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General Chat => Film & TV => Topic started by: Bad City Blue on 27 July, 2016, 11:18:54 PM

Title: "THe Killing Joke" - Animated review
Post by: Bad City Blue on 27 July, 2016, 11:18:54 PM
Should have left it alone...

Title: Re: "THe Killing Joke" - Animated review
Post by: Batman's Superior Cousin on 28 July, 2016, 04:46:30 PM
Quote from: Bad City Blue on 27 July, 2016, 11:18:54 PM
Should have left it alone...

Agreed!!!  :D
Title: Re: "THe Killing Joke" - Animated review
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 29 July, 2016, 10:10:58 AM
Bruce and Babs having sex?! Nope, no creepy psuedo-incest subtext to this what so ever!

What an absolute train wreck.
Title: Re: "THe Killing Joke" - Animated review
Post by: Link Prime on 29 July, 2016, 12:14:23 PM
Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 29 July, 2016, 10:10:58 AM
creepy psuedo-incest subtext

Wonderfully alarmist!

A good friend of mine went to a screening in Dublin on Wednesday night and was bitterly disappointed.
His main gripe was the animation- below the standard of TAS from two decades ago in his opinion.

I'm in no hurry to see it.
Title: Re: "THe Killing Joke" - Animated review
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 29 July, 2016, 12:18:01 PM
Hardly alarmist when the Father-Daughter dynamic between Bruce and Babs has been the core conceit between the two when ever the later isn't Oracle, often times even when she is as well.
Title: Re: "THe Killing Joke" - Animated review
Post by: JamesC on 29 July, 2016, 12:55:17 PM
I doubt I'll bother watching it. I saw the first half of the Dark Knight adaptation and thought it was awful - the pacing was totally off as far as I was concerned.
Title: Re: "THe Killing Joke" - Animated review
Post by: Professor Bear on 29 July, 2016, 02:27:39 PM
Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 29 July, 2016, 12:18:01 PM
Hardly alarmist when the Father-Daughter dynamic between Bruce and Babs has been the core conceit between the two when ever the later isn't Oracle, often times even when she is as well.

Batman has never and could never be Babs' father figure, as not only does she already have a father, who and what he is are pretty much essential to her character and her dynamic with Batman - Jim Gordon is a straight arrow and Batman has always been the bad boy who led Babs astray.  There's an easy jump from that to making them sexual partners, and Killing Joke isn't the first time it's been done.
Title: Re: "THe Killing Joke" - Animated review
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 29 July, 2016, 03:19:40 PM
You seem to be under the impression a person can't have two father figures, especially true considering we're talking about alter ego cape comics here. Commissioner Gordon was a father to Barbara, but Batman (and by extension Bruce) was always a father figure to Batgirl, this is played off off several times within the comics, and it's this factor that makes the sex scene particularly unpleasent.
Title: Re: "THe Killing Joke" - Animated review
Post by: Professor Bear on 29 July, 2016, 03:49:55 PM
Characters can be torn between different father figures, but that isn't the dynamic with Batgirl/Batman/Jim Gordon and never has been.  The nearest it can be said the books have come to that was when they were marketing the franchise as the "Bat-Family".

This is not to say the idea of Batman/Batgirl doing the sacred dance we call "slamming" isn't dumb - Batman Beyond has failed to make it interesting or convincing on two separate occasions - just to say that it's hard to stretch the reading to an incestuous one.
Title: Re: "THe Killing Joke" - Animated review
Post by: Hawkmumbler on 29 July, 2016, 06:20:43 PM
With all due respect I disagree, the power dynamic between the two swings in unfavorable directions in that regard, Bruce being twice Babs age doesn't help much either.

At least we can both agree it's an utterly cack handed and pointless idea to get the two doing it between the sheets (of latex).
Title: Re: "THe Killing Joke" - Animated review
Post by: futureimperfect on 01 August, 2016, 06:22:26 AM
I very nearly went to see this at the cinema since they had a special showing on Sunday. Glad I didn't after reading the reviews now. I guess I was expecting far too much.