2000 AD Online Forum

General Chat => Help! => Topic started by: trikeman on 07 January, 2002, 05:44:13 AM

Title: No Title
Post by: trikeman on 07 January, 2002, 05:44:13 AM
Hi there! I am new to this thiny-magic! Can anyone help me???
Title: Re: No Title
Post by: Thread Zero on 07 January, 2002, 05:45:54 AM
Well the magic circle is quite good I hear.

Title: Re: No Title
Post by: paulvonscott on 07 January, 2002, 06:16:16 AM
Well, you've learned how to post a message, now all you need is some strange opinions, an excess of spare time on your hands and you are off.

Click on a subject, read trivial, inane, incomprehensible, biased gibberish (see my previous examples) then pause.

Don't bother to think, just spew out a random incoherant set of inane, incomprehensible, biased gibberish (see my previous examples) then pause.


Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it.


All the best

Title: Re: No Title
Post by: Thread Zero on 07 January, 2002, 06:57:48 AM
I hope this wasn't a sly dig at me PVS!:O)

scojo the paranoid one
Title: Re: No Title
Post by: paulvonscott on 07 January, 2002, 07:22:59 AM
Ha, ha, no sorry Scojo.  It was a dig at myself and forums in general.  A mere self-effacing triviality I assure you.

Here I am again, hoping a radioactive meteorite is going to land on me and give me a life.

Come on you b*stard space rock!  Come on!

p.s. People have been saying you are paranoid for ages.

Title: Re: No Title
Post by: Thread Zero on 07 January, 2002, 07:26:58 AM
Anyone who spends much of the day here, must be sad.

And I ain't just sad, I'm suicidal!:O)

Beat that!


Title: Re: No Hope
Post by: paulvonscott on 07 January, 2002, 07:44:47 AM
Yeah, i keep dipping in every so often.  I'm not here quite a lot but if you added the time together not very long.  Honest.

I've come to the opinion it's just better to get on with your life while you are waiting for what you really want to come along.  Whether that is winning the lottery, writing the novel (that thing I have birthed monstrously) or landing on the moon.  Otherise if it never happens you won't have done anything.  

Typical Sunday really.

Title: Re: No Hope
Post by: Thread Zero on 07 January, 2002, 08:35:12 AM
But the moon landings were fake.
We all know that!

It was US cold war propaganda in the 1960's.

Seriously, there is complelling evidence to suggest it really was fake.

But then Lee Harvey Oswald didn't kill Jfk.

You know why?

Well according to every report on the assassination, Oswald was in this book depository building. Third floor or something. He shot Kennedy as his cavalcade was heading away from him. In other words, Oswald shot the rifle from behind the Kennedy car.

Now if you have ever seen the famous Zeepruder home film that the guy was shooting (pardon the pun), Kennedy's head is propelled back and to the left as the bullets enter. The exit wound also takes this route.

It is impossible for someone to fire from behind, hit the head and the victim recoils back and to the left.
Goes against the laws of known physics.
The shot or shots came from the infamous grassy knoll.

The Zeepruder film is the greatest evidence there ever was that ole randy Jfk was shot by peeps just in front of him and to his right.

As to who did it?

Well the most obvious suspect was the vice president, Johnson. You see Kennedy wanted to pull all the troops out of vietnam and the military, they say no. The US arms industry is huge so they wanna keep sending soldiers to Vietnam with all their latest hardware. So a few die here and there, big deal they say.
Obviously they miscalculated big time, cos the yanks couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag unless it has an atomic bomb inside!:O)
Joke that. See end of second world war for more!

Only the elite in the government could pull such a plan off, but they screwed it up anyway. Many eye witnesses saw or heard the shots coming from the grasy knoll and died soon after in mysterious circumstances.

Anyway,,,this ain't got nowt to do with 2k.
But JFK was almost certainly killed by the very government he was sworn to serve and lead.
Oh the irony of life eh?


Title: Re: No Hope
Post by: Thread Zero on 07 January, 2002, 08:45:38 AM
If you think I'm talking rubish re Kennedy's death, try this experiment.

Stand in front of a mirror looking at you head. Then hit yourself quite hard on the back of your head with your hand. It has to be quite hard mind! This is similar to the trajectory of the bullets into Kennedy's head if Oswald fired the fatal shots.

Which way does your head travel when hit?


Watch that famous film of Kennedy getting shot again.

Which way does his head travel when the bullets hit his head?

Back and to his left side.

Case proven.


Title: Re: No Title
Post by: Anemic_Newt on 07 January, 2002, 08:53:09 AM
Atlast I get something right!
Title: Re: No Hope
Post by: Leigh S on 07 January, 2002, 07:39:04 PM
You've gone and given away your real identity now Scojo.  Surely, with opinions like these, you are none other than the free-basing, sperm-donoring walrus himself, David Crosby!  Do I get a prize for guessing right?
Title: Re: No Hope
Post by: Thread Zero on 07 January, 2002, 08:34:23 PM
Bing Crosby more like.

Title: Re: No Hope
Post by: McNulty on 08 January, 2002, 04:24:07 AM
Sorry Scojo, but Johnson wasn't behind it. As 2000ad clearly states, Kennedy was killed by a time traveller sent by Kennedy himself after one of JFK's decisions led to WWIII. Only by having himself killed before this, could Kennedy ensure the survival of mankind and make his name remembered fondly by Americans. You really should have known that.