3D was breathtaking - especially the shot of the helicopter following the monster trail out to see over the jungle. 

Bryan Cranston's young age make up showed up really badly on the IMAX screen.

Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: IntotheRealm on 27 May, 2014, 12:59:44 PM
I want to see Godzuki in the sequel lol.  At least it was better than the Matthew Broderick giant lizard story.  Didn't realise though the the 'hero' was 'Kick Ass'
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: radiator on 27 May, 2014, 05:43:40 PM
QuoteImplausible and having no internal logic are two different things.

Agreed. Too many people think that just because a film has a goofy or implausible premise the rules of good storytelling and screenwriting no longer apply, or are entirely subservient to visual spectacle. It's entirely possible for a 'dumb' story to be be told intelligently and have great, memorable human characters.

The example I always use is Jurassic Park. Ostensibly it's a special-effects driven movie about dinosaurs running amok. In lesser hands it would be disposable schlock. What makes it enduring and classic is not special effects alone, it's great writing, art direction, inspired casting and intelligent performances; lovely little human moments to sell the spectacle. It says a lot that most people could instantly identify any of the human characters from JP just from their silhouette.
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Tiplodocus on 28 May, 2014, 12:07:29 PM
Quote from: radiator on 27 May, 2014, 05:43:40 PM
It says a lot that most people could instantly identify any of the human characters from JP just from their silhouette.

Nice - tends to be a good sign of a well designed cartoon character as well.

It doesn't work for most blockbusters these days as half of the cast are military grunts in helmets (Transformers, Battleships, even Man of Steel). 

(Or Zulu, I suppose - all those pith helmets - but they still had character).
Title: Re: Godzilla (2014)
Post by: Proteus4 on 30 May, 2014, 08:45:44 PM
I saw it yesterday and I have to admit it felt muddled to me. His [spoiler]nuclear fire breath[/spoiler] was totally awesome though, but I felt really sorry for those [spoiler]motu's[/spoiler]!!  They were only trying to [spoiler]have wee kiddies[/spoiler] for feks sake.

Anyway, the human plot lines were odd too. It all just felt piecemeal.

And - there's only so much big [spoiler]monsters/robots/insects hitting each other[/spoiler] that I can watch without getting bored.

I nodded off a little at one point - that has never happened me before! (But I do have a 1 year old that constantly deprives me of sleep).