2000 AD Online Forum

2000 AD => General => Topic started by: Michael Knight on 25 March, 2017, 06:22:20 PM

Title: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: Michael Knight on 25 March, 2017, 06:22:20 PM
Alright folks.

I only ever caught Brigand Doom towards end of his 2000ad run when I started getting the prog every week. Just wondering what those readers that caught whole story thought of it. Any chance of it returning as ive been told it never officially concluded?
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: Colin YNWA on 25 March, 2017, 07:07:22 PM
Real case of deminishing returns on this one. Loved the first series and it got worse as it went on alas. The art however remained consistently superb.

I think overall though I'm a fan.
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: Mute77 on 25 March, 2017, 07:11:24 PM
Yeah i really liked the first series, especially the art..i cant say as i remember much following that but that may be because i stopped reading the prog around that time. Id like to revisit it though.
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: Dog Deever on 25 March, 2017, 09:46:33 PM
As with others, the first series was great, the art superb but it didn't seem to live up to hopes and I stuggle to remember where it went. Overall I liked it, but wanted to like it more than I did.
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: Dandontdare on 25 March, 2017, 09:55:32 PM
Quote from: Dog Deever on 25 March, 2017, 09:46:33 PMOverall I liked it, but wanted to like it more than I did.

Nail on head!
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: The Corinthian on 26 March, 2017, 03:36:08 PM
The first series was great but it didn't really know where to go afterwards and ended up becoming rather repetitive. It's never clear that McKenzie had any interest in answering the big questions he posed (mainly, who is Doom and what is his connection with Investigator 9) and the supernatural stuff feels really out of place*.

* Bringing the dead Doom back by voodoo in the second series is very peculiar. The implication of the end of the first is that Doom is a kind of viral/drug-induced personality, which is potentially far more interesting than the zombie and vampire shenanigans we ended up with.
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: dweezil2 on 26 March, 2017, 03:54:53 PM
For some reason it always struck me as a kind of rejected 'new' Eagle story-and I mean that as a compliment!
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: Dog Deever on 26 March, 2017, 09:51:03 PM
I really liked the juxtaposition of the supernatural stuff with the near future/ modern-noir feel. For me, it was kind of what give it an edge I liked and would like to have seen explored a bit. It looked like it was going to be really cool and then kind of just didn't be.
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: The Legendary Shark on 27 March, 2017, 12:52:15 AM
Yup, I'm a fan. If ever there was a time to bring back "the most dangerous terrorist in the world," this would be it...
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: dweezil2 on 27 March, 2017, 02:00:58 AM
Quote from: dweezil2 on 26 March, 2017, 03:54:53 PM
For some reason it always struck me as a kind of rejected 'new' Eagle story-and I mean that as a compliment!

There's a very definite V For Vendetta vibe about proceedings too if I recall.
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: Rately on 27 March, 2017, 10:08:42 AM
Vague memories of the story, I think at the time I was regulalry reading the Prog it was the second series, but i loved the art.

Wouldn't mind if they collected it for the 2000AD Hatchette series. Fingers crossed.
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: Woolly on 27 March, 2017, 10:56:47 AM
Never read much Brigand Doom, but I liked the few episodes that I did manage to catch.
Certainly some untapped potential in the character, maybe time for someone to pitch a new series to Tharg.

It'd be good to see Dave D'Antiquis back in the prog, failing that i reckon Jock could have a good stab at it.
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: AlexF on 27 March, 2017, 11:57:24 AM
Yeah, this series is ripe for a revisit in today's political clinate, which does have this narrative going of a rich few exploiting an unhappy many, with all too many people putting their heads down and just living through it, without knowing who to believe. As others ahve said, the original sort of lost its ay as it went on, largely because it had too many unanswered questions about who Doom was, and how he had so much power to know who was corrupt, and to stop them. The idea that society itself got fed up and conjured this psychic being is actually rather tasty, certainly has more potential than the zombie/vampire bits.
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: JayzusB.Christ on 27 March, 2017, 12:29:50 PM
Quote from: dweezil2 on 27 March, 2017, 02:00:58 AM
Quote from: dweezil2 on 26 March, 2017, 03:54:53 PM
For some reason it always struck me as a kind of rejected 'new' Eagle story-and I mean that as a compliment!

There's a very definite V For Vendetta vibe about proceedings too if I recall.

Suspiciously so, a cynic might say. But i quite enjoyed it at the time, particularly the one-off in one of the specials by a different writer and artist (possibly John Tomlinson, definitely Greg Staples, who was just getting good at that point).
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: The Legendary Shark on 27 March, 2017, 12:48:40 PM
[Shameless pimping]There was an episode of Brigand Doom, drawn by the excellent Alex Mines, in issue 26 of Zarjaz...[/shameless pimping]
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: amines2058 on 27 March, 2017, 03:23:43 PM
Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 27 March, 2017, 12:48:40 PM
[Shameless pimping]There was an episode of Brigand Doom, drawn by the excellent Alex Mines, in issue 26 of Zarjaz...[/shameless pimping]

Cheers Greg! Loved drawing this, and funnily enough a page of this can be seen below (even more shameless pimping). Regarding the original strip, I loved Dave D'Antquis art, but as most others felt, the script was slightly lacking. I feel it could have been something special if developed further rather than V for Vendetta lite.
Did D-Antquis do anything else in the prog after that as it would be great to see him on something now (or more Doom?).


Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: The Corinthian on 27 March, 2017, 03:44:14 PM
Quote from: dweezil2 on 27 March, 2017, 02:00:58 AMThere's a very definite V For Vendetta vibe about proceedings too if I recall.

People say this but the points of coincidence are all fairly generic: psycho in period costume versus oppressive state. Unkind people (not me) might suggest that this is because once McKenzie stripped everything actionable out of 'V' and then didn't know what to put in its place, but I reckon his starting point was actually the bad pun title and that the hints of other, better comics weren't intentional.
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: The Legendary Shark on 27 March, 2017, 03:59:56 PM
Greg? *sobs*
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: The Legendary Shark on 27 March, 2017, 04:07:35 PM
Even the people I work with have never heard of me :-(
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: amines2058 on 27 March, 2017, 04:29:19 PM
Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 27 March, 2017, 04:07:35 PM
Even the people I work with have never heard of me :-(

Sorry Mark. Currently working on another script for a certain Greg and made the obvious mistake.  :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-X
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: The Legendary Shark on 27 March, 2017, 04:47:07 PM
Heh, no probs - I've been waiting to use that line for years!
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: Dog Deever on 27 March, 2017, 06:44:26 PM
Quote from: AlexF on 27 March, 2017, 11:57:24 AM
Yeah, this series is ripe for a revisit in today's political clinate, which does have this narrative going of a rich few exploiting an unhappy many, with all too many people putting their heads down and just living through it, without knowing who to believe. As others ahve said, the original sort of lost its ay as it went on, largely because it had too many unanswered questions about who Doom was, and how he had so much power to know who was corrupt, and to stop them. The idea that society itself got fed up and conjured this psychic being is actually rather tasty, certainly has more potential than the zombie/vampire bits.

Hmmm, not sure I really care who Doom was and how he got his power- having it all explained and laid out would kind of ruin his mystique; or me, it's not really important.
Title: Re: Brigand Doom? Any fans?
Post by: robert_ellis on 27 March, 2017, 09:08:38 PM
I loved Brigand Doom, for the art mostly. It has a real ant-establishment Nemesis vibe. I collected it in a book with Silo. I really wish it had continued - perhaps it'll get collected one day.