2000 AD Online Forum

General Chat => Classifieds => Topic started by: scrotnig on 08 April, 2023, 02:52:42 PM

Title: What's the score with getting rid of old 2000ADs and Megs?
Post by: scrotnig on 08 April, 2023, 02:52:42 PM
I've got loads of 2000ADs and Megazines dating back from (at a guess) around mid 2000s.

Sadly they are not in any order categorised and all have been read bar some of the Megs which are still bagged.

What's the current view on getting rid of things like this? I'm not really after money, it's just that I am moving house soon and they will have to go to the tip, which feels wrong. Charity shops don't want to know.

Any thoughts on the best way forward, or is it the tip?
Title: Re: What's the score with getting rid of old 2000ADs and Megs?
Post by: Richard on 08 April, 2023, 02:56:02 PM
Definitely don't throw them in a tip for fuck's sake! Just sell them on eBay like a sane person. Or take them to a comics shop (if you live near enough to one for that to be practical).
Title: Re: What's the score with getting rid of old 2000ADs and Megs?
Post by: scrotnig on 08 April, 2023, 03:08:35 PM
Well issue with eBay is that I've realistically got to go through them all so I know the prog numbers etc, which is going to be a massive task that is unlikely to be worth the financial return as I'd be surprised if there's more than £50 in this.

Comics shops are a possibility I guess...I've emailed one that's in the same county as me (Leicestershire) just now to see what they think. I don't think there are any physical shops in striking distance.
Title: Re: What's the score with getting rid of old 2000ADs and Megs?
Post by: Richard on 08 April, 2023, 03:15:03 PM
Good luck!
Title: Re: What's the score with getting rid of old 2000ADs and Megs?
Post by: IndigoPrime on 08 April, 2023, 03:38:13 PM
One other option would be to see if anyone here would want them for postage/collection.
Title: Re: What's the score with getting rid of old 2000ADs and Megs?
Post by: scrotnig on 08 April, 2023, 03:53:53 PM
Quote from: IndigoPrime on 08 April, 2023, 03:38:13 PMOne other option would be to see if anyone here would want them for postage/collection.
Thanks...didn't know that was permitted...is there a preferred way to go about that? Keen not to make a mess of things!
Title: Re: What's the score with getting rid of old 2000ADs and Megs?
Post by: IndigoPrime on 08 April, 2023, 04:10:19 PM
I've moved the topic into classifieds. That's where people buy/sell here. You can either start a new thread with more info about your comics, or I can rewrite the thread topic if you'd like me to.
Title: Re: What's the score with getting rid of old 2000ADs and Megs?
Post by: Tjm86 on 08 April, 2023, 04:39:53 PM
Comic shops are unfortunately unlikely to be particularly interested in them.  If they offer you anything at all it would be a pittance.  Little surprised that charity shops have turned their noses up at them.  There seems to be a a real snobbery around Tooth at times, possibly down to the ubiquity of British comics once upon a time.

TroutMark books down in Cardiff put up a similar batch about a year or so ago and they are now down to the dregs. Unless copies are in dire condition most places seem to be able to shift them over time.

In some respects the runs you seem to be talking about might net you a decent-ish return on your time investment on eBay provided you're willing to be patient.  There is still reasonable demand for stuff from the last decade or so.

I'd say your best bet would be to bundle them up.  That seems to attract more interest at times than single issues. Depending on roughly how many issues you've got you might find that you do net a bit more than the £50 you think you'll get.   
Title: Re: What's the score with getting rid of old 2000ADs and Megs?
Post by: scrotnig on 08 April, 2023, 05:15:36 PM
Thanks. If I'm honest I don't really even care about getting money for them. If I can't get rid of them they'll have to go to the tip.  I will look to see if they can bundled but it is a lot of time that I don't really have with a house move looming.

It would hurt a bit to chuck them away.

You are right though, the few comic buyer websites I've seen all specifically exclude 2000ad and a few others. Clearly no money in most of them.
Title: Re: What's the score with getting rid of old 2000ADs and Megs?
Post by: The Legendary Shark on 08 April, 2023, 05:22:21 PM

Tharg might want them for his waiting room. If he has a waiting room that isn't regularly set on fire by Rigellian hotshots, that is...

Title: Re: What's the score with getting rid of old 2000ADs and Megs?
Post by: Funt Solo on 08 April, 2023, 05:31:14 PM
Quote from: scrotnig on 08 April, 2023, 05:15:36 PMIt would hurt a bit to chuck them away.

It may have been suggested already, but you could chuck them into a charity shop as easily as into a skip - and make some random Squaxx (or proto-Squaxx) happy.

*Edit: just noticed that's already been covered. Weird world where free GGC's aren't seen as valuable.
Title: Re: What's the score with getting rid of old 2000ADs and Megs?
Post by: norton canes on 08 April, 2023, 07:57:49 PM
Stick 'em on Freecycle or some other giveaway site, collection only? At least there'd be a chance they went to a deserving home. Half tempted to take 'em off you but Leicestershire's too far.
Title: Re: What's the score with getting rid of old 2000ADs and Megs?
Post by: The Legendary Shark on 08 April, 2023, 08:31:13 PM

You could use 'em for wallpaper in your new man cave.

Title: Re: What's the score with getting rid of old 2000ADs and Megs?
Post by: Trooper McFad on 08 April, 2023, 10:59:53 PM

I used some old progs for this
Title: Re: What's the score with getting rid of old 2000ADs and Megs?
Post by: Trooper McFad on 08 April, 2023, 11:09:30 PM

I also did this with some of the same progs - I need to update the image for this one as I've had it outside for 3 years now and I don't think the print is fading as much as I thought it would.
Title: Re: What's the score with getting rid of old 2000ADs and Megs?
Post by: The Legendary Shark on 09 April, 2023, 07:07:09 AM

Those are proper cool!

Title: Re: What's the score with getting rid of old 2000ADs and Megs?
Post by: Barrington Boots on 10 April, 2023, 09:29:19 AM
So creative and cool from McFad, as usual!

Scrotnig, I have a hole in my collection around this period and might be interested in some of those, and I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one. I'm sure you could sell them here.