2000 AD Online Forum

2000 AD => General => Topic started by: Pete Wells on 21 December, 2019, 06:03:22 PM

Title: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: Pete Wells on 21 December, 2019, 06:03:22 PM
Hi all, sorry I'm a bit late with this, here we go...

Now that we've had all of this year's glorious 2000AD covers, it's time for the annual cover of the year vote! You can see all the covers here, and of course, click 'em to enlarge 'em:

https://shop.2000ad.com/catalogue/2000-ad/2019 (https://shop.2000ad.com/catalogue/2000-ad/2019)

I'd like you to CLEARLY list your THREE favourites, in ORDER. THREE points will be awarded to your fave, TWO points for second and ONE point for third. Please try and be explicit with this and maybe give a little comment to say why you chose each cover as it makes it a bit more interesting for the rest of us!

The closing date is midnight on Saturday 4th January 2020...

A Meg thread will be along shortly...
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: broodblik on 21 December, 2019, 07:18:09 PM
1. 2156
2. 2136
3. 2140
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: james newell on 21 December, 2019, 07:37:03 PM
1 -  2137

2 - 2118

3 - 2131
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: Tomwe on 21 December, 2019, 09:04:43 PM
Yay voting! Rob's cover came along the other week and totally blew me away so it has to win for me. Then the spotlight on Presidente really showed off the design even if it wasn't painted by MacNeil. Pretty much the same for the Mechanismo cover by Robinson. Great stuff! Thanks for taking the poll Pete!
1st: 2159 (https://images.rebellion.co.uk/productVersion/eb/92/00.default.jpg)
2nd: 2153 (https://images.rebellion.co.uk/productVersion/0e/8f/00.default.jpg)
3rd: 2115(https://images.rebellion.co.uk/productVersion/e8/78/00.default.jpg)
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: Eamonn Clarke on 21 December, 2019, 09:25:33 PM
1. 2143 Tiernen Trevallion
2. 2126 D'Israeli
3. 2146 Paul Williams

Only 3 this year is tough. Really wanted to get some Chris Weston in there, or Cliff Robinson's Judge Fire, or the splendid Leigh Gallagher Kingmaker wraparound, and talking about wraparound there was Stewart K Moore's Defoe cover. D'oh!
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: Colin YNWA on 22 December, 2019, 07:25:42 AM
What an incredibly high standard. Always love doing this. I go with looking at the thumb nails and seeing which spring out and hold their theme at that size as an indicator how well they pop on the shelf. On that basis.

3rd Prog 2130 - Holds the fresh energy of the regene prog so well.
2nd Prog 2140 - So creepy - those eye!
1st Prog 2122 - While a love the end of year Prog this one has move energy and excitment
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: abelardsnazz on 22 December, 2019, 08:52:45 AM
1. 2141
2. 2135
3. 2115
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: shaolin_monkey on 22 December, 2019, 11:27:45 AM
1. 2131
2. 2132
3. 2145
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: IndigoPrime on 22 December, 2019, 11:47:38 AM
1. 2119
2. 2130
3. 2153
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: von Boom on 23 December, 2019, 03:40:16 PM
1. 2137
2. 2115
3. 2127
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: strontium pup on 24 December, 2019, 04:31:54 AM
my picks are

1. 2153
2. 2115
3. 2120
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: Proudhuff on 24 December, 2019, 11:50:36 AM
Not a great year for covers, but here's my tuppence worth:

1. Prog 2143, a classic salute and farewell

2. Prog 2131, A minkey in a at, non?

3. Prog 2115, Big guns and bigger chins

Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: dweezil2 on 26 December, 2019, 06:31:59 PM
1. 2115
2. 2127
3. 2137
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: sheridan on 26 December, 2019, 11:02:32 PM
This post brought to you by the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 5.
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: Albion on 27 December, 2019, 11:05:11 AM
1. 2115
2. 2126
3. 2122
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: norton canes on 27 December, 2019, 08:44:48 PM
So many great efforts to choose from. As ever, props to Tharg's stalwart regular cover droids - Cliff Robinson, Dylan Teague, Alex Ronald and the like - who have the unenviable task of churning out memorable covers featuring characters drawn by other artists in the strips themselves. Also to the one-off guest artists who have provided awesome variety.

On the shortlist, then - Tula Lotay's sultry Anderson from prog 2137 and Tiernen Trevallion's Absalom covers from the beginning ('Last Chance To Shine') and the end (er, 'The End') of this recent chapter's run - the latter of which I have to say might've been in with a shot of hitting the top three if they hadn't put the drokking logo over his farewell salute!

Anyway here's the big three:

3. Prog 2130


Yeah, I know the prog itself came in for a bit of stick (and lots of praise!) but that's a quality illustration, and Rogue's little grimace seals the deal.

2. Prog 2116


Top notch work from the Culbard droid who's reeled off a number of amazing Brink covers. Blood red and gruesome, with extra marks for the way the heads swamp the logo and the sensitive use of the 'official' cover font for the tag line.

1. Prog 2159


S'just gotta be - so original and distinctive with an exaggerated depiction of The Mighty One and incredible use of colours. Dear Tharg, please let Rob Davis write and draw a strip in 2020!
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: Rogue Judge on 28 December, 2019, 05:23:47 AM
1. 2000 AD PROG 2115 (Dredd's chin...only outmatched Harvey's)
2. 2000 AD PROG 2145 (So much great detail, right gross & creepy)
3. 2000 AD PROG 2159 (Johnny Alpha is on the cover...that's enough to get my vote)
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: Lorenzo on 28 December, 2019, 12:32:52 PM
1st: 2153
2nd: 2113
3rd: 2136
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: moly on 28 December, 2019, 02:36:26 PM
1 2115
2 2154
3 2137
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: Fungus on 28 December, 2019, 05:55:07 PM
1st. 2159 — Shop-bought and framed on wall. 'Nuff said.


2nd. 2140 — Classy painting by Simon Davis and that bit different.


3rd. 2147 — Jake Lynch does monumental Dredd. Creeping up on McMahon at this rate...


Honourable mention! Tiernan Trevallion!
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: Tiplodocus on 29 December, 2019, 10:37:44 AM
3. 2115. Two mighty chins means trouble is a coming your way.
2. 2116. BRINK- probably not for the casual browser in WHSmith but caught my eye as a BRINK fan.
1. 2136 Absalom on a deck chair charnel pit. Fabulous.
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: sintec on 29 December, 2019, 11:19:54 AM
1) 2131
2) 2126
3) 2136
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: Jacqusie on 29 December, 2019, 01:43:15 PM
1. 2136 Tiernen Trevallion - Tough choice between all the Absalom covers, but I love the composition of this
2. 2126 D'Israeli - Proper old skool cover with D'Israeli showing everyone else how it's done
3. 2141 Chris Weston - Love the leering Pin over the chess board - Weston gets better and better

HM: It was nice to See Glenn Fabry back in the Prog

Stinker: 2150 - THAT cover for a launch prog - dear oh dear...

Oh and who decided the layout to Prog 2143, slopping the logo over Harry's parting salute? Unforgivable!
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: DrJomster on 30 December, 2019, 12:42:45 AM
1st: 2136 Last Chance To Shine. Love this. What a great strip this has been too!
2nd: 2153 All Hail El Presidente. Simple but it works so well!
3rd: 2119 Cops And Robos. Very nice composition here. Great cover!

Honourable mention: 2147 The Enforcer. Gorgeous Dredd here.

Roll on the results!
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: Sandman1 on 30 December, 2019, 08:28:44 PM
1. 2152
2. 2140
3. 2119

No clear winner. 
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: Swerty on 30 December, 2019, 10:54:54 PM
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: AlexF on 03 January, 2020, 11:20:56 AM
1. 2137 by a country mile, one of my fave covers ever (and I was snippy about it in that week's prog review. Idiot.)
2. 2119
3. 2116

-but I'm feeling sad to leave out 2140 and 2142.
Love these hard numbers threads, so much decoding!
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: I, Cosh on 04 January, 2020, 11:36:42 AM
01. 2143. Torn between a couple here but sentimality gets the better of me.
02. 2137. Just a beautiful image.
03. 2117. Love  a good design cover and think this got some undue stick at the time.

HMs for Davis' two Thistlebone covers. Very atmospheric but not special enough for me.
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: TordelBack on 04 January, 2020, 11:49:36 PM
As always I try to go for covers that set a tone and really make me want to read that sory, and thus but the comic. That, I reason, is why they're there. On that basis, it was a very tough year to pick, since I rate 2019 as one of the most consistent runs of excellent strips in the comic'strip history: I want to read 'email all. That said:

1. (3pts) 2116 - Culbard's Kurtis freak-out. Exemplifies INJC's work on this strip, rock-solid character work, strong colour design and raw madness.
2. (2pts) 2140 - SBD's Thistlebone ossury. Davis delivers something unique and unsettling.
3. (1pt) 2131 - PJ's Chimpsky. Beautifully simple composition, and everything about it promises ape fun, which the strip delivered in spades.

HMs are too many to list, but the superb Tharg on 2159, and the exquisitely coloured Jake Lynch Dredd on 2147 stand out.

Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: Pete Wells on 05 January, 2020, 12:01:25 AM
My votes:

2145 Weston amazing ness!
2143 Bye Absalom!
2131 Grea composition from PJ

Voting is closed!
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: strontium pup on 05 January, 2020, 05:41:47 PM
who won?
Title: Re: 2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019!
Post by: sintec on 05 January, 2020, 06:36:15 PM
2000 AD Cover of the Year 2019 - RESULTS! (https://forums.2000ad.com/index.php?topic=46227.0)