2000 AD Online Forum

2000 AD => General => Topic started by: Colin YNWA on 12 October, 2021, 06:23:17 AM

Title: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: Colin YNWA on 12 October, 2021, 06:23:17 AM
Well what do you know we've hit the semi-finals and I suspect that there are going to be some very tough calls to be made for some folks. For others some of these might feel very straight-forward.

In the first semi we have two epics from the 'golden age', both held in very high regard by so many but which one of these will win the day?

As ever all you need to worry about is which of the following you prefer:

Outlaw - more info (https://www.starburstmagazine.com/reviews/comic-review-strontium-dog-outlaw)


Rage - more info (https://theslingsandarrows.com/strontium-dog-searchdestroy-agency-files-03/)

Just reply in this thread naming your favourite of these two stories at the beginning of your post (or use Bold tags so I can spot it easily) and say what you like about these wonderful stories after that.

Match ends early on the morning of Friday 15th October and the winner gets a place in the semis.

... there's a spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F3W5KkY37ZcH39J93nq5hR5_RhPIvaOapv7sZ0EmvUQ/edit?usp=sharing) to make following easier... if you fancy. If not, don't worry just VOTE!!!!

I've tried to explain the finals here.  (https://forums.2000ad.com/index.php?topic=47894.0)

What on Earth is ALL of this? (https://forums.2000ad.com/index.php?topic=47697.msg1064493#msg1064493)

Why (https://forums.2000ad.com/index.php?topic=47696.0) on Tharg's Earth head are we doing this?

Any questions, just ask as ever - and have FUN!

Oh and my 'More info' links... well I don't say how much more and they get pretty wonky at times!
Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: broodblik on 12 October, 2021, 07:24:11 AM
Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: Barrington Boots on 12 October, 2021, 08:53:39 AM
Outlaw for me
Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: Dark Jimbo on 12 October, 2021, 09:12:14 AM
Hmm. Both tales are too long, and unfocused at times. Despite Rage being the more unfocused of the two (most of it is just Johnny's picaresque wanderings), it's got more humour than Outlaw, meaning a re-read is always a bit more enjoyable, and of course the ultimate payoff is killer.
Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: Timothy on 12 October, 2021, 09:35:18 AM
Outlaw here. The end of Rage is great, but then so is the unmasking of Kreelman and his gunning down by the mass of Stronts. For me Outlaw is less rambling and more fun.

Gis thae chips.
Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: AlexF on 12 October, 2021, 09:37:19 AM
A dream draw for me as although there is a lot to admire in Outlaw, Rage works for me more on pretty much every level. Even down to the Chums of Dennis being a funnier bit than the Dogs disguising themselves as hoioded monks.
So, Rage!
Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: credo on 12 October, 2021, 09:49:26 AM
Got to be Outlaw for me. Great cast and Stront with Wulf is always better than Stront without.
Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: Trooper McFad on 12 October, 2021, 11:23:41 AM
Rage for me
Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: sheridan on 12 October, 2021, 11:36:22 AM
Outlaw - because it had that letter from a scientist working in Antarctica a few months later, looking forward to the rainforest that will arrive in the 2150s.  Difficult choice this one, both are great tales.
Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: Dark Jimbo on 12 October, 2021, 11:57:01 AM
Can I just say how much I love that we have consistently alternating votes so far?

Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: GoGilesGo on 12 October, 2021, 12:58:38 PM
just so I can fall in with Jimbo's rhythm...

Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: Rogue Judge on 12 October, 2021, 03:05:01 PM
Apologies for messing up the current pattern of alternating votes, but this round goes to Rage for me! Both deserving and fantastic stories but Rage barley edges it this time, with one of the most satisfying endings ever.
Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: Leigh S on 12 October, 2021, 03:08:57 PM
Oop - i was about to post this then got ditracted, which would have kept the pattern going - Damn it!

Weighting this up my intial thought was it must be Rage, but honestly, I think theres more fun and "Strontium Dogness" to be found in Outlaw so it's getting my vote. As I said before, its the culmination of a lot of other great story threads and just ticks maybe one more box than Rage does for me!
Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: Leigh S on 12 October, 2021, 03:16:32 PM
(and not to inflame the thread, but "Because I hate you" is a great moment but... not a great line..

Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: sheridan on 12 October, 2021, 04:10:05 PM
Quote from: Leigh S on 12 October, 2021, 03:16:32 PM
(and not to inflame the thread, but "Because I hate you" is a great moment but... not a great line..


I kind of agree, but that makes me wonder what is a great line (as in what would make a line great).  "Mind the oranges, Marlon" isn't a great line on its own, it's the cultural meaning it has to us lot that gives it greatness...
Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: Buttonman on 13 October, 2021, 01:02:45 PM
Close call but Rage for me.
Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: Colin YNWA on 14 October, 2021, 06:29:09 AM
Only a day to go here and I have to be honest this isn't going the way I was expected ... well maybe it is BUT its much closer than I thought it would be and there is plenty of opportunity for a last minute swing. If you fancy voting now is the time to do it and I will count up in the morning and announce a result...maybe a surprise one...
Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: Southstreeter on 14 October, 2021, 06:09:15 PM
Rage because I forgot to reread Outlaw and can't fairly vote for it!
Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: Leigh S on 14 October, 2021, 07:42:12 PM
But by that measure, cna you fairly vote against it?
Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: Huey2 on 14 October, 2021, 09:25:26 PM
Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: Colin YNWA on 15 October, 2021, 06:31:20 AM

Well this one settled down towards the end but for a while there, man it looked like it was going to be close. I mean it looked like we might get what I would think of as a BIG surprise... but in the end. There is no denying that Outlaw has been a massively popular in this vote and holds a place in folks hearts and in the mythos of Johnny Alpha.

In the end though sanity (ahem well I couldn't vote so I'll let biases ourt here!) returned and


Got this one and got the place in the final I always thought it would. Join us tomorrow when we learn if my other predicted finalist makes it as well... its looking shaky!
Title: Re: Outlaw v Rage - Bolt-01 Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1
Post by: The Bissler on 17 October, 2021, 11:19:17 AM
Damn, I also missed this one too! Outlaw was my favourite, but I can totally understand why Rage proved more popular! Both are pure class!