2000 AD Online Forum

General Chat => Creative Common => Topic started by: mrstu on 25 August, 2016, 04:06:41 PM

Title: Help get 'THE GIRL' into the UK
Post by: mrstu on 25 August, 2016, 04:06:41 PM

Has some of you maybe aware, myself and Pat O'Donnell (the artist) recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for our six issue ultraviolent, sci-fi, murder mystery epic called 'The Girl'. The series has found itself a publisher in Insane Comics and will see the book stocked in stores and comic cons across the States, which is why this kickstarter was created. There are very few avenues for the book to be available in printed form in the UK, and the idea is that if this campaign is successful (and we hope it is) all funds will be used to get The Girl into as many UK comic stores and conventions as possible.

The Girl is melting pot of OTT ingredients, and is probably (if a little arrogantly) described as a cross between The Umbrella Academy and Terry Gilliam's Brazil with 2000ad's satirical edge.

The concept?

A clone of an unknown secret agent is being pursued by not only her creator but also the police. As the series progresses we discover who she was cloned from and why Planet Earth's last remaining superhero 'Dr Deathless' is so intent on protecting her.

If there is anyway of any of you can help we would greatly appreciate it, and please check it out.


Title: Re: Help get 'THE GIRL' into the UK
Post by: mrstu on 07 September, 2016, 07:22:29 PM
2 down, 3 to go ! The next 3 people to pledge to our kickstarter will relieve a FREE digital comic  https://t.co/suyq3gg5iy ... ...