2000 AD Online Forum

General Chat => Games => Topic started by: ThryllSeekyr on 25 April, 2015, 10:31:04 AM

Title: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: ThryllSeekyr on 25 April, 2015, 10:31:04 AM
I just brought Skyrim Legendary Edition and Secret World - Massive....

Concerning the second one....

Who so you think I should side with considering what ever avatar I create in this game is given the chance to do so.

The Illuminati (http://www.illuminati-news.com/moriah.htm) which supposed to be real, but not sure if they still exist.

The Templars The same. (My web browser just simply refuses to open any more pages here....)

Dragon Hard to imagine these would be real, but I probably shouldn't be surprised if they are. Al I know is that they sound Asian. I'm not even going to dignify this one with what may just be fruitless Google Search either way. It's going to show me some pictures of large wing fire-breathing lizards or not anything at all.

Other groups that might have been shown here are the..

Scientologists Who may not be bigger enough and too numerous and well known to not take offence at being included in a game.

I forget the name of the other one, but they are well known as well, and were lampooned in one episode of The Simpsons

What about the lodge who became well known to me in various episodes of Happy Days.

Water-Buffalo-Lodge who might be lampooning the one from The Happy Days, but remembered from watching a lot of The Flintstones in my much younger years.
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: ThryllSeekyr on 26 April, 2015, 11:14:11 AM
Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 25 April, 2015, 10:31:04 AM
I just brought Skyrim Legendary Edition and Secret World - Massive....

Concerning the second one....

Who so you think I should side with considering what ever avatar I create in this game is given the chance to do so.

The Illuminati (http://www.illuminati-news.com/moriah.htm) which supposed to be real, but not sure if they still exist.

The Templars The same. (My web browser just simply refuses to open any more pages here....)

Dragon Hard to imagine these would be real, but I probably shouldn't be surprised if they are. Al I know is that they sound Asian. I'm not even going to dignify this one with what may just be fruitless Google Search either way. It's going to show me some pictures of large wing fire-breathing lizards or not anything at all.

Other groups that might have been shown here are the..

Scientologists Who may not be bigger enough and too numerous and well known to not take offence at being included in a game.

I forget the name of the other one, but they are well known as well, and were lampooned in one episode of The Simpsons

What about the lodge who became well known to me in various episodes of Happy Days.

Water-Buffalo-Lodge who might be lampooning the one from The Happy Days, but remembered from watching a lot of The Flintstones in my much younger years.

I almost forgot the Red Branch Knights should have been included as well.

Incidently, I need help here with loginning into....

The Perfect world

After trying a number of passwords including two of the randomly generated ones sent to me from Fun.com

It keeps telling me that the password is case sensitive after almost authenticating what I have written each time.

Trust me, I have tried each password I have mentioned above numerous times before giving up and consulting Google Search Engine with a query about this game and wasn't happy with any of the answers, (Which all seemed pretty much annathelma to me!) but gave one of the last ones a whirl.

The one where I need to delete all the cookies from my web browser cache or at least set my browser to delete all those cookies for than on in anyway. 

Does anybody understand how hard it is to do this....because it's not made obvious at all and I had to find out the same way after using Google several times and after several different entries describing my problem in the least amount of words I could think of.

Finally, I found something I could make sense of and even make sense of the sequence of actions that I duplicated to get rid of cookies or change the setting to have this done all the time when ever I turn the computer on or off.

Still made no difference.

Still giving me shit, before I decided to share this problem with you's.

Has anybody played this game encountered the same problem.

Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: ThryllSeekyr on 26 April, 2015, 12:36:18 PM
Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 26 April, 2015, 11:14:11 AM

The Perfect world

That's a hell of a typo and I believe that was the name of a film with Kevin Kostner in it. If you perhaps replace the a with a the, but it was supposed to be .....

The Secret World

Now, I go back to watching the rest of Noah.

Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: Keef Monkey on 26 April, 2015, 08:24:17 PM
You should definitely side with Kevin Costner, I think it's the only way to get what's considered the canon ending.
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: ThryllSeekyr on 27 April, 2015, 12:03:48 PM
Concerning Skyrim on Steam. I'm playing the legendary-Edition.

How do you get the keyboard to work with this game. There isn't any apparent way to get this done.

There is no option for this in the title menu and when I google this I could find any of the file I was meant to delete or alter to get this done either.

Has anybody had this problem as well with the same game?
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: CheechFU on 27 April, 2015, 12:35:50 PM
Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 27 April, 2015, 12:03:48 PM
Concerning Skyrim on Steam. I'm playing the legendary-Edition.

How do you get the keyboard to work with this game. There isn't any apparent way to get this done.

There is no option for this in the title menu and when I google this I could find any of the file I was meant to delete or alter to get this done either.

Has anybody had this problem as well with the same game?
open SkyrimPrefs in Notepad and make sure that bGamepadEnable is set to 0 not 1
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: ThryllSeekyr on 27 April, 2015, 01:17:11 PM

You mean the apt where you just write stuff or one of those tablets?

I really don't see the possibility of opening any games on that and don't have my own tablet.
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: Banners on 27 April, 2015, 03:48:18 PM
SkyrimPrefs will presumably be a .ini file. So, find the "skyrimprefs.ini" file and open it in Notepad (Notepad being the simple, default text editor that comes with Windows).

Save a copy - calling it "skyrimprefs_bak.ini" for example - in case it all goes wrong.

Now, using Notepad, find a value labelled "bGamepadEnable" and change it from 1 to 0. Then save the file as "skyrimprefs.ini", overwriting the original file.
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: GordonR on 27 April, 2015, 04:11:45 PM
Something strangely familiar about this thread....

(Perhaps Henry and his magic Kindle could sort the problem for TS?)
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: Keef Monkey on 27 April, 2015, 04:49:27 PM
You could get a game console. Not being funny, I know there are a great many pros and cons of PC gaming over console gaming (I do both) but given all the problems and complications you have with PC games it would probably be a good move.

Then you could just switch it on and play games.
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: Banners on 27 April, 2015, 05:04:48 PM
Quote from: Keef Monkey...given all the problems and complications you have with PC games it would probably be a good move.

Who am I to judge, but a better move may be to spend less time playing video games.
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: ThryllSeekyr on 28 April, 2015, 11:34:31 AM
Quote from: Keef Monkey on 27 April, 2015, 04:49:27 PM
You could get a game console. Not being funny, I know there are a great many pros and cons of PC gaming over console gaming (I do both) but given all the problems and complications you have with PC games it would probably be a good move.

Then you could just switch it on and play games.

I have this game on both consoles already, and may get back into them someday.
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: Keef Monkey on 28 April, 2015, 12:47:00 PM
In that case, either of Banners' solutions seem viable.
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: ThryllSeekyr on 28 April, 2015, 03:25:02 PM
Quote from: Keef Monkey on 28 April, 2015, 12:47:00 PM
In that case, either of Banners' solutions seem viable.

Kind of feel like I been asked to drive auto instead of stick-shift.

Also, none of the that stuff Banners said was any help....as yet.

I tried looking for that stuff in the User Apt folder (Out of habit since I've been doing this all the while playing Elite Dangerous every time I had reinstalled the game after each update!)

In the mean time... I've playing this other game that's kind of like Dungeon-Keeper and it's sequels, clones and the third fan-made one in that series. (Other games like it are Dungeons, (It's own expansion and now sequel!)  Impire. Incidently that third DK game  is War of the Overworld)

These games don't look so good up against Dwelvers, which seems like Cel-Shaded (Cel-Shaded, 3D Polygons?) which plays more like the original DK games and doesn't try come with the lame, but novel tricks Dungeons and Impire have done. Even War of the Overworld when they decided to invent their own set of very lame and lamely named creatures and the Sin system which is vaguely disguised version of what the original DK[games were using. Except it just seems very lame giving it different name. It did seem different at first but it all boils down to the same thing. 

Just try playing the game and wince at the same voice over guy's now annoying descriptive ramblings of your progress in the gam.....bleh!!!

Yet, Dwelver seems to offer more. If you can abide playing with the almost infantile graphics. Even if they are 3D-Cel-Shaded-Poly's that give this game more of comic book appeal. Aside from what I said earlier. It also almost seems like one of those mobile games, where you build farms or cities or something like that and it does set itself apart from the other dungeon building games in that it has more realistic resource system based on what your minions can dig up and find in the underground caverns around them.

Stuff, like dirt, rock, coal, gems, diamonds, gold, (Briefly... a reminder from the original DK and any game that uses that metal as resource!) water (From Well's and under ground lakes!) Ant-Roots (Proving flour to make bread when mixed with water and perhaps the only source of wood while under ground and it becomes apparent that it's very rarely provided slowing down the progress some of your essential infrastructure. Like it took me ages to build my food source and a safe ideal place to eat it after setting up a bead room and then spending all wood resources on mining. Big Mistake, as you may all know to start small and then expand once you have the survival aspects dug out and set up....)

The other thing about this game, you can get your minions to dig downwards. Yet, right now it seems only a tease. When the block only slide down preventing any chance  (Apparently...) building more underground chambers further down from the level I started on. Which is almost big disappointment, but it's still a early access game where it could become full implemented as it hints to me.

This game still took up most of my day before crashing to the desktop just before it was going to take off for me and the giant head the spews out minions had me thinking of that Cyth god from Slaine - Tomb of Terror.....

Think of the possibilities there......

Check out a game called Craft the World on Steam. It also has a alternative digging possibilities as well.   

Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: CheechFU on 28 April, 2015, 11:54:39 PM
Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 27 April, 2015, 01:17:11 PM

You mean the apt where you just write stuff or one of those tablets?

I really don't see the possibility of opening any games on that and don't have my own tablet.
PC gaming is not for you. Seriously.
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: CheechFU on 29 April, 2015, 12:04:14 AM
Quote from: Keef Monkey on 27 April, 2015, 04:49:27 PM
You could get a game console. Not being funny, I know there are a great many pros and cons of PC gaming over console gaming (I do both) but given all the problems and complications you have with PC games it would probably be a good move.

Then you could just switch it on and play games.
Editing a games config file is hardly a problem or a complication. That's like one of the first things practically every PC gamer does, "what settings can I bugger with, where's the config junk and where are the mods".
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: The Enigmatic Dr X on 29 April, 2015, 12:33:11 AM
Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 27 April, 2015, 12:03:48 PM
Concerning Skyrim on Steam. I'm playing the legendary-Edition.

How do you get the keyboard to work with this game. There isn't any apparent way to get this done.

There is no option for this in the title menu and when I google this I could find any of the file I was meant to delete or alter to get this done either.

Has anybody had this problem as well with the same game?

Unplug your controller. Seriously - it determines if you have a controller at start up and locks out the keyboard if you do. At least, it did for me.
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: Woolly on 29 April, 2015, 12:51:23 AM
Quote from: The Enigmatic Dr X on 29 April, 2015, 12:33:11 AM
Unplug your controller. Seriously - it determines if you have a controller at start up and locks out the keyboard if you do. At least, it did for me.


It catches me out every time. Luckily you don't have to reboot the game, just unplug the controller.
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: ThryllSeekyr on 29 April, 2015, 04:56:13 AM
The only controller I have is a mouse.

I don't have any console controller that works with my PC.
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: Woolly on 29 April, 2015, 10:58:56 AM
Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 29 April, 2015, 04:56:13 AM
The only controller I have is a mouse.

I don't have any console controller that works with my PC.

In that case, it might be worth asking the Bethesda forums for help.
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: radiator on 30 April, 2015, 06:43:22 PM
Anyone else consistently disappointed that this thread isn't about a romantic dilemma as the title suggests?
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: Richmond Clements on 30 April, 2015, 07:09:28 PM
Quote from: radiator on 30 April, 2015, 06:43:22 PM
Anyone else consistently disappointed that this thread isn't about a romantic dilemma as the title suggests?

I'm actually relieved it isn't...
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: CheechFU on 01 May, 2015, 12:48:20 PM
God damnit. I already explained this shit.

find the file called SkyrimPrefs.ini, there's 2 of them, one in documents/mygames and another in skyrim/skyrim.
open those in notepad, not the game because that would be incredibly stupid.
find the line that says
and change that to

If that doesn't work then disable steam overlay
If that doesn't work open the game then alt tab to minimise the game then maximise the game

why would you not even search google for this?
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: ThryllSeekyr on 03 May, 2015, 07:13:48 AM
Quote from: Richmond Clements on 30 April, 2015, 07:09:28 PM
Quote from: radiator on 30 April, 2015, 06:43:22 PM
Anyone else consistently disappointed that this thread isn't about a romantic dilemma as the title suggests?

I'm actually relieved it isn't...

Now, I'm regretting my word choices there and should have left it at.....

Which One?

Otherwise, I'm wondering if those other preferences you mentioned there might be greater a game in itself???

Quote from: Cheech-FuGod damnit. I already explained this shit.

find the file called SkyrimPrefs.ini, there's 2 of them, one in documents/mygames and another in skyrim/skyrim.
open those in notepad, not the game because that would be incredibly stupid.
find the line that says
and change that to

If that doesn't work then disable steam overlay
If that doesn't work open the game then alt tab to minimise the game then maximise the game

why would you not even search google for this?

Well, I'm just having problems locating those folders/files....

Found the one in Documents, (Did what you said!) but not the other one.

So, I hope your solution worx for me. (Fingers-Crossed!)

Sorry, about my stupidity, but some a lot of the game filer/folders on this computer are harder to find or even non-existent, since the larger One and a Half Terabyte drive is not the main while the other one which is mere hundred or so Gigabytes is.

Because of this, I am constantly shifting game and other Apt files almost fill the default one. (Which is the one which is the Solid-State-Drive!) So, I'm constantly shifting these to the larger one after they almost completely fill it. So, I reckon, my computer sometimes slips a few folder in places I can't readily find them easier enough. You know, so folder have become so mixed up after the shifting them back and forth over and other again. It's possibly caused some confusion when I install games from Steam since I began doing that!

I do Google-Searching for solutions, but most of the time it will only give me the most numerous answers based other platforms for the game I'm enquiring about.  You know how it is when your typing in the description of what you want searched exactly and the more words you use, the less fruit full the search is.

I also tried their own forums, but the navigation is very daunting there, so much so, I then decided to just leave the searching for a answer to my problem and play another game. . Just for now.
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: ThryllSeekyr on 03 May, 2015, 07:37:37 AM
It works fine now.

I can use the mouse to click on options and for controlling my avatar's direction while I keep my finger on w to go forward. greats tuff and thanx again.

Now to tackle the problem with Secret World.
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: Emp on 08 May, 2015, 09:09:24 PM
The problem with The Secret World is that it loses it edge quickly. What starts of as a Cthulhu-esqu game degenerates into the usual chore of "kill x of these" or "bring me x of these". I played all factions and preferred the Illuminatai and Templars but really, after a while it doesn't really matter
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: ThryllSeekyr on 09 May, 2015, 01:32:42 AM
What about the  Gumpy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoGl-ut8970) faction?
Title: Re: Which One Should I be With???????
Post by: ThryllSeekyr on 09 May, 2015, 09:12:46 AM
Gees,  still haven't been able to solve this authentication error I have been getting. Something to do with the case sensitivity of it when I use my password.

I've been using the open they keep giving me and the one I have ben resetting it to. 

You know how long it's ben since I have brought the game on Steam.

Funcom's forums don't even let you post anything on them unless you have gained the privileges.

It's bit of vicous circle.

Anybody have a clue about this at all?